Friday, August 16, 2024

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/12/2024 N-1 Victory 2024 Day 5

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/12/2024 N-1 Victory 2024 Day 5

Day 4 is here:

Daga & Kai Fujimura vs. Titus Alexander & Yu Owada

Daga nails Yu from behind then spinning heel kicks him. Yu hiptosses and armdrags him. Yu is popped up and dropkicks Daga. Titus shoulders Daga over then hits a nice dropkick. Daga trips him and superkicks him. Daga backdrops him for 2.

Daga leg lariats Titus then Kai flipping sentons Titus. Kai 2nd rope dropkicks Titus for 2. Titus suplexes Kai. Kai takes a double back elbow and a double elbow drop for 2. Yu is tripped by Daga outside and thrown into the post. Daga drops Yu on the apron edge face first.

Daga suplexes Yu. Kai works Yu's arm. Daga codebreakers Yu's arm. Daga back elbows him. Kai hiptosses Yu then half-crabs him. Daga stomps Yu. Yu 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him. Titus is tagged in and top rope splashes Daga. Titus handspring cutters Daga for 2.

Daga cradles Titus for 2. Yu stops Titus from getting a double suplex. Titus and Yu hit stereo dropkicks then Titus tope con hilos outside. Kai sunset flips Titus for 2 then cradles him. Kai rolls him up then Titus hits a half-nelson slam for 2. Yu top rope dropkicks Daga. Titus flying knees Kai then hits a chaos theory german to win.

Thoughts: The work was fine but the structure wasn't that good. Yu got worked on but there was no hot tag segment and they ended up losing whatever heat they were going to get on the comback. This one also went on too long for an opener.

AMAKUSA, Eita & Ninja Mack vs. HAYATA, Tadasuke & YO-HEY

Yo and Eita go at it. Eita side headlocks him and shoulders him over. They trade armdrags and pin attempts. Ama and Haya go at it. Ama flying headscissors him. Mack and Tada get in. MAck side headlock takeovers him. Maka throws him down by the arm. Tada headscissors him and Mack armlocks him. Mack does a fireman's carry takeover. Tada armdrags him.

Tada shoulders him over then Mack hiptosses him over the top. Mack goes for his ninja special and is hit by Haya on the attempt. Yo snapmares Mack the basement dropkicks him. Yo chinlocks Mack. Mack fights back. Haya rolls over his back and Mack flips over his back. Mack kips down and up. Haya step up enzugiry's him. Tada 2nd rope double axe handles Mack.

Tada headbutts Mack. Mack goes up and over then germans him. Ama gets in. Ama 2nd rope diving headscissors Tada. Ama walks up the buckles and does a diving armdrag and headscissors combo. He then corkscrew topes out. Ama tornillos off the top onto Tada. Tada double lariats Ama and Eita.

Yo top rope dropkicks Eita. Yo cutters him for 2. Eita sends Haya into Yo then Mack hits both. Mack does his ninja special onto Haya outside. Yo spin kicks Eita then Eita criss cross boots him. Eita powerbombs Yo off the jumping meteora. Eita then wins with a z360 on Yo.

It was an okay juniors tag. They didn't overdo it. We got a couple of highlights but it wasn't anything memorable.

Daga challenges Amakusa to a Jr Title match and says he deserves another shot. They shake on it. Daga then boots him and double underhooks him onto his knees.

Hi69 & Super Crazy vs. Hajime Ohara & Hitoshi Kumano

A media personality named Kimiko Yamada gives Ohara flowers and cash envelope. She congratulates him on his 20th Anniversary in wrestling. She makes some jokes and has a ton of charisma.

Crazy shoulder throws Ohara and armdrags him. Crazy tries to pose on the ropes but slips. Ohara hiptosses him. They trade armdrags and Crazy goes out. 69 side headlocks Kumano and shoulders him over. Kumano shoulders him over.

69 takes a double back elbow then is chinlocked on the ropes. 69 throws Ohara then basement dropkicks him in the back of the neck. Crazy throws Ohara into the rails. Kumano is thrown into the rails. Ohara chest chops 69. Crazy boots 69 from the apron then foot chokes him. Crazy surfboards Ohara.

Ohara hits a step up enzugiri and Kumano is tagged in. Kumano shoulders over Crazy then suplexes 69. Kumano suplexes Crazy. Crazy back elbows him and hits a corkscrew elbow drop. 69 asai moonsaults Kumano. Kumano backbreakers 69.

Ohara gets tagged in and shotgun dropkicks 69. He basement dropkicks him. Ohara tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Ohara russian legsweeps him and pulls on the leg. Crazy breaks it up. Ohara is popped up into a spinning back elbow and 69 spinning back elbows him. 69 running knees Ohara.

