Monday, August 5, 2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 8/5/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 8/5/2024

Last week's show is here:

We're at the the CFG Bank Arena in Baltimore.

Dom and Liv walk in together. Priest walks in alone as does Bron Breakker. Drew poses as he walks in and has Punk's bracelet.

Ludwig Kaiser is in the ring and brings out Gunther. Gunther gets fireworks for his entrance. Gunther says he's the KOTR and the champion. He said the company deserved a better champ for a long time. He says if you thought his IC Title reign was historic, wait and see what he does as world champ.

He said he's ready for everyone and everything and is greatness personified. He says the legacy of this sport belongs to him. Randy Orton then comes out for some reason despite being an SD guy.

Gunther says this has caught him off guard. Orton says he's the only reason Gunther is carrying the title. He said Gunther beat him at KOTR to get the title shot but asks if Gunther really beat him.

He said HHH saw the footage and said there needs to be a rematch. Orton says he's calling that in. He says he's the only one who can match him in the ring and says the fan deserve a modern day Flair vs Steamboat. He says Gunther calls himself a living legend and he made a career out of killing legends. He says he will walk out Gunther's country as champ at Bash in Berlin.

Gunther says what Orton said is true. Gunther says he accepts. They shake hands. Gunther pulls him in and says nothing catches him out of nowhere. Orton said he heard it before. Orton said it doesn't need to be out of nowhere, he wants him to see it coming.

Sheamus is interviewed by Jackie Redmond. He says Ludwig Kaiser returned to Raw and wanted a match tonight. He said he has his eyes on Butch though. Sheamus says everyone wants to use him to make a name for himself. Sheamus says to bring it on.

Sheamus vs Ludwig Kaiser

They hockey fight and Kaiser goes into the rails. They hit each other on the rails. They trade chops and strikes. Kaiser slaps him then hits chops and boots.

Sheamus then chops him down. Sheamus finlay rolls him. Kaiser goes out and asks for medical help. The ref backs Shemaus off. Kaiser then nails Shemaus from the side. Kaiser dropkicks Sheamus' head into the steps.

They trade shots. Kaiser rides on top of him and falls out of the ring. Kaiser hits Sheamus' clubs on him. Sheamus lariats him for it. Kaiser tells Sheamus he will take him out and hits chop flurry. They trade punches. Sheamus hits running double sledgehammer shots. Sheamus hits an irish curse.

Sheamus hits white noise. Sheamus puts him in a cloverleaf. They trade slaps. Sheamus lariats him. Kaiser is thrown over the top. Sheamus hits chest clubs then top rope diving lariats him outside.

Pete Dunne tries to hit Sheamus with a shilelagh. Sheamus sends him into the commentary table and Kaiser gets a 2 count on Sheamus. Sheamus brogue kicks him and wins.

Thoughts: The match was good here. Kaiser went toe to toe with Sheamus trading strikes and fit right in. They are definitely building up Kaiser for greater things and performances like this prove he's worthy of it. This was hard hitting and the crowd loved it. Great opener.

Roman Reigns' return got 100,000,000 viewers on social media. Even if that's a work, that's good.

We get another Wyatt's video. They talk about The Wyatt's debuting here 11 years ago. We see old clips of Bray and Bo Dallas talking about life being a circle. He says to abandon all hope and find your place on the path unwinding. The video says the reckoning is here and to run.

We see The Creed's and Gable arrive.

Damian Priest comes out and call out Finn Balor. He says to take this beating like a man. He says he's been alone most of his life until he found Judgment Day. He said he heard what people said at his documentary release and said let me introduce to his new family and points to the crowd. He said Finn made him feel like he disappointed his family and he says he can't let that stand. He says when Finn is suffering, he's the reason for his pain. He says to come out and let the beatings begin.

Finn Balor talks on a video and says Priest brought this on himself. He said he didn't betray him, Priest betrayed Judgment Day. He said there's not supposed to be any leaders and that changed when Priest won the title. Finn says he almost became champ a year ago and showed a photo of them. Finn said Priest told him it's time to man up. Finn said he screwed him and his family. He says Finn's a loser from the streets. He says he won't fight him, JD will. He said he will wait until Priest feels safe and comfortable. He says then when his back is turned, he will stab him in it. He says it won't just be him, it will be all of us (Dom, JD, Carlito and Liv) then come in. Priest goes looking for them. Pat McAfee calls it "The New Judgment Day".

