Sunday, March 2, 2025

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/14/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/14/1991

Last week's show is here:

We are in New Haven, CT, which is the birthplace of the rifle. Vince McMahon and Mr. Perfect are on commentary.  

Vince talks about the WWF Title being vacated. They talk about Piper getting in the Rumble. Perfect says Flair will be in it too and not only be the real world champ but the WWF champ too.

The Bushwhackers vs Barry Hardy & Brian Donahue

Jamison has a Bushwhackers hat on in the front row and does their march. Thw BW's pull Jamison over the rail into ringside. Jamison is going to be their cornerman.

Butch hits shots on Brian. Brian gets a few shots in to the gut and is lariated over. Luke bangs Barry's head off the buckles. Luke hits him in the gut twice then hits fist drops. Luke back elbows Barry. Barry takes a battering ram then a double gutbuster. Barry is then pinned.

Thoughts: It was the usual Bushwhackers squash with Jamison acting like a total moron outside.

Jamison tries to get in the ring after and gets tied up in the ropes. He then does The BW's march with them.

WWF Update

Mean Gene Okerlund hypes up The Royal Rumble. The Macho Man Randy Savage is in The Royal Rumble. We see clips of This Tuesday In Texas' Savage vs Jake match which is only going to be released on Supertape '92. Why? No clue. Gene calls Jake slapping Elizabeth disgusting and says he will have to pay for his actions soon.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs. Russ Greenberg

Jake didn't come out with the snake due to Tunney's ruling. He backs up Russ on the ropes and shoves him over. Jake wristlocks Russ then shoulders him over. Russ leapfrogs him then hits shots to the gut. Russ misses a dropkick.

Jake slams Russ. Russ is nearly killed when he's thrown over the top and Russ nearly does a header. Jake short arm clotheslines Russ. Jake punches Russ down. The fans chant "ddt" and Jake hits it. Jake then picks the win up.

Russ' bump to the outside was super dangerous and he's lucky to be alive after that. Jake picked up the win here as expected.

WWF Event Center

IRS does a promo. He says Boss Man showed his true colors and exposed himself when he pulled the nightstick out. He says he won't sit down and take a beating from anyone. He said he told him he would audit him and he kept his word like he always does.

Bret Hart does a promo. He said he never expected Mountie to electrocute him to get a title shot. He says Mountie got his title shot but he's got The Excellence of Execution.

Virgil vs Von Krus

Von is the future Big Vito. Vito looked a lot bigger in the early 2000's than he did here where it was still a big man's world. Virg boots Von in the chest then backdrops him. Von takes a nice bump for it. Virg lariats Von over the top. Virg plancha's Von outside and hits mounted shots.

Virg neckbreakers Von then elbow drops him. Virg russian legsweeps him then hits a 2nd rope fist drop. The Repo Man does an inset promo. He says it's the holiday season and it's the time for giving. He says it's the time for taking though for him. He says he will repossess Virg's career. Virg hits a hard lariat then hits punches. Virg submits Von with the million dollar dream and wins.

Thoughts: It was a good squash with Von doing some great bumping for Virg.

WWF Event Center

Jake Roberts, Paul Bearer and The Undertaker do a promo. Jake says Macho is the sickest man available as he told his wife to come and watch him get his butt kicked. Paul says sometimes anticipation of death is worse than death itself. Taker says Duggan and Macho can't anticipate what's in store for them.

Macho Man and Jim Duggan do a promo. Macho says Jim is a friend of his. Jim says people ask him if he knows what he's getting into and he says he does.He says a man has to do what a man has to do. Macho says he remembers Jake slapping Liz. He says they will beat them up big time.

The Natural Disasters (Earthquake & Typhoon) vs Bill Pierce & Kevin Drake

Quake clubs one of the jobbers and hits a jumping boot. Quake hits a nice belly to belly suplex. Quake elbow drops the jobber's back then the jobber is sandwiched squashed between The ND's. Typh hits a suplex then throws the jobber into the corner. He hits a hard boot to the gut. Typh hits a corner lariat then hits a normal lariat.

The jobber's head is banged off the buckles and Typh kneels him his neck against the 2nd buckle. Typh hits a corner splash then Quake jumps on Typh's back. Quake hits a powerslam then a butt drop. Typh then hits a normal splash and picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was the usual ND's squash. They had some extra fun today doing more splashes and squashes than usual.

