Sunday, August 11, 2024

AEW Collision 8/10/2024

AEW Collision 8/10/2024

Last week's show is here:

Darby Allin and Hologram vs The Premier Athletes (Josh Woods and Tony Nese)

Mark Sterling introduces his men. He says the Texas residency has been a nightmare. He says their opponents have been cheating and he has a broken arm. He says the worst part is the fans keep cheering for it. Ari says Hologram is hiding behind Darby. He says he likes to paint his face black and white but it will be painted black and blue tonight.

Woods takes Holo down. Holo flips out of the snapmare. Holo is beaten up in the corner. Holo hits some armdrags and an armlock. Nese is double teamed by the faces and Darby code red's him for 2. Nese takes corner attacks. Darby bottom rope twisting crossbodies Nese. Darby is tripped by Mark Sterling and Nese pulls Darby's throat over the top. Woods release germans Darby.

Woods hits knees to the gut on Darby then he exploders him. Darby tries an up and over in the corner but is thrown out. Mark Sterling and Nese beat up Darby outside. Darby takes a backbreaker into a lariat from Woods.

Nese slams Darby then Woods does as well. Darby cradles Nese. Darby slams Nese. Nese rolls up Darby for 2. Darby flips out of two backdrops to tag Holo in. Holo counters a spinning slam with a spinning ddt. Holo standing spanish flies Nese as Nese crossbodies him. Holo headscissors Woods then high kicks him.

Holo springboards and Josh knees him in mid-air. Holo takes an angle slam + neckbreaker for 2. Woods step up knees Darby in the corner. Nese rolls into an uppercut on Darby. Holo gets tripped by Mark then Darby coffin drops Mark and Ari outside.

Nese is back body dropped over the top. Woods backrolls Holo and Holo gets a pin on him to win.

Thoughts: Holo had some sloppy work here as usual. It was really tame with Darby not really doing any big stunts and with Holo not doing anything too wild either. It was fine but not much else.

Dustin Rhodes does a video talking about the texas bullrope match tonight between Thunder Rosa and Deonna Purrazzo. He puts both over.

Texas Bullrope Match - Thunder Rosa vs Deonna Purrazzo


Rosa lariats her then sentons her. Rosa hits mounted punches. Rosa dropkicks her through the ropes then elbow drops her off the apron. DP is sent into the steps then Rosa pounds on her outside.

Rosa backcrackers her then is crotched up top. Rosa is put in tree of woe and DP hits a few boots. They tug on the rope around the ring post and Rosa is pulled into it. DP hits her with the cowbell several times, busting her open.

DP lariats her on the floor during PiP break. DP hanging chokes her with the rope and is thrown down onto chair. Rosa throws DP head first into a chair then dropkicks a chair into her face. Rosa chairs her for 2.

DP is bleeding. Rosa is in tree of woe and DP chairs her in the gut. DP spears her while she's in tree of woe. A table is set up in the corner. DP hits a nasty powerbomb then gotch style piledrivers her on a chair.
Rosa bulldogs her off the 2nd rope through a table. Rosa does a cross-legged northern lights bomb and wins.

Thoughts: It was a pretty stiff match here with both girls getting dropped on their heads. I thought they did a good job with this one and I liked it, but I don't quite think they hit the classic they were going for.

Rosa cries after.

We get an Outrunners video with a 1980's camera. We see them bullying people. They say they are coming for your pride, manhood and gold. They say if you haven't seen The Outrunners, you haven't seen nothing yet.

Thoughts: This did more for them than anything else they have done has. They got this video right.

FTR vs The Outrunners

Dax side headlock takeovers Truth. Truth poses. Cash poses. Cahs leapfrogs then is shouldered over. Cash headlfips out of a wristlock. He shoulders Truth over then poses. Cash backrolls Turbo. Cash takes a double back elbow then a double elbow drop.

Cash atomic drops and chops Truth. Truth is tripped into an elbow drop. The Runners take back body drops and are lariated over the top together. We go to PiP break and return.

