Tuesday, July 30, 2024

NWA Powerrr 7/30/2024

NWA Powerrr 7/30/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/07/nwa-powerr-7232024.html

The Southern Six (Silas Maxon and Alex Taylor) vs Jax Dane and Baron Von Storm

Jax backs Alex up into the corner and clean breaks him. Jax pushes Alex back. Jax hits suplexes on Alex. Alex dropkicks him in the knee. Jax takes a double flapjack. Storm gets in the ring with his robe still on. Everything comes to a stop as Storm stares down Silas.

Storm takes his robe off. Storm and Silas test strength. Silas hits punches and ducks out and away from the iron claw. We go to break and return. Silas is still ducking Storm. Silas says he wants Jax in the ring.

Silas hits a double throat thrust on Jax then suplexes him. Silas throws Alex onto Jax but misses. Silas lariats Alex on accident then Jax belly to belly suplexes Silas. Jax camel clutches Alex. Kerry Morton distracts the ref and Silas breaks the hold. Alex had tapped bout but the ref didn't see it.

Kerry knees Jax out of the ring. Storm claws Kerry and the ref calls the match off. Everyone pulls Storm off of Alex and Storm won't let go. Jax puts the robe on Storm's head and he finally lets go.

Thoughts: The match ended before it really got started here and it wasn't much. Jax having to put the robe over Storm's head to break the hold was silly, though I'm warming up some to the character.

Kyle Davis interviews The Southern Six. Silas has Kerry on his shoulders. He says to look at what he did to Kerry's face and has to spin him so people can see it. Silas calls Storm a no good piece of trash. He says the claw is an illegal hold and should be reserved for the big screen only. Silas says when he was filming The Iron Claw, he found out that the claw killed The Von Erich's. He protests that evil being brought to the NWA.

We get another Val Venis esque Onylslams video on someone who has not yet been named.

Joe Cazana does a promo. He says he's changing gears and the is the owner of NWA JCP. He says The Stew Crew will wrestle The Miserably Faithful. He calls them freaks. He says freaks like The Faithful would be kicked out and banished to hell where they belong. He says The Crew will bring the tag titles back to where they belong.

There's an Ella Envy match that I won't be covering. 

NWA US Tag Titles - Talos and Daisy Kill vs The Fixers (Wrecking Ball Legursky and Jay Bradley)

Wrecking Ball shoves Daisy over and poses. Talos and Jay get in. They trade shots. Jay boots him in the face. Ball shoulders Talos over then takes a boot to the face. Daisy hits shots on Ball then Ball headbutts him.

Daisy's head is banged off the buckles. Daisy takes a double shoulderblock. Jay knee drops Daisy. Ball double chops Daisy in the corner. Jay clubs on Daisy's chest. We go to break and return.

Jay pounds on Daisy. Ball misses an elbow drop on Daisy. Ball chops Daisy then Jay kneelifts Daisy. Jay suplexes Daisy. Talos facekicks Ball. Ball no sells it and hits punches. Talos backdrops Ball but gives up on the pin. He tags in Daisy. Vampiro is watching from the outside.

Daisy comes off the 2nd rope and is caught with a slam from Ball. Ball headbutt drops Daisy for 2. Jay ddt's Daisy for 2. Jay cobra twists Daisy then Vampiro gets on the apron to give advice to Talos. Jay gets on the buckles and Daisy pushes him to the floor.

Daisy hits kicks on Jay then Talos side slams Jay. Jay slams Daisy down. Bal lgets in and atomic drops Daisy. Ball corner splashes him then throws him by the head. Ball hits a big slam. Talos tries to lariat Ball but gets hit. Ball goes up and over Talos then corner splashes him. Talos is lariated over the top.

Talos rams Jay into the post outside. Daisy chop blocks Ball then Talos chokeslams Ball. Daisy then pins Ball.

They had something going with Daisy being beaten up on and Talos coming to his aide but they really didn't follow through that well with it. They had Vampiro get on the apron about halfway through and the match just lost all of its flow around that point. It's been months and we still have no idea what this whole thing with Vampiro is about, other than him just being a  manager, and that makes it hard to be invested in what he's doing.

Vampiro, Talos and Daisy Kill are interviewed over top of Jay Bradley, who is down and out. Daisy says Vamp said it's about more than wins, losses and titles and says this is just a step along the path. Talos stares down Kyle Davis (the interviewer) and that's it.

Overall thoughts: It's NWA. It's just a hard promotion to get excited about. They got some good pieces, but they just don't know how to use them and they really don't do weekly TV that well. The first match was really just used to push Storm's new character. The tag title match had potential but lost its way about midway through. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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