Tuesday, August 13, 2024

TNA Xplosion 8/9/2024

TNA Xplosion 8/9/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/08/tna-xplosion-822024.html

Steve Maclin vs XYON

Xyon is Xyon Quinn on NXT. He wore a bane mask and kind of looked like Dijak coming out.

Xyon side headblocks him and Steve back elbows him. Steve hits chops on Xyon then corner stomps him. Xyon hits punches and takes one to the gut. Xyon hits a spinning euro. Steve runs the ropes and flying knees him.

Steve chops Xyon then uranage backbreakers him. Steve knee drops Xyon's back. Steve hits a suplex for 2 then chinlocks Xyon. Xyon chinbreakers him. Xyon hits punches and they botch a spot. Xyon back elbows him.

Xyon headbutts him then corner spears him. Steve is sent hard into the buckles for 1. Steve hits him in the back of the neck then hits downward elbows on him. Steve hits his caught in the crosshairs tree of woe spear then hits a high angle death rider and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good. Xyon did little but the absolute basics and even botched one of those. It's hard to believe but Xyon got to do more in NXT than he did here.

Around the Ring with Gia Miller

Jade Chung is the guest. She's the ring announcer. Gia says she has the best street style she has seen. Jade says she's a sneakerhead. She said she went to see the LA Chargers by herself and said she got into Air Jordan shoes. She said she bought 6 pairs after. She says she's more into various colors and used to be into all black.

Gia says they color coordinate and says their broadcasting team is awesome. 

First Class vs Rhino and Sami Callihan

AJ Francis introduces himself and says they are First Class. He says they are reporting live from the cesspoll of America, Tampa, Florida. He says the greatest tag team in TNA is here. Swann says they are the only undefeated team in TNA history. They say if you aren't first class, you're last. AJ says PCO will need new stitches after what Matt Cardona did to him.

Sami knocks down Swann to start. Sami suplexes him and gets a Rhino chant started. Rhino hits shots on Swann's arm. Sami clubs Swann's chest. AJ shoulders Sami over and First Class fake a tag.

Sami is thrown hard into the corner. AJ corner splashes Sami then running facewash kicks him in the corner. Swann handsprings and slaps Sami. AJ chinlocks Sami while he's between the ropes. AJ stands on Sami's back. Swann takes a corkscrew bump off a back body drop.

Rhino comes in and beats up on the heels. Rhino lariats Swann and corner spears both heels. AJ hits a big lariat on Rhino. Swann is thrown out and AJ takes a double clothesline over the top. Rhino suplexes Swann in from the apron, AJ holds onto Rhino's feet and Swann gets the pin.

Thoughts: It was a quick one here. There was nothing wrong with it but it obviously wasn't see. It was on the shorter end but they got enough of this one in here.

Overall thoughts: There were two new matches this week and a new interview. Xyon Quinn of NXT debuted here and did not look good. The main was pretty average. I wouldn't recommend this.

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