Saturday, August 10, 2024

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/9/2024 N-1 Victory 2024 Day 2

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/9/2024 N-1 Victory 2024 Day 2

Day 1 is here:

Alejandro vs. Junta Miyawaki vs. Ninja Mack

Junta rolls up Mack then Ale rolls up Junta. Mack then gets a roll-up in. Ale is lifted into a headscissors on Mack but Mack lands on his feet. 2 people take armdrags and a triple dropkick is attempted by the wrestlers.

Alex headscissors Mack and Mack does a corkscrew flip out of it. Junta hits a double dropkick off the top. Junta then triangle plancha's outside. Junta dropkicks Mack into the buckles and hits a diamond dust for 2.

Junta armdrags Ale and suplexes him. Mack euros Junta. Mack misses a corkscrew splash then Ale jumps off Mack's back to dropkick Junta. Ale slingshot splashes Mack then plancha's Junta outside. Mack springboard splashes Mack for 2.

Mack hits his ninja special outside on Junta. Mack 2nd rope corkscrew 450's Ale and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short spotfest. I liked it. They didn't overdo it and they had a few cool spots before going home. It was a good opener. 

N-1 Victory 2024 Block A Match - Atsushi Kotoge vs. Josh Briggs

AK = Atsushi Kotoge

JB throws AK off the lock up. AK goes out and stays out for a while. AK chest clubs him. JB tells him to hit him harder. AK dropkicks him, JB doesn't sel lit and then facekicks him.

JB slams AK then elbow drops him for 2. AK boots him out of the corner and JB blocks his sunset flip. JB pulls on the neck with his feet. JB misses a splash. AK dropkicks him. JB misses a corner splash.

AK dropkicks him then top rope splashes him for 2. JB grabs him by the throat and powerbombs him for 2. JB lariats AK and wins.

Thoughts: It was a one-sided squash. I don't really understand the purpose of doing this since JB is here to learn and there's not a lot to be learned in one sided matches like these.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block B Match - Alpha Wolf vs. Yoshiki Inamura


YI = Yoshiki Inamura

Wolf front facelocks him. YI fireman's carry takeovers him. YI shoulders him over. YI throws him by the head then slams him. YI elbow drops him. YI rams Wolf's back into the apron outside and gets a 2 count.

Wolf gets slammed again. YI vader bombs him for 2. Wolf running shoulders him and headbutts him. Wolf then slams him. Wolf lariats him over the rail then springboard swantons him while he's in the front row. Wolf slaps and germans him in the ring. YI goes for a frogsplash and Wolf gets his knees up. Wolf brainbusters him. Wolf moonsaults him for 2.

Wolf superkicks him and YI hits a forearm. YI takes a pop-up sitout powerbomb. Wolf headbutts him then YI hits a stiff back elbow. YI top rope splashes him for 2.

Wolf goes for a pop-up powerbomb and YI hurricanrana's him. YI hits a pounce then hits a muso and wins.

Thoughts: There wasn't much selling here and it was people doing cool stuff then quickly moving onto the next cool thing. It wasn't a smart match but it wasn't boring. It wasn't good either though.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block A Match - Luis Mante vs. Masa Kitamiya

They lock up. Masa hits shots to the gut. LM armdrags him then dropkicks him. LM misses a plancha outside and Masa stomps his knee. Masa puts the knee around the rail and kicks it. Masa bangs LM's knee off the mat then butt drops it.

LM hits chest slaps. Masa shoulders him over and sentons him for 2. KM springboard dropkicks him. LM powerslams him then torture rack drops him for 2. LM hits boots to the face. They trade chops. LM facekicks him and is lariated over.

Masa running lariats him. LM hits a soul foot then Masa dragon screws him. Masa drops him on both knees then spears him for 2. Masa prison locks him. LM hits dropkicks. Masa germans him for 2. LM hits something like a canadian destroyer for 2. LM rebound germans Masa. Masa burning hammers him for 2. LM rolls into a hurricanrana and wins.

