Wednesday, August 28, 2024

AEW Dynamite 8/28/2024

AEW Dynamite 8/28/2024

Last week's show is here:

Jon Moxley comes out through the crowd without his usual music. Tony Schiavone interviews him in the ring. Mox says he hasn't done a lot of talking but a lot of thinking about things that end to get done. He says he wants to have a conversation with someone who isn't here and that's Darby Allin. Mox says it's about time they had a talk and he's not hard to find. Mox says this is not Tony Schiavone's company anymore and leaves.

Thoughts: This was an unusual segment. We'll have to see where this one is going.

Renee interviews The Conglomeration. Willow Nightingale and Hook. Mark says there's a lot going on tonight. He says Big Tom will whoop some cowboy @ss in Adam Page. He says they weren't successful at All In but Hook was in becoming the new FTW champ. Hook says it feels cool. Mark says Big Tom and Willow were successful and Willow gets to decide what kind of @ss whooping Kris gets. Willow says she has the most street fights in AEW and wants a Chicago street fight. Mark says they will whoop some @ss in 8-man tag action tonight.

"Hangman" Adam Page vs Tomohiro Ishii

They trade forearms and Ishii shoulders him over. They trade chops. We go to PiP break and return. Page lariats him on the apron. Ishii gets ddt'd on the apron and does a headstand from it.

Page diving lariats him off the top for 2. Page backbreakers him then rolls and ties up his legs in a hold. Page hits forearms and Ishii no sells them. Ishii drops him with a forearm. Ishii backdrops him. Ishii hits a corner lariat.

They trade headbutts in the corner and Ishii 2nd rope superplexes him. Page facekicks him and death valley drivers him. Ishii germans him. They hit forearms and both go down at the same time.

We go to break and return. Ishii enzugiri's him. They double clothesline each other. Page hits a spinning forearm then germans him. Ishii catches Page on a buckshot lariat and hits a nasty dead eye. Ishii running lariats him for 2. Ishii lariats him over. Page lariats him over.

Page hits deadeye and hits a buckshot lariat for the win.

Thoughts: Both guys took some nasty bumps here and it probably could have been ended after the ddt on the apron spot. I liked the match as it was stiff and hard hitting. Page won as expected.

Swerve Strickland comes out. They stare down. Swerve said Page got involved in his title match and he says he feels sorry for Page. Swerve says Page has become a little child. Swerve says he may not have a title be will always be referred to as a world champion. He says this is will always be his house and says Page fails.

Page says he's not a champion and says he's a piece of sh!t. He said Swerve wrestled him 3 times and couldn't beat him on his own. Page said it took Nana and Nana and Bryan Cage, then the third time, the time ran out. He said he's not as good as him. Page says he wants it to be just them. Swerve says they should do a steel cage match at All Out.

Swerve asks him what kind of man he will be. Swerve said he went to his house after the triple threat match they had with Joe. He said he saw Page escorting his pregnant wife down the stairs. He said Page was going to become a father for the 2nd time and said that's the man Page was supposed to be. Swerve said that's when he realized he had to focus on the AEW champ. He said that's what he did and said it will happen again. He said Page is too focused on him.

He said Page's career is going up in flames and asks what kind of man he will be in the cage. He asks what kind of man will he show his kids he will be.  

Thoughts: I was okay with this. They've been feuding for a while so a cage match makes sense. As usual, this would have worked better if AEW showed us Swerve going to Page's house instead of us just hearing about it now.

Jamie Hayter vs Harley Cameron

Jamie looks like Becky Lynch now and is wearing some goofy jobber looking gear.

HC hits her from behind and hits corner spears. HC foot chokes her. Jamie hits a boot flurry in the corner. HC boots her out of the corner then Jamie shoulders her over. HC high kicks her from the apron and knee lifts her.

HC is thrown off a springboard bulldog attempt. Jamie facekicks her. HC hits a double throat thrust then misses soul foot. Jamie uranage backbreakers her. Jamie hits a lariat and wins.

Thoughts: Jamie won as expected here. It wasn't anything special and I do not like Jamie's new look at all.

