Saturday, August 31, 2024

TNA Emergence 2024 8/31/2024

TNA Emergence 2024 8/31/2024

TNA X-Division Title Ultimate X Match - Mike Bailey (c) vs. Laredo Kid vs. Hammerstone vs. Zachary Wentz vs. Riley Osborne vs. Jason Hotch

Hotch goes for the title early. Hammer takes triple superkicks then Kid is thrown into a headscissors on him. Riley and Kid do topes outside then Hotch tope con hilos Wentz. Hammer pushes Hotch off the top, making his head bang off the apron. Mike hits a kick combo on Hammer then Hammer germans Mike. Hammer is pulled over the top. Mike gets caught on a plancha and is thrown into the ring. Hammer takes a double baseball slide.

We get a tower of doom spot off the apron onto Hammer. Wentz hits a cutter off the buckles. Wentz and Mike climb the pole. Mike is kicked off of it but does a moonsault onto wrestlers outside.

5 men climb the cables but all end up going down. Mike hits shots on everyone. Wentz hits a handspring into a jumping knee on mike. Riley is belly to belly suplexed from inside to out onto Mike. Hammer 2nd rope gorilla presses Kid onto people outside.

Hotch low blows Hammer then does a spinning sitout torture rack bomb. Kid uses the cables to top rope hurricanrana Hotch. Riley swings off the cables into an SSP onto people. Mike hits ultimate weapon onto Riley.

Wentz and Mike fight while hanging from the cables. Mike is knocked off the cables and Wentz wins the match.

Thoughts: Wentz was not my pick to win here. Mike has not been a champ for long and I don't know if I really get the title switch Wentz also may be losing at the NXT PPV, which would hurt him.. Riley winning would have been more fun. The match was entertaining as expected. We had some creative spots and it was a good opener.

Josh Alexander is interviewed. He said the iron man match should be called his match as he won the only other iron man match they had. He says this is his match. He says Nick will get embarrassed tonight and says he will show that Nick doesn't have what it takes to cut it in TNA. He says he needs that championship and it belongs to him. 

Steve Maclin vs Eric Young

They lock up and stare down. Eric shoulders him over and bangs Steve's head off the buckles. Steve boots and chops him in the corner and Eric hits some shots back. Steve hits chops then Eric rakes Steve's eyes on the top rope. Steve olympic slams Eric for 2.

Eric hits punches and lariats Steve. Eric then does a high angle death valley driver. Eric is put in tree of woe and Steve does his caught in the crosshairs spear. Steve uranage backbreakers Eric. Steve hits another caught in the crosshairs spear for 2.

They trade shots and double clothesline each other. Eric lets Steve get a shot in. Steve drops him with a big forearm and talks trash. Eric starts to power up and takes his free shot on Steve as Steve lets him hit him. They butt heads and hockey fight. Steve flying knees him out then Steve misses a tope, going hard into the floor and ramp.

Eric bites him then hits a top rope elbow drop. Eric piledrivers him for 2. Eric goes for another piledriver and Steve jack knife pins him.

Thoughts: It was just average here and nothing too special. Steve's missed tope looked really brutal. They tried to put some emotion and rivalry into this one but I don't think it was promoted well enough for the crowd to get it.

They shake hands after.

Nic Nemeth is interviewed. Nic says he made it along 20 years stealing the show, but right now, it's about being the best. He says he knows what Josh is capable of. He says this is Josh's match. Nic says he can see that he can see Josh winning this but he says he wants to look him in the eyes and beat him at his own game. Nic says no matter times you hit him, he (Nic) gets up and stares you straight in the eyes. He says it's time for him to get up and leave TNA champ.

Jordynne Grace and Spitfire vs Ash By Elegance, Alisha Edwards and Masha Slamovich

They all hockey fight and Ash's team is thrown out. Jody is double back body dropped onto her opponents outside. She lands partially on Alisha and knocks Alisha out Dani topes opponents outside. Grace goes for a dive on Alisha but Alisha is knocked out and the spot is awkwardly cancelled.

The rest of the girls fight outside. Grace goes to pin Ash inside but the ref is checking on Alisha and can't count. Grace spinning guillotine drops Ash. Alisha is being checked on by medical staff outside as they awkwardly try to continue the match.

Jodi hits corner lariats on Ash and exploders her. Alisha is being carried to the back. Ash takes a triple team powerbomb for 2. Masha suplexes Dani then hits snapmares anda kick to the back. Ash cartwheel back elbows Dani in the corner then Dani suplexes Ash.

Grace gets in and hits shots and a slam on Masha. Grace spinning back elbows her then hits a muscle buster for 2. Jodi double knees Masha on the ropes for 2. Masha suplexes Jodi into the buckles. 