Bret "The Hitman" Hart comes out. He is a given a best wrestler of the year award from Freddie Blassie and gets a big trophy. Oddly, despite Mean Gene being there with a mic, Bret isn't interviewed.

Thoughts: Yeah, they are definitely trying to push Bret here. This was a waste with Blassie not even talking and I thought Taker should have been considered for best wrestler.

El Matador vs. Chris Duffy

Hey, Chris is back. He's one of the better jobbers they have. Tito hits armdrags to start and armlocks Chris. Chris hits shots to the gut then Tito hiptosses him. Tito 2nd rope double axe handles Chris.

Tito shoulders Chris over. Chris is then thrown out. Tito slams Chris. Tito hits a kneelift then a flying forearm to the back of the head. Tito picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was short and not that good. Tito's still doing goofy bullfighting motions here and he did little but strikes.

We see General Adnan and Col. Mustafa playing Wrestlemania Challenge on Nintendo.

Texas Tornado talks about The Rumble. He says the winner of the Rumble will be his champ. He says his goal will come through as he will walk out champ.

The Warlord and Harvey Wippleman talk. Harvey says the other wrestlers will bow to the size and power of The Warlord. Warlord says he will be the next champ.

Virgil says all friends go to the side at The Rumble. He says it's lights out for Piper if they end up being the last 2 as he wants to be champ.

IRS says he gets to audit 29 tax cheats and walk out champ.

The British Bulldog says the title is on the line at The Rumble. He says it will be tough but he will walk away the new champ.

Mr. Fuji and The Berzerker talk. Fuji says no one beats his man in The Rumble. Berz says this is his kind of match and says you will have a new champ.

Ric Flair talks with his title blurred out. He says The Rumble means more gold, recognition and notoriety. He says it means everything for him to be champ. He says whatcha gonna do when Ric Flair runs wild on you.

The Undertaker and Paul Bearer talk. Paul says they have a special fondness for mass burials. He says there are 29 fresh decomposing bodies and says with each one, Taker comes closer to the title. Taker calls what Tunney did a travesty and says it will be dealt with when 29 of the WWF's top stars are put in one mass grave.

The Beverly Brothers (Beau Beverly & Blake Beverly) vs. Jim Arnon & Sonny Blaze

Beau trips Blaze into a splash from Blake. Blake bangs Blaze's knee off the mat. Blaze's leg is held over the bottom rope as Beau stomps it. Jamison and The Genius have words outside. Beau throws Jim in. Beau hits a back elbow. Jim is bridged on the top rope for a butt drop on the back. Blake hits a nice belly to belly on Jim. Jim then takes a shake heights spike and is pinned.

Thoughts: I think they working on the knee here was a callback to them injuring Neidhart's leg. It was just a quick squash with the jobbers getting nothing in.

Jamison yells at The Bev's then The Bev's and The Genius tell him to sit down. They grab Jamison by the shirt and rough him up. The Bushwhackers then come down and back them off. The BW's then walk off with Jamison to the back.

WWF Event Center

Col. Mustafa and General Adnan do a promo. Mustafa says he thought Sarge was a good man but he double crossed them. Mustafa says they will make Sarge suffer in their handicap flag match.

Sgt. Slaughter puts them over as being mean and tough. Sarge says he will beat them in the handicap match and wave Old Glory.

Vince talks next week show which has The Rockers, Bret Hart, Duggan and Sarge in tag team action and The Undertaker. Vince says Perfect won't be at the booth next week.

Overall thoughts: Jamison joining up with The Bushwhackers and Bret getting a trophy for being the best wrestler was the big news here.  That should tell you what kind of show this was. Other than that, everything is now focused on the 1992 Royal Rumble where it's every man for himself. Russ Greenburg took a deadly looking bump outside on this show and Von Krus did a nice job bumping for Virgil. This wasn't much of note and I wouldn't really recommend this one, though I didn't mind it.

AEW Collision 3/1/2025

AEW Collision 3/1/2025

Last week's show is here:

This aired against WWE Elimination Chamber 2025.

Daniel Garcia is with FTR. He says Cole either likes him or wants a shot at the title. FTR says the tag division has been a loss without them but they are back tonight. Cash says they step in the ring for the first time in 7 years since Strong and Kyle.

Kyle O'Reilly, Roderick Strong and Adam Cole talk. Strong says it's top guys down. Cole says he doesn't want to win the TNT Title, he needs to. Cole says he never held singles gold and it changes tonight.