Thoughts: It was standard stuff for the most part here. We didn't get any real answers but New Judgment Day has formed.

Bronson Reed talks to Adam Pearce. He said he beat Sheamus but Sheamus got a match tonight. Adam said it was sent before that. Reed says if he wants to get to the top, he says he has to create his own path.

Lyra Valkyria vs Shayna Baszler

They hit shots on each other. Lyra is lifted by her arm and thrown down by the arm. SB stomps Lyra's arm into the mat. SB lifts her by the arm and we see that Roman will return on SD. Lyra crossbodies SB then lariats her.

SB ankle locks her. SB sitout powerbombs her for 2. Lyra knocks Zoey off the apron then dropkicks Sonya through the ropes. SB sleepers Lyra. Lyra step up enzugiri's her then cradle shocks her for 2. Zoey and Sonya interfere and cause the DQ. Lyra gets beaten. Damage Ctrl then fight with the heels and knock them out of the ring.

The match wasn't much up until the interference. It was too short to really be anything but atleast they furthered the Damage Ctrl feud.

The Final Testament do a promo. Kross says AOP will put an end to The New Day. He says they've been showing everyone the power of positivity for a decade but ends here. He said it didn't have to be this way but Woods was afraid to be his own man. Kross says history will remember Woods as a man, standing next to the man. He said he gave him opportunity after opportunity but he chose to stay with Kofi. He said they will witness the same fate with the death of The New Day.

We see CM Punk walking around. Punk had a match and isn't on crutches. That's a W at this point.

The Creed's and Ivy talk in the back. Maxxine asks Ivy where she's been and says The Creed's attacked Otis and Tozawa. Ivy says the boys are just passionate. Chad Gable comes in. He says Max has nothing to offer her and tells Max to scoot along. Chad says they can keep The Alpha Academy name as they are done with them. He says they will take down The Wyatt's in the Raw main.

CM Punk comes out. He said he lost at Summerslam. He said he's happy though as he hasn't been to Baltimore in 10 years. He said he's not happy about losing though. He says every time he gets knocked down, he gets back up. He says Summerslam wasn't a guarantee. He said he was told he wouldn't return for 9 months but made it back in 5.

He said he's back and Summerslam was the start. He says the fans deserve less Punk talking and more Punk fighting. He says he wants more of Drew.

Seth Rollins comes out. He is not wearing girl's clothing for a change. He stares down Punk from the aisle. He says he's in a good mood too. He says it's time to put him in the dirt after 10 years. They go to fight then Drew McIntyre appears in the stands with a mic.

He talks about Seth counting his pin on Punk. He says Punk shocked him and proved he still got it. He says Punk isn't the best in the world, he is. He says Punk's wife and dog are still in his corner and he holds on the bracelet. Punk hops the rail and goes after Drew. Drew runs. Bronson Reed then body blocks Seth. Reed splashes Seth. Seth jumps on him and superkicks him. Reed death valley drivers him then sentons him. Reed hits his top rope splash twice. People come to break it up  Reed hits 4 top rope splashes and Seth spits up blood.

Thoughts: It was a good segment and threw a piece to the puzzle in there in Reed. Reed vs Seth will be a different one than usual.

Jackie Redmond talks to Adam Pearce in the back. Adam says Seth will go to the hospital. Punk goes after Drew and Adam stops him. Adam said he walked drew out of the building and he's gone.

The Authors of Pain vs The New Day

New Day are wearing Ninja Turtles gear. Kofi dropkicks Akam. Kofi pounds on him. Kofi hits him off the top. Kofi superkicks Razar on the apron then Akam spinebusters Kofi. Razar hammerfist shots Kofi. We go to break and return.

Kofi tornado ddt's him. Woods forearms Razar then hits mounted punches. Woods hits a superkick. Razar rams him into the corner. Woods headbutts Razar then top rope dropkicks him. Akam is pulled over the top. Kofi top rope dives Akam outside. Scarlett gets on the apron and Kross crotches Woods on the buckles.