Cash throws Truth and Turbo gets in. Turbo back elbows Cash then Truth nails Cash from the apron. Truth tags out while taking a sunset flip. Turbo side headlocks Cash. Cash hits chops and hot tags in Dax. Dax hits shots on The Runners and lariats Truth.

Dax germans Turbo multiple times. Dax piledrivers Turbo. Cash bodyslams Truth then Turbo takes a shatter machine. Turbo is then pinned by Dax.

It didn't get a ton of time. I don't think it was the best match they could have had but I enjoyed it. Sadly the crowd wasn't as into it as they should have been which hurt this some.

Lexi interviews Kip Sabian. He says he wants to make a name for himself. He says this is about his family and dad. Nick Wayne comes in and asks why he is in his business. He asks if he's obsessed with him. Nick says he's the youngest champ in AEW history and Kip is still a nobody after 5 years. He says Kip's dad died a loser and he will make sure he goes out the same way.

Thoughts: I thought Nick did good here.

We hear from MJF and Will from Dynamite. Will tells Kyle he doesn't want to hit the tiger driver '91 and says nobody deserves to be hit with it. Kyle says the one person who deserves to be hit with it is MJF. MJF says he's coming to RevPro and will beat Michael Oku, who he says is one of Will's boys.

Rush vs Preston Vance

They stare down and talk. Vance wants to do their old group pose and Rush nails him. Vance corner lariats him then spinebusters him. Vance hits him on the rail then Rush throws Vance into the rails. Rush bites Vance.

Vance is busted open and his head banged on the rails and chair. Rush foot slaps him then hits chops. Rush rebound germans him then Vance hits a nice spear. Rush back elbows him then Vance psinning lariats him. Vance is suplexed into the buckles.

Rush hits forearms and headbutts on a downed Vance. Rush hits his basement dropkick in the corner and wins.

Rush teases leaving then gets back in the ring. He hits another corner basement dropkick.

It was a short one. Vance had no chance here and I don't think anyone thought he was winning this. There was a good story to be told here with Rush joining with a new group but AEW skipped it and the story began and ended here.

We get the same Jack Perry video from Dynamite. It was not cut off by a Taco Bell commercial this time. I like Taco Bell but it's too expensive for what they give you, so I don't go much.

AEW World Title Eliminator - Swerve Strickland vs Tomohiro Ishii

Swerve gets on the mic. He says he will be in the main event in 2 weeks against Bryan Danielson. He says he owns Bryan's legacy in 2 weeks. He says he wants a warm-up. Nana says he hopes whoever comes out for this open challenge knows they are going against the most dangerous man in AEW.

Ishii side headlocks him. Swerve misses kicks and points at Ishii. Swerve headscissors him from the mat. Swerve dropkicks him.

Swerve side headlocks him. Ishii forearms him down, Swerve kips up and forearms him. Ishii shoulders him over. Swerve dropkicks him in the knee. Swerve hits forearms and Ishii stares at him. Swerve backdrops him then 2nd rope euros him in the back of the neck. Swerve fosbury flops him outside. We go to PiP break and return. 

Ishii backdrops him and Swerve side headlocks him. Ishii backdrops him again. Ishii superplexes him. Swerve facekicks him, rolls at him and takes a flatliner. Swerve then rolls and hits a flatliner.

Swerve brainbusters him. Swerve misses a house call kick and takes a german. Swerve pump kicks him then Ishii lariats him. Ishii running lariats him for 2. Swerve does an M. Bison stomp and hit a house call kick for the win.

I thought it went longer than it needed to and wasn't that interesting of a match. It was obvious Swerve was not losing here which hurt some of it. 

CC says he wants the Continental Title and makes a challenge for it for Dynamite in Cardiff.

Lexi interviews Kris Statlander and Stokeley Hathaway in the ring. They see clips of Willow's promo on them and her talking to Ishii. Stoke says he knows what Willow is up top and says it's disgusting that she needs a short bald guy to do her bidding. Stoke says he can find Kris a partner. Lexi says Willow and Ishii challenged Stoke to be Kris' partner. Stoke says there is no way we are gonna....then Kris says "pass this up". Kris then says "we accept".