Ash suplexes Jodi then misses a top rope swanton. Jodi hits an F-5 on Ash and wins.

Alisha got injured early here and it just destroyed the whole match. It was hard to get into it after that and the match wasn't that good anyway. It also went longer than it needed to. The match should have just ended with the injury.

PCO and Steph De Lander talk in the back. Steph says she will see Matt Cardona on Thursday when she confronts him.

TNA Tag Titles - ABC (c) vs First Class (AJ Francis and KC Navarro)

Rich Swann is suspended due to getting a DUI, so KC Navarro is now a member of First Class and takes his spot here. Substitutions are honestly the norm with TNA PPV's these days and I'm starting to expect them at this point.

AJ wants a test of strength with Ace and Ace just punches him. Ace hits strikes and AJ shoulders him over. Bey gets in and kicks AJ in the corner. Bey corner spears AJ and flips over his back. Bey dropkicks him then AJ shoulders him over. Bey is whipped into a kick from AJ.

Bey chops KC. KC goes up and over then flips over his back. KC headscissors Bey and trips him into the ropes. KC slingshot kicks him on the apron. Bey backbreakers KC and hits a big lariat. KC takes a double japanese armdrag into a double basement dropkick. Ace uses Bey's back to kick KC. KC is tripped into a double stomp from Bey. AJ pulls Bey by the hair and foot. Bey throws KC out and AJ catches KC. Bey is caught on a dive by AJ. KC enzugiri's Bey on the apron then hits mounted punches. 

Bey is caught off the 2nd rope by AJ but hits a ddt off of it. Ace and KC get in. Ace hits lariats and a russian legsweep. Ace legdrops KC. Ace suplexes KC then high kicks AJ. Ace puts AJ on his back and both fall over due to AJ's weight.

AJ attitude adjustments AJ and drives KC's head into the mat with his feet for 2. KC takes a backdrop + top rope lariat. AJ hits a double suplex on his opponent. Ace springboard dropkicks AJ. 

AJ hits a chokeslam on Bey but he isn't the legal man on the pin attempt. Ace hits the fold on AJ then KC hits a standing sliced bread on Bey. He celebrates then Bey rolls him up and pins him.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good and they just didn't hit things as clean as they should have. They didn't really have the time and it was hard to buy that AJ and KC were winning. AJ and KC losing on their debut as a team isn't a good intro to them.

Jeff Hardy, Joe Hendry, Matt Hardy & Mike Santana vs. The System (Brian Myers, Eddie Edwards, JDC & Moose)

The Hardy's got put in Joe's video and were added to the song which was cool. Joe then did the delete taunt with them.

The System stall to start. Mike hits shots on JDC and bangs his head off the buckles. Mike flying back elbows JDC in the corner then hits corner punches. Mike lariats all his opponents. JDC boots Mike then Mike backdrops JDC.

Matt corner splashes JDC then Mike jumps off of Matt's back to hit JDC. Jeff then does it off of Mike's back. Matt elbow drops JDC. Eddie boots and elbows Matt. Matt hits forearms and punches on Eddie. Eddie takes a double suplex then 3 faces double suplex 2 heels. Joe and The Hardy's then do Joe's turn around pose together.

Mike hits chops on Eddie. Mike fights off The System and hits a double dropkick off the buckles. Mike throws JDC over the top onto The System. Mike then walks up the buckles and flip dives outside.  Mike hits doi fives and a Doi sliding kick.

The 2 teams stare down and hockey fight in the ring. Mike stomps on Eddie. Mike holds Eddie and Matt 2nd rope elbows Eddie. Matt is hit from behind by Eddie. JDC hits punches on Matt. Moose foot chokes Matt. Matt neckbreakers Brian.

Jeff atomic drops Brian then legdropkicks him in the gut. Jeff elbow drops him. Jeff hits a whisper in the wind on JDC and Eddie then pulls Moose over the top. Jeff hits a twist of fate on Brian.

Jeff is held and Eddie knee drops Jeff. Eddie hits mounted punches. Moose stops Jeff from making a tag and Eddie stomps on Jeff. JDC eye rakes him. Moose hits some shots on Jeff. Jeff hits a twist of fate on Moose. Joe and Eddie get in. Joe beats up on him then hits a fallaway slam. Eddie boots him out of the corner then misses a 2nd rope splash. Joe fallaway slams JDC then sends Brian into JDC. 

Joe fallaway slams Eddie. Moose tries a walk up the buckles into a diving cutter but Joe moves. Joe pop-up powerbombs Eddie for 2. Joe and Eddie double clothesline each other. Everyone starts hitting their signature/finishing moves. Jeff top rope swantons Brian then JDC falcon arrows Jeff. Joe hits a standing ovation on JDC. Matt hits a twist of fate on Eddie and is pulled out on the pin. Matt twists of fate Moose on the outside. Eddie hits a low blow + shining wizard on Matt when Matt gets back in and pins him.

