Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/18/2024 N-1 Victory 2024 Day 7

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/18/2024 N-1 Victory 2024 Day 7

Day 6 is here:

Jack Morris & Super Crazy vs. All Rebellion (Alejandro & Kenoh)

Here's a styles clash of a match. Jack side headlocks Ken and shoulders him over. Ken rolls out of a sunset flip and is rolled up. Ken chest kicks Jack down and does Jack's pose. Ale comes in and does Jack's pose. Crazy and Ale fight.

Ale armdrags him. Crazy snapmares him but Ale does headflips and poses. Ale armdrags Crazy off the casadora then springboard armdrags him. Ale misses a plancha on Crazy. Crazy hits a version of snake eyes on Ale then he surfboards him.

Jack throws Ale hard into the buckles then slams him for 2. Crazy footchokes Ale then does like a standing stf variation. Ale cradles Jack for 2. Ale hits a step up enzugiri and gets Ken in. Ken pump kicks Crazy. Ken hits kicks on both opponents then double knees Jack in the corner. Ken 2nd rope double knee drops Jack for 2.

Jack pump kicks and falcon arrows Ken. They trade strikes and both go down. Crazy dropkicks and flying double chops Ken. Crazy tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Ale then corkscrew elbows Ken for 2. Ken ankle locks him.

Jack is thrown over the top then Ale tope con hilos him. Ken PK's Crazy for 2. Ken rolls Crazy into a crossface and immediately taps him out.

Thoughts: It was a short opener that didn't really get the best of anyone. It was somewhat okay for an opening match but not much more.

Hajime Ohara vs. AMAKUSA vs. Daga

Daga and Ama shove each other. Daga punches Ohara out then Ama hammerlocks Daga. Ama side headlocks Daga and goes for a hammerlock then Ohara side headlocks Daga at the same time. Everyone hits armdrags then we get a triple dropkick spot. Ohara takes a double dropkick and goes out.

Daga boot flurries Ama in the corner. Ama step up enzugiri's him from the apron then rolls him into a dropkick. Ohara slams Ama. Ama is trapped in the ropes and Ohara crossfaces him there. Daga dropkicks Ama in the ropes then abdominal stretches him.

Daga breaks it up and kicks both. Ohara double chops Daga. Ohara hits tilt-a-whirl backbreakers on both oppnents. Daga rolls over Ohara's back then headscissors him. Daga eye pokes Ohara then ddt's him for 2. Daga trips and superkicks Ama.

Daga reverse sitout slams Ama onto Ohara. Daga then does a single leg crab on both opponents at the same time. Ama is thrown into a headscissors on Ohara. Daga is thrown over the top then Ama topes him. Ama then topes Ohara.

Ama spiral taps Ohars and wins.

Thoughts: It was an okay three way. We got some flying and they kept things moving. It didn't get a ton of time but it was enough and I liked it.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block B Match - Titus Alexander vs. Ulka Sasaki

Titus backs him up on the ropes and clean breaks him. Titus wristlocks him and Ulka reverses it. Titus side headlocks him then dropkicks him out. Titus ropes him into the rails and then whips him into them.

Ulka side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Ulka trips him on a leapfrog and does ankle locks to him. Ulka wraps Titus' leg around the ropes then hits knees to the gut. Ulka stomps Titus. Titus top rope crossbodies Ulka.

Titus goes up and over and hits a double upkick. Titus then hits an AA into a neckbreaker. Titus kicks Ulka in the back. Ulka high kicks him and hits knees. Ulka flying kicks him for 2. Ulka hits chest kicks. Titus goes down, kips up and gets a jackahmmer for 2.

Titus dropkicks Ulka then suplexes him for 2. Ulka triangles him. Ulk goes a guillotine choke but Titus hits a cradle shock out of it for 2. Ulka hits kicks then Titus half-nelson slams him for 2. Titus handsprings off the ropes and is caught with a cutter. Ulka backdrops him for 2.

Titus goes for a handspring cutter and is caught in an armbar. Titus germans Ulka then flying knees him for 2. Titus hits two handspring cutters and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was just a match for the most part. There were no real heels or faces in this one. I thought Ulka did more of a pro wrestling style here then his MMA stuff.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block A Match - Dragon Bane vs. Ryohei Oiwa

Oiwa waistlocks him and throws him down. Bane wristlocks him and Oiwa rolls out. Bane side headlocks him. Oiwa armdrags him then Bane heascissors him. They then stand off after a Bane headflip.

