Friday, August 16, 2024

Stardom 8/15/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 4

Stardom 8/15/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 4

Day 3 is here:

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block A Match - Tam Nakano vs AZM

They duck kicks. Tam cartwheels and AZM bridges out of a pin. Tam limbos out of a pin and basement dropkicks her. AZM kicks Tam while she's hanging off the apron. AZM double stomps her off the apron.

AZM top rope dropkicks her then armbars her. AZM goes for a springboard and is caught with a backdrop. Tam high kicks her then does a hanging dragon sleeper from the buckles.

They fight on the buckles and AZM does an octopus up there. AZM double stomps her as she hangs from the buckles then top rope double stomps her. AZM  ties up both of Tam's arms. AZM runs up the buckles and eats a kick on her way down. Tam hits a nice german for 2.

Tamm rolls her up for 2 and AZM rolls her up for 2 off a rolling armbar attempt. Tam running kneesher for 2. AZM canadian destroyers her then rolls her up and pins her.

Thoughts: Not the smartest match here. But it was fast paced, they did keep it interesting and I still did like it. I was really happy when the canadian destroyer actually ended up finishing the match.  

They shake hands. Natsuko Tora then comes in and her and Tam have words.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block B Match - Thekla vs Ranna Yagami

Ran dropkicks her and hits a forearm flurry to start. Thekla hits a big slap back. Ranna slap combos her then Thekla hits a big forearm. Thekla running boots her on the ropes. Thekla top rope double stomps her and hits a slap and superkick.

Ran dropkicks her and hits chest kicks. Ran running knees her in the corner then dropkicks her for 2. Ran armbars her then rolls her up for 2. Ran cradles her and Thekla hits a big forearm. Thekla spears her and hits her weird double underhook twisting ddt for the win.

Thoughts: It was short but it was what it needed to be. Ran got some offense in and showed a little fire before being put down.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block A Match - Koguma vs Miyu Amasaki

Miyu does Kog's dance and tries to get her to do it. Kog does and they do it together. Kog goes for the high five, Miyu tries to get a move in and Kog rolls her up for the quick win.

Thoughts: It was just a quick one here. It was something different but I would have liked to have seen how this one played out.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block B Match - Saya Iida vs Tomoka Inaba

Saya runs at her and they trade forearms. TI drops her with a chest kick and Saya chops her. Saya hits a chop flurry. TI kick combos her. Saya double sledgehammer shots her and running back elbows her in the back of the head. Saya elbow drops her.

TI does a rings of saturn. TI hits knees to the head and snapmares her. TI kicks her in the back for 2. Saya blocks kicks then TI pop-up knees her. TI spinning high kicks her then Saya suplexes her.

Saya running lariats her then TI triangles her. Saya deadlift powerbombs her to get out of it then sliding lariats her. Saya hits a spinebuster for 2. Saya diving shoulders her off the buckles. TI pump kicks her, hits a high kick and knees her in the face for 2. TI falcon arrows her and chest kicks her for the win.

Thoughts: This worked out well. TI needs to stop pausing before her kicks though. It just messes up the flow so much and isn't natural. It was fast paced and they mostly just traded strikes here. This went better than it expected. 

Empress Nexus Venus (Waka Tsukiyama & Xena) & Mei Seira vs. HATE (Natsuko Tora, Rina & Saya Kamitani)

Xena nails Rina while she tries to lock up with Waka. Rina is tripped into a hip attack + dropkick combo. Waka hits hip attacks on Rina and Saya interrupts her with a dropkick.

Tora suplexes Waka. Tora rubs a rag in Waka's face while she's tied up in the ropes. Saya snapmares Waka then chinlocks her. Saya slams Waka. Rina hair throws Waka and pushes her foot into her face on the ropes.

Waka crossbodies Rina. Mei lariats Rina on the ropes then Tora trips Mei on her springboard attempt. Mei double trips the heels and Xena hits a double basement dropkick off of it. Xena suplexes Rina. Tora takes a double suplex then Mei and Xena do stereo kip-ups.

Rina and Mei trade chest forearms. Tora shoulders over Mei then Rina gets on Tora's back and they do a double splash. Rina northern lights suplexes Mei. Saya flying knees Mei in the corner then basement dropkicks her.

Mei dropkicks Saya. Waka hip attacks Saya on the ropes. Saya throws Waka off the top. Waka sunset flips her from the 2nd rope for 2. Waka top rope dropkicks Saya for 2.

