Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Stardom 8/18/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 6

Stardom 8/18/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 6

Day 5 is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/08/stardom-8172024-5star-gp-2024-day-5.html

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block A Match - Maika vs Ruaka

Ruaka chokes her on the ropes and is shouldered over. Maika is tripped by a second outside and pulled out. Maika's head is banged off a table then Ruaka hits her with a mic. Ruaka falling splashes her then Maika suplexes her.

They lariat battle and knock each other down. Ruaka flatliners her for 2. Ruaka crossfaces her. Maika backdrops her then sliding laraits her. Ruaka lariats her on the ropes then crossbodies her against the bottom rope. Ruaka fisherman suplexes her for 2.

Ruaka is caught up top then Maika superplexes her. Saya Kamitani interferes and Ruaka hits Maika with a box. Maika no sells it then hits a spinning lariat for 2. Maika michinoku drivers her and picks up the win.

Thoughts: I was fine with this. Ruaka cheated and beat up Maika. Maika made her comeback and got the win. This was totally fine and one of the better Ruaka matches I've seen. They also fit some lariat battles in which I liked.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block A Match - Hazuki vs Yuna Mizumori

Haz wristlocks Yuna. Yuna reverses it. Haz hammerlocks her and side headlocks her. Haz snapmares her then basement dropkicks her in the back. Haz footchokes her on the ropes then hits facewash kicks. Yuna flying shoulders her then hits a low crossbody. Yuna sliding lariats her then stomps on her. Yuna pulls Haz's legs towards Haz's head and Haz ropebreaks.

Haz ddt's Yuna over the 2nd rope then top rope dropkicks her. Haz crossfaces Yuna and Yuna ropebreaks. Haz and Yuna trade forearms. Haz drops her with forearms and stands on her neck.

Yuna hits chest forearms. Yuna hits a corner lariat then does a weird powerbomb where she hooks the leg to lift her. Yuna hits a big lariat for 2. Yuna cradle shocks Haz. Haz codebreakers her then misses a top rope senton. Yuna plants off the buckles and lariats her.

Haz backcrackers her then hits a pump kick. Yuna lariats Haz then is put on the top rope. Haz codebreakers her down then hits a top rope senton for 2. Haz brainbusters her and gets the win.

Thoughts: There was no story or even heel vs face logic but the two matched up well and produced a good match here.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block B Match - Mei Seira vs Saya Iida

They sweep each other down and stand off. Mei offers a handshake. Mei forearms her off the hand shake and Saya hits a chop. Saya hits a chop flurry. Mei lariats her on the ropes then rolls her. She ties her legs up and pulls on Saya'd hair. Mei then pulls Saya's arms back and chinlocks her.

Saya takes two dropkicks and they trade forearms. Saya hits a nice double sledgehammer shot and sliding back elbows her. Saya elbow drops her for 2. Saya 2nd rope diving shoulderblocks her.

Mei hits a german then a nice dropkick for 2. Saya short arm lariats her then diving lariats her. Mei rolls her into a pin and takes a 2 count. Saya spinebusters Mei for 2. Mei rolls her up and wins.

Thoughts: I liked this. It was fast paced and there were lots of pin attempts here.

Aya Sakura vs Natsuko Tora

Aya dropkicks Tora as she is introduced then hits more running dropkicks. Tora chokes Aya with a towel then hair throws her. Tora shoulders Aya over. Tora stomps on Aya's leg and pulls it around the ropes. Tora slams her a couple of times.

Tora sits on the buckles and is thrown down. Aya dropkicks her then Tora hits a samoan drop. Tora leglocks Aya. Tora misses a corner charge and Aya dropkicks her. Aya triangles her. Tora hits another samoan drop for 2. Aya hits chest kicks and drops her.

Tora legbars her. Tora hits a corner cannonball then misses a top rope splash. Aya gets a couple of roll-ups in. Aya high kicks Tora then slams her. Aya puts Tora in another triangle. Tora lariats Aya then cradle shocks her for 2. Tora legbars Aya and taps her out.

Thoughts: I liked this. Aya got a bunch of comebacks in and had chances at the upset. Tora worked the leg for most of the match and eventually won with a legbar.

Tora says something to Aya on the mic after.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block A Match - Natsupoi vs Konami

Poi boots her then hits an armdrag and a basement dropkick. Poi is pulled over the top and Kon yanks her arm down over the top. Kon swings Poi off the stage then sends her into the post.

