Tuesday, August 27, 2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 8/26/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 8/26/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/08/wwe-monday-night-raw-8192024.html

We see various wrestlers arrive.

The Judgment Day come out. Liv says to all rise for The Judgment Day. JD says the beating Rhea and Priest took last week was a long time coming. Finn says Priest and Rhea are the bad guys, not them. Finn says they betrayed them and got what they deserved. Finn says it's a preview of what will happen at Bash at Berlin. Liv says her and Dom will always be on top.

Dom says he's entering the IC Title #1 Contender's Tournament and is winning the whole thing. Rey Mysterio and The LWO come out. Rey calls Dom a last soul and says he needs help. He said when he was atleast Rhea, one of them had a set.

Rey says someone needs to put Dom in his place and Dom said he disappeared for weeks after he beat him. Both groups get into a fight and LWO knocks the heels out of the ring. Dragon Lee is popped up and flip dives out to end the segment. 

The LWO (Rey Mysterio, Dragon Lee, Joaquin Wilde and Cruz del Toro) vs Judgment Day (Dominik Mysterio, Finn Balor, JD McDonaugh and Carlito)

This is joined in progress. Lee headscissors Fin then hits combinacion cabron. Rey bulldogs Finn offthe casadora. Carlito is tripped into the buckles. Cruz hits shots on Carlito. Cruz boots him out of the corner then springboard crossbodies him. Carlito takes a double back elbow then Wilde is hiptossed into the ropes for a splash on Carlito.

They mess up a spot and Carlito lariats Cruz. Carlito stomps on Wilde. Cruz fights off a 2v1 and hits a double dropkick. Wilde flying forearms JD then facebusters him. Wilde ddt's JD. Wilde is slingshoted outside onto the whole Judgment Day.

We go to break and return. Wilde takes offense off the ropes from the heels. JD armlocks Wilde. Rey gets in and hits lariats on Dom. Rey headscissors Dom then top rope la silla's him. Rey rolls out of a sunset flip and kicks Dom in the head. Rey sunset bombs Dom off the buckles. The LWO botch a double springboard spot.

Lee headscissors Finn over. Dom is back body dropped over the top then The LWO do criss-cross dives on everyone. Rey slingshot headscissors Dom then 619's him. Liv pulls Dom out of the way on Rey's top rope splash and Dom pins Rey.

Thoughts: They had a couple of botches here. It was fine just nothing too special. I liked the four person dive spot. I'm really not sure why The LWO was here since they are SD roster members.

The LWO is beaten up outside after. Priest and Rhea come out to make the save. Liv is sent into the rails, table and post. Liv get son Rhea's back as she goes after Dom then Judgment Day joins the fight. Rhea lariats JD and Priest lariats Dom. Rhea and Priest then hit moves on the Carlito and JD. 

The Miz is interviewed about the IC Title #1 Contender's Tournament. Jackie talks about how bad things have been for Miz lately. Miz says everytime he tried to do the right thing, things went wrong. He says he is tied for the most IC Title reigns of all time if he wins it again. Bronson Reed comes in. Reed brings out the odd history of this battle. He says once he maims Braun, he is coming back for Miz.

The New Day talk in the back. They are wearing different colors and Kofi asks about it. Kofi said they worked their issues out like grown man. Woods brings up Kofi not tagging him in last week. Woods says they both get shots at the IC Title #1 Contender's Tournament tonight. Kofi says they have two chances to bring the title to The New Day.

Pure Fusion Collective is interviewed by Cathy Kelly. They talk about some of the girls they injured. They tell Damage Ctrl to shoot their shot if they want to step up.

Pure Fusion Collective (Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler) vs Damage Ctrl (Iyo Sky and Kairi Sane)

Iyo flips over Zoey then Iyo is pulled out of the ring. Sonya nails Iyo outside but we don't see it. We go to break and return. Sane hits shots on SB then urakens her. Sane urakens Zoey. Sane botches a headscissors + takeover spot.

Sane spears her opponents in the corner and sliding D's SB. Sane top rope forearms SB for 2. SB slams Sane down then ankle locks her. SB running knees Sane then Zoey springboard dropkicks Sane. Zoey superkicks both opponents.

Zelina Vega comes out and pushes Sonya Deville into the post. Sane top rope elbow drops Zoey and wins.