Thoughts: This sucked and it was all on Luis. Masa worked the knee and Luis just did his usual thing like it was no problem. They also added a burning hammer kickout onto this which made it worse.

AMAKUSA, Eita, HAYATA & Shuji Kondo vs. Daga, Kai Fujimura, Super Crazy & Yu Owada

Haya's team goes after their opponents to start. They all brawl outside. Haya beats up on Crazy in the ring and is armdragged. Haya dropkicks him. Crazy back elbows him then standing corkscrew elbow drops him. Haya hsoulders over Kai. Kai hiptosses him then running swantons him for 2.

Ama rolls into a flying back elbow on Kai. Eita works on Kai and taunts his opponents. Kai takes a double back elbow then takes a double basement dropkick. Eita hits headbutts on Kai then is pulled down from the apron by Daga.

Yu slams Eita. Dag snapmares Eita. Crazy beats up on Eita then puts him in la swastika. Yu hiptosses Eita when he gets in and karelin's lifts him. Haya gets in and hits kicks. Daga superkicks Haya then Ama top rope crossbodies Daga. Ama is lifted into a flying headscissors on Crazy then rotation headscissors Daga. Ama corkscrew topes Daga outs. Kait tries a dropkick on Kondo then Kondo takes a double dropkick.

Kondo hits a running bulldog + lariat combo. Kondo hits a lanzarse on Kai. Kondo hits a big lariat on Kai and wins.

Thoughts: It was hard to follow with people constantly coming in and out. It was really fast paced and there wasn't a lot of substance here.

Crazy beats up Haya after which is weird since Haya joined his stable recently. Haya then takes a double flapjack from Crazy and Daga.YO-HEY and Tadasuke then come out to help him.

Haya thanks them and then decides to rejoin them. They then all hug.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block B Match - El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. vs. Ulka Sasaki

Doc = El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr.

Ulka has weird tape on his face. Ulka top rope crossbodies him then rolls him up off the casadora. Ulka goes for the plancha and is caught. Ulka sleepers him outside. Ulka armlocks Doc.

Doc chops him. Doc poses and Ulka jumps on his back with a sleeper. Doc step up knees him in the corner then basement dropkicks him in the back of the head. Doc ankle locks him and Ulka ropebreaks.

Doc eye pokes him. Ulka hurricanrana's him off the ropes. Ulka cutters him for 2. Ulka stunners him then flying kicks him for 2. Doc electric chair sit out powerbombs him for 2. Ulka hits slaps and kicks on Doc. Doc chops him and they hit a jumping knee and headbutt. Ulka hurricanrana's him for 2 then armbars him.

Doc michinoku drivers him for 2. Doc headbutts him on the buckles. Doc superplexes him and michinoku drivers him to win.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good, but it worked better than I expected and Ulka is showing some signs of improvement.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block A Match - Dragon Bane vs. Jack Morris

Bane flying headscissors him. Jack shoulders him over. Bane kips up and flips out of a hurricanrana. They try to dropkick each other at the same time and miss. Bane flying kicks him then tope con hilos him. Bane moonsaults him off the guard rail.

Jack boots him inside then baseball slides him. Jack misses a corner charge then Bane springboard back elbows him. Bane handspring back elbows him. Bane standing moonsaults Jack for 2. Jack flying knees him then Bane crucifix drivers him.

Bane hits forearms then takes a flying knee. Bane hurricanrana's him out of a tiger driver for 2. Bane standing spanish flies him and hits a nasty made in Japan for 2. Bane gordbusters him off the top then Jack gets his knees up on Bane's top rope ssp. Jack flying knees him for 2. Bane hits a b-driver for 2. Jack tiger drivers him for the win.

