Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Marigold 7/21/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 4

Marigold 7/21/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 4

The last show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/07/marigold-7202024-summer-gold-shine-2024.html 

This is at Nagoya International Conference Hall and they don't have many people here at all, especially compared to All Japan, who runs this place often.

Misa Matsui vs. Zayda Steel

Zay side headlocks her and wristlocks her. Misa wristlocks Zay. Zay side headlock takeovers her. Misa headscissors her and they get up. Zay gets angry about the headscissors. Misa snapmares and sleepers her. Misa hair throws her then stands on Zay's head.

Misa slams Zay then Zay boots her. Zay puts her in tree of woe and boots her. Misa top rope crossbodies her for 2. Misa hits chest forearms and Zay forearms her back in the head. Zay crossfaces her.

Misa spin kicks her and rolls her up for 2. Misa stretch mufflers her. Misa crossbodies Zay against the ropes. Misa backdrops her for 2. Zay step up enzugiri's her then TKO's her for 2. Misa flying knees her. Misa top rope dropkicks her then falcon arrows her to win.

Thoughts: It was just a match. There wasn't anything too special about it. Misa's big selling point is her fire but she didn't really get worked on enough to mount a big comeback here or anything. Zay didn't bring a lot to the table either here as usual.

Zay says she hates Misa after. 

Chika Goto & Kouki Amarei vs. Bozilla & Myla Grace

Myla and Kouki go at it. Kouki cartwheels to the side of Myla. Myla trips her then legdrops her in the back of the neck for 2. Kouki facekicks Myla through the ropes. Myla takes a double face kick from both opponents.

Myla hits kicks and a basement dropkick on Chika for 2. Chika puts her in the corner between the ropes. Chika then butt presses her down. Chika then yells at Boz, taunting her. Chika giant swings Myla.

Myla rolls into a trip on Chika then hip attacks her on the ropes. Boz comes in and cradle shocks Chika for 2. Boz headbutt flurries Chika then puts her to shame with a nice giant swing.

Boz and Chika trade shots. Boz takes a double boot from her opponents. Chika is lifted and buttdrops Boz. Kouki hits facekicks on Boz then Boz shoulders her over. Boz corner splashes Kouki then 2nd rope dropkicks her.

Kouki cutters Boz. Boz does a bad lariat on her then does a better one. Myla hits chest forearms on Kouki. Kouki fires back and Myla lariats her over. Myla backdrops Kouki for 2. Myla 2nd rope thesz presses Kouki then Kouki dropkicks her. Kouki falling splashes her.

Myla spinning neckbreakers Kouki for 2. Kouki powerslams Myla then hits a dominator on her for 2. Kouki goes up top and is caught by Boz. Boz superplexes her then she argues with Myla. They accuse each other of f*ckinbg it up. Myla shoves Boz. Kouki lariats Boz then Boz takes a sandwich boot to the head. Myla rolls Kouki into a border city stretch and Chika breaks it up.

Myla takes a double gorilla press slam then Kouki 180 splashes Myla to win.

Thoughts: It was an average match. The big news here was Myla and Boz fighting. Myla had a better outing here than she did at the start of her Japan run. 

Boz gets on the mic after. Boz says "f*ck you two" and tells Kouki and Chika to go. Boz brings up some wrestler but I couldn't hear the name. She accuses that person of being scared of her. She says she wants a match against her and says size does matter.

Kouki then gets on the mic after.

Marigold Twin Star Title Tournament First Round Match - CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki vs. Komomo Minami & Rea Seto

NN and Chika attack their opponents off their handshake attempt. Rea is tripped into a baseball slide from Chi. Chi is held for a basement dropkick from NN. Chi nearly hits NN with a chair on accident then Rea dropkicks Chi into NN with the chair.

Rea dropkicks NN in the corner. NN is thrown over by both opponents and takes a double basement dropkick. Rea basement dropkicks NN for 2. NN hits double chops on Rea in the conrer, who has KM behind her. nn then double chops KM.

NN does her reverse kick on KM. NN sleepers KM then shotgun dropkicks her. Chi hits facewash kicks on KM as NN holds KM's head. Chi cartwheel double knee drops KM. KM tries pin attempts on Chi for 2. KM rolls over Chi's back with a ddt.

Rea does dropkicks on Chi then hits mounted forearms. Chi does mounted forearms on her. Chi spears her for 2. Rea hits chest forearms on Chi then slams her. Rea puts her in cattle mutilation and NN breaks it up. NN headkicks Rea and Chi torture rack bombs Rea off of it.

NN brings a chair in and nails Rea with it. Chi fisherman suplexes Rea and pins her.

