Sunday, September 1, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 8/31/2024 Season 4, Episode 51

WOW Women of Wrestling 8/31/2024 Season 4, Episode 51

Last week's show is here:

The Fab Four come out. Lana complains about the footage from the hotel being shown. David McClane then shows it again. Lana said her credit score is perfect. She says Vicki Lynn McCoy talked to the hotel manager. She rips The Mother Truckers for being poor and The Mother Truckers come out.

Betty says The Fab Four won't lie on them. Holly says it's a case of mistaken identity and said they thought The Truckers were them. Kana said she curses the day she ever met them. Lana says she will pay the bill if Miami Sweet Heat get a title match. She says otherwise, she will have them sent back to jail. Betty says Lana is too poor to the pay the bill and agrees to a bill vs title match.

Thoughts: I had no issues with this. It followed up on an ongoing storyline and made sense. 

The Classmaster and Chainsaw vs Foxxy Fierce and Roxxy Fierce

Samantha Smart gets on the mic before the match. She says she knows when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em. She says she's one team member short and says she's been searching far and wide. She says they need brute force. Chainsaw then comes out alone.

Rox and Class start us off. Rox dances after avoiding a lock-up. Class is tripped into the ropes then Rox hip attacks her on the ropes. Rox spin kicks her for 1. Rox side headlocks Class then Chain chokes Rox in the corner.

Chain chokes Rox then bangs her head off the buckles. Chain hits corner spears and hits chest forearms. Chain pulls Rox off the ropes. Class legdrops Rox's inner thighs then does a grounded octopus (the scholar collar).

Fox gets in and double boots Class. Fox forearms Class down and hits shots on Chain. Fox hits hip attacks on Chain in the corner. Chain full nelsons her. Fox is double teamed in the corner. Chain misses a splash and knocks Class off the apron by accident. Chain takes a double hip attack and a double elbow drop on the back. Chain is then put in a double crossface. Angelica Dante and Siren The Voodoo Doll then run in and beat up The Fierce Sisters. The Fierce Sisters win by DQ.

The heels all beat up on The Sisters.

Thoughts: The Fierce Sisters could have connected a bit better here on their shots. It was just a match and wasn't that great, plus it had a dirty finish.

Las Bandidas (Sylvia Sanchez and Angel Rose) vs Holidead and Chantilly Chella

Chella goes for a double crossbody and Holi boots her over. Holi rams Chella into her opponents then cehlla hits a corner splash. Chella legsweeps Sancehz then Holi slams Chella on her. Holi neckbreakers Sanchez on the shoulder then rams her neck into the buckles. Holi spears the post when Sanchez moves.

Sanchez hits shoulders on Holi then wraps her arm around the top rope and pulls. Rose boots Holi and hits forearms on her arm. Rose hits an STO on Holi then gets a 1 count. Rose stomps Holi's arm.

Sanchez codebreakers Holi's arm then Las Bandidas double stomp on Holi. Holi hits a double ddt on her opponents and Chella is begging for the tag. Chella gets in and hits shot on both opponents. Chella hits chest kicks on both and pulls them into each other. Chella knees Sanchez in the corner then hits a 2nd rope double dropkick on the heels.

Holi spinebusters Rose then Chella pump kicks Sanchez. Sanchez is in the electric chair and Chella jumps off the top and facebusters Sanchez. Chella then picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here. Holi got her arm worked on, tagged out then Chella got offense in and it lead to the win. There was nothing wrong with this.

Chella dances after and tries to get Holi to join her. Holi does some dancing with her.

The Mother Truckers talk in the locker room. Holly accuses The Fab Four of lying. She says it was mistaken identity and not their fault. Holly complains about not getting a reward for returning the stuff. 

Genesis vs Katarina Jinx

Here's a somewhat unusual looking heel vs heel match. Kat cracks her whip during her entrance.

They lock up. Gen wristlocks her then hammerlocks her. Kat waistlocks her then Gen arm throws her. Gen armlocks her. Kat back elbows her in the corner then does a nice throw. Kat armdrags Gen then slides between her legs and does a crosslegged boston crab.

Gen hits chest forearms and boots Kat in the leg. Gen pulls the leg around the rope then bangs it off the mat. Gen grabs her leg and Kat knocks her over. Gen boots the leg then legdrops it. Gen does a nice leglock on her.

Kat headbusters Gen then lariats her. Kat hits a codebreaker for 2. Gen hits a full-nelson slam and wins.

Thoughts: Gen worked the leg most of the match but ended up winning with a full-nelson slam. I wish she would have used a leg submission to win instead. Kat wasn't bad here and had a good showing. Dave put over Gen on commentary and called her a possible future champ.

Lana talks to Miami's Sweet Heat in their room. Lana said she doesn't have to pay the bill if they win tonight and Heat says they will be 4x champs if they win. 

Next week has a Santana Garrett vs The Classmaster as part of the Fan Appreciation Showcase.

WOW Tag Titles - The Bill vs The Belt - The Mother Truckers (c) vs Miami's Sweet Heat

Lindsay has the blonde hair and Laurie has the black hair. Lana's hotel bill is on the line here and The Truckers pay it if Lana's team wins.

Nigel holds up The Fabulous Moolah's old title at the commentary booth. The girls pair off and fight. Laurie's head is banged off the buckles then Linds boots Holly. Holly butt drops her out of the corner and hits mounted shots.

Holly umps on Laurie and hits more mounted punches. Holly pump kicks Linds then Linds is knocked down on a double team. Betty facebusters Linds then superkicks her for 2. Betty takes a double shoulderblock then Linds throws her down backwards. Linds foot chokes Betty.

Betty's head is banged off the buckles and Laur footchokes Betty. Vicki Lynn McCoy and Lana choke Betty. Laur running knees Betty in the corner. Lind hits shots to the gut of Betty. Betty fires back and headbutts her. Linds drops her with a forearm.

Betty takes double spears in the corner. Laur step up knees Betty then Betty takes a double footchoke. Linds jumps off of Laur's back and lariats Betty in the corner. Laur top rope elbow drops Betty for 2.

Betty boots Laur away and tags in Holly. Holly fights off a 1v2 and makes Heat lariat each other. Holly superkicks Laur. Holly hits like a lariat on Lind. Lana distracts the ref. McCoy gets in the ring and hits Holly with the tag title. Linds then pins Holly and Miami's Sweet Heat wins!

Thoughts: I would have liked this one to get more time. It was fine but nothing too great. I have a feeling we'll get a rematch or something out of this and hopefully some fun skits with The Truckers trying to pay the bill off.

Miami's Sweet Heat gets confetti after.

Overall thoughts: We had a somewhat surprising title change here with Miami's Sweet Heat becoming tag champs again.  Katarina Jinx had a decent showing on this show and I liked the Holidead/Chella vs Las Bandidas tag. They built some things going forward here with The Truckers and Sweet Heat likely feuding and The Fierce Sisters likely feuding with Chainsaw and Classmaster. It was an okay and easy show to watch overall but I didn't think it was must see.

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