Friday, August 2, 2024

WWE Smackdown 8/2/2024

WWE Smackdown 8/2/2024

Last week's show is here:

We are in Cleveland, Ohio.

We see Logan Paul arrive and shake hands with Aldis and others.

Cody Rhodes comes out to talk and calls out Solo Sikoa. Solo comes out and tells the crowd to acknowledge him. Cody says the bell will ring tomorrow at Summerslam. He says Solo will find out that he has nothing to lose and Cody has everything on the line. Solo asks if he's done and says he's wasting his time and he's running out of patience.  

Cody says Solo is a self-appointed tribal chief but he's the champ. Cody says he can't repay men like Orton and Owens if he loses to him. He talks about beating Roman in a Bloodline Rules match. Solo says Roman was a tribal chief that was weak. Solo says he's not weak, he's dangerous. He says Cody talks a big game and says to make it a Bloodline rules match tomorrow.

The Bloodline come out and surround the ring. Cody says he's not afraid of all of them and calls Fatu a dumb son of a b!tch. Cody agrees to a Bloodline Rules match and says it's not the smartest decision he has ever made. Solo says he could make Bloodline tear him apart but he won't make them do it. Solo says the tag titles come back to The Bloodline and says the world title comes back to The Bloodline tomorrow.

Cody says he has to beat the tribal chief but says since he's not here, he will settle for the wannabe. 

Thoughts: Well, this wasn't a smart thing to Cody to do. They should have done this earlier than a day before the PPV.

We see Carmelo Hayes getting his haircut. He says people keep asking him about Andrade. He said Andrade called him Bronny Jr. He says Andrade doesn't know about playing for a team, he just knows about switching teams. He says it'll be a different game the next time they face and he says when he shoots, he doesn't miss.

Andrade vs Carmelo Hayes

Melo backs him up in the corner and chops him. Andrade side headlocks him. They trade chops. Melo rolls over Andrade's back and dropkicks him. Andrade dropkicks him out. Andrade rolls him up and goes for the message but Melo slides out.

Andrade is thrown into the steps. Melo boots him in the face outside. We go to break and return. Melo springboard twisting clotheslines him then armlocks him. Andrade dragon screws him then flying forearms him. 

Andrade gets stuck on the top rope and Melo suplexes him in using the 2nd rope. Andrade superplexes him. We go to break and return. Melo goes to the 2nd rope and is pushed out. Andrade 2nd rope moonsaults him outside.

Melo hits a la mistica drop on Andrade for 2. Andrade hits a bad spinning back elbow for 2. Andrade does a top rope moonsault into a standing moonsault for 2. Andrade figure fours him. Melo hits superkicks.

Melo backrolls him then Andrade back rolls him and pins him.

Thoughts: I thought it went too long here. The crowd lost a lot of interest about halfway through. It wasn't that great and they did work together as well as they should have.

Legado del Fantasma talk in the back. Elektra tells Santos to take care of Apollo Crews. Angel says it will be easy. Santos asks if Apollo was easy last week in the gauntlet match. Santos said their fortunes will turn tonight by taking care of Crews right now.

Santos Escobar vs Apollo Crews 

Santos dropkicks him and hits boots in the corner. Santos hits knees to the face and forearms him in the back. Santos enzugiri's him from the apron. Baron Corbin is with Crews here. Santos slingshot sentons Crews' back.

Crew hits punches and belly to belly suplexes him. Crew hits lariats. Angel gets on the apron and Baron nails him. Crews gorilla press drops Andrade then standing moonsaults him for 2. Baron's leg is grabbed by Angel under the wing and Santos cradle shocks Crews to win.

Thoughts: This was all shenanigans here with Corbin and LdF getting involved. The crowd wasn't into this at all. 

LdF do a group cheer after.

Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair are interviewed. Jade says they are coming for the tag titles tonight. Bianca says it'll be 2v2 tonight but Alba and Isla can't beat them. Jade says anyone stepping up will get stepped on. 

Nick Aldis is in the ring with dignitaries of Logan's and Logan Paul is brought out. Logan says he never met a man so eager to take his belt off of him. He says LA isn't his type and says hes delusional if he thinks he will strip him of the US Title in his own hometown. Logan says he represents this city and says he is Cleveland.

He says the reason LA has so many fans is that the fans can relate to him - a bunch of tryhards who never made it. He said he has only had 2 title defenses in 273 days and says it's 2 more defenses than LA will ever have. He said he put a banner up in the arena to remind everyone that he is Cleveland's finest. The banner is shown and it has "YEAH" spraypainted on it. Logan gets mad and LA comes out.

