Sunday, August 18, 2024

WWE Velocity 12/17/2005

WWE Velocity 12/17/2005

William Regal vs Scotty 2 Hotty

Paul Burchill is out there with Regal. Scotty's wearing a white beater here. Regal wristlocks him then Scotty side headlocks him. Scotty shoulders him over. Regal throws him over. Scotty shoulders him over and Regal is pain.

Scotty trips Regal, walks on him then side headlock takeovers him. Regal takes a back body drop. Scotty hits a punch and Regal begs off. Scotty hits corner punches and Scotty superkicks him.

Scotty goes for the worm. Paul Burchill comes in and is immediatelly sent over. Regal running knees Scotty and gets the pin.

Thoughts: The work was good. I didn't like the match being continued after Paul had gotten in the ring and thought it should have been a DQ. 

We some of Rey Mysterio and Batista beating MNM for the tag titles. 

Jamie Noble vs. Tommaso Whitney

This is Tomasso Ciampa. He looks like a much smaller Renee Dupree here and looks nothing like he does in 2024. Jamie hits boots, punches and chops in the corner. Jamie misses an elbow drop and Tom takes a backdrop.

Jamie slams Tom and legdrops him. Jamie rakes the eyes and elbows him in the head. Jamie knees him in the head then hits a gorilla press gutbuster. Jamie basement dropkicks him. Jamie sits on his back and does a dragon sleeper for the win.

Thoughts: It was a one-sided squash here with Tomasso getting nothing in. 

Paul London and Brian Kendrick vs. Scotty Charisma and Arch Kincaid

Brian and Scotty go at it. Scotty reverses a hold then Brian wristlocks him. Scotty side headlocks him then Scotty shoulders him over. Brian hiptosses Scotty then slams him for 2.

Paul double stomps Scotty's back then side headlocks him. Paul drops Scotty with a high kick. Brian top rope elbow drops Scotty's shoulder then Paul double axe handles it. Brian stomps Scotty in the corner.

Scotty takes a double Japanese armdrag and a double kick to the back. Brian gordbusters Scotty and Scotty has his neck pulled back. Paul flipping sentons Scotty. Arch tries to help out and Scotty gets a few shots in on Paul. Arch hits a nice lariat on Paul for 2. Arch chin and armlocks Paul.

Arch boots Paul. Paul flips out of his back body drop. Paul and Brian hit a double dropkick and a double flapjack. Brian flying shoulders Arch. Paul corner dropkicks Arch. Scotty takes a double superkick then Arch takes an enzugiri + flatliner and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a long squash here with the winners never really in doubt. Paul and Brian had some nice Rockers' esque double teams here and Scotty took a whooping.

Doug Basham vs Scott Hanson

Scott is currently Ivar in the WWE. He's thinner, has tassles and has more hair. Scott is armdragged. They trade arm holds. Doug hiptosses and snapmares him. Doug takes him down then shoulders him over.

Scott hits an armdrag and hiptoss but Doug backs off. Scott hits some nice forearms and gets his head banged off the buckles. Doug hits chops and pounds on the arm.

Doug backdrops him. Scott misses a chop and is put in an armlock. Doug slaps him on the back and Scott hits a back body drop. Scott sunset flips but Doug holds on. Doug then taps him out with the armbar.

Thoughts: It was actually mostly competitive and was entertaining. Doug worked the arm here and it lead to him winning with an armbar.

Orlando Jordan vs Funaki

OJ comes out with Jillian Hall. OJ hits back elbows on Funaki in the corner. OJ misses a corner charge and takes an armdrag. Funaki side headlocks him and holds onto the hair. Funaki is caught on a crossbody and takes a backbreaker.

OJ clubs on Funaki then snapmares him. OJ bearhugs him. Funaki hits punches then OJ hits punches. OJ clubs his back and bearhugs him again. Funaki hits punches then hits an enzugiri. Funaki bulldogs him and pulls on his hair.

OJ hits a neckbreaker then hits a backcracker to win.

Thoughts: It was a boring match here. OJ did nothing but the basics and Funaki didn't do much back.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't a very interesting show.  There were some recaps and stuff that weren't aired in this version of the show. We had three squashes and 2 superstar vs superstar matches. Basham/Hansen was the best thing on here and OJ/Funaki was the most boring thing on here. Kendrick and London had a few nice double team moves and we saw early versions of Ivar and Tomasso Ciampa. I would not recommend this one.

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