Thoughts: The crowd was not into this at all and that made it hard for them to really do anything. It didn't click as it was supposed to anyway and Vega returning wasn't exactly a super exciting moment.

We get a Wyatt Sicks video. Bo says he stops to marvel at their accomplishments and nearly stepped on a serpent. He says he won't make that mistake again. Bo says the false profit Chad Gable tries to present himself as a loving shepherd when he's marching his lambs into wolves. He says that's blasphemy. He said they have given Chad chances and says his arrogance is like a beast. He says he accepts Chad's challenge. He says this is more than a reckoning, it's a purge.

Drew McIntyre comes out to talk. He's says it's great to be alive in Providence, RI. He says Punk sat on his arse while everyone else did the hard work. He says Punk is scared of him. He says Punk makes dumb decisions like challenging him to a strap match like an alcoholic, then sobered up and realized Drew will kill him. Drew says the fans chose nostalgia over the warrior who has always been there for the fans.

Drew says it's funny how the piece of trash bracelet causes so much to pain to Punk. He says he will lash Punk with the strap.

CM Punk comes out and hits Drew from behind with the strap. Drew hits shots Punk. Punk back body drops Drew on the table then hits him with the strap and punches him with it. Security then comes down to break it up. Drew runs away from Punk.

Braun Strowman talks about Reed. He said he thinks he's someone for putting Seth Rollins on the shelf. Braun says he isn't a child and this isn't a playground. He says Reed will find out why they call him the monster of all monsters.

Jey Uso is in the concession area surrounded by fans. He says to hit his music.

IC Title #1 Contenders Tournament First Round - Jey Uso vs Kofi Kingston vs Karrion Kross

Kofi pounds and stomps on Kross. Jey then does as well. Kofi basement dropkicks Kross then Jey rolls up Kofi. Kofi flying back elbows Jey. Kross is dropkicked off the apron then Kofi gives on both outside. We go to break and return.

Jey hits shots on Kross. Jey spinning enzugiri's Kofi. Jey hip attacks Kofi then Kross superkicks Jey. Kofi to rope twisting crossbodies Kross. Kofi boom legdrops Kross. Kofi hits a corkscrew kick on Jey when Kross moves.

Kross hits corner shots on Kofi then powerbombs him. Kross puts Kofi in a texas cloverleaf. Kross forearms Kofi then Jey spears Kross. Jey top rope splashes Kross and wins.

Thoughts: It was a quick and fast paced three way. It had the usual limitations and wasn't really that great for the people involved.

We see Gunther talk earlier in the day. He says he's in Europe and his focus is on Saturday. He says Bash in Berlin will be the day where Orton met his match. 

Randy Orton comes out to talk. He thanks the fans. He says he's the youngest man in history to hold the World Heavyweight Title. He says he was the last person to hold it when it was unified years ago. He says he knows he is stepping into enemy territory in Berlin. He says Gunther is a legend to the people in Europe. He said we watched him grow up and said he had to earn his way in WWE.

He says he wants to put Gunther in his place. He said he faced his demons and they were tougher than Gunther. He says he beat his demons and will beat him to become champ.

Thoughts: It wasn't that interesting of a segment as expected and didn't do a lot to get me excited for the Orton/Gunther match.

Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn talk. They said they were told Jade and Bianca were unstoppable heroes. They ask how did they beat them though? They said they get all the attention but it didn't help them. They say they will walk out still women's tag champs.

Braun Strowman vs Bronson Reed

Braun hits a dropkick to start. He clubs on Reed's chest then bangs Reed's head off the buckles. Reed hits a running shot then corner lariats him. Reed rolling sentons him. They trade shots and Braun crossbodies him. Reed 2nd rope crossbodies Braun. Reed then does a tope on Braun.

We go to break and return. Reed ddt's Braun. Braun throws Reed off the buckles then running lariats him. Braun boots Reed over then corner splashes him. Reed pulls Braun's throat over the top and goes to leave.

Braun follows him then lariats him in the back of the neck. Reed throws Braun into the video screen then splashes him against it. They go to the back and Reed throws a trash can at Braun. Reed throws Braun into a table. Braun beats up staff backstage. Reed forearms Braun. They go into the parking lot and Braun is thrown into pieces of a lighting rig. Braun chokeslams Reed on a car.

Braun pounces Reed across the hood of a car then throws him into boxes outside. Reed hits Braun with a pipe. They fight on boxes and Braun ends up on the hood of a car. Reed then climbs a wall and splashes him on the roof of a car. Somehow, this causes a small explosion. Pearce and security then come to break it up.