Kon throws Poi out. Kon chokes Poi with a chair. Poi top rope plancha's her outside. Poi stomps on Kon then dropkicks her through the ropes. Poi top rope crossbodies her for 2. Kon goes for the armbar and Poi armbars her. Kon then goes for the triangle lancer and Poi ropebreaks. Kon triangles her over the top rope.

Kon rolls her into an armbar. Kon germans her then Poi cradles her. Poi superkicks Kon then basement dropkicks her in the back of the head. Poi goes up top and is thrown down. Ruaka tries to interfere. Kon grabs a weapon and Poi spin kicks her. Poi hits a standing german and hits more spin kicks to the head. Poi cartwheels onto her off the buckles for 2.

Kon high kicks her then Poi hits a ranhei and wins.

It was a shorter match here. There was some arm work here by Kon and Poi did her own thing and won. It was about 50/50 control wise. There was about half a story in this one and if you count Poi's comeback as a heel vs face thing, maybe it worked.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block B Match - Tam Nakano vs Momo Watanabe 

Tam flying knees Momo to start. Momo goes out and HATE stops Tam on the buckles. They fight on the apron and Tam sliding knees her. Tam is hit in the leg with Momo's baseball bat in front of the ref. Momo kicks Tam in the leg then stands on it on the ropes. Momo leglocks her and stands on the leg.

Momo leg kicks Tam. Tam's leg is banged off the post by Tora. Momo stomps and leglocks Tam outside. Tam's head is banged off the buckles and Momo pulls on the leg. Tam boots her out of the corner then hanging dragon sleepers her from the buckles. Tam top rope crossbodies Momo. Momo hits more kicks to the leg.

Tam hits forearms and Momo leg kicks her. Tam spin kicks her then Momo meteora's her. Tam bridges out of the pin, superkicks her in the back of the head and germans her. Momo high kicks her then Tam spinning high kicks her. Momo ties her legs up in a figure four variation. Momo wraps Tam's leg around the bottom rope.

Tam pumping knees Momo then top rope crossbodies her outside. Tam tiger suplexes her for 2. Momo grabs a bat but Tam hits head kicks. Tam hits a falcon arrow and Ruaka hits the ref with a box to break up the count. Momo then grabs a bat and hits Tam in the leg with it. Momo grabs her legs and Tam cradles her.

Momo hits a hard kick to the chin for 2. Momo does another figure four variation on Tam and taps her out.

Similar to other matches on here, Momo worked a body part and won via submission on that body part. I didn't like Momo cheating in front of the ref and ref not caring and I didn't like the ref being hit with a box to break up a count and not doing anything about it. That was ridiculous and brought down what was otherwise a good effort.

Tora and Momo beat up Tam after.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block A Match - Mayu Iwatani vs. AZM

They start off fast. AZM armdrags her. Mayu tries a pin attempt. AZM ducks a head kick. AZM trips her then PK's her. Mayu kicks AZM then kicks her in the back. AZM misses a corner charge and Mayu basement dropkicks her. Mayu slams AZM and foot slaps her. Mayu hits a spin kick and forearms. Mayu poses on her. AZM pulls her over on the apron and head kicks her while she lays on it. AZM 2nd rope double stomps her on the floor. AZM double stomps her off the buckles for 2 then armbars her.

The fight on the buckles and AZM really cranks her arm with an armbar up top. Mayu slaps AZM while she's up top then superplexes her. AZM no sells it and they high kick eac hother at the same time. Mayu superkicks her.

AZM back rolls her into a bridge for 2. AZM rolls her up off a tombstone then Mayu tries a pin off an armbar attempt. AZM misses a double stomp off the top and takes a double boot. Mayu germans her then superkicks her. Mayu misses a top rope moonsault then AZM rolls her up for 2. AZM dragon suplexes her for 2. Mayu buzzsaw kicks her then AZM hits a canadian destroyer for 2.

AZM headkicks her then canadian destroyers her for the win.

Thoughts: It was fast-paced, indy crap. There was no selling or story whatsoever here and was just a sprint from start to finish.

Overall thoughts: It was a mostly good show minus the main. There was snothing super must see here and they did a lot of matches based around limb work. While it was maybe reptitive, the matches mostly made sense so it worked. I liked this one. Both girls talk on the mic after.

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