It was fine but went longer than it needed to. I didn't love either team really losing here but maybe it will lead to someone down next time.

Moose says he's coming for the winner of tonight's title match.

TNA World Title - 60 Minute Iron Man Match - Nic Nemeth (c) vs. Josh Alexander

They do some technical and mat wrestling early. Nic hooks the leg and goes for a pin. Josh side headlocks him then Nic hammerlocks him. Josh throws Nic down then splits his fingers. Josh side headlock takeovers him. Nick flips out of a backdrop and dropkicks Josh. Josh immediately goes for the ankle lock and Nic ropebreaks. 

Josh side headlocks him and Nic headscissors him. The crowd sings, "I believe in Nic Nemeth". Josh shoulders him over. Josh chopblocks him, goes for the ankle lock and Nic rolls him up and pins him. Nick is up 1-0.

Josh chokes Nic on the ropes. Nic hits a chop flurry in the corner and corner punches him. Josh powerbombs him on the knee. Josh backbreakers Nic. Nic suplexes Josh.

Nic misses a splash and pulls the 2nd buckle off for some reason. Josh germans Nic. Josh knee drops the back. Nic hits punches to the gut and Nic is sent hard into the buckles chest first. Josh suplexes Nic then knees him in the gut.

Nic tries for a surprise pin and gets 2. Josh is thrown out. Josh chops Nic outside then Josh gets sent into the steps. Nic hits clotheslines on Josh then hits corner punches. Nic bites Josh's head and neckbreakers him. Nic hits elbow drops then slams him. Nic top rope elbow drops him and Josh gets a 2 count off of it by rolling Nic. They do some kickouts and Nic hits a fameasser for 2. Josh hits a big straight punch then Nic hits a danger zone for the pin. Nic is up 2-0.

Josh's head is banged off the buckles. Nic nekcbreakers Josh then does a bow and arrow. Nic snapmares him and hits an elbow drop for 2. Josh goes for the ankle lock and is kicked. Nic dropkicks him. They trade punches and forearms. The crowd chants for LA Knight, yeet's and does Road Dogg's "oh you didn't know" line. Josh hits many germans as we hit 30 minutes. Nic hits germans. Josh hits a german then takes another. Nic hits some shots then headbutts Josh. Josh's headgear falls off after the headbutt. Josh ankle locks him and Nic ropebreaks.

Josh leglocks Nic. Josh lariats Nic into the ref then exploders him. Josh sets a table up outside. Josh takes a back body drop on the apron. Josh rams Nic's back into the apron edge. Josh hits a spinning tombstone for 2. Josh punches Nic in the face with a weapon then hits a nasty C4 spike and pins him. Nic is still leading 2-1.

Josh hits another c4 spike and pins Nick. This is now tied 2-2. 

Josh goes for a 3rd pin in a row but Nic kicks out.  Nic sleepers him, Josh drops back to break it but Nic holds on. Josh climbs the ropes with Nic on his back and they fall over the ropes to the outside. Nic hits headbutts on Josh then Josh torture rack drops him on the floor. Nic back body drops Josh over the top rope through a table outside. They get back in and Josh hits a c4 spike for 2. Josh chops him outside then Nic hits a jumping ddt inside for 2.

They fight on the buckles. Nic superplexes Josh for 2 with 5 minutes remaining. They trade punches and Nic superkicks him for 2. Nic hits headbutts and Josh lawn darts him into the 2nd buckle. Josh hits a danger zone on Nic for 2. Nic gets out of a c4 spike and hits a danger zone. Nic then hits his own c4 spike to go up 3-2 with seconds remaining. Nic wins as the time runs out, 3 falls to 2.

Thoughts: I wasn't a fan of this. They didn't have a scoreboard up so you couldn't see what the score was or how much time was left for most of the match. It was a long match naturally with two of the more vanilla personalities in TNA. They didn't have any kind of story going here and it had an unusual format with the face having the lead the whole time and the heel having to be the one who caught up. This took a lot of the heat out of the match. The first half hour was really boring with them mostly doing rest holds (and the crowd chanting for WWE wrestlers) but the second half was better.

JBL of WWE fame comes out after. He says something to Nic and leaves.

Overall thoughts: It was your usual average TNA show. The main was a 60-minute long iron man match that just didn't deliver. The opening Ultimate X match was good and everyone stayed safe. The System tag was okay. The women's match was a disaster with Alisha getting hurt. Young/Maclin wasn't that special and the tag title match wasn't that good with KC Navarro having to sub for Rich Swann. I wouldn't recommend this.

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