Saraya gets in the ring and pushes HC into Jamie after.

The Learning Tree and Roderick Strong are interviewed. Bill says fall is around the corner and things will get colorful. Jericho says Hook beat him because he finally took the advice of The Learning Tree. Strong says its a huge honor to be part of The Jericho Vortex for one night. Strong says Orange Cassidy is bad news. Jericho says OC owes him $7,000 for ruining his jacket years ago. Jericho says they will it out of their opponents tonight and says they will pay the price. 

MJF comes out to talk. He says he's in a lot of pain right now and has a headache. He says if the crowd doesn't pipe down, he will beat the holy hell out of all of them. He says he has two herniated disks in his spine and says none of the fans had his back when he was defending the country and company. He says he denounces his American citizenship. He says the only place that matters is Long Island.

MJF says he's sick of letting the people live in lies. He says the company without him is a circus. He says the whole world knew he had Will Ospreay beat and said Will cheated. He said this isn't over. He said to keep his head on a swivel as he will come close to winning the AEW Title, he will cut him out at the knees with a smile on his face.

He calls Daniel Garcia a bum. He threatens him then Garcia hits him from behind. Garcia pounds on him and guillotine chokes him out. Garcia goes for a piledriver buts lets him go. Garcia goes for a 2nd rope piledriver but security comes down. Garcia beats up security then is hit from behind by MJF. MJF pounds on Garcia.

MJF footchokes him. DG hits boots to the gut then footchokes him. Security and Christopher Daniels then interrupt again as Garcia goes for a 2nd rope piledriver. Garcia says he pawned MJF's Dynamite Diamond Ring. Garcia says ruining MJF's life is his fetish and says he asked for a match with MJF at All Out. He says he wants to break his neck and said if there's anyone who cares about him, they will have to watch and suffer with him. Garcia then throws a mic at him.

Thoughts: I liked this one. It followed up on the Garcia/MJF and made sense. I think Austin Mulitalo, Joey Vinetti and Brandon Baretta of SICW fame were security guards here.

We get a video on Ricochet's debut at All In. He says he wants to give his fans the Ricochet they wanted and says it's just the first day of his journey.

Hook, Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe and Kyle O'Reilly vs Chris Jericho, Big Bill, Bryan Keith and Roderick Strong

Hook waistlock takedowns Bryan. Hook double underhook suplexes him. Bryan takes a double suplex. Kyle knees Bryan in the gut. Kyle drops him with kicks. Mark suplexes Bryan.

Bill gets in. Mark hits chops and forearms. Bill knees him in the body and chops him. All eight men get in the ring and fight. We go to PiP break and return. Jericho chops OC and chokes him.

Jericho full-nelson's OC. OC puts his hands into his pockets and dropkicks him. Mark is tagged in. He beats up on Jericho and Bryan. Mark back enzugiri's Bryan.

Strong half-nelson backbreakers Mark then pounds on him. Bryan pounds on Mark. Bryan hits chest kicks on Mark. Bryan takes a face kick from Kyle and Kyle legsweeps him. Kyle flying forearms him in the corner then backdrops him.

Bill gets some offense in on the faces with a blackhole slam on OC and a splash on Mark. We go to another PiP break and return. Bill chokes Kyle on the ropes. Bill is tripped into the buckles. Kyle pulls Bill over the top. Hook gets in. He lariats and hip throws Strong. Hook STO's Strong then exploders bill. Hook northern lights suplexes Strong.

Bryan headbutts Kyle while he's on the buckle then Bryan exploders OC. Kyle runs in and takes a knee from Bryan. Mark pulls out Bryan then Jericho lariats Mark. Jericho teases a dive but just waves.

Hook forearms Jericho then exploders him. Kyle PK's Strong and flying knees Jericho off the apron. OC hits a tope then Mark tope con hilos off a chair to the outside. Strong back elbows Hook. Hook taps Strong out with red rum even though his foot is on the ropes.

Thoughts: OC did his usual screwing around here but it was an okay tag. This went through multiple breaks here.

The fighting continues after. Taven and Bennett come down to beat up on Hook. Strong flying knees Hook and security and refs come out to stop the fighting.

