Saturday, August 31, 2024

TNA Xplosion 8/23/2024

TNA Xplosion 8/23/2024

Last week's show is here:

Sami Callihan vs XYON

They lock up and Xyon shoves him back. He does a haka pose then Sami does one back. Sami runs into him and is shouldered over. They shove each other. Sami headbutts him then Xyon is pulled over the top. Sami clubs Xyon's chest over the top rope.

Xyon pulls Sami's throat down over the top and hits a big clothesline. Xyon hits mounted punches and chokes him. Xyon boots him and Sami gives him a thumbs down. Xyon headbutt drops him.

Sami lariats him down. Xyon puts the ref in the way and hits shots on Sami. Xyon death valley drivers Sami for 2. Xyon misses a top rope headbutt. Sami does a short piledriver on Xyon and wins.

It was short and nothing special. Xyon had a better outing here than last time but didn't do much outside of the basics. Sami won as expected.

Around The Ring with Gia Miller

Gia Miller interviews Jai Vidal. Jai says he's a baddie. He says he loves reality tv shows like Bad Girls Club and Baddies. Jai talks about Bad Girls Club. Gia says they should do a wrestling version of it. Gia calls him an honorary knockout. Jai says he's the male knockout. Jai says he's pretty and would be the one everyone is jealous of on a reality tv show. Jai says there's a Bad Boys show too and he wants to be on it. 

Masha Slamovich vs Dani Luna 

Jodi is with Dani and Masha has Alisha with her. They lock up. Dani wristlocks her. Masha rolls, cartwheels and headflips out then armdrags her. Dani headscissors her. Masha side headlocks her then Dani side headlock takeovers her. Masha throws her down by the arm and kicks her in the arm.

Dani hits corner lariats and a suplex. Dani sliding lariats her for 2. Masha pulls Dani's throat down over the top rope. Masha hits kicks to the arm and throws Dani down by the arm.

Masha knees Dani in the gut then kimura suplexes her. Masha pulls on Dani's hair while hooking the arm. Dani is thrown into the buckles shoulder first. Masha armbars her. Masha hits short arm lariats then Dani suplexes her. 

Dani hits forearms then flying kicks Masha. Dani running lariats Masha then hits a slingshot blue thunder for 2. Masha gets a 2 count on Dani and hits knees to the arm. Dani rolls her up for 2 and facekicks her. Dani hits a wheelbarrow german on her then powerbombs her for 2. Masha fujiwara armbars her then taps her out with a head and arm hold.

Thoughts: It was fine with Masha working the arm and eventually submitting her with it. Dani's offensive section wasn't that good here though and almost brought it down.

Overall thoughts: There were 2 new matches and a new interview segment here. The main was okay and Sami/Xyon was very basic. The less said about the interview segment, the better. I wouldn't recommend this.

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