Waka misses a corner hip attacks and takes offense from the heels. Saya slap combos and spinning high kicks Waka. She then northern lights suplexes her for 2. Waka cradles Saya three times in a row for 2. Saya pump kicks her then Waka takes a double backdrop. Saya screw kicks Waka for 2. Saya ki krushers Waka and wins.

Thoughts: It was an okay trios match. There was nothing too spectacular about it but I had no issues with it either.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block A Match - Natsupoi vs Ruaka

Ruaka shoulders her over and they go out. Poi is sent into the seats. Ruaka shoulders her over when they get back in. Ruaka chokes Poi. Poi runs and cartwheels over Ruaka into an armdrag. She then dropkicks her.

Poi gets tripped by Ruaka's buddy Thekla on the outside then the seconds of Poi and Ruaka fight. Ruaka slams her for 2. Ruaka splashes her, grabs the ref and Rina runs in. The ref sees it and does nothing. The ref then refuses to count Ruaka's pin off the senton due to it.

Poi sleepers Ruaka on her back. Poi superkicks Ruaka then dropkicks her in the back. Poi dropkicks Ruaka through the ropes. Poi top rope dropkicks her and goes for the armbar. Ruaka powerbombs her to escape. Poi spin kicks her and is lariated on the ropes.

Ruaka crossbodies her against the bottom rope. Ruaka fisherman busters her for 2. Poi rolls up Ruaak for 2 then la magistral's her. Thekla throws a box at the ref to break the count. Poi superkicks the box into Ruaka then germans her. Poi then crossbodies a bunch of people including Ruaka off the top outside.

Poi sits on top and is suplexed. Poi does a bodyscissors roll into an armbar and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like this. There should have been two DQ's here. Ruaka didn't really show up for this one and the finish wasn't done that well. It was just not a good one.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block B Match - Hanan vs Saki Kashima

Saki has her pachinko ad again. Saki flips out of a backdrop and crucifixes her for 2. Saki then rolls her up and pins her in another short upset.

Thoughts: It was another short upset here and nothing else.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block A Match - Manami vs Yuna Mizumori

Manami wristlocks her. Yuna rolls and reverses it. Manami headflips and armdrags her. Manami side headlock takeovers her. Yuna shoulders her over. Manami monkey flips her and hits a basement dropkick. She poses then Yuna low crossbodies her and poses.

They forearm each other and Yuna hits a corner lariat flurry. Yuna walks up the buckles and plancha's her outside. Yuna jumps off the top but Manami gets her knees up. Yun cradle shocks her for 2. Yuna hits a big lariat for 2.

Manami flying knees Yuna twice. Manami flying knees her. Manami top rope splashes her for the win.

Thoughts: It was Manami's best match yet in the tournament. They kept it moving, she got to show off some of her personality and they ended it before it got stale. I feel bad for Yuna though who is way above this.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block A Match - Syuri vs Anna Jay

Anna throws her down off the waistlock. She gets tripped then ducks a high kick. Anna side headlocks her. Syu armdrags her. Anna puts her in the sleeper and Syu jawbreakers her. Anna neckbreakers Syu on the ropes.

Anna hits forearms on Syu and footchokes her. Syu dropkicks her then hits an underhook suplex for 1. They trade forearms. Syu hits knees to the gut. Anna running back elbows her and takes a knee to the gut. Syu germans her then Anna flatliners her.

Anna gori bombs her for 2. Syu hanging triangles her over the ropes then top rope guillotine legdrops her. Syu flying knees her. Anna hits a side kick then sleepers her. Syu fujiwara armbars her and then does an armbar + headscissors for the submission win.

It was short and nothing too special. It just didn't have the time.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block A Match - Maika vs Konami 

They roll on the mat. Kon armbars her and Maika ropebreaks. Kon PK's her. Kon octopuses her on the floor. Kon whips her with a belt and puts it around her neck. Kon then whips her into the seats. Maika's head is banged off the sign in the stands. Maika backdrops her onto the floor. Maika shoulders Kon over.

Maika powerslams her and sliding lariats her. Kon straightjcket chokes her with a bodyscissors. Kon diving kicks her off the top for 2. Maika lariats and spinning lariats her. Kon gets on Maika's back and sleepers her.

Saya distracts the ref and Maika knocks a weapon away. Kon goes for an armbar and Maika pins her off of it.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything special with various shenanigans and portions of the match taking place outside the ring. 

Kon chases Maika around after. 

