Friday, August 23, 2024

WWE NXT 8/20/2024

WWE NXT 8/20/2024

Last week's show is here:

We see wrestlers arrive. Karmen Petrovic gets rammed into a car by Izzi Dame as she arrives.

Chase U comes out for their celebration party. Chase says it's a new year with new students and new NXT tag champs. Thea hugs Ridge and says he proved he is Chase U through and through. Duke puts him over and they all thank him.

Axiom and Nathan Frazer come out. They congratulate them. They say they are the best team though. They go to ask for a rematch. Ridge said he came to NXT to find himself. He said he couldn't take it and said Chase U stood by his side. Ridge said he accomplished his mission. Duke says if thy can beat him and Riley, they can get a rematch for the titles at No Mercy. Duke says they are always ready though and show their ring gear.

Ax and Frazer get a title shot if they win - Chase U (Duke Hudson and Riley Osborne) vs Axiom and Nathan Frazer

Riley headscissors Ax. Ax hiptosses him then goes for an armbar. Ax dropkicks him over the top. Duke stops Ax then NF springboard dropkicks Duke out. Ax goes for a plancha and is kicked. NF is caught on a dive and shoved into the side of the ring. Riley hits a big tope con hilo.

We go to break and return. Ax sleepers Riley. Ax lariats him on the ropes then Riley hits a big boot. Ax standing spanish flies him. Ax ankle locks him. Riley tags out and Duke hits a slingshot release german on Ax. Duke does a handstand headscissors on NF on the buckles. Duke hits a nice black hole slam on NF.

NF hurricanrana's Duke off the razor's edge, then armdrags him off the uranage. NF is held in the air then Riley hits like a diamond dust on him. Riley misses a top rope SSP. Riley then takes a 2nd rope flipping russian legsweep.

NF runs up the buckles and superplexes Riley. He then holds on and Riley takes a brainbuster + superkick combo. NF tope con hilos Duke and Ax wins.

They didn't get enough time for this and it ended right as it seemed it was really getting going. They did the best they could with the time they got but it felt like we were missing a nice and long finishing stretch here. NF and Ax winning was no surprise.

Ava, Stevie Turner and Stone talk in the back. Karmen is out of the eliminator match tonight. They argue. Izzi asks if Karmen is out of it and says she should replace her. Ava says she won't reward bad behavior and will put Brinley Reece in her place.

Carlee Bright and maybe Kendal Grey talk. Brinley Reece says she feels bad for Karmen but wants to win tonight. Wren Sinclair comes in and says she will win the gauntlet tonight and bring gold home to the Wren-Q-C-C.

Lola Vice vs Wendy Choo

WC thesz presses her and hits mounted shots. Lola reverses it and hits her own. WC takes her down and stomps on her. Lola's head is banged off the buckles. WC does a grounded cobra clutch variation and double throat thrusts her down.

WC takes knees to the body then Lola axe kicks her. Lola powerslams her. We go to break and return. WC cravates her on the ropes then twists her neck with her feet. Lola cradles her for 2 then WC boots her in the chest.

They each hit shots and WC neckbreakers her. WC cartwheels into a forearms on Lola. WC puts her in tree of woe then basement dropkicks her for 2. WC misses a corner charge and is rolled up. Lola hits spin kicks then a kick combo. Lola corner hip attacks her. WC gets on Lola's back and is dropped down like a backpack stunner. Kelani Jordan gets in the ring for some reason and Lola uraken's her. WC hits Lola with a pillow and wins.

Thoughts: This wasn't good. The crowd wasn't into it. Neither are that good. It went long and it had a dirty finish. Everything about this sounded bad on paper and wasn't much better in reality.  

Kelani says if WC wants steal her title, they should fight at No Mercy where WC can earn it. Kelani then comes in and hits shots on Wendy. She then hits her with Wendy's own pillow and pulls her North American Title out of it.

Wes Lee is interviewed in the back. He says Pete Dunne will be sent back to Raw more bitter than he usually is. He says Joe Hendry is only here for the NXT rub and will go back to Thursdays empty handed, where he can wave those hands from side to side empty handed.

Joe Hendry is interviewed via splitscreen. Joe says what Wes did to his buddies was disgusting. Wes says the pinnacle of Joe's career won't be close to the bottom of his career. Joe says tonight is the biggest match of his life. He says all that stands between him and the title is two world class athletes. He says he will make a believer of himself when he becomes the #1 contender.

Fallon Henley and Jacy Jayne talk about the NIL people and recruits in NXT. They say they did miles on the road and worked in front of 40 people and these people are getting the fastlane into WWE. They ask where their respect is. Jacy says they are leaders of the women's division and say only one woman listens to them. Jasmyn Nyx then says she realizes they were her influences. Jacy says her and Fallon grew up in the business together. They say to imagine what they can do together. They then say their group name is "Fatal Influence". 

