Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/17/2024 N-1 Victory 2024 Day 6

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/17/2024 N-1 Victory 2024 Day 6

Day 5 is here:

2 matches (Kotoge/Oiwa and Wagner/Tavion) were cancelled from this one due to injuries.

Alejandro vs. Junta Miyawaki

They trade basic holds. Ale snpamares him then crucifixes him. Junta armthrows him then armlocks him. Ale is thrown down and armdrags him. They sweep each other and stand off. Ale trips him then springboard armdrags him. Ale hits a dropkick and Junta avoid his dive attempt.

Junta hits armdrags when he gets in and dropkicks out. Junta triangle plancha's him. Ale's arm is banged off the top rope and Juna boots him. Junta 2nd rope dropkicks him. Junta hits knees to the arm and hammerlocks Ale.

Alex rolls him up out of the corner into a dropkick. Ale slingshot splashes Junta. Ale basement dropkicks him then hits a 2nd rope diving lariat for 2. Junta shoulderbreakers him and hits a corner basement dropkick. Junta suplexes him for 2.

Junta top rope dropkicks Ale for 2. Junta does an interesting ddt for 2. Junta falcon arrows him for 2 then goes for the armbar. Ale springboard dropkicks him. Ale tope con hilos Junta then tope rope splashes him for 2. They trade pin attempts and Ale hits a code red for 2. Junta trips him into an indian deathlock with an armlock and the time limit expires.

Openers should be shorter matches and really shouldn't be draws. This went the whole 15 minutes. It started off okay but kept going and was not that good.

Tadasuke, Tavion Heights & YO-HEY vs. Kai Fujimura, Ryohei Oiwa & Yu Owada

More WWE vs NJPW action here with Tav and Oiwa going at it again. Oiwa and Tav start us off. They do some amateur wrestling. Tav waistlock tkaedowns him and rolls him around. Tav hits shoulder throws then they trade fireman's carry takeovers.

Kai and Yo go at it. They trade wristlocks. Yo headscissors him on the mat. Kai gets out and they stand off. Kai side headlocks Yo then shoulders him over. Yo flying headscissors him. Kai hits a hiptoss and a running swanton.

Yu and Tada get in. Tada facekicks him then Yu hits an armdrag and dropkick. Tada takes a double back elbow. Kai hits corner forearms then 2nd rope dropkicks him. Oiwa works on Tada's arm.

Yu boots Tada in the gut then dropkicks him for 2. Tada ddt's Oiwa. Tav is tagged in and hits lariats on Oiwa. Tav overhead belly to belly suplexes him. Oiwa dropkicks Tav. Oiwa goes for a karelin's lift and Tav hits one on him instead. Oiwa gutwrenches Tav off Tav's suplex attempt.

Yu is caught on a top rope crossbody. Tav throws him over then Yu dropkicks him. Yu and Kai hit a double dropkick. Tav throws Kai off his shoulders then hits pounce on Yu. Tav belly to belly suplexes Yu and wins.

Thoughts: It was a shorter tag that didn't really get enough time. The Tavion vs Oiwa section was the highlight here with them doing amateur wrestling and trading suplex.. It was okay but it could have gone another 5-10 easy. 

N-1 Victory 2024 Block B Match - Kenoh vs. Alpha Wolf

Wolf dropkicks Ken through the ropes as he goes to enter. Wolf then tope con hilos him outside. Ken is thrown into the rail outside and they go back in. Wolf bites Ken's foot. Wolf chinlocks Ken then pulls his arms back.

Wolf foot slaps Ken and bites his fingers more. Ken hits chest kicks and legsweeps him into a stomp on the back. Ken flying knees him in the back of the head and pulls on his mask.

Wolf ties up Ken's legs then bites Ken's fingers more. Ken flips out of a release german then takes a pumping knee. Wolf germans him for 2. Wolf misses a top rope moonsault and is kicked in the chest several times.

They trade chops for chest kicks then slaps. Ken spinning hig kicks him. Wolf catches Ken's pele kick and does his ankle lock to him. Ken back body drops Wolf over the top rope. Ken throws Wolf into the rails and Wolf goes over them.

Ken throws Wolf in then Wolf topes him for it. Wolf forearms Ken. They trade shots on the apron. Wolf headbutts him down then dives on him off the apron. Wolf headbutts him in the chest and Ken pele kicks him. They end up going to a double countout.

Thoughts: The finish was not good. Wolf didn't do as bad as he usually does but there wasn't a lot of selling or direction in this one. They would trade, cool off for a bit then go back to various strikes without accomplishing much. Then they just went to a double countout during the middle of the match.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block A Match - Luis Mante vs. Jack Morris

Jack hiptosses him early then dropkicks him. LM tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Jack goes out, comes back in and is stomped on. LM backbreakers him then foot chokes him. LM boots Jack in the corner. LM gutbusters Jack then beats up on him.

Jack is sent into the buckles hard. LM crabs him. Jack fires up and hits forearms. Jack dropkicks LM off the apron then topes him into the rails twice. Jack top rope dropkicks LM then falcon arrows him for 2. LM running facekicks him then torture rack drops him. Jack rolls him up then LM suplexes him.