Thoughts: It was a juniors match and just indy crap. There was a lot of fast paced wrestling here with little selling and lots of big moves that meant nothing.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block B Match - Kenoh vs. Titus Alexander

Titus armlocks him and wristlocks him. Titus headscissors him. Ken shoulders him over then Titus dropkicks him out. Titus topes him. Titus hits kicks in the back inside then backdrops him. Ken spin kicks him in the gut and dropkicks Titus when he goes for a handspring.

Ken stomp flurries him then leglocks him. Ken hits leg kicks. Ken leglocks him then chest kicks him. Titus upkicks him then superkicks him. Titus hits a like an attitude adjustment neckbreaker. Ken sweeps him into a double stomp then flying knees him in the back of the head.

Ken 2nd rope double knee drops him. Ken ankle locks him. Ken bullies him and Titus fires up. They trade forearms for kicks. Titus facekicks him and is chest kicked. Titus high kicks him and is pele kicked. Titus germans him. Ken catches his handspring with a dragon suplex.

Titus ducks a PK then handspring cutters him. Ken dragon suplexes him for 2. Titus flying knees him for 2 then half-nelson slams him for 2. titus chaos theory germans him for 2.

Titus dives off the buckles outside and takes a kick from Ken. Back in the ring, Ken rolls hi minto an ankle lock. Ken PK's him for 1. Titus gives him the finger and takes another PK. Ken double stomps him off the buckles.

Thoughts: I liked this one. They kept it moving and the two matched up well together. It was basically a juniors match and Titus had a good showing in one of the biggest matches of his career. There were lots of kicks here. 

N-1 Victory 2024 Block A Match - Kaito Kiyomiya vs. Ryohei Oiwa

Oiwa shoulders him over and armdrags him. KK armdrags him and is headscissored then they stand off. They trade forearms and Oiwa forearms him over. Oiwa hits mounted forearms then suplexes him for 2. KK dragon screws him then figure fours him.

KK stomps him. Oiwa armdrags him and armlocks him. Oiwa armdrags him and puts some submissions on his arm. Oiwa hammerlocks him. KK works on the leg then Oiwa armlocks him again. Oiwa keylocks him.

KK dropkicks him. Oiwa side headlocks him. Oiwa side headlock takeovers him. KK backdrops him and Oiwa puts another headlock on. KK gets out and Oiwa puts another headlock on. Oiwa slaps another on and KK ropebreaks.

Kaito hits euros in the corner and Oiwa dropkicks him. Oiwa falling splashes him then backdrops him. KK dropkicks him in the knee then dragon screws him. KK dropkicks him in the knee. KK dragon screws him then top rope dropkicks him in the knee. KK figure fours him.

KK hits euros. They chop each other, Oiwa release germans him and KK hits a shining wizard. Oiwa hits forearms and karelin's lifts him for 2. Oiwa kimura's him. Oiwa armbars him then fujiwara armbars him. KK ropebreaks.

Oiwa armbreakers him then KK flying knees him. KK tiger suplexes him for 2. KK shining wizards him. Oiwa backdrops him then hits a big lariat. Oiwa germans him for 2. KK hurricanrana's him for 2. Oiwa hits double chops and taking a flying shining wizard. KK walks up the buckles and enzugiri's him for 2. KK drops him out of the tiger suplex position. KK runs into a doctor bomb and the time limit expires as they go to a 30 minute draw.

Thoughts: It was clear they were going long as they focused on the headlock so much early on. Many longer matches tend to do that. Oiwa mostly stuck to armwork after that and Kaito switched between shining wizards and legwork. I wouldn't say it that great though a lot of people will give any longer draw a good rating. I thought it could have been more focused and I thought less time should have been wasted on the headlock which went nowhere. It was fine and watchable but not much else.

Overall thoughts: I think it's pretty clear that this is going to be more of a junior heavyweight tournament than a heavyweight tournament and this night was a good example of it. Unfortunately, the juniors are now bringing their issues to the heavyweight ranks with more indy style matches where cool moves are in and selling is out. The main and semi-main delivered and the rest of the card didn't. It was just an average show overall and I wouldn't recommend it.

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