Sunday, August 25, 2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 8/18/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 8/18/2024

Last week's show is here:

Drew Abbenhaus and Sean Vincent are on commentary. Sean said his knee has never felt better and he spent some time in massage parlors in Canada. Drew says this is a family show.

Rob Stardom vs "The Iron Pitbull" Kenny Kingston

Rob is thrown back off the lock up twice. Rob claims KK pulled the hair. Rob hits punches out of the side headlock then chops him. Rob boots him out of the corner and lariats him. Rob hits more lariats and forearms then KK knocks him over with a lariat. KK running powerslams him and wins.

Thoughts: It was just a short one here. I was surprised this wasn't more even with Kenny basically squashing Rob.

We see clips of Curtis Wylde and Billy McNeil vs The LA Hustlers for the SICW Tag Titles. Billy hits a cutter on Potts and both are down. Curt is hot tagged in and he beats up on The Hustlers. Curt spears Diggs then rocket launchers Billy onto Diggs and Billy hits a ddt. Billy top rope splashes Diggs and picks up the win at 11:44 (we saw maybe 2 minutes of it). Wylde and McNeil are the new SICW Tag champs. 

Wylde and McNeil are interviewed after. McNeil says they broke the curse and says to look at them now. Wylde says this is what happens when chumps like The Hustlers step to The Wyldeside. He then says they are the new tag champs.

Billy McNeil and Curtis Wylde are interviewed. Curt says The Hustlers couldn't get it done and The Wyldecats are here to stay. Curt says they have family now in SICW and says the tag titles are one of a long list of accomplishments. He says they are just getting started. Billy says we have a couple of wildcats heading towards the wild, blue yonder. Billy says his hair isn't going anywhere in his hair vs servant match with Glenn Williams. He then says it's over already for Trent Daniels tonight in their match but he doesn't know it yet.

The Top Guns are interviewed. Brandon says they are feeling great. He says this is the first time they have faced The Professionals tonight. Brandon says The Professionals are a great tag team. He says he respects them but not cheating or them using weapons. He says it'll be a tag match that should have happened a year ago and says it will be a barnburner.

Joey Vinetti says they still have unfinished business with The LA Hustlers even though they don't have the tag titles. Joey says The Top Guns are coming. Brandon says they have their sights set on them and says they better wear bulletproof vests as they are aiming for their chests.

"Trending" Trent Daniels vs Billy McNeil

They lock up and TD backs him up in the corner and just taps him then Billy does the same. Billy wristlocks and hammerlocks him. TD back elbows him then Billy hiptosses and armdrags him. Billy armlocks him. Billy uses the ropes to bulldog TD.

TD over the back neckbreakers him and stomps him. TD chinlocks him then back elbows him for 2. Billy bends over and gets kicked then TD suplexes him. TD pulls Billy's arms back. TD throws him back by the hair and Billy hits a short arm clothesline.

TD boots him out of the corner then misses a facekick. Billy elbow drops him as he's bent over on the back of the neck and pins him.

It went long and wasn't that interesting with a slower pace.

The Professionals and Kowalski are interviewed. Mauler McDarby tells Lucky P. Larson to get better. He says his arm will heal up and they are pulling for him. Mauler says there was a drop off in the tag division when they left. Mauler says The Top Guns couldn't hold onto the tag belts and got Joey Vinetti's jaw busted. Mauler says he hasn't forgotten about Joey hitting him with the cast. Shawn Santel says they are the measuring stick of the tag division. Shawn says the division will be elevated to a different level now that they are back.

Mauler calls Joe Helms a felon for stealing $5,000 on camera. Mauler says Kowalski has words for The Big Texan. Kowalski says Texan has never beaten him once in a match and says Texan's belt is coming back to where it belongs. Kowalski tells Texan to kiss his kids goodbye as Texan is his.

Promoter's Corner - Wrestling at The Chase - Ted Dibiase vs Big John Studd

They lock up. Studd misses a chest club and Ted moves. Ted hits punches and a side headlock. The video freezes and it's not on my end. Studd misses a corner charge and Ted dropkicks him. Ted flying headscissors him then side headlock takeovers him.

Studd shoulders him over then Ted rolls him up for 2. Studd hits an elbow to the head then slams him. Studd atomic drops him for 2 then chinlocks him. Ted gets out and knocks him over. Ted misses a dropkick then Studd elbow drops him on the back of the neck for 2.

Ted chinlocks him. They each get clubs in on each other and Ted sunset flips him off a back body drop. Studd hits some clubs and running forearms him in the lower back. Studd backbreakers him for 2. Ted misses a corner charge, goes into the post and goes out. Ted tries to get in and Studd knocks him off the apron. Ted pulls Studd out and bangs his leg off the apron and post.

Ted hits shots drops and drops him then yanks on the leg. Ted goes for the figure four and is pushed out of the ring. Studd beats up Ted outside and bangs him off a chair. They trade and Studd's head is banged off the apron. Ted then chairs Studd and they fight to a draw, though it should have been a DQ win for Studd.

Ted bangs Studd's head off the commentary table then Ted's head is banged off of it and the post. 

Thoughts: I didn't like the call on the finish as Ted hit Studd with a chair in front of the ref. I liked the match. It escalated nicely and made sense. Ted was the fiery underdog face here and blew up on Studd at the end after dealing with his bullying.

The Professionals (Mauler McDarby and Shawn Santel) vs The Top Guns (Brandon Baretta and Joey Vinetti)

Shawn and Brandon shove each other then trade punches. Brandon hits some shots and Shawn takes a double suplex. Shawn takes down Joey then Joey hammerlocks him. Joey comes off the 2nd rope and double axe handles Shawn's arm. Joey side headlock takeovers Shawn.

Shawn headscissors him then Joey side headlocks him. Joey is held for a headbutt from Mauler. Joey wristlocks Mauler and Brandon boots Mauler in the arm. Brandon armbreakers Mauler then slams him. Joey is lifted into an elbow drop on Mauler.

Joey lariats Shawn. Brandon corner splashes Joey then sliding lariats him for 2. Brandon 2nd rope shoulder blocks Shawn for 2. Shawn is on all fours and Brandon is lariated over him by Mauler. Mauler kneedrops and stomps Mauler.

Brandon takes a double headbutt. Shawn atomic drops and lariats Brandon. Brandon is tripped into an elbow drop on the back. Mauler chinlocks Brandon then hits shots to the back. Mauler is on Shawn's shoulders and Shawn kneedrops Brandon.

Shawn holds Brandon for shots from Mauler. Mauler butt drops Brandon's back. Shawn backbreakers Brandon for 2. Shawn goes for a backdrop and Brandon rolls on him to stop it. 

Joey gets the hot tag in and cleans house. Brandon hits a spinebuster on Shawn then Joey is rocket launched onto Shawn. Joey goes for the pin but the ref says Joey is not the legal man. Mauler then hits Joey with a shillelagh and is DQ'd.

It was a decent match here and the two teams worked well together. I assume the wrong man going for the pin spot was planned. The finish wasn't the greatest here but it saved either team from losing and leads to another match.

Brandon takes shillelagh shots and Shawn pounds on Joey. Joey then takes a top rope elbow drop + a backdrop to end the show.

Overall thoughts: The main and the Dibiase/Studd match were the best things on here. I was surprised to see Wylde/McNeil become tag champs as that wasn't really built up to and was not expected. There wasn't a lot else going on here otherwise. I thought it was about average overall and I felt like this one ran a bit long.

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