Monday, July 15, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 7/13/2024 Season 4, Episode 44

WOW Women of Wrestling 7/13/2024 Season 4, Episode 44

Last week's show is here:

Note - There were some pre-empetions due to Donald Trump being shot today. I'm not sure if anything was cut from this show over it but it did start 5 minutes late.

Team IQ Superior comes out. Smart says the longer the fans boo, the longer she is up here. She says this is an official warning for WOW's legal team. She says Polly Fleabag bit The Classmaster and she's not okay with it. She said they will get over this like they do living with low IQ inferiors every single day. She said truck drivers (The Mother Truckers) will be replaced by AI anyway so the tag titles will be theirs. 

Siren the Voodoo Doll and Chainsaw vs The Fierce Sisters (Roxxy Fierce and Foxxy Fierce)

Angelica Dante is with Siren and Chainsaw. This is Roxxy's in-ring debut. The Fierce sisters hit dropkicks as they run in and the announcer Lauren gets knocked down. The heels are thrown into each other. Foxxy back rolls Siren then lariats her. Foxxy boots her then does a waistlock bomb. Foxxy rolls her up for 2.

Chainsaw catches Foxxy in the air and misses a butt drop on her. Foxxy hip attacks her and gets a 2 count on the pin. Roxxy hits a double flying clothesline then has her double crossbody caught. Foxxy hip attacks her over through and The Fierce Sisters get a double pin to win!

Thoughts: It was a short one and it was fine for what it was. I was shocked that Lauren took got knocked over here and I'll bet she didn't appreciate that.

David McClane interviews The Sisters after. Foxxy says she's proud of her and is very happy. Roxxy says an attack on Foxxy is an attack on her. Dave welcomes them to WOW and holds their arms up in victory.

The Mother Truckers talk in the locker room about Team IQ Superior. Holly says they will still lose tonight. She says "honk honk" and "tag champs".

The Brat Pack (RK Rhythm and Gigi Gianni) vs The Dojo Defenders (Tara Strike and Kara Kai)

BK gets on the mic beforehand. She says Gigi has something to say. The crowd chants "please don't rap". Gigi calls The Defenders "pretenders" and does a rhyme about something else. BK says it needs work and they will work on it.

Kai and BK go at it. BK tries to crane kick her and is taken down. Kai hooks her leg then front facelocks her. Kai gator rolls her then cradles her for 2. Kai hits leg kicks and step up enzugiri's her. Kai flying headscissors her.

BK takes a double kick. Tara hits kicks on BK. The ref holds up the "X" and the match is called off. BK is holding her ear/side of her face after a kick. The match is called a no contest.

Thoughts: Hopefully BK is okay here. The Dojo Defenders are not having a great WOW run so far. 

They say BK's jaw is not broken and she's being taken to the hospital to check to see if there was a concussion.

David McClane is in the ring for a contract signing. Penelope Pink is going to challenge for the WOW Title against The Beast. Lana Starr comes down with Pink. She says she doesn't want any funny business and says Pink is the real WOW champ. She said she never submitted or got pinned. Dave asks Lana if the contract is all correct and she says it is.

The Beast comes out. Lana says Penelope Pink is the WOW champ we deserve. Pink signs the contract then puts her feet on it. Pink tells Beast to take a look at her boots as those boots will stomp her down in the ring. She says she will take back her title. She says she will embarrass her and look good doing it. Beast growls at her and Pink falls backwards out of her chair. They flip the table and go face to face. Dave tells them to save it for next week. Dave says, "you enticed her Penelope Pink, you enticed it!". Beast then signs the contract on Dave's back.

Thoughts: This was a lot funnier than it was supposed to be. Pink putting her feet on the table then falling over when Beast growled at her was great. Pink vs Beast should be a good one.

Top Tier (Coach Campanelli, Gloria Glitter and Kandi Krush) vs Santana Garrett, Americana and Ariel Sky

Top Tier do a promo. They say The All-American Girls took it upon themselves to help Ariel Sky. Coach says they will never beat the greatest team in wrestling, Top Tier.

SG and Coach go at it. SG side headlock takeovers her. Coach armbreakers her and wristlocks her. SG handspring back elbows her. Ameri jumps off SG's back and forearms Coach for 2. SG cravates Coach. Coach stomps her foot.

Kandi gets in and bangs SG's head off her knee. Kandi corner splashes and corner spears her. Kandi boots her in the corner. Coach back elbows SG then Glitter knees SG in the gut. Kandi sliding forearms SG in the corner.

Glitter hits corner spears and knees to the gut. Glitter uses SG's back as a stair stepper then bangs SG's head off the mat. SG is down and Coach kneels on her. Kandi misses an elbow drop. SG tags Ameri in.

Ameri lariats Kandi then hits a nice dropkick. Ameri bulldogs Kandi then top rope moonsaults her for 2. Kandi and Coach are thrown into each other and take stereo superkicks. SG and Ameri pick up stereo pins and win.

Thoughts: It was a short one here. Ariel didn't even get in and my guess is that she's hurt again. I didn't like Top Tier getting double pinned here and I didn't like them going down so easy. It was an okay match though. 

Next week - Miami's Sweet Heat vs Tormenta and Princess Aussie. They also say we will find out who challenges The Beast for the title. Didn't Penelope Pink just sign a contract for that?

WOW Tag Titles - The Mother Truckers (Big Rig Betty and Holly Swagg) vs Team IQ Superior (The Classmaster and Samantha Smart)

Betty gets on the mic. She says they were supposed to be out here in the main with Team IQ Superior. She says they were watching them on TV earlier and heard them call Holly "Holly Fleabag". Holly said she got her tetanus shot and has no fleas. Betty says Team IQ Superior doesn't want to fight so they will sit out here until they do. They then say let's give them two words, "honk honk". We are told The Disciplinarian said something to Samantha Smart and was benched just as Smart had warned.

Smart is not in wrestling gear here and is wearing her usual suit. Ben Shineberg is our ref. Class and Betty lock up. Class knees her in the gut. Class and Betty miss splashes then Class is bulldogged. Betty superkicks her and bangs her head off the buckles. Class is thrown down via the straightjacket.

Class stomps on Holly then bodyscissors her. Class butt drops Holly's back. Class throws Holly across the ring. Class chops her down and stomps her hand. Class stomp flurries her in the corner.

Holly does a running strike and knocks Class over. Class waistlock takedowns her then front facelocks her. Class blocks a superkick and throws Holly down. Class legdrops Holly's inner thighs.

Class does a grounded octopus. Holly fights out and tags in Betty. Betty running lariats Class then rainmakers her. Betty stunners Class. Betty gets the pin as Holly knocks Smart off the apron.

Thoughts: It was simple with Class being in control for almost all of this until the end when she got beat. Smart didn't tag in once as expected.  It really wasn't much of a match and was not super exciting.

David McClane interviews The Mother Truckers after. They say dumb plus dumb equals dumbest and ask for a honk honk.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't one of the better episodes of WOW. The opener was okay. An injury cut the 2nd match short. The trios match was also short without Ariel Sky even getting in. It was fine though. The main was basically a handicap match with the result never really in doubt.

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