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block B Match - Suzu Suzuki vs Risa Sera

 Risa grabs her by the hair and throws her out. Suzu is thrown into chairs. Risa crabs Suzu then rocking chairs her. Risa double knee drops Suzu. Suzu snapmares her and kicks her in the back. Suzu drive-by kicks her and throws her into the seats. Suzu then chairs her. Suzu hits knees to the head. Risa hits an air raid crash on the floor to Suzu.

They trade forearms inside and Risa spinning drops her. Risa does a high crab. Suzu rolling spears Risa. Suzu does an arm and leg hold to her. Suzu running knees her in the corner then Risa running back elbows her in the corner. Risa vader bomb double knees her for 2.

Risa cradle shocks her for 2. Suzu 2nd rope hurricanrana's her then hits a tequila shot for 2. Suzu germans her for 2. Risa hits a 2nd rope air raid crash. Risa falcon arrows her for 2. Risa misses a top rope double knee drop. Suzu tries to roll her up and is rolled up for 2. Risa hits an air raid crash for 2. Suzu germans her.

Suzu hits kicks to the head then spin kicks her. Risa air crashes her and wins.

Thoughts: The crowd wasn't real into it and it wasn't the most exciting match. Suzu would have been better here as the bully than Risa was in this one.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block A Match - Starlight Kid vs Saori Anou

They trade wristlocks. Kid flips out of it using the ropes then wristlocks her. Anou tries to roll out of a wristlock and Kid holds on. Kid trips her and Anou bridges out of the pin. Kid armdrags Risa off the casadora.

Kid is pulled down from the ropes outside. Anou dragon screws her and does a triangle + indian deathlock combo. Anou kicks Kid's leg against the ropes. Kid flying headscissors her then 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. Kid bangs Anou's leg off the middle rope then dragon screws it.

Kid stretchmufflers her. They dropkick each other in the knee. They kick each other while sitting on the mat. Anou figure fours her. Anou fisherman's suplexes her and thye trade fisherman's suplexes.  Kid gets on the buckles, is suplexed odwn then takes another.

Anou release germans Kid then hits a high german for 2. Kid rolling bodyscissors her off the top. Kid asai moonsaults her outside. Kid running double knees her in the back then misses a top rope moonsault. Anou tries to backslide her into a bridge but Kid rolls out. Kid stretch mufflers her with the arm and Anou rolls her into a pin attempt.

Anou backslides her with a bridge then does head, arm and leg lock on her. Kid rope breaks. Anou wheelbarrow germans her. Kid gets back up and takes a dragon suplex.

Anou step up enzugiri's her then takes a tombstone. Kid top rope moonsaults her and the time runs out. We have a 15 minute draw.

Thoughts: I don't have too many thoughts on this one. It was kind of even with no real faces or heels. We didn't get a true finish either. They had some nice submissions here

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block A Match - Mayu Iwatani vs Momo Watanabe

Momo nails Mayu as she enters and throws her out. She then throws Mayu's ball out that she throws to fans. Momo throws her into the seats and hits her with a water bottle. Momo is whipped into the seats then Mayu ropes her.

Mayu kicks and stomps her. Ruaka and HATE beat up on Momo then Tora slams Mayu on the floor. Mayu is hit in the knee with a box. Momo kicks the knee and leglocks her. Momo locks the leg up. Momo does a standing figure four variation and Mayu ropebreaks.

Mayu flying headscissors her and dropkicks her against the bottom rope. Mayu hits a superkick. They each go for high kicks. Momo legsweeps her then PK's her for 2. They fight on the buckles. Mayu hurricanrana's her then 2nd rope dropkicks her.

Mayu hits a top rope frogsplash then Momo does a figure four variation on her. Mayu ropebreaks and Momo 2nd rope meteora's her. Momo top rope meteora's her for 2. Momo goes for a tombstone and Mayu tombstones her instead. Mayu buzzsaw kicks her then misses a top rope moonsault. Momo grabs a bat and hits Mayu in the legs with it. Momo half and half suplexes her.

Momo kicks Mayu in the head for 2. Momo chickenwings her. Mayu gets the bat and hits Momo with it. Mayu then 2nd rope diving blind poisonrana's her and wins it.

Thoughts: It was alright with Momo working the legs and Myu making her comeback to win. It made sense but was nothing too great. Mayu's 2nd rope diving poisonrana is wild and super dangerous.

Mayu talks on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: It was a long show that tired the crowd out about half-way through. It didn't need to be that long but they are trying to cut dates to save people from injuries and run a very large tournament. It was about average overall. We had a few good ones, 2 that were very short, some that didn't work and just some average matches. I wouldn't really recommend it due to how long it was and due to none of the matches being truly great.

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