Bane side headlocks Oiwa. Oiwa bangs Bane's knee off the mat and then bangs it off the post. Oiwa leglocks Bane. Bane flying kicks Oiwa then plancha's him outside.

Bane stretches Oiwa's arms back inside. Bane forearms Oiwa and dropkicks him in the corner. Bane hits chops. Oiwa misses a corner splash and Oiwa suplexes him in from the apron. Oiwa dropkicks him, shoulders him over and splashes him.

Bane hits a standing spanish fly for 2. Bane springboard euros Oiwa and germans him. Oiwa no sells it and lariats him. Bane flying pumping knees Oiwa. They trade forearms. Bane hits kicks to the head then hits a top rope ssp. Oiwa no sells it and gets a 2 count on him. Bane corner dropkicks Oiwa for 2.

Bane hurricanrana's Oiwa off a gutwrench. Oiwa dropkicks Bane then hits backdrops for 2. Bane poisonrana's Oiwa for 2. Oiwa hits a doctor bomb for the win.

Thoughts: It would have been better if Oiwa suplexed Bane around, Bane made his comeback with flying and Oiwa pinned him. It was kind of like 60/40 Bane for a lot of this and Oiwa ended up getting the edge at the end.  I didn't think it worked out that great and wasn't anything of note.

HAYATA, Tadasuke & YO-HEY vs. Junta Miyawaki, Kai Fujimura & Yu Owada

Yu and Yo go at it. They trade basic holds. Yo side headlock takeovers him and Yu headscissors him. Yu armdrags him, is put in a headscissors and they stand off. Haya works Yu's arm. Yu headflips out of a wristlock and armlocks Haya. Yu springboard twisting crossbodies Haya.

Kai wristlocks Haya then Haya wristlocks him back. Haya side headlocks Kai then shoulders him over. Kai rolls over Haya's back and armdrags him. Kai suplexes him then flipping sentons him for 2. Haya eye rakes Kai.

Tada slams Kai and misses an elbow drop. Jun gets in and fireman's carry takeovers Tada. Jun armlocks him and Tada shouldes him over. Jun hits an armdrag and dropkicks him out. Jun the triangle plancha's Tada outside.

Kai slams Tada. Tada trips him. Kai takes a double spinebuster and a double basement dropkick for 2. Yo back elbows Kai then cravates him. Yo flying headscissors him. Kai 2nd rope dropkicks Yo. Junta hits armdrags on Yo then dropkicks him.

Yo backrolls Junta into a superkick. Tada stomps on Junta then Junta suplexes him. Yu gets in and dropkicks Tada. Yu top rope crossbodies Tada. Tada takes a double basment dropkick and Yu hits a perfectplex on Tada. Tada running knees Yu in the gut then does a leg clutch single underhook suplex.

Tada spinning toe holds Yu and taps him out.

The finish was silly here with Tada using a spinning toe hold of all things to tap out Yu. it was fine. Everyone got their time in. There wasn't anything too great or remarkable about it but it was okay as a midcard time filler match.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block B Match - Manabu Soya vs. Alpha Wolf

Wolf shoulders over Soya. Wolf 2nd rope twisting crossbodies Soya then Soya shoulders Wolf over. Wolf dropkicks Soya out then misses a plancha on the floor. Wolf is sent into the rails.

Soya yanks on Wolf's arm and hits chops. Wolf slaps Soya and sends him out. Wolf dropkicks him into the rails then dives on him off the stage. Soya slams Wolf on the floor. They bite each others hands outside and go back in.

They trade chops inside. Wolf forearms Soya over. Soya headbutts Wolf then Wolf suplexes Soya. Wolf moonsaults Soya. Soya headlock takeovers him and spears him. Wolf northern lights suplexes Soya and headbutts him.

Soya flying lariats Wolf for 2. Wolf superkicks him then lariats him. Soya drops Wolf face first onto his own knee then hits a surprise ddt for the win.

Thoughts: I wasn't a fan of this one. If you are looking for any kind of logic in Wolf or Bane matches, you are just not going to find anything. You can rewatch the matches, you can rewind and whatever else, but there is just nothing there besides various moves.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block A Match - Luis Mante vs. Josh Briggs

We get a rare WWE vs Dragon Gate match here. Josh shoves LM over off the lock up. Josh throws him down and LM goes out. LM springboard armdrags JB then armbreakers him. LM hits a soul foot. Josh side slams and splashes him. LM rolls out.