Jack pump kicks him and is dropkicked. Jack hurricanrana's him then flying knees him. Jack hits another flying knee for 2. LM spinning tombstones him. LM pops him up and Jack armdrags him off of it into a pin. Jack then gets the win.

Thoughts: Jack did a lot of selling here in this one. It was probably one of LM's better matches this tournament and it was solely due to Jack who wasn't doing all the dangerous moves and forced him to take it easy. It wasn't great or anything but you gotta give Jack credit where it was due here.

AMAKUSA & HAYATA vs. Daga & Super Crazy

Crazy boots Ama the nhammerlocks him. Ama flying snapmares him then armdrags him off the casaodra. Ama tilt-a-whirl amdrags him. Crazy throws Ama off the buckles and boots him. Ama takes a double hiptoss into a double drop.

Daga boots and footchokes Ama in the corner then pushes the ref away. Ama's head is banged off the buckles. Daga trips him into a superkick then Ama rolls into a back elbow on Daga.

Haya gets in and sliding kicks Daga. Haya is blocked on a handspring as Crazy holds his legs then Daga basement dropkicks Haya. Crazy chinlocks Haya then wraps his arm around the top rope. Crazy corkscrew elbow drops Haya.

Daga works Haya's arm then pulls on his fingers. Haya takes headbutts from Crazy then Crazy slams him. Haya's head is banged off the buckles. Haya double dropkicks his opponents. Ama gets in and top rope crossbodies Crazy.

Ama is popped up into a dropkick on Crazy. Ama rolls up Daga for 2. Ama hiptosses Daga into a boot to the head for 2. Ama springboards but Daga catches him with a backdrop. Daga double underhook codebreakers him for the win.

Thoughts: It was just a match and there was nothing too special about it. Doing limbwork in matches like these is kind of dumb as it didn't have much time and once Haya got out, that was the end of it. They also had the heels win which meant the finish wasn't going to be that good. It was somewhat okay at best.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block B Match - Manabu Soya vs. Ulka Sasaki

They go to the mat and get back up. Ulka hits body kicks and Soya chops back. Ulka ankle locks him and bullies him with kicks. Ulka stomps Soya's arm. They trade chops for chest kicks. Ulka kimura's him and Soya ropebreaks.

Ulka strike combos him and cutters him. Soya hits a big slam. Soya bulldogs him for 2 and knee drops him. Soya powerslams him then crabs him. Ulka cradles him off a suplex attempt and triangles him.

Ulka running cutters him for 2. Ulka goes for a suplex but takes a suplex instead. Ulka then grounded guillotine chokes Soya. Ulka germans him and Soya spears him. They trade chops for chest kicks. They trade headbutts for chest kicks. Ulka slap flurries him then Soya germans him.

Soya hits a short ddt for 2 then knees him in the face. Ulka goes for the armbar then Soya lariats him. Soya hits another lariat and wins.

Ulka pretty much stuck to kicks and MMA holds here and Soya got his arm worked on and traded some strikes with him. It wasn't that great but the idea was there and in another year, this same match may end up being good. I do think Ulka is getting "it" and I think it showed some structure and understanding that he was not showing a while ago. I think with less time, harder kicks, more fire and a better crowd, it might have been close to good.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block A Match - Kaito Kiyomiya vs. Josh Briggs

Josh shoves KK back off the lock up. KK side headlocks him. Josh lifts him, puts him on the apron and shoves him down to the floor. Kaito hits forearms then Josh flying lariats him. Josh side slams him and splashes him for 2.

KK is thrown hard into the buckles and goes down. KK dropkicks him in the knee several times. KK ties the leg around the rope and does another dropkick to the knee. KK dragon screws him then pulls on the leg.

KK bangs the leg off the mat then butt drops it. KK elbow drops the leg. KK goes for an up and over but is backdropped. Josh baseball slides KK then drops him throat first on the rails.

They go back in and KK flying crossbodies him. KK dropkicks him in the knee more then dropkicks him in the chest. KK spears him in the gut then top rope dropkicks him. Josh goes out and KK tope con hilos him.

Josh sidewalks slams him for 2. Josh chokeslams him into the buckles and hits a running corner facekick. KK dropkicks him in the knee then KK dragon screws him. The feed cuts ahead for some reason despite this being the official Noah stream and KK has Josh in a figure four.

Josh ropebreaks at 15 minutes. KK spinning forearms Josh then tiger suplexes him for 2. Josh blocks a shining wizard then sitout chokeslam bombs him for 2.

Josh top rope moonsaults KK for 2. KK hurricanrana's him then Josh facekicks him. KK flying knees him then Josh hits a lariat for 2. Josh goes for a chokeslam and takes a shining wizard. KK triangle shining wizards him then hits a normal shining wizard for the win.

Kaito worked the knee here the whole time and then ended up hitting shining wizards for the win. I thought this would have been better if Josh just bullied Kaito around and Kaito ended up making his comeback to win. It mostly made sense with Kaito trying to ground him for shining wizards but it could have been better. 

Kaito talks on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: It was an average night. We had a mix of good, bad and average here. Nothing was must see. The main was probably the best thing on here and I was surprised Jack Morris got a respectable showing out of Mante.

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