Julia Hart talks with Brody King behind her. She says the hart always wins tonight in reference to Queen Aminata. Kazuchika Okada walks in. He says he's worry and Brody barks at him then bumps into him. Okada then shines his title.

Powerhouse Hobbs and Bandido talk. Hobbs says tonight they handle straight town business.

FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler) vs Kyle O'Reilly and Roderick Strong

Cash rolls out of an RS wristlock and reverses it. RS trips Cash then Cash side headlock takeovers him. They get up and stand off. RS side headlock takeovers Cash then shoulders him over. Cash hiptosses RS.

Kyle chest kicks Dax and is chopped. Kyle knees Dax in the gut. Dax takes chops and kicks in the corner. Kyle takes an atomic drop into a dropkick. Cash baseball slides RS and is knee'd off the apron by Kyle.

Cash is double teamed in the corner. Kyle abdominal stretches Cash. Dax comes in and hits punches on Kyle. Dax suplexes Kyle then suplexes RS onto Kyle. Dax cradles Kyle for 2. Dax hits a chop and punch combo on Kyle. Dax short arm lariats RS. Kyle leg kicks Dax then Dax piledrivers Kyle. Dax pins Kyle with Kyle's foot on the ropes. Dax then shows the ref that Kyle's foot was on the ropes. Dax refuses to accept the win and says he wants to restart the match. It is then announced that the mathc will restart.

Dax sends Kyle into the post shoulder first. Kyle bangs Dax's head off the buckle. Cash chops Kyle up in the ropes then Kyle is lariated from the apron into the ring. We go to PiP break and return. Dax chinlocks Kyle. Cash misses a corner attack. Kyle then makes the tag. RS gets in. He hits jumping knees on FTR. RS backbreakers Kyle then dropkicks Dax. RS jumping knees Dax then drops him on his chest.

RS olympic slams Cash then does it to Dax. Kyle axe kicks Dax and Dax takes a spinning forearm + jumping knee combo. RS is back body dropped over the top. Kyle ankle locks Cash. Cash definitely seems to be tapping but the ref doesn't end it. Dax is sent into Cash and Kyle ankle locks Cash.

Dax pushes Kyle into Cash, Cash hits Kyle and Dax gets a 2 count on Kyle. Kyle kind of takes a hart attack with Cash jumping off the top. Kyle takes a spike piledriver for 2. Dax flying knees RS out. Cash pulls down RS face first on the apron. Kyle takes a powerplex for 2. Kyle's team blocks a shatter machine. Cash takes a high/low and is pinned.

Thoughts: They didn't quite get the flow right here. They were definitely pushing some kind of angle with FTR maybe not working well together but the announcers didn't really pick up on it. It got lots of time but it wasn't as good as it could have been.

Kyle and Strong want to shake hands after but FTR walks out.

Willow Nightingale does a video on The Death Riders. She says she's the babe with the power and not afraid to use it in reference to giving Marina Shafir a conchairto.

Wheeler Yuta vs Willie Mack

Yuta forearms him from behind and bangs his head off the buckle. Yuta hits chops and corner spears. Yuta knees Mack in the gut and throws him down backwards. Yuta sentons him. Yuta half-crabs Mack and Mack ropebreaks.

Mack hits some forearms and chops. Yuta release germans him. Yuta comes off the top then is lariated. Mack leg lariats Yuta. Mack corner sentons Yuta. Mack swinging slams Yuta then standing moonsaults Yuta for 1.

Yuta flying knees Mack to win.

This was a random one. Mack didn't have his best night ever here and there was nothing too special about this.

Mox comes out after and hits Mack with his briefcase. Mox says he wants to teach Yuta about finishing the job. Mox tells Yuta to take Cope out on Wednesday. He says he does not leave the ring under his own power. Mox tells him to finish the job. Yuta then hits Mack with the briefcase while Mox holds Mack.

Mercedes Mone runs into Billie Starkz in the back. Billie gives her the TBS Title back that Momo stole. Billie says Momo is taking the title from her at Revolution. Billie then throws tea in Mone's face after Mone spilled a drink on her on Dynamite.

Toni Storm is in a bed and a neck brace. She says this gave her time to think if this has been worth it. She says her dreams are haunted by a woman who won't let her wake up. Toni asks what she wants. She says May can pry the title from her cold dead hips. She says she can give her the spotlight. She says Australia was foreplay. She says she wants a no holds barred match with falls count anywhere rules. She says she hopes May believes in God as May will meet him. 

