Thursday, August 29, 2024

CMLL 8/23/2024 Grand Prix Internacional 2024

CMLL 8/23/2024 Grand Prix Internacional 2024

Lightning Match - Fugaz vs Villano III Jr.

They lock up. V3 trips him and does a roll into a leg lock. Fug leglocks him. V3 throws him down and they rolls on the mat. Fug rolling armbars him. Fug corkscrew headscissors him then topes him into the rails. Fug springboard swantons him.

Fug springboards onto V3 on the ramp but is superkicked. V3 drops him gut first on the ropes then stands on his chest. V3 thesz presses him and hits mounted punches. Fug pump kicks him then asai moonsaults him outside.

Fug springboard swantons him then asai moonsaults him for 2. Fug dropkicks him in the knee. They fight on the buckles and V3 2nd rope powerslams him for 2. Fug standing spanish flies him for 2.

Fug is stuck on the 2nd rope and V3 springboard double stomps him for the win.

Thoughts: It was a short one with a ton of flying. There wasn't much selling here and I thought they tried to get a lot more in here than they needed to.

Lluvia & Tessa Blanchard vs. Kira & Skadi

L = Lluvia

1st Fall - Skadi blocks TB's offense and lariats her on the ropes. TB superkicks Skadi. Kira leapfrogs and flips over TB's back. Kira flying headscissors Tb out. L gets in. L bangs Kira's head off the buckles then stomps on her in the corner. L slaps Skadi then Skadi double underhook backbreakers her for 2. L 2nd rope diving headscissors Skadi and pulls her hair.

TB kicks Kira in the leg then Skadi and kira are thrown into each other. They put Kira on Skadi's back and the girls pull on Kira and Skadi's arms to make them submit. Lluvia's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Kira gets double stomped on. Skadi shoulders over TB then Kira top rope crossbodies L. Kira hits a tornillo tope outside on her opponents then poses on SKadi's shoulder outside. Kira top rope moonsaults L and pins her. Skadi then pins Tess. Skadi's team wins the fall. 

3rd Fall - Both opponents jump on Skadi. Skadi kicks Kira over on accident then is sent out. TB planchas both opponents outside then L top rope plancha's both. Skadi takes a double dropkick to the knee then a double basement dropkick. Skadi then takes a double footpress while hanging over the 2nd rope. Kira jumps off of Sakdi's back then dropkicks L in the corner. L hits a basmenet dropkick on Kira and Tess gets a 2 count.

Skadi sentons TB then flips Kira into a corkscrew moonsault on TB. L facebusters Skadi off the casdora and Kir guillotine springboard legdrops L. Tess slams down Kira then Skadi crossbodies Tess. TB and L bronco buster their opponents in the corner for 2 counts.

Skadi hits a springboard double reverse tope. Kira jumps off of Skadi's shoulders to splash L and Skadi's team gets nearfalls on their opponents. Skadi is tied up in the ropes and L dropkicks her there. TB then cutters Skadi and pins her. TB pop-up sitout powerbombs Kira then L dropkicks Kira in the butt. Lluvia and TB win the fall and the match.

Thoughts: This one of the better CMLL women's matches I have seen. Kira looks like an NXT prospect at this point and easily is one of the best Mexican women wrestlers I've ever seen. It's only a matter of when she gets signed by someone because she is so above anyone else here. Skadi also had a really good showing and the pair of Skadi and Kira make for a good team. This wasn't perfect but this was way above the usual offerings and was an impressive effort by the girls.

Atlantis, Blue Panther & Octagon vs. Angel de Oro, El Barbaro Cavernario & Soberano Jr.

1st Fall - Sob and Atlantis go at it. Atlantis takes down Sob. Sob does takedowns on Atlantis and they stand off. Atlantis refuses a handshake. Oro and Blue go at it. Blue takes Oro down and Oro tries a crucifix. Oro armdrags him. Oro sunset flips him, Blue backrolls out and they stand off.

Barb and Oct go at it. Oct armdrags Barb three times. Sob comes in and pump kicks Oct while Barb pounds on Atlantis. Oro back elbows Oct down  then Oct has his legs split. Oro bites Oct's foot. Atlantis gets triple stomped on by the heels. Atlantis then takes a triple boot.

Blue is double teamed in the corner. Barb splashes Blue off the ropes and pins him. Oct takes corner attacks and Sob pins Oct.

2nd Fall - Blue takes a pump kick from Sob then is triple teamed. Sob top rope splashes Blue then stomps on him. Atlantis tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Oro. Blue spinebusters Barb. The faces get triple submissions and win the fall.

3rd Fall - Sob monkey flips Blue and Blue lands on his feet. Blue fires up. Blue is lifted and headscissors Oro. Blue boots Barb out of the corner and Barb does the worm. Blue 2nd rope diving headscissors Barb then diving headscissors him off the apron outside.