Top Flight, Leila Grey and MxM are interviewed. Mansoor says they are sorry...Mansoor says they are sorry they didn't make fun of his haircut sooner. Dante says talk i cheap like Mansoor's chain. Darius challenges them to wrestle tonight. Mansoor says he broke a nail and isn't cosmetically cleared. Lio Rush walks in and asks who takes the middle seat when they fly together. Lio then read a text from Tony that says it's Top Flight vs MxM next week on Collision.

Thoughts: This was all over the place and hard to follow.

Hikaru Shida vs Aleah James

James was in NXT UK. James hits forearms. Shida 2nd rope dropkicks her. Shida rolls around her back and germans her. Shida armbars her. Shida knees her in the face for 2. Shida flying knees her then falcon arrows her for the win.

Thoughts: It was just a quick squash here with James not getting much in.

We see Jim Ross interview Bryan Danielson. Bryan talks about JR signing him 24 years ago. He says it was mindblowing to see JR's name and his on the contract. He says it's an honor to be with him. He says he has put his body through a lot. He said he did a lot of crazy stuff on the indies to get noticed.

He syas he will probably have to get neck surgery before the end of the year. He says each time he has failed, he learned something about himself. He says he's the most mentally strong he has ever been in his entire career.

Thoughts: This didn't work at all and didn't do much to excite me for the match. 

Hikaru Shida is interviewed in the back. She says she called out Britt Baker and Britt one. She says they are 2-2 and says one day they will settle the score. She says she needs real competition and a chance to go back to Wembley. She says that's Mercedes Mone. She says she's the best and the ace of division. She tells her to put the TBS Title on the line Wednesday and says it will be her who goes on to Wembley. 

AEW World Trios Titles - Special Ref: Christian - The Bang Bang Gang vs The House of Black

Brody and Juice go at it. Juice side headlocks him and can't shoulder him over. They shove each other and all 6 get in.  Black takes down Austin. Black armlocks him then Buddy top rope double stomps Austin's arm. Buddy and Colten go at it with trips and pin attempts then they stand off. Colt takes a dropkick through the ropes and Juice blocks Buddy's dive. Buddy double axe handles Colt off the apron.

Juice suplexes Buddy. Juice stands on Buddy's neck in the corner. Buddy takes corner splashes and a leg lariat from Juice for 2. Juice headbuts Buddy then leg lariats him on the ropes.

Buddy tags in Brody but Christian doesn't see it. Buddy is then dragged over into the other corner and beaten up on. Buddy sends Austin into the buckles. Buddy hits a pop-up knee and tags in Black. Black stops a 1v2 and sweeps Juice. Black knees Colt in the corner then triangle moonsaults Juice outside. Black asai moonsaults Austin. Brody corner pslashes Austin. Brody topes multiple people outside.

Juice is sent into the rails. Brody triple crossbodies The Gang on the rails. They get back in. Juice hits shots on Brody then Colt dropkicks Brody. Colt splashes Black and Juice cannonballs Black in the corner.

Brody death valley drivers Colt then Black top rope double stomps Colt. Brody lariats Colt. Brody takes a 310 to Yuma for 2. Everyone starts getting a move in and everyone ends up down. Christian starts counting to 10. Buddy tries to get up and Christian spears him. hristian then calls for the bell, making this end in a double countout/no contest.

Christian and The Patriarcy then beat up on everyone after. Austin is thrown out and takes a Wayne's World from the apron. Christian spears Buddy then chairs his leg. Colt is thrown down on a steel chair. Black takes a killswitch on a chair.

I liked the match. It was fast paced with a lot of people coming in and out and Brody had some nice highlights here. The ending was clever especially since Christian was a good boy all match long and didn't hint towards cheating. It also definitely leads to another match of some sort to continue this thing.

Overall thoughts: It did have some random matches but there were some storylines in play. The in-ring work was good but not great. I liked this one overall.

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