Thoughts: The math was good and the fight after was just wild with Reed splashing Braun on the roof of a car. That was a cool spot and I never expected something like that. I loved this whole thing. They both did some moves they don't normally do either here which was cool.

Braun says he can't feel his fingers after.

IC Title #1 Contenders Tournament First Round - The Miz vs Pete Dunne vs Xaxier Woods

Pete rolls up Woods. Miz sunset flips Woods then Pete crucifixes Miz. Pete takes a double lariat over the top. Miz rolls up Woods and Woods forearms him over. Pete stomps on Woods' and Miz's hands. Woods dropkicks Pete through the ropes. Miz tornado ddt's Pete using the rails.

We go to break and return. Woods russian legsweeps Pete. Woods hits corner euros on him.  Woods giant swings Pete. Miz ddt's Woods. Miz hits a double ddt on his opponents for 2. Miz hits a double basement dropkick. Miz springboard crossbodies Woods. Woods backrolls through it and hits a northern lights bomb. Woods gutbusters him then powerbombs Pete onto Miz for 2.

Woods and Pete trade chops. Pete stomps his opponents fingers. Miz headkicks Pete then Woods rolls up Miz. Miz hits a skull crushing finale on Woods. Pete and Miz try to make the pin then Pete crossfaces Miz. Woods rope walk springboard elbow drops Miz and Pete pulls the ref out on the pin. Pete pump kicks Woods then hits a bitter end on Miz to win.

This went too long and the crowd didn't care. It was a three-way and it wasn't that good.

Bron Breakker is interviewed by Jackie. He isn't impressed with the winners in the tournament so far. He tells Jey Uso to watch his mouth and says there's never been a member of Jey's family that beat up his and he says he won't do it. Bron says he is that dude and says the worst is yet to come.

American Made talk from the gym. Chad isn't happy about Uncle Howdy calling him a false prophet. He says everyone will find out that Howdy is just an ordinary guy who is dealing with someone who is anything but ordinary. He says he will find out that he is American Made.

Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley talk. Priest says they are the bad guys. Rhea said it never felt so good to be bad. Priest says they will make them victims. Rhea says they will show no mercy. They say they are their devils and are coming for them.

Michael Cole talks about Psycho Sid, who died on 8/26. Sid had a perfect look, he was the master of the squash match and had tons of charisma. I think like a lot of 90's guys (Nord, Boss Man, Bam Bam, Spivey, Patriot), the business was just down when he came around and he didn't really get to reach his full potential. He also sadly missed out on the Peak of The Attitude Era and the Ruthless Aggression Era where I think he would could have contributed. Nobody online even knew he was really sick and he was rather quiet post-retirement.

Uncle Howdy vs Chad Gable

Howdy hits knees to the body and dances with him. Chad says he's not afraid of him then is lariated over. Howdy hits a powerslam and lariats Chad over. Howdy then stalks him and Chad goes out.

We go to break and return. Chad dragon screws him then misses a top rope headbutt. Chad hits shots on Howdy. Howdy takes a belly to belly suplex over the top to the floor. Chad top rope plancha's him outside. Chad takes a back body drop on the floor. Howdy hip attacks him on the rails. Chad is thrown over the commentary table. Chad olympic slams Howdy on the commentary table. Chad stomps Howdy inside and hits punches in the corner. Chad hits a top rope exploder. Chad hits germans. Howdy uranages him for 2.

Howdy hits a magic screw. Ivy Niles gets on the apron and Chad ankle locks Howdy. Chad is pulled into the ref. Howdy puts him in the mandible claw. The Creed's come down and throw Howdy into the rails. The Wyatt's then come down to help out and fight with American Made. The Creed's are thrown over the rails.

Ivy gets on Rowan's back but Rown just keeps fighting Julous Creed. Howdy hits a sister abilgain on Chad in the ring and wins.

It wasn't that good and was all shenanigans. It went longer than it needed to and it was just not a great match. People used to complain about Bray being interesting until he got in the ring and it sure feels like that is still the case today with Bo.

Overall thoughts: I liked Reed/Strowman but not much else. Three-way matches just generally aren't that good and the main was long, slow and filled with shenanigans. The crowd was also rather quiet for the most of the night. I didn't like this show.

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