Wednesday, August 7, 2024

WWE NXT 8/6/2024

WWE NXT 8/6/2024

Last week's show is here:

This is Night Two of The Great American Bash 2024.

We see highlights of Hank and Tank goofing round NXT last week. They say they crushed it and agree to do it the same time next week.

Trick Williams vs Pete Dunne

Trick leapfrogs and dropkicks him to start. Trick chops him then Pete grabs a kimura. Trick delay suplexes him. Pete kimura ddt's him. Pete pulls on Trick's fingers and stomps his arm into the mat.

Pete hits mounted forearms and triangles him. Trick deadlift powerbomb throws him. They trade chops. Pete eye rakes him. Pete goes to flip off the buckles and takes a neckbreaker.

We go to PiP break and return. Pete stomps Trick into the mat then running forearms him. Trick lariats him. Trick hits punches and jumping side headkicks. Trick flapjacks him and kips up. Trick rock bottoms Pete for 2.

Pete stomps Trick's fingers and buzzsaw kicks him. Trick does a 2nd rope flapjack for 2. Trick pump kicks him and Pete step up enzugiri's him. Trick hits another pump kick for 2. Pete powerbombs him and stomps his head in the mat.

Trick kips up and hits chops and punches. Trick stomps Pete down in the corner then Pete splits Trick's fingers. Trick misses a flying pumping knee then Pete hits a bitter end for the win.

Having Trick lose to Pete Dunne is just pure stupidity. This guy is the most over person in the promotion and they are risking it by having him lose to Pete Dunne. Makes no sense whatsoever and it's a great way to kill off Trick's momentum. I didn't like Trick's punches here as they didn't really connect but Trick had some decent comebacks here. It was average.

We see various wrestlers partying earlier in the day for The Great American Bash. Lexis King takes over the DJ duties. Hank and Tank said they wanted Eddy Thorpe on here. King says we will listen to rock and roll and says they wouldn't know music if it slapped them in the face. Eddy Thorpe comes in and they kick Lexis out. 

Stevie Turner and Mr. Stone argue over who can eat more wings. Stone says no but Stevie calls him a chicken. Hank and Tank cheer them on as they eat and we cut away.

Ethan Page talks to a production guy in the back and says he needs his ice bath to be one degree warmer. Nathan Frazer wishes him good luck tonight. Page says he doesn't need it, but says NF does since his partner got pinned by MSK. NF says Page knows something about being pinned. Page says he should be more worried about where his tag partner is.

WWE NXT Women's North American Title - Kelani Jordan (c) vs Tatum Paxley

KJ wristlocks her and cartwheels out of a throw. We see Jacy Jane's crew watching in the back and we see Wendy Choo behind them. Tatum then cartwheels out of an arm throw and backflips. Tatum flips over KJ while she's on all 4 hours. KJ rolls her up from behind then armdrags her.

KJ shoulders her over and we get dueling chants. KJ armdrags her then tiger feint armdrags her. Tatum bends back on the mat and KJ flipping legdrops her. KJ tornillo plancha's her outside.

Tatum goes under the ring and finds a doll that looks like her. Tatum then spears her leg. We go to PiP break and return. Tatum has KJ's legs figure four'd and is pulling upwards. 

KJ forearms Tatum and sunset flips her for 2. Tatum swinging facebusters her. Wendy Choo comes out and grabs the doll. KJ cartwheel back elbows her. KJ goes for the handspring but her leg gives out due to Tatum working on it. KJ cradles her and flatliners her. KJ misses a split legged moonsault and Tatum 450's her for 2 which the crowd really reacted for.

KJ armdrags her. Tatum legsweeps her. They fight on the buckles and KJ spanish flies her. KJ top rope splashes her and wins.

Thoughts: I never really like the "highflyer gets their leg worked on" story as it kind of eliminates some of what they can do. KJ did sell the leg though while doing some top rope stuff so I guess it's okay. This was probably Tatum's best match yet and she definitely got the best reactions here that she has ever gotten. Tatum showed a lot more athleticism than we usually see out of her. The two matched up really well and better than I expected. I would run this one back and see if they can duplicate the magic. The lower ranked main roster girls are going to be in trouble soon in WWE. The NXT wrestlers are way better products than they are and will end up taking their jobs.

Wendy Choo attacks Tatum Paxley after. KJ comes up and ends up staring down at Choo.

Charlie Dempsey and Myles Borne talk about Kendal Grey throwing Borne. Wren Sinclair asks where Tavion is and asked if they trunk'd him. Dempsey says he's in Japan and Wren if that's the new term for beating him up. Wren says she will wrestle the girl who keeps beating up Myles and says they should let her in the group when she beats her. Dempsey says no. The D'Angelo Family come in. Tony says if Wren wins tonight, he will give Dempsey a Heritage Cup match. Wren says the stakes are real high and she feels tired. Wren calls him "Charles". Dempsey then agrees that if she wins, she can join the group. Oba Femi then walks through everyone.

