Saturday, August 3, 2024

AEW Rampage 8/2/2024

AEW Rampage 8/2/2024

Last week's show is here:

The Butcher vs Wheeler Yuta

Bryan Danielson is on commentary. Yuta rolls him up. They trade chops and forearms. Yuta puts him in an octopus. Butch shoulders him over. Yuta hits chops and forearms. Butch shoulders him over. Butch corner lariats him.

Butch hits boots then bites Yuta's head. Butch back body drops him. Butch boots him out, Yuta skins the cat and throws him out. Yuta topes him.

They trade shots outside. Butch is sent into the buckles. Butch side steps Yuta's springboard crossbody then half-nelson backbreakers him.

We go to PiP break and return. Yuta hits headbutts while on the 2nd rope then top rope crossbodies him. Yuta hits lariats. Yuta step up enzugiri's him then flying forearms him off the top. Yuta germans him for 2. Yuta stomps Butch's arm into the mat and kimura's him.

Butch backbreakers him then hits a nice powerbomb for 2. Butch club flurries him. Yuta sends Butch's shoulder into the buckles. Yuta gites Butch then hits downward elbows. Yuta does cattle mutilation and wins by submission.

It lost its flow about halfway through and went too long. I didn't buy Butcher tapping out to cattle mutilation and this Yuta tough guy stuff is comical.

MxM Collection tell the camera man to zoom. They say FTR like to take shots and they call themselves shooters. They say they don't drink or smoke, their condition is to shampoo and condition. Madden says their only shots are beauty shots.

Brian Cage vs Manny Lo

Just why? Cage shoulders him over. Lo boots him out of the corner. Cage belly to belly suplexes him then does a slam into a cutter. Cage poses and does a gori special flatliner. Cage then wins.

Cage didn't get his stuff in here and won this one in quick fashion as expected. I don't know why we needed to see this.

Kyle Fletcher and Don Callis are interviewed. Kyle says hehad to protect his friend Will on Dynamite. Don says it was perfect too and says there's friends and then there's family. Brian Cage comes in and asks why they are talking to these people. Cage says he's a once in a lifetime athlete. Kyle asks him if he wants more TV time and challenges him to Collision tomorrow. Cage agrees and says he won't make it to Dynamite. Don  tells Kyle he is dangerous and says he doesn't need this before MJF. He asks what we are doing here.

I won't be covering the Harley Cameron match.

Private Party do a promo. Zay says they got MNM...err MXM. He says they are the new guys and feel they got something to prove. He says he's got something to prove. He says they are bugging. Quen says he loves competition. He says the models are invited to tonight's dance party. Quen says they will dance on their faces and they do an MxM pose. Zay says he feels stupid after.

Bryan Keith vs Jackson Drake

BK slaps him then clubs his back. BK gouges his eyes. BK chest kicks him then sends him int othe 2nd buckle face first. BK footchokes Drake.

BK goes for the eyes again then rakes his eyes on the ropes. BK puts Drake in tree of woe and stomps on him. BK does foot slaps and a foot choke while Drake is in tree of woe. Big Bill chokes Drake.

BK exploders Drake then facekicks him. BK bites Drake then hits a diamond dust. BK picks up the win.

Thoughts: This was different than other BK matches. He really heeled it up here and roughed Drake up en route to winning. If nothing else, he got a rare win here.

Katsuyori Shibata is interviewed. Via translator, He says Hook and Joe want revenge on The Learning Tree.  He says he feels more than 100%. He said BryanKeith injured his arm last time he saw him and says he will injure The Learning Tree next week. He says Winston-Salem is nice (that's where Keith vs Shibata happens) and says he has family there.

We get video clips of Taven and Bennett talking about FTR.

MxM Collection vs Private Party

Zay wristlocks Mansoor. Mansoor trips him and walks on him then poses. Mansoor wristlocks Zay then Zay does his dance. Mansoor side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Mansoor poses. Mansoor poses again, Zay poses dropkicks him and poses.

Zay and Madden stare down. Madden hits a big chop on Zay. Private Party do the silly string and Zay poses with Madden. Madden chases Zay around the ring and Zay taps out. Quen jumps off of Zay's back and dropkicks. Zay then jumps off of Quen's back and hits Madden in the corner. Mansoor takes a double flapjack.

We go to PiP break and return. Zay armdrags Mansoor. He slides between Mansoor's legs. Quen hits forearms on Mansoor. Quen shoulders him over then standing moonsaults him. Quen asai moonsaults Mansoor. Quen step up enzugiri's Madden, rolls, poses and enzugiri's Mansoor.

Mansoor takes a backdrop + 2nd rope diving neckbreaker combo. Madden takes double kicks then hits his own double suplex. Zay takes a leg lariat + sitout powerbomb combo. Mansoor forearms Zay. Zay 2nd rope tornado ddt's Mansoor. Zay dropkicks Mansoor out. Zay topes Madden outside and is caught with a black hole slam. Quen walks up the buckles and swantons Madden outside.

Quen slams Mansoor. Mansoor superkicks Zay. Madden 2nd rope chokeslams Quen. Quen takes a double team death rider and is pinned.

Thoughts: I really liked this one. MxM were great here and just really have their gimmick down. I'm actually a fan of Private Party too and these guys matched up really well together. I'd like to see this one again and it couldn't have gone much better than it did. This is how MxM should have debuted.

Overall thoughts: I skipped one match and I wouldn't recommend this one. I did like the main as MxM were entertaining and were a good match for Private Party. Bryan Keith was in total heel mode in his match and got a win and I didn't care for the other two matches I saw.

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