Thoughts: It went long and wasn't that good. I really think they are wasting Chi's potential in this heel role. Rea had some okay rookie offense here though.

Marigold Twin Star Title Tournament First Round Match - Miku Aono & Natsumi Showzuki vs. Kizuna Tanaka & Victoria Yuzuki

NS = Natsumi Showzuki

NS rolls up Yuz and they each try pin ttempts. NS bots Yuz then they armdrag each other. They stare down and shove each other. Kiz hits dropkicks on Miku then Miku hits a nice dropkick on her. Miku slams her then crabs her.

Kiz takes chest kicks on the apron from her opponents. Miku kicks Kiz in the back for 2. NS crabs Kiz then Kiz flying lariats her. Kiz armbars her and Miku ropebreaks. Kiz baseball slides her against the ropes and then armbars her again. NS springboard double kneedrops Kiz. Kiz cradles NS. Miku is back in and corner dropkicks Kiz. Kiz crossbodies Miku, gets caught and ddt's her off of it. Miku slams Kiz ten ties up both of her legs and half-crabs her.

Miku is dropkicked and rolled into a double basement dropkick. Miku falls on a double team spot. Kiz rolls up Miku for 2. Yuz boots Miku over then Yuz flying headscissors her. Yuz dropkicks Miku then dropkicks her through the ropes. Miku does her swinging slam to Yuz then kicks her hard in the chest.

Yuz snapmares Miku off the buckles then Kiz top rope dropkicks Miku. Yuz northern lights suplexes Miku for 2. Yuz does throws on Miku then Miku high kicks her. Yuz powers up and Miku double underhook suplexes her for 2.  Yuz rolls Miku up with a crucifix for 2. Miku hits a styles clash on Yuz and pins her.

Thoughts: Yuz and Kiz were the underdogs here and showed some flashes of potential. Yuzuki really matched up well with Miku. We didn't see much of Showzuki here in this one, so she must be injured. The result was never really in doubt here. I thought it went longer than it needed to, but this is a bare bones card with multiple people not around.

Giulia & Mai Sakurai vs. MIRAI & Utami Hayashishita

Utami and G go at it. G clean breaks her. Utami wristlocks her, G rolls and puts some holds on her. Mai and Mirai go at it. G grabs Mirai on the ropes and ducks shots form her. Mia hits Mirai from behind then Mai puts Mirai in a paradise lock. Mai also puts Utami in one. Mai and G basement dropkick their opponents out of it.

Mirai shoulders over Mai. Utami gets in and shoulders over Mai. Utami camel clutches Mai and Mai bites Utami's hand. Mai dropkicks Utami off the buckles then basement dropkicks her.

G corner attacks Utami then top rope dropkicks her. G fights off a 2v1 then ddt's Utami. G basement dropkicks Utami. G and Utami trade forearms. Utami hits 2 stiff germans then G does a flying octopus hold. Utami hits an air raid crash to get out of it.

Mirai top rope dropkicks G for 2. Mirai hits a forearm flurry on G. G forearms her and hits a knee to the face. G backdrops Mirai for 2. Mai jumping facekicks Mirai then leg slice reverse ddt's her for 2. 

Mai and Mirai trade forearms then Mirai backdrops her. Mirai running back elbows Mai then hits a hard corner lariat. Mirai goes up top and G nails her. G top rope double underhook suplexes her. Mai pump kicks Mirai for 2. Utami top rope dropkicks Mirai. G and Mai hit a top rope double elbow drop on Mirai together.

Mai northern lights suplexes Mirai. Utami goes to super air raid crash Mirai and G powerbombs both down in a stupid moment. Utami powerbombs G. Mai takes a sandwich lariat then Mirai suplexes her. Mirai running lariats Mai for 2. Mai rolls up Mirai for 2 then Mai crucifix bombs her for 2.

Mirai flying lariats Mai then half-nelson suplexes her out of the wheelbarrow for 2. Mai rolls up Mirai for 2. Utami lariats G over then Mirai death valley drivers Mirai for 2. Mirai hits a hard lariat on Mai and wins.

It was a decent main event here. Mirai was real stiff and carried this one. The tower of doom air raid crash spot was dumb. Mirai hit a bunch of nice lariats in the match and Mai stepped up some as well with good forearms.

Mirai talks to Giulia and Mai on the mic after. Mai has words for Giulia then Giulia grabs her by the hair and has some words. Chika and Kouki then come out and other girls follow. Mirai and Utami then close the show on the mic and pose.

Overall thoughts: I wouldn't recommend this. Their two best talents in Nanae and Sareee weren't here plus others like Nao were missing. The crowd wasn't very lively and even on paper, the first three matches didn't look that good, yet alone in reality. The main was the best thing on here.

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