Odyssey Jones of all people comes out and sends Kross into the apron then over the rails. Woods cradles Razar and wins.

AOP beat up on Woods. Jones beats up on AOP and hits a very impressive double side slam. Kross forearms him then takes a spinning side slam.

Thoughts: It was too short to be anything. Jones coming in was as random as it gets but he's finally doing something after a long time out. 

JD McDonaugh says he laughed hard when Priest saw the replay of what Finn did. JD said he got arrogant and said he didn't see that he was champ because Judgment Day allowed him. JD said Priest never wanted him in Judgment Day as he knew he was the only person Finn would listen to. JD said he's in Judgment Day and he's out. He said he's champ and Priest is out. He says all rise for Judgment Day.

Thoughts: This was a good promo and made sense. Priest never wanted him in.

New Day and Jones talk in the back.Kofi is thrilled and introduces Jones to Woods. Woods said he didn't know they were friends. Jones said Kofi told him they needed help with Final Testament. Alpha Academy then walks in and they all dance. 

A-Town Down Under vs The Awesome Truth

Cole said Pearce and Aldis are doing business together here. We see clips of the two teams fighting at Summerslam and Jelly Roll beating up Theory and Waller.

Truth side headlocks Theory then back body drops Waller while doing it. He then does a combo headlock + headscissors takeover. Woods armdrags Theory. The faces hit double dropkicks and double clothesline the heels over the top.

We go to PiP break and return. The heels miss a double dropkick. Truth is tripped and Waller misses an elbow on Truth. Miz is tagged in and hits lariats on the heels. Miz hits a double flapjack. Miz hits kicks on both then a double basement dropkick. Waller is dropkicked into the rails and Miz plancha's Theory. Miz ddt's Theory for 2.

Miz hits kicks on Theory then corner lariats him. Miz crossbodies Theory off the buckles. Truth tags himself in, knocks Miz over when hitting an AA on Waller. Theory then hits his TKO onto the knee and wins.

Miz looks frustrated after.

Thoughts: It was just an average match here.

Damian Priest talks. He says JD's beating is a long time coming. He said he didn't want him in Judgment Day, only Finn did. He says he has a big skull but  small brain. He says Finn is sending JD to him so catch the first bullet. He says Finn thinks his chamber of bullets will run out. He says he hopes JD confessed his sins as he will send his big headed @ss straight to hell.

Bron Breakker is interviewed. He said people around here love to talk about how long they held titles. He said it took him less than 3 years to become the IC champ. He said he's the hunter and the locker room is the hunted. He said he's coming for everyone. He asks what poor idiot will have the courage to try to take the title from him. He says the title was born for him. He shows his name on his title and says there isn't a man who can take the name off of his title. 

Damian Priest vs JD McDonagh

JD hits a shot then hits chops. DP stares him down and hits a big boot. DP boots him in the corner. DP pops him up and throws him down.

DP uppercuts him. DP forearms him down. JD hits corner spears and boots him. JD corner dropkicks him. JD hits chops and Priest kicks him. JD falls out of the ring. Carlito tries to distract DP. DP is sent into the post then JD topes him. JD goes hard into the commentary table.

We go to PiP break and return. DP ear claps him. JD flips out of a south of heaven and headbutt drops him. JD top rope moonsaults him for 2. DP hits a lifting flatliner. JD hits slaps. DP hits kicks and a spinning forearm. DP throws him on a falcon arrow and JD goes out.

DP pounces JD over the commentary table. DP rebound lariats him inside and knocks Carlito off the apron. Finn Balor then nails DP from behind for the DQ.

DP stares down at Finn and Judgment Day beat up on DP. DP makes his comeback and stares down Finn. Finn gets caught as he tries to run. Liv helps out Finn and gets in the way of DP. Dom clips DP and then Liv and Dom stomp DP. Rhea Ripley then comes out. Liv and Dom run for it. Rhea grabs Liv and throws her into the post hard. Dom saves Liv and runs off.

JD hits shots on DP. Rhea hits JD in the face. DP hits a south of heaven chokeslam. DP and Rhea then hug.

