Sunday, August 18, 2024

CMLL on MVS TV 8/18/2024

CMLL on MVS TV 8/18/2024

From Arena Mexico 8/6/24:

Lightning Match - Valiente vs Neon

Val takes Neon down twice. He grabs a leg and then an arm. Neon bridges and flips backwards to get out. Val then slams him on the side. Neon headscissors him and Val handstands out. Val side headlocks him.

Val takes him down then does an arm and leg hold to him. They stand off. Val crucifixes him then Neon does his own crucifix on him. They trade chops and Val suplexes him then lariats him.

Val punches him down. Neon hits a dropkick then hits armdrag. Val lariats him down. Val spinning neckbreakers him then elbow drops him. Val hits a big chop.

Val pops him up to the buckles. Neon flips off them then is dropkicked in the knee. Val topes Neon into the rails.

Val goes out of the ring on a move attempt in the corner. Neon springboards into a blind springboard moonsault on Val. Neon springboard crossbodies him then Val pop-up powerbombs him for 2. Neon hits a code red for 2. Neon moonsaults and Val drops him onto his (Val's) knees. Val then picks up the win.

I didn't see a timer for this so it wasn't a real lightning match to me. Neon's dive here was great but I'm not really loving Val as a rudo. I thought this could have been better.

La Fuerza Tapatia (Esfinge, Fugaz & Star Black) vs. Los Barbaros (El Barbaro Cavernario & El Terrible) & Difunto

1st Fall - Barb and Esf start us off. Esf ties the arms up and Barb side headlocks him. Barb takes him down and hooks the arm. Esf armbars him then Barb takes him down by the arm. Barb armdrags him into an armlock. Esf headscissors him and Barb headstands to escape. They box and slap each other.

Barb trips him then is headscissored down. They then stand off. Dif and Fug go at it. Dif ties up his legs and double underhooks him. Dif does a regal stretch. Max headflips out of an armlock and armdrags him. Dif goes into the crowd to beg off.

Star and Terr go at it. Star arm throws him then armdrags him. Star springboard armdrags him. Dif gets back body dropped by Star. Dif runs at him and takes reverse headbutts. Dif avoids one, stomps him then is knocked off the buckles.

Esf spin kicks Barb then Fug asai moonsaults Barb. Esf hits a springboard splash on Barb and pins him to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Barb slaps Esf and Esf leg kicks him. Barb corner lariats him then hits a flurry of shots in the corner. Esf superkicks Barb then hits kicks on Terr. Esf monkey flips Dif twice. The technicos pose as the heels are out of the ring. Barb then hits them from behind.

Fug headscissors Barb then Terr gets in his face. Fug pump kicks Terr then dropkick shim out. Fug bodyscissors Dif then dropkicks him over the top. Star and Barb fight. Star shoulders him over then armdrags him. Terr beats up Star on the ramp.

Dif back elbows Fug. Fug takes corner attacks. Barb giant swings Fug and Fug is pinned after a basement dropkick. Star takes chops in the corner. Star's legs are held open so Dif can top rope dropkick him. Terr then pins Star to win the fall. 

3rd Fall - Star takes a double back elbow then is bridged in the air for a kick from Terr. Fug takes a double suplex. Terr top rope splashes Fug for 2.

The heels stomp on Esf and raise their hands. Star is held for chops. Star dropkicks Terr out. The faces then do stereo springboard armdrags and stereo topes. Terr misses a corner charge and Star suplexes him for 2. Star cradles Terr for 2.

Star legdrops Terr for 2. Terr ties up Star and Esf breaks it up. Esf backrolls Barb. Barb trips him then puts him in la magistral for 2. Barb takes a boot and does the worm off of it. Barb does a grounded octopus to Esf and Esf ropebreaks. Esf spinebusters Barb then does a lion tamer. Dif breaks it up.

Fug top rope crossbodies Dif. Dif walks up the buckles and springboard elbows him. Fug superkicks Dif. Esf srpingboards dropkicks Terr to get in then topes him. Star corner lariats Dif. Barb corner lariats Star. Barb springboard splashes Fug and Dif hits a ropewalk dropkick on Star. The heels then pick up stereo pins and win the fall and match. 

Thoughts: It went a little longer than it needed to. Difunto was good here. Barbaro has a style that doesn't always lead to the best match possible and Star didn't do his better offense here. Plus matches where rudos win generally just aren't as interesting as matches where faces win.

From 8/2/2024:

Magnus, Rugido and Hechicero vs Averno, Soberano Jr. and Euforia

1st Fall - The match starts on the ramp as Hech gets attacked. Euf sends Hech over the rail. Euf goes for Hech's mask and rips it up. Euf rips it up more and Sob drags him around by the mask. Hech gets stomped on by the heels.

Hech is held for shots from Euf. Av corner lariats Sob. Hech takes a facekick from Euf then is group stomped. Hech is bridged on the apron and takes a dropkick through the ropes from Euf.

Hech is sent into the rails and Rug is double teamed inside. Rug flying elbows a heel then Sob is double teamed. Mag corner meteora's Sob. Hech hits a nice suicide dive on Euf then Mag double underhook backbreakers Sob and pins him. Rug pins Euf with a german and Rugido's team wins the first fall.

2nd Fall - Av is double teamed in the corner. Av takes a double back elbow and a double elbow drop. Hech dropkicks Av out. Sob is triple teamed. Hech dropkicks Sob in the corner. Hech springboard dropkicks Euf then rips at his mask.

Rug and Mag hit dropkicks then both do topes out. Hech and Euf square off. Hech rips his mask up and hits punches. Hech misses a 2nd rope dropkick and takes a senton. Hech springboard elbows Euf for 2. Hech rolls Euf into a double leglock and Av/Sob break it up.

Sob chops Hech. Hech step up knees Sob in the corner then headscissors drops Av. Hech rips up Euf's mask then cradles him. We get a triple kick out on pin attempts.

Euf lariats Rug and Mag over the top together. Sob springboard splashes Hech while he's on Euf's knees. Sob fosbury flops on Mag and Rug outside. Hech takes a triple powerbomb. Euf grounded dragon sleepers Hech and submits him. Euf doesn't let go. I believe the offical call was that Euf didn't let go and was disqualified.

Another ref and a trainer come down to help out Hech.

Thoughts: This was basically just there to push the Hech vs Euforia feud and they were successful in doing that. There wasn't much of a match otherwise.

Overall thoughts: We saw matches from two different shows here which was a bit rare. I'm not sure why this happened but it doesn't matter. I wouldn't recommend this one. The main was mostly mask ripping and the other two matches weren't that great either.

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