Friday, August 9, 2024

TNA Xplosion 8/2/2024

TNA Xplosion 8/2/2024

I didn't see last week's show. The show from 2 weeks ago is here:

Around the Ring with Gia Miller

Gia interviews Trent Seven. Gia says a lot is going on with soccer and wants to brought up to speed. Trent says The Olympics are going on and she's talking about the European Championships. Trent talks about England losing to Spain in the semi finals and is bummed. Trent tells her to just cheer and if it goes in, it goes in and if it doesn't, it doesn't. He says UK crowds have the best chants.

He talks about fans calling the goalkeeper fat at a game. He says he likes to hear "this is awesome" and "fight forever". He says he'd like to hear "Cena Sucks" as he'd be wrestling against him and would be richer.

Rich Swann vs Reverso

AJ Francis is on commentary. Rich headlock takeovers Reverso. Rev wristlocks him and Rich kips up out of it. Rich tries to roll out of it but Rev rolls with him. Rev is tripped into the ropes then is leg lariated on the ropes. Rich then slides out and kicks him from the outside. Rich then does his "money, money, money" line with AJ.

Rich snapmares him and kicks in the back. Rich eye rakes Rev then rubs his eyes on the ropes. Rich elbow drops him. Rev kicks him from the apron and springboard kicks him. Rev bounces into the ropes and rolls him up off of it.

Rich flips out of a german. Rich then slices him for 2. Rev gets his boot up in the corner. Rev stands on the 2nd rope and Rich hurricanrana's him while he's on the mat. Rev gets his knees up on Rich's rolling thunder attempt. Rich spinning high kicks him then handsprings into a cutter on him. Rich top rope splashes him and wins.

It was a quick juniors match here. They kept it moving and had a couple of nice spots. It wasn't great or must see but it was fine.

Overall thoughts: We only had one new match here and a new interview. The one match we got was fine but not must see. I wouldn't recommend this.

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