Sunday, August 18, 2024

CMLL on Mexiquense TV 8/18/2024

CMLL on Mexiquense TV 8/18/2024

The show didn't air online due to technical problems with the website last week. We missed the debut of CMLL's new "El Cobarde" which sucks. I haven't gotten around to doing the show from 2 weeks ago.

Okumura, Vegas and Kraneo vs Capitan Suicida, Audaz and Volcano


CS = Capitan Suicida

1st Fall - Aud flips out of an armlock and armdrags Veg. Veg trips him and they do some mat wrestling. Aud armdrags him off the casadora. Veg hammerlocks him and Aud snapmares out of it. Veg running back elbows him. Aud standing moonsaults him for 2. Oku and CS get in. CS is taken down and Oku wristlocks him. CS flips out using the ropes then armdrags him.

Oku shoulders him over then spin kicks him. CS flips out of a hiptoss and hits a headscissors. CS superkicks him and Oku chops him over. CS takes attacks from 4 people in the corner (Mije joins in with the rudos). CS 2nd rope diving headscissors Kraneo. Vol bodyblocks Veg and Oku. Aud then runs the ramp and flying headscissors Veg. CS tornillos Oku. Kraneo back body drops Vol and elbow drops him. Kraneo then butt drops him and pins him to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Aud is double teamed. Veg cutters Aud. Vol and Kraneo go to square off then Vol is quadruple teamed. Kraneo bodyblocks CS then splashes him. CS is held for Kraneo chops then is held for a facekick from Kraneo. Aud dropkicks Oku.

Kraneo bodyblocks Aud. Vol comes to help out and is triple teamed. Vol hits shoulderblocks on all opponents then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Kraneo outside, huting his own knee. CS is flipped int oa headscssors on Veg.

Oku is tripped into a basement dropkick from one of the faces then Aud fosbury flops over the ramp onto Aud. Oku and Veg get pinned together and lose the fall. 

3rd Fall - Vol pushes Oku over. Oku spin kicks him then Vol spinning lariats him. Vol armdrags Kraneo then basement dropkicks him. Vol alabama slams Veg then elbow drops him. Vol legdrops Veg. Aud and CS get in.

CS handsprings off the ropes and pumping knees Oku. Aud springboard tornillos Oku then flying headscissors him. Aud 619's Kraneo then top rope diving armdrags him. Veg is pulled out over the top then Aud cartwheels off the apron onto him into an armdrag.

Oku back elbows CS. CS enzugiri's him then reverse topes him. CS hits a top rope dropkick on Kraneo. CS is popped up and hurricanrana's Veg off of his shoulders. Vol corner splashes Veg.

Vol misses a corner charge and Veg fosbury flops him outside. Kraneo shoulders over CS. Kraneo hip attacks CS and Aud. Kraneo pins CS and Oku puts Aud in a hold and taps him out. The rudos win.

Thoughts: It was fine. Vol did a good job doing things despite his weight and Aud/CS did the flying here. There was nothing wrong with this.

Gemelo Diablo I and II and Akuma vs Blue Panther Jr., Fugaz and Panterita del Ring

Note - The Gem's will just be referred to here as Gem. It's too hard to tell them apart.

1st Fall - PDR and a Gem lock up. Gem trips him and puts a crucifix on him. PDF ties Gem's legs up then armdrags him out. Fug and the other Gem get in. Fug grabs the leg and Gem bodyscissors him. Fug spinning headscissors him.

Fug flying snapmares a Gem then splashes him. They then stare down. Blue and Akuma get in. Akuma spears Blue and Blue takes a double boot out. Fug is kicked in the leg and triple teamed in the corner. Fug takes corner lariats.

PDR takes corner attacks and a triple basement dropkick. PDR is pinned by a Gem and loses the fall.

2nd Fall - Akuma hits shots on Blue. Blue is laid on the ropes and takes a triple dropkicks. PDR takes a triple footchoke in the corner. KeMalito jumps on PDR from the buckles. The Gem's stomp on Fug. Fug is catapulted into an Akuma spear. Akuma drops KeMalito onto Fug. Fug is flipped into the ropes and headscissors Akuma off of the ropes. Blue tilt-a-whirl backbreakers The Gem's. Fug hits a nice tornillo out then The Gem's are rolled up and pinned together. 

3rd Fall - Fug handpsrings and flips. He flying headscissors a Gem out. They blow a spot and Fug armdrags a Gem. Fug flying headscissors Akuma out. PDR shoulderblocks Akuma but Akuma doesn't budge. Akuma dropkicks him. Akuma's partners double hop him on accident. PDR flips over a Gem's back and armdrags the other Gem. PDR hits a double armdrag off the ropes. Akuma shotgun dropkicks PDR then takes a flying headscissors from Fug.

Blue top rope crossbodies a Gem. Blue flips over Gem's back then top rope crossbodies a Gem. Blue double clotheslines The Gem's out. They botch another spot and maybe another. Akuma tope con hilos onto Blue.

Fug is popped up and dropped. Fug takes a double reverse suplex onto Blue then Akuma top rope pslashes Blue and Fug. The Gem's then pin Fug and Blue.

Thoughts: It wasn't good with too many botches here that completely ruined the match.

El Terrible, Averno and Euforia vs Esfinge, Templario and Volador Jr.

1st Fall - Vol is attacked as soon as he enters. Euf works on Esf outside and sends him into the rails. Euf rips on Esf's mask. Esf is bullied around and Euf rips his mask up more. Temp takes corner attacks and a facekick. Esf is held for chops. Temp and Vol hit headsicssors on the heels then Esf tope con hilos Euf. Temp hits a flying space tiger on the ramp into the ring and pins Terr then Av is pinned as well. The technicos win the fall.

2nd Fall - Av and Temp square off. Temp walks up the ropes and diving armdrags Av. Temp armdrags him then flying headscissors Terr out of the ring. Esf corner lariats Av then superkicks him. Esf hits shots on Terr. Vol hits a flying headscissors on 2 opponents then Vol spinning headscissors one of the heels out. Temp hits a tope outside on Av. Esf springboard crossbodies Terr then corkscrew kicks him. Esf goes for a pin and Euf pushes the heel into Esf to break it up. Euf then takes off Esf's mask to complete the disqualification.

Thoughts: It had a bad finish with the heels getting intentionally DQ'd. I liked that they pushed Euforia vs Esfinge's feud and the faces did try to get some dives in. But that's about the best you can say about this match.

Esf gets a new mask on and has words for Euforia on the mic. Euf then jumps him and the heels attack Esf.

Overall thoughts: There were only 3 matches here and the opener was the only match that was worth anything. The main had a terrible intentional DQ finish.

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