Saturday, August 31, 2024

AEW Collision 8/31/2024

AEW Collision 8/31/2024

Last week's show is here:

Hologram, Orange Cassidy and Kyle O'Reilly vs Lee Moriarty, The Beast Mortos and and Johnny TV

Kyle and JTV start us off. They duck kicks and Kyle hip throws him. Kyle goes for an armbar and JTV ropebreaks. Kyle knees JTV in the gut and kneedrops him. OC then goes for a pin. Holo monkey flips JTV.

Lee and OC get in. Lee armdrags and armlocks him. Lee wristlocks him. OC wristlocks him then Lee takes him down by the wrist and splits his fingers. Holo tilt-a-whirl armdrags Lee. Lee clubs Holo's back and they try pins. Holo rolls him up then dropkicks him. Mort crucifix bombs Holo then double shoulders over the other faces.

Mort takes a satellite headscissors from Holo. Lee goes for a submission on Holo and we end up getting a 4 person sleeper spot. Mort then shoulders over OC and breaks the chain.  Mort tornillo topes his partners on accident then Kyle flying knees Mort off the apron. OC topes Mort then Holo does a top rope flip dive onto everyone. 

We go to PiP break and return. OC pulls JTV over the top. Kyle hits knees to Lee's gut and legsweeps him. Kyle stirke combos JTV and hits forearms on Mort. Mort slaps him and takes a flying knee. Mort spinning lariats him. Mort slingblade bulldogs Kyle then powerslams him.

Holo is bakc body dropped into a headscissors on JTV. Holo spin kicks Mort in the head, does a bounce off the ropes from his shoulders and headscissors Mort. Holo does an assisted springboard from Lee and JTV on accident then Mort spears him down. Kyle hits kicks on Mort while OC does weak kicks.

OC stunners Mort out of the suplex. JTV takes a high/low then Mort pop-up samoan drops Kyle. OC ddt's Mort then hits an orange punch. Lee germans OC then shotgun dropkicks Kyle. Lee hits a double tope outside then JTV does a samoan drop on Holo. Holo 2nd rope flipping russian legsweeps JTV. Then Holo crucifixes JTV and wins.

It was a little long for an opener but it was an entertaining match. We had lots of flying and cool spots here and it made up for OC's usual goofing off. It was just a nice collection of different wrestlers.

The Bang Bang Gang (The Gunn's and Juice Robinson) vs The Premier Athletes (Josh Woods, Ari Daivari and Tony Nese)

Smart Mark Sterling introduces his crew. He says someone said episodes of Collision with The Athletes on it are the best episodes. He says his crew are stars and act and walk like stars.

Tony backs Austin up in the corner then Ari does the same. Woods hits a shot on Austin then Austin grabs him by the ears. Woods decks Austin with a shot then The Athletes double stomp on Austin. Woods overhead throws Austin. Nese pulls Austin's throat down over the top and Ari lariats Austin.

Ari and Nese pound on Austin together. Austin hiptoss neckbreakers Ari. Juice gets in and hits punches on Woods and then Nese. Juice spinebusters Woods then full-nelson slams Nese. Woods planchas Ari outside. Colt splashes Woods and Nese then does a euro step neckbreaker on Nese.

Mark distracts Nese on the apron and Nese is thrown into Mark. Woods takes a 310 to Yuma and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a shorter but fast paced tag. I liked it but wish it would have gotten more time. They did a good job with the little time they had. I think The Athletes are better than getting jobbed out like this though.

We see Mone talking on Friday at the NJPW show. She said she lost an eyelash from Momo Watanabe. She says the Stardom women are strong but she's the CEO and the best at what she does. She challenges anyone to come find her and be like her. She says they will never be as rich as her.

Hikaru Shida talks. She says she will be a champ again and said the world finds out what that means. She says she will go out on top tonight. 

