Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Pro Wrestling Noah 8/11/2024 N-1 Victory 2024 Day 4

Pro Wrestling Noah 8/11/2024 N-1 Victory 2024 Day 4

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/08/pro-wrestling-noah-8102024-n-1-victory.html 

N-1 Victory 2024 Block B Match - Alpha Wolf vs. Ulka Sasaki

They trade basic holds. Wolf takes him down and ties his legs up. Ulka side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Wolf goes for a leapfrog and Ulka just kicks him down.

Wolf shoulders him over and bites his fingers. They fight outside and Wolf bites his fingers again. Ulka is thrown into the rails. Wolf ties his legs up. They trade shots. Wolf superkicks him from the apron, slips off a springboard and is kicked. Ulka hits kicks and running cutters him for 2. 

Ulka flying knees him. Ulka goes to rip the mask and leglocks him. Ulka is caught on a plancha and rammed into the post. Wolf springboard dropkicks Ulka then top rope moonsaults him for 2. Ulka hits a jackhammer and they trade shots. Wolf germans him and takes a high kick.

Wolf superkicks him then headbutts him. Ulka goes for the sleeper and hits a pumping knee. Wolf pop-up powerbombs him for 2. Wolf misses a top rope moonsault and Ulka does a grounded choke. Wolf then taps out.

Thoughts: I thought they wasted a lot of time earlier which brought this down. The two didn't seem like a good match for each other and there wasn't anything that good about this.

Junta Miyawaki, Takashi Sugiura and Naomichi Marufuji vs Shuhei Taniguchi, Shuji Ishikawa and Kai Fujimura

Shuhei and Maru go at it and accomplish nothing. Shuji gets in. Shuji chops him. Sugi gets in and tries shoulders on Shuji. Shuji shoulders him over. They trade forearms and Sugi goes down. Junta and Kai get in.

Junta takes him down by the arm and fireman's carry takeovers him. Junta shoulders him over then Kai shoulders him over. Junta hits armdrags and dropkicks him. Junta triangle plancha's him outside.

Junta armlocks him. Maru gets in and chops down Kai. Sugi slams Kai and Junta slams Kai. Kai dropkicks Junta. Kai snapmares and flipping sentons Junta for 2. Junta shoulderbreakers him then tornado ddt's him. Junta then does a kimura off of it. Kai cradles Junta then suplexes him. Shuhei gets in and slams 2 of his 3 opponents. Shuji slams Shuhei onto Maru in a dumb moment.

Shuhei corner lariats Maru. Shuhei chokeslams him for 2. Maru hook kicks and pumping knees shuhei. Shuhei lariats him over. Shuji corner lariats Maru then 2nd rope double kneedrops him for 2.

Maru superkicks Shuji then lariats him. Sugi facekicks Shuji and hits corner forearms. Sugi running knees him. Shuji running knees him back. Sugi takes corner lariats then a double chokeslam. Shuji and Sugi trade forearms. Sugi hits shots to the gut then they knee each other in the gut. Sugi guillotines him in the air and is rammed into the ropes.

Shuji running knees Sugi for 2. Shuji fire thunders Sugi for 2. Shuji hits splash mountain on Sugi and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't that interesting. Shuji vs Sugi was the only interesting part of this and it did not need the time it got with the effort these people put in. I don't understand why Shuji isn't in the N-1.

Shuji says he's going after Sugi and Maru and Shuhei says him and Shuji are going for the tag titles.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block A Match - Masa Kitamiya vs. Dragon Bane

Masa armlocks him early. Bane wristlocks him and Masa hammerlocks him. Bane crucifixes him. They do a double knuckle lock. Bane is thrown over and he upkicks him. Bane does a golden ratio kick then step-up moonsaults him outside.

Bane throws him into the post and rails. Bane superkicks him. Masa's head is banged off the buckles. Bane dropkicks him in the corner. Bane pulls Masa's arms back.

Bane hits forearms and Masa powers up. Masa dragon screws him and hits corner lariats. Masa slams him then sentons him. Bane kips down and up out of a lariat and superkicks him. Masa drops Bane on both knees then piledrivers him. Masa spears him for 2. Masa prison locks him.

Bane pumping knees him. Masa shoulders him over. Bane hits kicks to the head then Masa pop-up samoan drops him. Bane gets his knees up on Masa's senton then poisonrana's him. Masa no sells it and lariats him for 2.

Bane hits a jumping knee then hits a made in Japan to win.

Thoughts: I wasn't a big fan of it. There was some no selling here and I didn't think they got the most out of the hoss vs high flyer match they had here. 

N-1 Victory 2024 Block B Match - Tavion Heights vs Manabu Soya

This should be good. Tav takes him down to start. Tav rolls him. Soya side headlocks him. Tav side headlock takeovers him. Tav shoulders him over. Soya side headlocks him and hooks the leg with it. They go head to head and yell then shoulder battle.

They trade back elbows and Soya standing dropkicks him. Soya lariats him over the top. Soya chops him outside. Soya is sent into the rails and Tav slams him on the floor. They go back in. Tav does a full nelson pin attempt Soya then comes off the 2nd rope onto him. Soya hits corner attacks.

Tav blocks a spear with a guillotine then Soya suplexes him. Tav death valley bombs him for 2. Soya death valley drivers him. They do a double clothesline.

They trade lariats. Tav hits a few together and takes a spear for 2. Tav hits a beautiful powerslam for 2. Soya's busted open above the eye then he lariats Tav over for 2. Soya running lariats him and wins.

Thoughts: Without a question, it was Tav's best match yet. These two aren't that different from each other with hard lariats and suplexes and this one looked like it would be good on paper. It was a good hard hitting power match. This was a big success. This decision to put Tav in the N-1 is proving to be a good one.