Frazer can't reach Axiom on the phone. Ax comes in and says he was giving him space. Frazer says he's glad he finally showed up.

Thoughts: I thought Wren thinking that "Tavion is in Japan" is a codeword for getting whacked was funny.

Pete Dunne is interviewed. He said Trick has all the talent in the world but he is on top of his game. He says he's ready to challenge for the title if Trick isn't. Trick then comes up to him and starts fighting him for some reason. The refs then try to break it up.

NXT Title - Ethan Page (c) vs Oro Mensah


They lock up. Oro is backed up in the corner then Oro hits chops. Page takes a spinning headscissors then Oro corner splashes him. Oro PK's him for 2. They hit shots in the corner. Oro fights back with forearms. Oro machine gun chops him.

Oro legsweeps Page on the apron then boots him through the ropes. We go to PiP break and return. Oro took a back body drop on the floor during the break. Oro spin kicks him, asai moonsaults and is caught with a dropkick. Page yanks him into a powerslam for 2.

Oro exploders him. Oro gets more offense in and hits an axe kick. Page is on the buckles, Oro walks up the buckles and flip kicks him. Oro topes him outside. Oro koppo kicks him for 2. They trade slaps and hockey fight. Oro springboard rider kicks him out. Oro dropkicks him through the ropes and goes out of the ring on it. Page's head is banged off a picnic table then Oro is back dropped onto it.

Oro takes a razor's edge through the picnic table. Page ddt's him in the ring for 2. Oro rolls him up for 2 and superkicks him. Oro jumping ddt's him then koppo kicks him in the coner for 2. Oro intentionally slips on a springboard and is pump kicked. Page hits a razor edge for the win.

Thoughts: It was decent match. I thought the razor's edge through the table should have ended it though. I'm not really surprised that it was okay. Oro can have those kind of matches. I didn't expect Oro to win here. 

Page talks about other wrestlers and says it's "N-X-Me".

MSK/The Rascalz are interviewed. Wentz says it's been 852 days since they had to give up their titles. Wentz says it's been frustrating and he's been waiting for this day to come. Wes says he thought this day would never come. Wes said one day they were tag champs then he had to figure things out on his own the next day. He says standing next to them is the best day of his career. Trey says they are The Rascalz but it's all about MSK tonight. 

Lola Vice does the commercial for NXT No Mercy on September 1st.

We go back to the Bash partying in the back. Brinley Reece asks who Dion Lennox is. Ashantee Adonis comes in and says don't worry about him as Adonis is right here. Jaida says she's worried about the NXT Title and says she got next. Lola Vice says she wants it and said she was close to beating Perez. Tyson Dupont comes in and talks about Thea/Roxanne. Jaida calls him a meatball and says nobody is worried about that. Someone else then comes in and says they are all smoke or something. Lola then hits him and the guy is triple powerbombed through a table. Hank and Tank say that was awesome.

Thoughts: I like segments where different people get to interact. The female on male violence needs to stop though. It's degrading and unbelieveable. 

Joe Hendry vs Joe Coffey

JH immediately dives out onto Gallus outside. JC comes off the apron onto him and is hit. JC pop-up euros him then running euros him in the corner. JC backbreakers him then JC vader bomb style elbow drops him.

JH flying knees JC. JC misses a double jump twisting crossbody. JC suplexes him. JB stomps on him in the corner. JH back elbows JC then lariats him over the top. 

We go to PiP break and return. JH is foot choked. Gallus goes after JH outside and JH sells it like they hit him with a chair and threw him on the table. The ref then throws Gallus out. JH rolls up JC from behind.

JC headbutts him then JH hits punches. JH back body drops him. JH fallaway slams him then hits a standing ovation to win.

Thoughts: It was just average here and nothing too special. Thankfully Hendry got the win and got a big reaction.

Joe Hendry is interviewed in the ring after. He says he likes it here in NXT and might just stay for a lot longer. He says there's a lot of people who will have a problem with it but they can find him here next Tuesday. He says he will appear and you won't even have to say his name.

We go to Chase U. Chase says there's a brand new clasroom and credits Ridge Holland. Thea and Duke aren't thrilled. Duke says it'd be nice to have a title or two. Riley says they smashed it and deserve another shot. Ridge comes in and says we can't give up hope. He says we have to bring gold to Chase U and said he pulled a favor to get Chase U a tag title match next week. duke says they will bring it hom. Chase says it's him and Chase this time representing Chase U. He says he wants to prove he's a winner and champ like them. He says we all deserve it. Riley and Duke don't look happy but Thea is thrilled.

