Friday, August 30, 2024

WWE Main Event 8/28/2024

WWE Main Event 8/28/2024

Last week's show is here:

Izzi Dame vs Lyra Valkyria

They lock up. Izzi pushes her into the corner then throws her down off the lock-up. Lyra side headlocks her then legsweeps her. Lyra shotgun dropkicks her. Lyra 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her for 2. Lyra does a headlock takeover.

Lyra uses the buckles to do a headlock takeover. Lyra goes for the springboard and Izzi kicks the ropes, making Lyra bang her head off the mat. Izzi then stomps on her. Izzi backbreakers her then elbow drops her back. Izzi tilt-a-whirl backbreakers her.

Lyra hits some shots to the gut then Izzi hits a sky high for 2. Izzi backbreakers her then racks her over the shoulder. Lyra armdrags her out of it then spinning heel kicks her. Lyra hits kicks to the body then side headlock takeovers her. Lyra shotgun dropkicks her. Lyra dropkicks her through the ropes.

Lyra hits a top rope crossbody for 2. Lyra step up enzugiri's her then hits a cradle shock for the win.

Thoughts: This was Izzi's best match yet. She's finally looking like the powerhouse I figured she could be. She used her size well here and Lyra was a good underdog to go against her. This went well and hopefully is just the beginning of things to come for Izzi.

Alpha Academy vs The Authors of Pain

Otis and Razar start us off. They shoulder battle and then hit clotheslines at the same time. They stare down. Otis rolls out of a clothesline and hits his own. Akira comes off the top onto Razar.

Razar is pulled over the top and Akira basement dropkicks him. Otis topes AOP but is caught and thrown into Oits outside.

We go to break and return. Razar is in control and holds Otis for an Akam running knee. Akam hit a nice lariat on Akira. Akira is then lifted into a knee from Razar. Akam hits knees to the gut and clubs Akira's back. 

Akam messes around with Akira then Akira corkscrew kicks him. Akira flips out of a backdrop and tags in Otis. Otis gets in and hits spinning back elbows. Otis corner splashes Akam then Otis does the caterpillar elbow drop for 2.

Razar fallaway slams Akira. Otis spinning lariats Razar then takes a ddt from Akam. Otis takes a russian legsweep + lariat and is pinned.

Thoughts: This was good. It went as expected and as it should have been with AOP picking on Akira, Otis getting the hot tag in then them going to the finish from there. This was one of AOP's better outings as of late.

Overall thoughts: There were only two new matches as usual. both were good matches and Izzi finally had a good match here. I liked it but it's Main Event and it is not must see TV.

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