69 top rope splashes Ohara for 2. Kumano running lariats 69. Ohara backbreakers 69 for 2. Ohara then grabs the arm and hits a tequila sunrise on 69. He submits him.

It was an average tag. I would have just skipped the part with Ohara taking offense and just let him be the one who is hot tagged in.

Crazy talks to Ohara on the mic after. Ohara thanks everyone after.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block A Match - Kaito Kiyomiya vs. Dragon Bane

They start off fast and roll over each other. KK flying headscissors him but Bane flips out. Bane dropkicks him out then tope con hilos him. KK limps after and struggles to get in. They pose at each other.

Kaito throws him over and grabs an armlock then Bane headsicssors him. KK headstands off of it. Kaito flying crossbodies him. KK slams and elbow drops him. They trade shots and Bane goes down. Bane springboard euros him then handspring back elbows him. Bane hits a standing moonsault for 2.

They trade chops. KK dropkicks him. KK tope con hilos him over the ropes. KK top rope dropkicks him then Bane blocks his shining wizard. Bane hits kicks then slingshot ddt's him on the apron. Bane top rope ssp's him for 2.

KK flying knees him and shining wizards him for 2. Bane hits a standing spanish fly and poisonrana's him for 2. KK high shining wizards him. KK then twisting shining wizards him off the buckles. KK hits another shining wizard and wins it. 

Thoughts: It was a junior heavyweight match here with an indy style to it. Kaito tried to get some structure to this but Dragon Bane just wanted to do his usual indy stuff.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block B Match - Kenoh vs. Tavion Heights

They do some mat wrestling and Ken slides out in shock. Tav waistlock takedowns him and wrestles him down again. Ken goes out and Tav goes after him. Tav clubs on him. Ken throws him into the rails for a facekick.

Ken hits chest kicks outside. Tav throws him off his shoulders then karelin's lifts him. Tav hits forearms and euros then knee chokes him on the ropes. Ken flying double knees him then 2nd rope double knee drops him.

Tav hits a nice capture suplex for 2. Ken germans him. Tav no sells it then takes a dragon suplex. Tav no sells it and hits a big lariat. Tav powerslams him for 2. Tav belly to belly suplexes him and headbusters him for 2.

Ken high kicks him. Ken misses a top rope double stomp and Tav belly to belly suplexes him for the upset win.

Thoughts: Big time upset here. I'm pretty shocked by it. Tav had a good performance here with explosive suplexes and slams and people really put him over for this one. Ken did his part as well. I liked it and I think they are going to be able to have an even better match 2-3 years down the line when Tav improves. While I do think Tav is putting on a good show so far, I do think he is getting overhyped.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block A Match - Masa Kitamiya vs. Josh Briggs

JB has a skull and neck bone on his jacket now. I think he has some new pants too. JB pulls him down on the lock-up. They shoulder battle and Masa knocks him over. Masa sentons him. JB side slams him into a splash.

They trade shots outside. Masa is sent into the post. JB trips him and hits shots to the back. JB throws him into the buckles and talks trash. Masa hulks up and is slammed. JB misses an elbow drop. Masa bangs JB's head off the mat and bulldogs him.

JB sidewalk slams him for 2. They trade forearms then JB top rope lariats him. Masa drops him on the knees then spears him. Masa prison locks him. Masa hits a piledriver for 2. 

JB throws him off the buckles and Masa no sells it. JB rolls off his backdrop attempt then Masa suplexes him. They trade forearms. JB hits a big boot and Masa hits double chops. JB throws him into the buckles then does a chokebomb. JB hits a lariat and wins it.

Thoughts: I liked it. I didn't think it was as good as it could have been since these two aren't too far off style wise. I think they did what they were supposed to but there maybe was potential to do something great that they didn't quite hit. It was a hoss style match here.

GHC Tag Team Title Match - Naomichi Marufuji & Takashi Sugiura (c) vs. Shuhei Taniguchi & Shuji Ishikawa

Sugi trips Shuhei twice and they battle over a gutwrench. Shuji and Maru go at it. Maru chops him. Shuji shoulders him over. Shuhei boots Maru in the corner. Maru is on the top rope and double chopped down to the floor. They fight around the apron and Shuhei takes a pumping knee.

Sugi hits boots on Shuhei then takes forearms. Sugi kicks him in the back and Shuhei hits forearms. Sugi facekicks him. Shuhei powerslams Sugi then Shuji shoulders Sugi over. Shuji slams Maru.