Thoughts: They are really putting in a lot of time into Ridge Holland. It's all for nothing though as that crowd does not like him due to injuring Big E. There's nothing anyone can do about it aside from kicking the people out who don't like him or running elsewhere.

Shawn Spears goes up to Brooks Jensen at the GAB party. It's strongly implied Brooks is drinking alcohol. Shawn asks what's up and says he owes him an open mind. Shawn says he doesn't need that. Tank says to keep it chill and no fighting.

Brinley Reece, Carlee Bright and maybe Kendal Grey talk about the stuff going on and all the new faces. Roxanne Perez comes in and says there's people she doesn't recognize. Mr. Stone is covered in hot wing sauce and says every woman who hasn't had a chance yet will get to compete in a multi-woman match. Stevie then punches him. The OC walk in and take Hank and Tank's food and ruin it. They say the food sucks and say even though they said no fighting, the party is over. They then fight.

Thoughts: Again, more female on male violence here. Does someone have some weird fetish for this or something?

Charlie Dempsey gets a Heritage Cup shot if Wren wins/Wren gets in No Quarter Catch Crew if she wins - Wren Sinclair vs Kendal Grey

Grey takes her down and goes for the armbar. Grey then armlocks her. Wren headscissors her and armlocks her. Grey 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her then armlocks her. Wren pulls Grey's neck down then surfboards her.

Grey belly to belly suplexes Wren out of the ring. Borne says he's not scared of Grey, goes towards her and he falls over out of fear. Grey hits a backdrop on Wren. Borne gets on the apron. They each try pins on each other. Wren hits a big punch then doesa a headlock driver to win.

It was a short one. Wren won as expected. I'm not a fan of new people losing on TV but Wren being part of NQCC offers up a lot of possibilities storyline wise.

Je'Von Evans talks about his life. We see a promo from his tryout. He says things have been going crazy since he made it. He says A-Train/Matt Bloom/Lord Tensai was the first guy he met. He said he asked him how he got the tattoos off of his face as a kid. We see a picture of them when he was a kid and he says Tensai is his coach. He said he can't believe he called him that on TV.

Oba Femi is interviewed in the parking lot. He says he is defending his title next week against any man who is brave or foolish enough to challenge. Tony D'Angelo walks by and cuts him off. He says he's going to beat Dempsey next week in a Heritage Cup match and there's nothing that can be done about it.

WWE NXT Tag Titles - Axiom and Nathan Frazer (c) vs MSK (Zachary Wentz and Wes Lee)

Ax armdrags Wes and armlocks him. Wes monkey flips him. Ax bridges out and dropkicks him. NF trips Wes then armdrags him. Wes and NF go at it at a quick pace. Wes forearms him down. Wentz bronco busters NF.

NF step up enzugiri's him. Ax top rope crossbodies Wes then flying headscissors him out. NF does a tope con hilo onto two opponents outside then Ax moonsaults out onto them.

We go to PiP break and return. NF moonsaults and is superkicked during it. Wes snapmares Ax then dropkicked him in the back of the neck. Wes superkicks him and backdrops him. Ax stops a double team. Ax top rope spanish flies Wentz. NF corkscrew moonsualts Wentz for 2.

Wentz springboard cutters NF for 2. Went is pushed into a standing ssp on NF for 2. Wes is sat on the top rope and dropkicked. NF superplexes Wes, holds onto him then Wes takes a superkick + brainbuster for 2. Ax golden ratio kicks Wes and wins.

Wentz and Trey help up Wes after. Wes superkicks Trey. Wentz asks what he's doing. Wes kicks Wentz in the nuts. Wes says "you left me alone" and hits him. Wes then throws Trey through the rail and tries to running knee Wentz against the steps but mostly misses.

Thoughts: The match wasn't the best work possible between MSK and Ax/NF. It wasn't bad, but they didn't get to go all out and be crazy.

I really want to talk about the turn after though. I'm totally against it. The Rascalz reuniting was a real wholesome moment and MSK reclaiming their titles could have been a huge storyline. They didn't get the most out of it. Wes saying "you left me alone" didn't work since we know the real reason he left was because he got fired. Wes has also been a good face and now that's done with.

Overall thoughts: I didn't like this episode at all and I would have turned it off if I wasn't reviewing it. I'm over the female on male violence stuff. It looks ridiculous, it's not believeable and it makes the men look bad. The show is being used to push social issues and that's not something I want to see. Wes turning heel sucked and Trick losing sucked too. I'm glad Tatum and Kelani had a good showing here though.

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