LA talks about the banner and Logan gets mad. LA says we are 24 hours out from him losing the US Title. He says he's lucky it's the worst of what's happening to him right now after last week. LA says Logan isn't from Cleveland (Logan says he's from a suburb). LA says he will get him another banner.

LA goes to the back and goes up to Pretty Deadly. He asks if they have a banner. They ask if he wants a sneak peek of a song from their musical. LA walks away then takes Logan's Prime car. Logan runs after him as he drives away.

There was too much going on here which hurt the segment. Am I supposed to be cheer LA for committing grand theft auto?

Logan complains to Nick Aldis, saying he knew this would happen and asks what he will do about it. Nick says he will take it up with the dignitaries Logan had in the ring during the last segment.

WWE Women's Tag Titles - Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn (c) vs Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair

BB = Bianca Belair

Jade and Bianca hit stereo fallaway slams to start. Jade shoulders Isla over then corner splashes her. Jade backbreakers her for 2. Isla's head is banged off the buckles. BB gets in. BB and Jade gorilla press drop both opponents and pose. We go to break and return.

BB is pulled off the apron as Jade tries to tag her in. Alba kicks Jade in the ribs. Isla backcrackers Jade then Alba top rope swantons her while she's there for 2. Jade hits a double suplex. BB is tagged in.

BB hits a top rope double crossbody on her opponents. She dropkicks Isla then suplexes Alba. BB corner spear and corner punches Isla. BB corner spears both opponents then hits corner shots on Isla.

Alba pulls BB by the hair then BB spinebusters her. BB handspring moonsaults her for 2. Jader superkicks Isla outside. Alba rolls up BB for 2. BB forearms Alba. Blair Davenport comes out and throws Jade into the steps, giving Jade and Bianca the DQ win.

Bianca is triple teamed after. Jade knocks down Blair then gets clipped and kicked. Jade is sent into the post then over the commentary table.

Thoughts: The match wasn't that good. Bianca moved well here but some of the corner punches were awful. I'm not sure what Blair getting involved was about unless they want to give Naomi something to do.

We get a Nia Jax vs Bayley video.

Nia Jax gives Tiffany Stratton a custom MITB briefcase that is pink. Piper Niven and Chelsea Green come in. Green complains about Tiff pushing her off the ladder at MITB. She calls herself Cha-Ching Chelsea. Tiff says green isn't her color.

Ciampa says he hasn't been introduced to Tama and Fatu. We see Johnny Gargano with Indi and LeRae. He said he saw Summerslam here and decided to be a wrestler off of it. He says he's now here in the maim event as a tag champ. He says this is his city and his people. He says Bloodline will be surrounded by 10,000 members of his family.

WWE Tag Titles - DIY (c) vs Bloodline (Tama Tonga and Jacob Fatu)

Tama hits shots on Ciampa. Ciampa hits back and takes a knee to the gut. Tama suplexes him then throws him into the post shoulder first.

We go to break and return. Fatu misses a corner splash and hits the post. Both tag out. JG hits punches on Tama then flying forearms him. JG step up enzugiri's both opponents. Fatu is pulled out and JG slingshot spears Tama for 2. JG cannonballs Fatu off the apron. Ciampa 2nd rope air raid crashes Tama for 2.

Tama hits forearms on Ciampa and Ciampa takes a flying back elbow from Fatu. Fatu corner hip attacks Ciampa. Tama top rope splashes Ciampa for a close 2. Fatu throat thrusts JG and hits headbutts. Fatu hip attacks the steps when JG moves.

Ciampa rolls up Tama for 2. Tama misses a splash and takes a shatter machine. Solo hits a samoan spike on Ciampa while the ref is distracted. Tama twisting revere ddt's JG for 2.

JG gets stomped on. JG hits superkicks on both opponents. JG topes Tama outside. JG poisonrana's Fatu. Fatu no sells it and superkicks him. Fatu pop-up samoan drops him. Fatu double jump moonsaults JG then hits an implant ddt for the win.

Thoughts: Bloodline had to win here but I don't like faces losing in their hometown, even if it is Gargano. They overdid it a bit here but did keep a fast pace. I wasn't a huge fan of this one but it wasn't awful.

Overall thoughts: We got two title matches here but like last week, it wasn't a star studded show. I didn't think it was that interesting of a show and didn't think anything here was must see. I would not recommend this one.

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