Sugi is laid on the 2nd rope then Shuji running knees him. Shuji double stomps him and they trade forearms. Sugi hits forearms to the gut and knees him in the gut. Maru boots him out of the corner. Maru claps Shuji's ears and Shuji dragon suplexes him. Shuji running knees him for 2.

Maru hook kicks Shuji in the head. Shuji lariats him over. Maru hits pumping knees. Shuhei corner lariats Maru and slams him. Shuhei slams Sugi onto Maru. Shuhei then slams Shuji onto Maru. 

Maru and Shuhei trade. Maru spin kicks him then Shuhei chokeslams him for 2. Maru hook kicks and pumping knees him then Shuhei lariats him over. Sugi corner running knees Shuhei then 2nd rope delayed suplexes him. Shuhei takes shots and is dropped with a knee to the head. Maru goes for a shiranui and Shuji catches him with a fire thunder.

Shuhei hits a big running lariat on Sugi. Shuhei half-nelson suplexes Sugi. Shuhei headbutts Sugi in the back of the head and rolls him into a pin attempt. Sugi then rolls into an ankle lock on him. Sugi then taps him out with it.

Thoughts: If it had happened about 10 years earlier, it would have been great. It might have been better in front of another crowd too. I liked this and thought they put on a good show with lots of hard strikes. I like Taniguchi so it's always nice to see him get to do something that isn't a pointless throwaway trios match. The fire thunder off the shiranui attempt was  a great spot

Mohammad Yone comes out and goes up to Akitoshi Saito after. Saito says he wants another shot at the tag titles before he retired. Sugi says Yone/Saito have protected the tag titles over the years too and they agree to a match.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block A Match - Jack Morris vs. Ryohei Oiwa

They lock up and Jack poses. Oiwa shoulders him over then Jack dropkicks him. Oiwa armdrags and dropkicks him. Oiwa side headlocks him. Jack hiptosses him and Oiwa upkicks him. Oiwa side headlock takeovers him. Oiwa trips him into a crossface.

Oiwa bulldogs and splashes him for 2. Jack topes him outside. Jack top rope splashes Oiwa's back for 2. Jack snapmares him and low dropkicks him. Jack cobra twists him.

Oiwa hiptosses him and suplexes him. Oiwa corner dropkicks him then back body drops him. Oiwa hits a nice dropkick and headflips up. Oiwa slams him and hits a falling splash. Jack flying knees him then Oiwa lariats him. Oiwa gutwrenches him for 2.

Jack step up enzugiri's him off the apron then topes him over the rails. Oiwa 2nd rope gutwrench suplexes him for 2. Oiwa germans him for 2. Jack hits a headscissors off a gutwrench attempt and spinebusters him. Jack hits a tiger driver. 

Jack flying knees him for 2 then hits another. Oiwa then gets a backslide and wins.

Thoughts: It was a long one with a slow pace in front of a quiet crowd. Oiwa had a good showing here just mastering the basics. Jack didn't bring a ton to this and was pretty average. The finish was too sudden and just didn't fit this.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block B Match - Manabu Soya vs. Yoshiki Inamura

They stare down. They lock up and YI backs him up on the ropes. YI shoulders him over and stomps him. Soya shoulders him over.

YI hits forearms and Soya back elbows him. Soya headscissors him. YI hits forearms and is chopped. YI flying back elbows him for 2. Soya does something like a vader bomb for 2. YI suplexes him. Soya flying lariats him.

Soya bulldogs him for 2. Soya hits a stiff neckbreaker for 2. Soya hits chops then YI slams him. Soya hits double chops then YI shoulders him over. Soya shoulders him over and they shoulder battle more. They then knock each other over at the same time with with a double shoulder.

YI lariats him over for 2. YI pounces him then hits a belly to belly suplex for 2. YI splashes him then powerslams him for 2. Soya lariats him from behind then sleepers him. Soya dragon sleepers him.

Soya hits a big lariat for 2 then suplexes him for 2. Soya running lariats him for 2. Soya hits lariats to the back and the front then YI muso slams him for 2. YI shoulders him over then flying battering ram headbutts him for 2. Soya death valley drivers him for 2. YI muso's him for the win.

Thoughts: It was a long hoss match here. It was all lariats, strikes and shoulderblocks.  The match was very slow though, in front of a quiet crowd and was just too long. They did the right things and made good of the situation but it was the wrong show and crowd for it. I still did like it and thought it was good.

Inamura says he hasn't given up and doesn't want to lose this. He says he sees an N-1 Victory win ahead of him.

Overall thoughts: This was a long NOAH show. I liked the Kenoh/Heights match, the tag match was mostly good and the main had issues but I still did like it some. The crowd got tired and hurt some of the matches and they weren't super loud to being with. I liked it overall but some things should have been cut from this one.

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