Oct hiptosses Oro then armdrags Barb. Oct hits shots on the heels and armdrags Sob. Barb foot chokes Atlantis. Atlantis hits a double japanese armdrag on the heels and tilt-a-whirl backbreakers all three opponents. Blue double facebusters the heels. Oct topes Sob then Blue flip dives Barb off the apron. Atlantis hurricanrana's Oro but Oro rolls through it and pins him.

Thoughts: This was a very good tag match. They did a great job of hiding the vets weaknesses and did a good job in putting them over as a threat. The vets moved well here and put in full effort as well. This could not have gone much better than it did and was a major success.

Grand Prix Internacional 2024 Torneo Cibernetico Match - Team International (Akira, Claudio Castagnoli, Davey Boy Smith Jr., Flip Gordon, Ikuro Kwon, Kyle Fletcher, Mansoor, Robbie X, Rocky Romero & Yota) vs. Team Mexico (Atlantis Jr., Esfinge, Euforia, Mascara Dorada, Mistico, Templario, Titan, Ultimo Guerrero, Valiente & Volador Jr.)

Everyone fights before this even gets started. X and Temp go at it. They each escapes wristlocks. X side headlocks him then Temp shoulders him over. X kips up and spin kicks him. Temp legsweeps him and splashes him. X hits a standing moonsault and they stand off.

Flip and Titan get in. Flip side headlocks him. Flip handstand walks and does tricks then armdrags Titan. They run into each other, do stereo kip ups, stereo dropkick attempts and stereo headflips before standing off. Rocky throws Flip out. Kwon and Val go at it.

Kwon kicks Val then uppercuts him. Val does a neat drop on him and dropkicks him out. Val then asai moonsaults Rocky and Kwon outside. Atlantis and Mansoor go at it. Mansoor armdrags and dropkicks him. Mansoor then headflips up and poses. 

Mansoor gets shots in on Atlantis then Atlantis flips over him on the ramp. Mansoor superkicks him on the ramp. Atlantis tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him on the ramp then in the ring (twice). Rocky and Esfinge go at it. Rocky hits an uppercut and Esf superkicks him. Esf springboard dropkicks Rocky out. Davey and Euf go at it.

Davey slams him and misses a legdrop. Euf powerslams him. Euf lariats him over the top and goes with him. UG and Akira go at it. They trade chops. Akira does an octopus on him in the air then sunset flips him. Akira pulls on the foot and does a pele kick while UG is down. Akira botches a figure four on him.

Akira hits chops and slaps him. UG grabs him by the hair then baseball slides him off the apron. CC and Mist go at it. Mist gets triple stomped on by his opponents. Mist is hiptossed into the ropes and does a double armdrag then flying headscissors Yota.

Mist springboard headscissors CC then MD top rope tornillo armdrags Kyle. Mist walks up the buckles and corkscrew armdrags Yota. Mist, Vol and MD then do dives outside. A big brawl then breaks out outside. 

Akira dropkicks UG in the ring and back enzugiri's him. Akira forearms him in the corner then Akira spinning heel kicks him. Akira germans him for 2. Akira slams UG. UG top rope reverse suplexes him and pins him.

Yota and Atlantis chop each other. Yota hits forearms then Atlantis flying headscissors him. Atlantis monkey flips him twice. Yota pumping knees him then Atlantis step up enzugiri's him. Atlantis lariats Yota over the top then ropes him into the rail. Titan and X go at it.

X spin kicks him and Titan tornado ddt's him. Titan superkicks him and Esf springboard splashes X for 2. Titan and Esf hit stereo superkicks on the heels then Titan does rope trips and double dropkicks X and Mansoor. Titan and Esf then do stereo topes outside.

Flip springboard crossbodies Temp then springboard slingblades him. Temp chops Flip. Flip flips out of the corner then superkicks him out. Flip top rope moonsaults outside onto Temp. Flip hits a 450 on Temp for 2. Flip does a springboard corkscrew cutter on Temp.

Flip samoan drops Temp. Flip goes for a moonsault and his own partner Rocky tries to hit him. Flip misses the moonsault and Temp powerbomb backbreakers Flip and pins him. Rocky and Flip argue after.

Val dropkicks Kwon in the knee. Kwon shining wizards him and pins Val. Euf hits a bitter end on Kwon for 2. Kwon pumping knees Euf for 2. Kwon shining wizards Euf for 2. Kwon step up enzugiri's Euf in the corner. Euf 2nd rope powerbombs Kwon and pins him. 

X and MD stare down. X boots him off the handshake. They do stereo handsprings off the ropes. X hiptosses him into a cartwheel and dropkick. X walks up the buckles and corkscrew dives on Temp and MD. Davey and UG go at it. UG lariats him then does a pendulum bronco buster in the corner. Davey running powerslams UG and pins him. 

CC and Mist go at it. CC stomp flurries him. CC foot chokes him. Mist springboard headscissors CC then 619's him. Mist springboard dropkicks CC then springboard diving headscissors him outside.