Mercedes Mone is at a celebration party for her All In win. Private Party walk in and do her dance. Quen says they can't have a party without Private Party. Quen brings up Mone fighting Momo Watanabe this weekend. He says that's a fighting champ. Zay says he loves her outfit and says the red she is wearing would look good on top of him. Kamille gets in the way. Kazuchika Okada then comes in. Mone asks how to say "bye b!tch" in Japanese and Mone says, "sayonara b!tches". Austin Mulitalo I think was one of the people in the background again here.

Tony Schiavone interviews Mariah May on the ramp. May says she's the new AEW Women's champ. She says the celebration has been postponed though. She says she's not doing it in this town. She says they desperately need glamour here and she says that's everything she is. She says she will take her robe off and show us what she means. She then takes the robe off and is wearing the title with some lingerie on. She says that's enough.

We see a Grizzled Young Veterans promo at all In. The Young Bucks walk in on it. They say they like their style and says they are both veterans. Gibson says they are not the same and says it was a message for the whole tag division. He says they are coming for the tag titles. Drake says to grit your teeth when you see them coming.

The Vets then do a live promo. They say one unlucky team will find out their intentions on Rampage. Drake again says to grit your teeth when you see them coming. The unlucky teams is The Outrunners.

We see a video on Konosuke Takeshita in the G1 Climax which is over now. He will fight Mortos, Komander and Lio Rush on Rampage.

Ricochet vs Kyle Fletcher

They push each other. Kyle shoulders him over. Ric rolls over his back and backflips into a headsicssors on him. Ric dropkicks him out. Kyle leg lariats him off the apron then topes him. Kyle facekicks him over the rail. Ric jumps off the rail with a meteora.

We go to PiP break and return. Ric superkicks him in the gut. They botch a move. Ric step up enzugiri's him from the apron and springboard lariats him. Ric handspring back elbows him. Ric corkscrew kicks him. Ric northern lights suplexes him into a twisting suplex. 

Kyle running lariats him. Ric rolls into a dropkick and hits a hard tope. Ric comes off the top and Kyle gets his feet up. Kyle facekicks him in the corner and brainbusters him for 2.

Ric flips out of a powerbomb. Ric pumping knees Kyle then death valley drivers him. Ric hits a lifting reverse ddt and wins.

Thoughts: This was long and they didn't match up well. It wasn't the big flashy TV debut Ric needed where he could show off. 

Will Ospreay comes out on the ramp after. Pac poisonrana's Will on the ramp by surprise. He tells him not to forget about him. Pac welcomes Ric to AEW and tells him to get to the back of the line. He says Will belongs to him.

Mox is interviewed in the back. He grabs a random person then Marina Shafir beats him that person up and some security guards. Joe Alonzo of NWA Powerrr, dressed up as a security guard, tries to help but runs off. Mox calls this a lesson in humility.

Bryan Danielson comes out to talk. He says he's finally AEW champ. Bryan said his daughter told him that All In was the best day of her life. Bryan says it was his favorite moment of his career.

He says his contract expired and he will need neck surgery soon. He said his family is ready for him to come home. Bryan says AEW is awesome and says it has made his life better. Bryan says it's not time to go home yet. 

He says he will not retire as AEW champ and will fight for the title. He says his full-time career is over as soon as he loses the title but it won't be soon as he has a lot of heads to kick in. He says it's first come, first serve for a title shot at All Out. Jack Perry gets on the tron.

Jack says Bryan doesn't know his future, but Jack knows his. Jack said he had to create his own future. Jack says he beat him the only time they were in the ring. He says his future is to beat Bryan. He says Bryan's future is behind him. Jack then hits Bryan from behind. Jack hits a running knee to the head.

Thoughts: Uh, that was not the challenger I was hoping for. I'm not totally surprised though. AEW likes to double down on things the fans don't care for so this isn't that shocking.

Overall thoughts: It was a mostly good show but Mox's new thing isn't off to a good start, Perry/Bryan isn't an interesting match and Ricochet didn't have a great debut. They followed up on various feuds though and most of the show made sense.

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