Wednesday, August 28, 2024

WWE Speed 8/28/2024

WWE Speed 8/28/2024

Last week's show is here:

NOTE - WWE has a weird way of formatting this tournament. They have 8 people in it and usually, that goes from 8 people to 4 people to 2 people to one person. The winner then moves onto a Speed Title match. However, they count the Speed Title match as part of the tournament which makes this a semi-finals match even though everyone else would call it the final match.

#1 Contenders Tournament Semifinals - Je'Von Evans vs Pete Dunne

Evans superkicks him then does a seated springboard headscissors. Evans dropkicks him outside and suicide dives him. Evans springboard elbows him for 2. Pete hits a rebound german then stomps on Evans' hands.

Evans goes for another headscissors but takes a sitout powerbomb for 2. They trade chops. Pete hits an enzugiri and takes a high kick. Evans blind springboards and is forearmed in the back of the head. Pete stomps Evans' hands and headkicks him. Evans gets out of a release suplex and corkscrew kicks him off the ropes. Evans springboards, Pete catches him and splits the fingers. Pete then hits a bitter end and wins at 2:24.

Thoughts: It was one of the better Speed matches so far. It was fast paced, Evans did his flying and the two matched up well together.

Overall thoughts: As usual, there was only one new match here. It was one of the better matches Speed has had, but it was only 2 minutes long and it's not like it's must see. I wouldn't recommend this.

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