Thursday, August 8, 2024

Marigold 8/3/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 6

Marigold 8/3/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 6

The last show is here:

They are in Tokushima and the building must have no AC. Everyone is fanning themselves and soaked with sweat. And this is Japan - Japanese people have a high tolerance for warm temperatures, so it must be bad there.

Natsumi Showzuki vs. Misa Matsui vs. Komomo Minami

KM helps Misa win the lock-up on NS. NS dropkicks KM. NS armdrags KM. KM then dropkicks her. NS double knees her opponents then double knee drops KM for 2. KM slams NS for 2 then armbars her. NS takes corner attacks qand Misa shoulders KM over.

Misa suplexes NS then KM rolls over the back of NS and ddt's her. Misa rolls up KM then NS joins in on the pin attempt. NS and Misa forearm each other.

Misa chest forearms NS and blocks her high kick with a stretch muffler. Misa crossbodies NS against the ropes. Misa top rope dropkicks NS for 2. NS running boots Misa for 2. NS corner dropkicks Misa then step up enzugiri's her for 2.

Misa knees her on the ropes and is knee'd on the ropes. KM rolls NS into a pin attempt. NS spin kicks Misa in the face. KM dropkicks NS then is kicked. NS gets stuck on the ropes and is flipped down on KM. Misa la magistral's KM and pins her with a bridge.

It was really fast paced and too fast paced for the girls. Some of the kicks looked bad here and brought this one down.

Myla Grace vs Zayda Steel

These two teamed up a few days ago and are fighting here. Zay wristlocks her then Myla takes her down by the arm. Myla armlocks and trips her. Zay tries to roll through the wristlock but Myla keeps it on. Zay side headlock takeovers her. Myla side headlock takeovers her.

They bridge up from the mat together and Zay backslides her. Myla trips her and Zay rolls over her back. Myla bridges out of a pin attempt. Zay armdrags her off the casadora.

Zay rolls Myla up and low ddt's her. Myla rolls her into a border city stretch. Myla hip attacks Zay on the ropes for 2. Zay spin kicks her and crossfaces her. Myla running euros her then backdrops her for 2. Myla twisting reverse ddt's her and wins.

Thoughts: It was Myla's best match so far in Marigold. She hit all of her offense clean and they stuck to simple stuff that was harder to mess up. I expected disaster but this was a totally fine match.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix Qualifying Match - Nao Ishikawa vs. Chika Goto

They chest forearm each other on the ropes. They shoulder battle and Nao knocks her over. Nao hair throws her. Chika shoulders her over then slams her. Nao corner lariats her then shoulders her over. Nao cartwheel splashes her for 2.

Chika catches a crossbody and puts Nao on the 2nd rope. Chika botches her buttpress then tries ti again. Chika hits hip attacks on her. Nao kicks Chika in the butt and Chika chest forearms her. Nao forearms her back.

They trade chops and Nao hits a forearm flurry. Nao atomic drops her and sleepers her. Nao ddt's Chika then flying neckbreakers her. Nao top rope crossbodies her for 2. Nao double underhook suplexes her for 2. Chika powerslams her for 2.

Nao cartwheels into a headscissors rolll up then Chika chokeslams her. Chika giant swings her then drops her chest first on the mat for 2. Chika chokeslams her for 2.

Thoughts: 3 months ago, this would have been bad. They did have a botch here but I thought it was a decent effort. Nao looked better than usual and Chika's chokeslam looked good. I would still probably put it as average but it surpassed expectations.

Kouki Amarei & Rea Seto vs. Kizuna Tanaka & Miku Aono

Kouki and Miku trade wristlocks. Kouki cartwheels off the ropes and facekicks her. Miku dropkicks her. Kouki running facekicks her. Rea and Kiz trade chest forearms. Rea slams her for 2. Rea crabs Kiz and Miku breaks it up.

Kouki slams Kiz for 2. Kiz flying lariats her. Miku gets in and kicks Kouki in the chest and back. Miku slams Kouki. Kouki goes for a cutter but Miku sells it like a neckbreaker, making a new move.

Rea hits dropkicks on Miku then Miku swinging slams her. Miku hits a nice corner dropkick. Miku corner dropkicks her for 2. Miku buffalo sleepers Rea and Rea ropebreaks. Rea corner dropkicks Miku the facebusters her. Rea hits another dropkick for 2.

Kouki jumping facekicks Miku. Kouki hits a facekick for 2 then hits a dominator. Kouki splashes Miku for 2. They trade chest forearms and Kouki dropkicks her. Miku sliding lariats her for 2. 

Kouki spinebusters Miku then Miku double underhook suplexes her for 2. Kiz top rope dropkicks Kouki. Kiku high kicks her then dominators her. Kiz armbars her. Kouki powerslams Kiz for 2. Kouki gets caught on the ropes. Kiz snapmares her down then rolling drops her. Kiz perfectplexes Kouki for 2. Kouki backdrops Kiz for 2. Kouki 180 splashes Kiz and picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was a decent tag here with everyone putting in their fair share of the work. Kizuna is really talented as an underdog face and was great here. 

Kouki seems to challenge Miku for her belt after.

Giulia, Mai Sakurai & MIRAI vs. Bozilla, CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki


G = Giulia, NN = Nagisa Nozaki

G's team attacks before the bell. G throws Boz out and they fight outside. Boz bangs G's head off a chair and Mai is thrown into the chairs by NN. The brawl continues around the arena with Mai getting her head banged off the bleachers and G using a chair on Boz. NN running facekicks Mai on the bleachers.

NN curbstomps Mai. Boz shoulders Mai over. Boz slams Mai then sentons her for 2. Mai legsweeps her then basement dropkicks her. Mirai shoulders Boz and ducks her punches. Mirai throws her down by the leg and messes up a curb stomp move for 2. Mirai sleepers Boz and gets on her back with it.  Boz backbreakers Mirai for 2. Boz hits corner spears on Mirai then chops her. NN gets in and double chop flurries Mirai. NN suplexes Mirai for 2. Mirai dropkicks NN. Mirai goes for the tag and Chi stops her.

Mirai chops NN over, making her ddt Chi. NN and G trade forearms. G is tripped into the ropes and takes a facekick from NN. NN revere kicks her on the apron. G top rope double underhook suplexes NN. Boz pushes NN over on the 2nd rope to superplex G. NN basement dropkicks G for 2. Chi carthweel double knee's G for 2. Chi iron claws G. G slaps her and is slapped back. G headbutts her. Boz pounces G from the side then lifts NN into a dropkick on G.

Chi rolling spears NN and somehow got busted open. Mirai cradle shocks Chi then Mai and G do a double elbow drop off the buckles. Boz germans G. G sends her over the top. Chi grabs a chair. G blocks a chair shot then G chairs Chi. Chi chairs G back. Chi hits triple fisherman suplexes for 2.

G backdrops Chi then hits a glorious driver on her for 2. Chi headbutts G then G hits a stiff northern lights bomb for the win.

Thoughts: It was a good match here. They got a lot of time for this. We some outside brawling, we got some weapons usage, we got some stiff work and Chiaki got busted open here. It was easily one of Marigold's best matches to date and was a huge step above their usual offerings. 

Giulia talks to Mai and then Nagisa/Chiaki on the mic after. Nagisa talks to Giulia on the mic then Chiaki talks to Giulia on the mic. G then talks more on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show. There were only 5 matches here and a lot of the roster was missing for this one. The main was one of Marigold's best matches yet and the semi-main was good. Myla/Zayda had a competent match and there were some things like to like about Nao/Chika. The opener wasn't good though.

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