FTR vs Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett)

Matt armdrags Dax early. Dax shoulders him over then hiptosses him. Matt trips him and walks on his back. Dax chops him down then Matt is picked up by his hair by FTR and thrown down. Cash takes a 2nd rope dropkick from Matt. Matt takes a double back body drop and Mike is back body dropped onto Matt outside. 

Dax back rolls Mike then is sent into the post by Taven. We go to PiP break and return. Dax armdrags Matt and fights out of the corner. Dax cradles Matt, teases a punch and ddt's him when he ducks. Cash gets in and hits lariats. He dropkicks Mike and euros Matt and Mike.

Dax goes up and over then flying lariats Mike. Mike spinning forearms Cash. Cash hits a top rope double diving clothesline on his opponents. FTR hit stereo germans. Dax germans Mike and Cash jack knife pins him for 2.

Mike crossbodies Dax then Dax is eye raked by Matt. Mike rolls up Dax for 2. Dax takes a death valley driver and running knee for 2. Mike takes a shatter machine then Matt takes a powerplex. Matt then gets pinned.

It was a good tag here as expected. They kept it moving, had some nice spots and Matt/Mike didn't look out of place at all here. I'd like to see this one again.

The Grizzled Young Vets attack FTR after and hit a high/low on Dax. Drake says this is where the best wrestle and that's why they are here. Gibson said they were forced to live under FTR's shadow for years. They say they are here to stay and say we will only remember their name when they are done. 

Thunder Rosa says she's back and laughs when she hears various girls say they are the ace of the women's division.

We see Lance Archer beating up random people backstage. He grabs the camera and says everybody dies.

Top Flight, Action Andretti and Lio Rush vs The Iron Savages, Jacked Jameson and Turbo Floyd

AA flips over Jacked's back and dropkicks him. Boulder shoulders over AA. Lio is wearing Top Flight gear and tags in. Boulder shoulders him over. Bronson shoulders Darius. Darius goes up and over then Bronson takes a triple team that knocks him over. Boulder comes in and cleans house.

Dante tags in and lariats Jacked. Dante airplane spins Jacked and jumping knees him. Dante kicks Bronson in the gut then airplane spins him. AA jumps off Dante's back and dropkicks Bronson.

Dante jumping knees Boulder. Boulder takes a 4 person suplex in a cool spot. Turbo gets in and punches all 4 opponents. Lio hits a tope on Bronson outside. Darius hits a flatliner off the botom rope and Dante top rope frogsplashes Jacked to win.

Thoughts: It was quick and a bit messy early. Everyone got in before they could get any momentum. The four person suplex spot was cool and they squeezed as much cool stuff as they could in here, so I did like it. I'm not sure why Truth Magnum was not wrestling here.

Queen Aminata and Serena Deeb are interviewed. Queen says she was in the ring with everyone tonight. Deeb says she has too but she's beaten everyone. She said she doesn't like Rosa or Shida but likes queen. She says Queen is not ready though. Deeb asks her to work with her tonight. 

Kyle Fletcher vs Tomohiro Ishii

Don Callis is on commentary. They shoulder battle and trade forearms. They shoulder battle again and Ishii shoulders him over. Ishii hits chops. Kyle slams him. Kyle hits corner punches then Ishii hits big shoulderblock on him. Kyle superkicks him then brainbusters him on the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. They trade forearms and Kyle is knocked down. Ishii corner lariats Kyle then suplexes him. Ishii backdrops him for 2. Kyle leg lariats him off the apron then topes him.

Kyle half-nelson suplexes him. Ishii no sells it. Ishii germans him. Kyle no sells it. They trade spinning strikes and Kyle sitout powerbombs him. Kyle superkicks and lariats Ishii. Ishii headbutts him then hits a big lariat for 2.

Kyle lawn darts Ishii into the 2nd buckle. Ishii top rope hurricanrana's Kyle. Ishii sliding lariats Kyle for 2. Kyle brainbusters Ishii for 2. Kyle superkicks him then lariats him. Kyle tombstones Ishii for 2 then does his forward piledriver and wins.

Thoughts: They did way too much here and didn't sell anything. Ishii took some awful looking head bumps here and I don't know how he avoided injury.