The crowd chants for Tavion after.

Daga, Super Crazy & Yu Owada vs. HAYATA, Tadasuke & YO-HEY

Yo and Yu go at it. Yu wristlocks him. Yu hiptosses him. Yu flips off of him in the corner, armdrags and dropkicks him out.

Tada and Daga go at it. Daga shoulders him over then flying headscissors him. Tada flying euros him. Crazy and Haya get in. Haya dropkicks him and atomic drops him. Daga pulls the ropes down on Haya and sends him out. Haya's crotch is sent into the post.

Haya takes a double headbutt. Yu shoulders Haya over then armdrags him. Haya wristlocks Yu. Yu flips him by the arm and elbow drops him. Haya takes a double hiptoss for 2. Daga kimura's Haya and bangs his shoulder into the buckles.

Crazy foot chokes Haya. Haya's head is banged off the buckles. Crazy corkscrew elbow drops Haya then Yu gutwrench suplexes Haya for 2. Daga boots Haya in the corner and flurries him with punches. Daga pushes the ref over when the ref tries to stop him.

Haya step up enzugiri's Daga. Yo gets in and basement dropkicks Daga. Yo hits some kicks. Daga trips Yo into a kick then reverse sitout slams him. Yo hits a double dropkick on Crazy and Daga. Yu comes in and dropkicks Tada.

Yu backrolls Tada then hits a dropkick. Yu fisherman suplexes Tada for 2. Yu is thrown off the top by Tada then Tada lariats him for 2. Crazy is held for a superkick from Yo. Tada does a leg and single underhook suplex on Yu and wins.

Thoughts: This was boring and far from anyone's best work. It wasn't even fast paced.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block A Match - Luis Mante vs. Ryohei Oiwa

If I'm NJPW, I don't even let this match happen as LM's bad habits might rub off on Oiwa. They roll on the ropes. LM fireman's carry takeovers him then armlocks him. LM flips him over. Oiwa cartwheels out of a monkey flip. They trade armdrags and both headflip up.

LM eye rakes him then Oiwa dropkicks him. Oiwa stomps on him. LM goes out and Oiwa follows. LM's shoulder is sent into the post. Oiwa wraps LM's arms around the top rope. Oiwa then kicks the rope.

LM hiptosses him then Oiwa armdrags him. Oiwa armlocks him. LM dropkicks him in the knee. LM yanks on Oiwa's leg then ddt's the leg. LM leglocks him. LM bullies him around. Oiwa armdrags him then falling splashes him for 2. Oiwa corner dropkicks LM then gutwrench suplexes him.

LM springboard dropkicks him then hits a michinoku driver for 2. Oiwa suplexes him then running lariats him. Oiwa germans him for 2. LM hits a dropkick then burning hammers him for 2. LM 2nd rope sitout dominators him for 2.

LM lariats him for 2. LM hits forearms then Oiwa hits forearms. LM facekicks him. Oiwa backslides him for 2 then crucifixes him for 2. Oiwa gets another 2 count then LM tombstones him for 2. LM pop-up facebusters him and wins.

Thoughts: It was garbage as expected with burning hammers and 2nd rope dominators not meaning anything.  I didn't know what they were going to do here going into it and they never figured it out either.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block B Match - Yoshiki Inamura vs. Titus Alexander

YI = Yoshiki Inamura

YI throws him to the side. Titus stalls outside then does push-ups going in. They do some basic holds. Titus dropkicks him then topes him outside. Titus stomps him outside and sends him into the rails. Titus comes off the top and takes a fallaway slam.

YI slams him then elbow drops him for 2. YI chinlocks him. YI throws him hard into the buckles and Titus goes out. YI double axe handles him off the apron outside then pushes him into the apron and rails.

Titus facekicks him off the apron. Titus tries to tope him but is caught and rammed into the post. YI backdrops him on the apron. YI slams him then corner splashes him. Titus goes up and over him in the corner and upkicks him. Titus rolling snapmares him into a brainbuster.

YI shoulders Titus over. Titus kips up and hits kicks. Titus does an AA for 2. Titus is caught on a hanspring back elbow. YI hits an oklahoma stampede for 2 then splashes him for 2. YI hits an overhead belly to belly suplex for 2. YI is hurricanrana'd off a powerbomb attempt.

Titus rebound germans YI. YI no sells it then hits a nasty german on him. Titus no sells him, germans him and YI no sells it. YI hits another high german as does Titus. Titus hits a handspring cutter. YI catches a frankensteiner and powerbombs him.

They trade forearms. Titus high kicks him then does a half-nelson slam for 2. YI flying back elbows him for 2. Titus sitout powerbombs him off the shoulder for 2. YI 2nd rope deadlift suplexes him in. Titus jumps over a spear and hits a flying knee. Titus hits a chaos theory german on YI and wins.

Titus thanks everyone after. He says he hopes this isn't a dream as it's a dream come true. He says he's only 23 and main evented Korauken Hall. He says it wouldn't be possible without the fans and West Coast Pro Wrestling.

Thoughts: Look, I don't mind them putting someone new over here. But Inamura shouldn't be the one to be doing it. They are theoretically pushing him and at a time when Noah has a weak roster, he should be pushed. They definitely tried to put over Titus here and did a good job doing it. I didn't like some of the german suplex no sells but it was good overall and they matched up well together. I do think they could have done a better one if Inamura threw him around and Titus made his comebacks with his flying. Instead, they were basically treated as equals.

Overall thoughts: I liked the main of Titus/Inamura and Soya/Heights but not much else. They just don't have the best possible line-up here and there's a lot of styles clashes that the wrestlers are just not good enough to work around.

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