Thoughts: I like the idea but Nyx being with them really doesn't fit since she is an NIL and got the fastpass like the people they hate did. The name reminds of Toxic Attraction and feels like it's some new attempt to make female groups as Pure Fusion Collective was also just created.

Winner gets a title shot - Gauntlet Eliminator - Wren Sinclair vs. Sol Ruca vs. Jaida Parker vs. Brinley Reece vs. Adriana Rizzo vs. Kendal Grey

New girls come in every 3 minutes here, so this really isn't a gauntlet.

Sol and Wren are first in. Sol sunset flips her and thye stand off. They lockup drag down each other. Sol cartwheels out of a wristlock and full nelsons her. Sol trips her into an stf attempt. Roxanne Perez is watching in the back.

Wren single leg crabs Sol. Wren bow and arrows her when tries to do a surfboard out of it. Sol kips down and up out of a lariat and they swinging facebuster each other at the same time. Adrianna Rizzo comes out. Riz runs up the buckles from the outside and hits a double crossbody. Riz release northern lights suplexes both opponents.

Sol superkicks Riz. Wren gets on her back with a sleeper. Riz then gets on Wren and Sol's back with a sleeper. Riz yanks her into an AA then flipping butt drops Sol. Sol cradles Riz for 2. Riz neckbreakers her. Sol codebreakers her then hits an F-5 into a powerbomb on Riz and pins her.

We go to break and return. Brinleey Reece is in. She hits a double northern lights suplex and a double forward cartwheel lariat. Brin TKO's Sol and Wren. Kendal Grey comes out. Grey hits neackbreakers and fireman's carry takeovers. Grey 2nd rope diving headscissors Sol. Grey overhead belly to belly suplexes 2 opponents then hits a backdrop on Brin and pins her.

Grey trips Sol and rolls her into a pin attempt. Grey tries a pin on Wren then flips over her back. Grey does a headscissors + headlock takeover. Grey springboard twisting crossbodies Sol then crucifixes Wren for 2. Grey dropkicks Wren.

Grey is dropped chest first from the electric chair by Sol. Sol surfboards Grey. Grey tries to get up and falls over out of it before Wren can facebuster her. Sol cartwheels out of a Wren hiptoss and facebusters her. Sol throws Grey outside onto Wren.  Sol then top rope moonsaults outside onto both opponents.

Jaida Parker comes out. JP throws the girls into and over the rails. Grey backrolls JP then 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. JP catches it and lays her between the ropes. JP springboard buttpresses her down. JP gordbusters Grey and pins her.

Wren backrolls JP then Sol hits a sol snatcher on her while she does it. Sol pins Wren. Sol and JP hockey fight. Sol high kicks JP and is caught on a springboard with a falcon arrow for 2.

Sol cradles JP. Sol straightjacket germans JP. Sol misses a springboard splash on JP. JP running hip attacks her and pins her to win.

Thoughts: It was what you would expect a spotfest style match with rookies to look like. They tried a bunch of things and had multiple botches. It wasn't a total disaster and they got some highlights from everyone but it had some rough moments. They did keep this moving and despite it going longer, it wasn't boring.

Jaida and OTM are interviewed in the ring. JP says she's hyped. She says she's a difference maker. She says Perez might be a great champ but she got next on the title.

Ethan Page is interviewed. He says he is what's best for the brand. Pete Dunne walks in. Pete says he will break Page's fingers and ego when he makes it to no Mercy.

Tank Ledger and Hank Walker vs The OC (Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson)

Man, this one has been going on for a long time. Hank hits shots on Karl in the corner. Tank splashes Karl in the corner a couple of times. Hank is lifted into a buttdrop on Karl. Hank and Tank hit a sandwich bodyblock on Karl for 2. 

Karl back elbows Hank out. Luke facekicks Hank outside then pounds on him. Hank is beaten up in the corner. Karl armlocks Hank then prevents his tag. Hank back body drops Karl.

Tnak is hot tagged in. He gets offense in on the heels. Luke tries a high kick on Tank and mostly misses. Luke is pushed into the post. Tank 2nd rope twisting shoulderblocks Karl. Karl takes an emerald flowsion + neckbreaker and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was nice to see Hank and Tank get the win here. It was short. They kept it moving and it was an okay match with Hank and Tank having lots of energy here.

Hank and Tank then mess up Vic Joseph's hair as they celebrate. Security comes down and they celebrate with them.

Shawn Spears is interviewed about Brooks Jensen. Blade and Enofe walk in. They said Shawn swooped in on him while he was in a vulnerable state. They said they are just protecting a frieng. Spears asks if they are doing it like they did with Brinley Reece. The faces get mad and the three fight. Shawn gets his arm banged off of something and refs break it up.