Swerve Strickland vs Clark Connors

Clark is from NJPW. He's 2-2 in AEW supposedly. They said he had a star making performance in AEW in 2022 that I don't really remember being as such.

CC charges at him and takes punches and chops. Swerve spinning chops him then 2nd rope diving euros him in the back of the neck. CC shoulders him over from the side. CC foot chokes Swerve. CC hits boots and chops. Swerve backbreakers him.

We go to PiP break and return. Swerve works the arm and CC hits forearms. CC powerslams Swerve. Swerve up kicks him and corkscrew kicks him.

They go on the buckles and Swerve top rope backdrops him.  Swerve hits shots on CC. CC headbutts him. CC germans him. Swerve jumping flatliners him. CC then hits a big spear. CC rolls up Swerve for 2. Swerve pulls him down by the arm and hits a house call kick to win.

Thoughts: AEW didn't want to have anyone on their roster lose so they brought in Clark to lose. Nobody really cared about Clark as expected and it was a longer, cold match that mostly just filled time and got Swerve a win.

Swerve says this starts the road to Swerve getting back the title. He says he will take Ricochet down and take back his legacy.

We see clips of The Hurt Syndicate after Dynamite this week. The Outrunners come up to them and ask if thye saw that. Turbo says they get shots at the tag titles now. MVP says they distracted their opponents and The Runners won. MVP says The Runners get a tag title shot. MVP tells them to get their business together and tells them they get to go swimming with great white sharks.

I didn't like The Runners being treated like people who got lucky and don't deserve to get a tag title shot.

Harley Cameron joins commentary. She says she's stopping by and just had a Dynamite match. Harley talks about the new spinning neckbreaker move she did and says she was disappointed Nigel and Tony didn't give the move a name. Nigel says he wasn't there and says he'd be a millionaire for all the moves Tony doesn't know the name of. Harley says the move has to be named and says it will be called "my finishing move". Harley then says to feel the wrath.

Alicia Atout interviews The Costco Guys. Johnny TV bumps into AJ. Johnny says he has been here a while and AJ just got here. He says he wants a six man tag at Revolution. He says Big Justice and a cookie don't count. Justice says it looks like they will have to find two friends. 

Shane Taylor Promotions (Lee Moriarty and The Infantry) vs Nick Ruiz, Vinnie Massaro and Dave Dutra

Pro Wrestling NOAH superstar Vinnie Massaro is here! The heels put one of the heels in the corner and Bravo hits a crossover euro step punch. Dean lariats the jobber then the jobber takes a double curbstomp. Lee lifting flatliners the jobber and wins.

Thoughts: It was a quick one with Vinnie not even getting in sadly.

Adam Cole then comes out as Shane's crew is leaving. 

AEW TNT Title - Daniel Garcia (c) vs Adam Cole

Hey, who needs Rock and Cena when you got this? Cole wristlocks him then waistlock takedowns him. Cole then does his pose. Cole wristlocks him. DG snapmares him then crucifixes him. DG rolls him up and they stand off. DG then does his dance.

They shake hands and DG holds onto his hand. DG spinning neckbreakers him then corner lariats him. Cole backcrackers him while he's on the 2nd rope. Cole neckbreakers him twice. Cole hits a suplex then chinlocks him.

Cole spinning enzugiri's him. DG dragon screws Cole over the middle rope. DG running dropkicks Cole against the rail. DG hits chops then Cole pump kicks him. Cole hits an ushigoroshi for 2. DG spinning neckbreakers him then Cole hits oblivion for 2. 

Cole sits up top and is chopped. DG superplexes Cole then holds on for a piledriver for 2. Cole superkicks him in the knee and the side of the head. Cole then hits a panama sunrise on DG. DG backdrops Cole. They go out and Cole superkicks DG. Cole hits the bbom knee from behind outside.

DG ankle locks Cole. Cole ropebreaks and DG pounds on him. DG piledriver s him on the apron. Cole and DG trade forearms then hockey fight. We have 5 minutes left in the time limit. Shane Taylor Promotions then runs down and beats up both guys to draw a no contest.

The ending sucked here and I wasn't a big fan of the match. There wasn't a great story to it or anything and it went long with two of AEW's least interesting people. I'm not sure why they let them go so long if the finish was going to be this.

Matt Menard gets up from commentary then is nailed by Shane Taylor from the side. Cole takes a double curbstomp. Lee does a border city stretch on DG after.

We get a video package on The Ops.