Thoughts: The match was pretty one-sided with JD getting thrown around. The crowd was into it and DP was trying hard. The brawl after was fine though I wouldn't have had Rhea and Liv go at it yet.

Damage Ctrl get jumped in the back by Shayna's crew.

Sanya Deville and her friends come out. She says we won't see Dakota Kai tonight and he is a bit under the weather. Damage Ctrl come out minus Kai.

Sonya Deville vs Iyo Sky

Pat says Adam Pearce made this. SD hits kicks and knees to the gut. Iyo flying headscissors her. Iyo goes after Shayna and Zoey outside. Sonya throws Iyo into the steps and we go to break.

We return. Sonya hits kicks on Kai and botches something. Iyo rolls her up and takes a knee to the face. Iyo dragon screws her and shotei's her. Iyo dropkicks her in the knee. Iyo top rope dropkicks SD. SD running knees her for 2. Iyo rolls her into a double stomp. Iyo corner meteora's SD. Iyo and Sane do dives off the top onto the outside. Iyo top rope moonsaults SD to win.

Thoughts: It was ugly at times here and really was just a backdrop to the outside shenanigans.

Sami Zayn and Ilja Dragunov talk in the back. Ilja tries to make him feel better and Sami says he will make a good champ. Jey Uso comes in and says tough night at Summerslam. Jey says he will pick himself up. Sami says it's a tough pill to swallow. Jey says he will get a rematch and get his title back. Sami says he got that rematch next week. Jey says to handle that and says they will handle unfinished business against Judgment Day and become double champs.

We get a personality profile on "Huskus The Pitbull", who is one of The Wyatt's and used to be Joe Gacy.

Chad Gable and The Creed's do a promo. They say they will send The Wyatt's back to the freakshow of a swamp they came out of. Chad says they are "American Made".

Chad Gable and The Creed Brothers vs The Wyatt Sicks (Joe Gacy, Dexter Lumis and Eric Rowan)

JC = Julius Creed, BC = Brutus Creed

The Wyatts and Chad's crew fight. Chad's crew go out and Uncle Howdy laughs. Lumis and Chad get in. Lumis crawls around the ring while staring at him. Lumis flying back elbows JC then spinebusters him. Lumis elbow drops JC.

Gacy corner lariats JC then poses upside down in the corner. Gacy hits a crackerjack then BC takes a reverse 3D. Chad pulls Lumis down by the hair. The six wrestlers fight in the ring. BC is slammed and JC is slammed onto him. Gacy sentons both Creed's.

Lumis is powerbombed outside onto his opponents. We go to break and return. Chad northern lights suplexes Gacy. BC samoan drops and standing moonsaults Gacy. JC and Chad then hit moonsaults on Gacy. Gacy handsprings into the ropes and hits a double clothesline as Howdy laughs.

Rowan hits lariats and spinning high kicks Chad. Rowan hits a big back body drop. Rowan baseball slides Chad then bangs his head off the buckles. Rowan slingshot swantons Chad thne powerslams him.

JC hitsa flying knee on Rowan. Gacy is thrown out. Lumis top rope sentons The Creed's outside. Chad germans Rowan for 2. The Creed's take stereo uranages on the commentary table. Rowan hits a claw slam on Chad. Gacy powerbombs Lumis onto Chad. Lumis top rope splashes Chad and wins.

Thoughts: It was a quick one here with The Wyatts mostly destroying Chad's crew. Lumis did a ton of flying here and it was real chaotic. The crowd loved it and I thought they put Rowan over strong. To me, this should end the feud between The Wyatt's and Chad's crew, but I doubt it. I still have no idea what to make of this whole thing and don't have the slightest idea as to where this is going.

Overall thoughts: It was a good Raw. The Wyatt's made a big splash in their first match. The Judgment Day Civil War has kicked off. Kaiser had a good match with Sheamus. Orton challenging Gunther made sense. Iyo's crew continues their feud with Sonya's crew. Punk/Drew isn't over. Seth/Reed is starting and  Odyssey Jones is back. It was action packed. A lot happened and it's pretty much a can't miss show.

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