The No Quarter Catch Crew talk. Dempsey talks about Thesz and Billy Robinson. He says order has finally been restored then Wren interrupts. She said the cup is home. She said she doesn't know who Lou Robinson or Billy Thesz is, but she believes him if he says they are great people. Dempsey says The D'Angelo Family's reign of terror is over and they will make The Heritage Cup the most honorable title in NXT. Wren interrupts and says Dempsey will defend the cup against anyone and calls him Charles. Oba Femi then comes out and Wren says, "I am so sorry".

Oba says the most prestigeous title on this brand is the North American Title. He says it is held by the most dominant wrestler Oba Femi.  He says he won't hesitate to defend his title against a Heritage Cup champ and add him to the list.

The D'Angelo Family come out. Dempsey asks if he will try to get a rematch. Tony says he has his eyes on the North American Title. He said he and his family don't forget. Then The Fami;ly beat up NQCC. Tony spinebusters Oba. Tony then puts the belt on Oba.

Thoughts: The Wren/Dempsey stuff was entertaining as usual. I loved Wren's reaction to Oba. I'm not sure about Oba vs Tony. That could be ugly.

Ashantee Adonis hits on girls and says he is about to handle Dion Lennox. The girls say Dion is fine and go up to him. Adonis says we will see how fine he is after the match. Dion says he's nervous but excited.

Je'Von Evans talks to Wren Sinclair in the back. She gives him The Heritage Cup to watch. Gallus then comes up and asks what he is doing with that. They say the cup represents proper wrestling and it's a style he doesn't know about. Gallus says to take them for a pint and they will make him a real wrestler. Evans says he's 20 and can't be doing it because it's illegal. Cedric Alexander comes in. Joe says he's got someone fighting his battles for him. Evans says he is his own man and Gallus says they will see about that.

Dion Lennox vs Ashante "Thee" Adonis

AA rushes him and hits shots in the corner. AA pounds on him then foot chokes him. Dion just throws him up in the air and hits a dropkick. Dion back elbows him then slams him. Dion overhead suplexes him.

 AA top rope corkscrew dives him outside. AA grabs him by the ear and slaps him. AA pushes him around then Dion hits punches. Dion slaps him then hits a spinebuster. AA eye pokes him off a suplex attempt then AA is pulled down on the ropes arm first. AA superkicks him and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was an okay match here. Dion continues to show potential as he's explosive and can hit his offense clean. Adonis has never been a bad talent, just he has never really gotten the oppurtunity. I had no issues with this.

Lexis King has someone cleaning his throne. Lash and Jakara walk past him and talk. They say Fallon and Jacy are bitter and dragging Jasmyn Nyx along. King says he guarantees they will show Fallon and Jacy next week. King calls them "Metatwo" as Oro just lost a big match and Dar is out. King says they don't want them dragging them down. Oro Mensah walks in and they say not to worry about him. 

#1 Contenders Triple Threat - Wes Lee vs Pete Dunne vs Joe Hendry

Ethan Page is on commentary. Joe is hit by both as he poses in the ring. Pete and Wes trade shots. Pete is back body dropped over the top. Joe flying knees Pete. Wes 2d rope crossbodies Joe and is caught then thrown. Joe hits a suplex on Pete. Wes snapmares Joe then dropkicks him in the back. Pete basement dropkicks Joe.

Pete stomps Joe's hand. Joe and Pete trade. Joe catapults Wes into Pete's nuts. Wes flipping koppo kicks Joe. Wes superkicks Pete outside then Joe dives on both outside.

We go to PiP break and return. Joe hits punches on Pete and lariats. Joe hits a double clothesline and fallaway slams both opponents. Joe then fallaway slams both at the same time. Pete step up enzugiri's Wes. Wes double asai moonsaults both.

Pete armbars Joe then Pete bends both opponents fingers at the same time. Wes takes an x-plex onto Joe. Wes topes Joe then kicks Pete off the ropes. Wes moonsaults into a tornado ddt on Pete. Joe 2nd rope fallways slams Pete and just kind of falls over Wes in a botched spot. Wes top rope splashes Joe.

Pete splits Wes' fingers. Joe hits a standing ovation on Pete but Ethan Page pulls the ref out. Joe then hits a standing ovation on Wes through a table. Joe hits a standing ovation on Pete but Page is keeping the ref from getting in.

Pete hits a bitter end on Joe. Trick Williams flies in and pumping knees Pete (we can barely see it) and Joe pins Pete.

Zach Wentz then jumps on Wes from the crowd and beats him up. Refs and security try to break it up.

Thoughts: It wasn't pretty. It was your usual three way and they had a few botches here plus lots of shenanigans. Joe winning is good news though. Will they have the guts to make him champ?

Overall thoughts: It was an average edition of NXT. They had some multi-person matches which weren't great but there's no lack of storylines going on. There was nothing must see here.

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