Josh stands on LM outside and drops him throat first on the rails. LM's back is rammed into the rails and apron. LM hits chops and Josh sidewalks slams him. Josh chinlocks LM then slams him. LM hits chops. LM step up enzugiri's him from the apron. LM runs the stage and flying lariats Josh in the ring.

Josh runs at LM and is caught with a suplex. LM dropkicks him and Josh facekicks him. They fight on the ropes and LM 2nd rope hurricanrana's him. LM running lariats him for 2.

Josh goes for a chokeslam and LM hurricanrana's him out of it. Josh hits a big lariat and wins.

Thoughts: It was one of the better Mante matches of the tournament. He was going to be dropping Josh on his head here and didn't get to. So he just did flying and various strikes and Josh did his usual stuff. I thought it was an okay match and was better than I expected.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block B Match - Yoshiki Inamura vs. Tavion Heights

Tav trips him and wristlocks him. Tav slams him down off the waistlock then shoulder throws him. Tav armlocks him. YI throws him over by the arm then side headlocks him.

YI shoulders Tav over then side headlocks him. YI shoulders him over a couple of times. They criss-cross each other and Tav flying lariats him off of it. YI clubs Tav's back then lariats him down on the apron.

YI hits a corner splash and does his victory splash off the ropes for 2. YI running back elbows Tav then Tav flying crossbodies him. Tav backdrops YI for 2. Tav hits lariats on YI then overhead belly to belly suplexes him. Tav then hits a slingblade for 2.

Tav lariats him against the ropes then YI suplexes him. Tav suplexes him. YI shoulders him over then Tav hits an AA. YI pounces Tav then running shoulders him. YI powerslams Tav for 2. YI runs the ropes and Tav gets a surprise belly to belly suplex on him for the win.

Thoughts: It was a solid match here. Tavion is really improving fast here in Noah and this trip is proving to be one of the best moves WWE has done developmental wise. The two guys had styles that worked together and we got a decent heavyweight style match out of this. It's just a shame it didn't get more time and some more false finishes.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block A Match - Masa Kitamiya vs. Kaito Kiyomiya

Masa takes him down with an armlock. KK trips him and grabs the leg. Masa armlocks him and hiptosses him. Masa then armlocks him. KK armdrags him then Masa armdrags him back and armlocks him.

Masa armlocks him. KK armdrags him. Masa slaps KK then KK slaps him back. They trade more slaps and Masa slams him. Masa stomp flurries him then stands on his throat. Masa armlocks him.

Kaito hits upkicks and is stomped on. Kaito hits slaps and Masa arm throws him down. Masa kneels on KK's throat then Masa shoulders him over. Masa bangs KK's head off the buckles and hits corner lariats. Masa lariats KK over.

Masa stomps him and slaps him around. Masa throws him into the rails. They go back in and Masa sits on his back with a camel clutch. KK hits chops. Masa chops back then back body drops him. Masa elbow drops him for 2.

Masa sits on KK's back with an armlock. KK flying lariats him. KK hits forearms and elbow drops Masa for 2. KK hits foot slaps then euros him down in the corner. KK puts his knee in the back of Masa's head and drives Masa's head into the mat. Masa is thrown into the rails.

KK flying kicks him off the buckles. KK hits facekicks. KK slaps him. Masa fires up then drops KK on his knees. Masa lariats him for 2. Masa prison locks him. KK dragon screws him then figure fours him.

KK dragon screws Masa. Masa blocks his shining wizard then dragon screws KK. MM runs the ropes and takes a backdrop. Masa no sells it and tiger suplexes KK. Masa bangs KK's head off the mat and facebusters him.

KK flying knees him then tiger suplexes him for 2. KK figure fours him for a while. Masa headbutts KK then piledrivers him for 2 at 25 minutes. Masa prison locks him and KK rope breaks after being in it for a while.

Masa goes for the backrop and KK bodypresses him. Masa samoan drops him then sentons him for 2. Masa misses a top rope senton then KK shining wizards him for 2. We hit 29 minutes. Masa blocks a shining wizard and backdrops him. They try pin attempts. KK flying shining wizards him and we go to a 30 minute draw.

Thoughts: It didn't make sense for them to work on the arms so much since both do moves that work the knees. I thought that hurt things. It was an acceptable 30 minute draw but it wasn't real great or memorable outside of going so long.

Overall thoughts: It was an okay show overall. The main and Tavion's match were the best things on here. I didn't think anything was great but enough of it was decent enough to give this a positive rating.

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