Pac is interviewed. He said he is not content even though he had his Wembley moment. He says it's a crock of crap that good things come to those who wait. He says he's tired of waiting. He said he'd fight Will if he had his way. He said they should get partners and face each other on Dynamite though. Kyle O'Reilly and Orange Cassidy come in. Kyle is on the phone and tries to give it to Pac then Pac slaps the phone down. OC gives it to Kyle. It sounds like Kyle and OC will be teaming with Will against Pac, Yuta and CC.

Buddy Matthews vs Komander

Buddy wristlocks him and yanks his arm. Kom wristlocks him. Buddy side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Kom walks up the buckles and twisting crossbodies him. Kom is caught then headscissors buddy out. Kom springboard dropkicks Buddy. Kom topes him, gets caught and is suplexed on the floor. We go to PiP break, full break and return. They fight on the apron. Buddy knees him in the chin. Kom hurricanrana spikes him over the middle rope. Kom hits leg kicks and is euro'd down. Kom hits a punch. Buddy hits kicks, stomps his foot then takes a superkick. Kom step up enzugiri's him then Kom poisonrana's him. Kom topes Buddy.

Kom is caught on an asai moonsault but hits a spinning ddt out of it. Buddy is legswept on the ropes. Kom springboards and takes a pumping knee. Buddy then picks up the win with a death valley driver type of move.

Thoughts: The outcome was never in doubt. I liked it and thought they matched up well together.

Brody comes down to congratulate Buddy. MxM Collection get on the tron. They say next week is fashion week and they will make a fashion statement, turning them into The House of Black and Blue. Mansoor says they will send them back to hell where they belong. They say next week is fashion week and say "Friday Night Fashion Fight". Buddy says it's their funeral. Brody looked like he had new chest tattoos here. 

#1 Contender to the TBS Title - Thunder Rosa vs Queen Aminata vs Serena Deeb vs Hikaru Shida

They try a 3 person lock up. Deeb is pushed into 2 others then Shida forearms all 3. Shida step up enzugiri's Deeb. She puts 3 girls in the corner and hits a flying knee. Shida hits corner punches on Queen.

Rosa and Deeb stare down face to face. Deeb hits euros and they trade slaps. Rosa hits a northern lights suplex for 2. Queen suplexes Rosa then germans her. Shida throws Queen out. Shida facekicks Deeb.

Queen and Deeb hit a suplex together on Shida and Rosa. We go to PiP break and return. Queen suplexes Rosa then suplexes Shida. Queen hip attacks Rosa and Shida in the corners. Queen facekicks both in the corners. Deeb lariats Queen and Rosa.

Deeb lariats Shida. Deeb neckbreakers Rosa over the 2nd rope. Deeb dragon screws Shida then swinging neckbreakers Queen. Deeb single leg crabs Shida. Rosa basement dropkicks Deeb. Rosa backcrackers Queen then dropkicks Shida and Queen against the bottom rope.

Deeb trips Rosa and falls back on an indian deathlock on her while suplexing Shida. Deeb rebound germans Shida then pepsi twists her. Rosa neckbreakers Deeb. Queen forearms Rosa down. Shida flying knees Queen.

Rosa and Shids are rolled up together. Shida and Rosa trade chest forearms. Rosa germans Shida then Shida running knees her. Rosa top rope hurricanrana's Shida then superkicks Queen. Rosa death valley drivers Shida for 2. Deeb hits a nasty forward piledribver on Rosa and nearly breaks her neck. Queen hits kicks on Deeb.

Queen headbutts Deeb. Shida backslides Queen for 2 then hits a chest forearm. Shida brazilian kicks Queen then hits a spinning katana knee to win.

Thoughts: It was a four way. It could have been a little cleaner and that Rosa piledriver looked deadly. I thought it needed a bit more time but it wasn't that bad.

Overall thoughts: It was a heavy wrestling show with not so much going on storyline wise. The wrestling was good though so I thought it was a good episode.

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