Yota and Esf fight. Esf springboard crossbodies him and corkscrew kicks him. Esf monkey flips him. Esf superkicks Mansoor out then topes him into the rails. Esf tope con hilos Yota. X spinning enzugir's Esf. X hits a spiral tap off the top onto Esf and pins him. 

Rocky and Temp go at it. RR is caught on a springboard. Temp goes up and over him then flying headscissors him. Kyle and Euf trade forearms. Euf spinebusters him. Vol helps Euf up top for a springboard splash on Kyle.

Kyle suplexes Euf then corner facekicks him. Kyle hits a brainbuster on him and pins him. Yota and Mist trade forearms. Mist handspring back elbows him then springboard crossbodies him. Mist flying headscissots Yota then Mist tornillo dives him. Kyle topes Mist.

X springboard flips onto Titan in a botch. X hits kicks on Titan in the corner then standing ssp's him for 2. Titan hits a strike combo on X. X handsprings into a backflip kick on Titan, who is on the buckles. Titan gordbusters X from the top rope then top rope double stomps him. X pins Titan.

Mansoor poses and MD springboard crossbodies him. MD walks up the buckles, bounces off the ropes and armdrags Mansoor. Mansoor enzugiri's him then atomic drops and spinebusters him for 2. Mansoor runs the ramp and crossbodies MD over the top to the inside. MD corkscrew headscissors Mansoor out. Mansoor dropkicks MD then tope con hilos him.

Rocky and Temp go at it. Rocky beats him up. They each hit corner lariats. Temp superkicks him. Rocky is caught on a leapfrog and takes a gutbuster. Temp wheelbarrow germans him for 2. Temp walks up the ropes and is dropkicked. Rocky camel clutches him and Temp is submitted.

Vol superkicks Rocky. Rocky hits a b-driver for 2. Vol canadian destroyers Rocky and Davey breaks the pin. Atlantis top rope dropkicks Davey. Davey germans Atlantis for 2. Atlantis rolls up Davey for 2. Atlantis powerbombs Davey then pins him with a top rope frogsplash.

Mansoor and MD trade forearms and chops. MD does a drop on him off of his shoulders. MD does a top rope 450 and pins Mansoor. Titan is caught on a springboard by CC. Titan ducks a lariat and hits kicks on CC. Titan hits an attitude adjustment on CC for 2. Titan comes off the top and is caught with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. CC hits a neutralizer on him and pins him.

Yota and Vol go at it. Vol flying headscissors him. Yota crabs him. Vol ropebreaks and the ref tries to get Yota off. Yota hits the ref and is disqualified for it. The ref then pushes Yota over.

MD and CC go at it. MD toyota rolls CC into a sunset bomb. MD misses a top rope ssp. CC giant swings MD and pins him. CC takes a backbreaker from Atlantis then a headscissors from Vol. Atlantis tope con hilos CC. Rocky topes Vol against the rails. Kyle facekicks Mist.

Mist enzugiri's him from the apron then springboard diving headscissors him. Mist then topes him twice. Kyle gets his feet up on Mist's tope rope moonsault then Kyle brainbusters Mist for 2. Mist hits a top rope spanish fly on Kyle for 2. Rocky pulls on the ref's leg to break the count. The other ref DQ's Rocky for it and forces him to the back.

Mist springboard crossbodies Kyle. Kyle goes for a low blow, Mist blocks it, Kyle pulls off Mist's mask and pins him.

Atlantis and Kyle trade forearms. They fight over a tombstone and Atlantis spinning package tombstones him. Atlantis pins Kyle. We are down to 3 men - CC, Vol and Atlantis. CC euros Atlantis. Atlantis spinning torture rack sitout bombs him for 2.

Atlantis la magistrals him for 2. CC 2nd rope karelin's lifts him for 2. Atlantis gets a nearfall on him. CC hits a euro flurry. CC lariats him and pins him.

Claudio and Volador Jr. are the last two left. Vol satelitte headscissors him. CC giant swings him and CC neutralizers him for 2. CC misses a top rope headbutt. Vol superkicks him and backcrackers him for 2.

CC hits corner euros then lariats him. CC hits a gotch style piledriver and pins him. Claudio Castagnoli wins.

Thoughts: It was a long one at 60:45. However, there was no downtime, people constantly came in and out which kept it moving and the work was good. It wasn't great but was a good hour of wrestling. I wouldn't say we got anyone's absolute best work here but because of the format, there wasn't a lot of time for long solo performances. 

CC is given the cup after and poses with his team and his opponents.

Overall thoughts: It was a great CMLL show. 3 of the 4 matches were really strong here. Kira and Skadi had a great night and produced one of CMLL's best women's matches, the vet trio of Blue/Atlantis/Octagon all looked good in their match and the main was an hour long fast paced match with 20 people from different promotions in it. I really liked this one and would recommend it.

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