Big Boom AJ talks about them getting disrespected. AJ says Johnny TV knocked the cookie out of his hand. AJ says Big Justice found him a friend for Revolution and it's Orange Cassidy. Big Justice wants to be the 3rd in the trio. AJ says he needs him to be in their corner, not in the ring. Mark Briscoe comes in and asks him to let him do the @sswhopping. Mark says it's been a long time since they have done some conglomerating (referencing The Conglomeration) and need to. They then say the word of day is boom.

Julia Hart vs Queen Aminata

Serena Deeb does an inset promo. She says we all get to see if Queen is ready for the first ever women's pure rules match.

Queen wristlocks her and twerks on her. Queen side headlock takeovers her. They trade side headlocks. Hart flying headscissors her then corner lariats Queen. Hart chinlocks her. Queen hits elbows to the gut then she forearms Hart. Hart forearms her back then Queen clips her. Queen bangs Hart's knee off the mat.

We go to PiP break and return. Queen puts her legs around Hart's neck and pulls on the arms. Hart hits forearms and lariats. Hart rolls her up for 2 and hits flying double axe handles. Hart STO's her then standing moonsaults her for 2. 

Hart does a scholar collar on Queen. Hart misses a top rope moonsault. Queen headbutts her. Queen running knees her on the ropes and wins.

The work was fine but I wasn't too into this. I don't like Hart losing like this after she just made her return, especially to Queen, who rarely makes the show.

Brody King checks on Hart after. Kazuchika Okada comes in and hits Brody with his title.

We get a video on Konosuke Takeshita.

Kenny Omega talks from a room. He says he had to hear Don Callis talk while he was out about how Takeshita beat Kenny twice in a week. Kenny said it got him p!ssed off. He says this is about KT's belt as the one who holds the belt is the best. He says if KT can beat him 3 times, maybe it's time for him to admit KT is better. He says his entire focus on KT's belt and says he will take it at Revolution.

I didn't really get this one. He's mad about KT beating him twice and bragging about it yet his focus is on the title, and not The Elite, who were the ones who took him out.

Powerhouse Hobbs and Bandido vs The Learning Tree (Big Bill and Bryan Keith)

Hobbs shoulders BK over. Hobbs holds BK for a suplex and passes him to Bandido, who lifts him with one arm, passes him to Hobbs then has Hobbs fallaway slam BK.

Band flips out of a Bill chokeslam. Bandido enzugiri's Bill form the apron then takes a facekick on the apron from BK. We go to PiP break and return. BK exploders Band and Bill elbow drops Band. Bill misses a corner splash.

Band uses the ropes and bulldogs BK. Hobbs comes in and hits lariats on BK and Bill. BK is thrown into Bill then Hobbs lariats Bill. Hobbs hits corner attacks on Bill and BK. Bill is sent into BK then thrown over the top. Hobbs top rope twisting slams BK.

Bill black hole slams BK. Hobbs runs over Bill. BK enzugiri's Hobbs. BK and Band trade chops. BK and Band then flying kick each other at the same time. Hobbs and Bill stare down then trade punches. Hobbs knocks Bill off the apron. Band gets on Hobbs' shoulders then moonsaults outside onto Bill. BK rolls up Hobbs and uses the ropes for 2. Hobbs shoulders over BK. Hobbs spinebusters BK and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't anyone's best work but it was an okay math here. I thought it needed more time and a chance to be something greater than it was. It was just a midcard match that got put in the main. Band's moonsault off Hobbs' shoulders to the outside was cool.

Overall thoughts: It was a long, wrestling heavy show that wasn't that interesting. There weren't many new developments here and we had some unusual random matches. I'd only give it a 5 out of 10 as there wasn't a ton of reason to care about this one and it didn't feel like it was AEW's best work. I wouldn't recommend this.

WOW Women of Wrestling 3/1/2025 Season 5, Episode 25

WOW Women of Wrestling 3/1/2025 Season 5, Episode 25

Last week's show is here:

The Fab Four come out. Lana Star says they come out and dominate every night. She says anyone who messes with Miami's sweet heat gets steamrolled. Lana says they aren't asking for a tag title match, they are demanding it. Big Rig Betty and Jessie Jones come out. Jones says they want a title shot. She says there's only one team that has the titles but there's two teams in the ring. Betty asks who will be challenging and asks Lana to pick. Lana says Holly Swag and Penelope Pink deserve it most. Jones says Miami's Sweet Heat may have a problem with it but that's fine with them. Betty says they like a fight.

Thoughts: It was simple but I liked it.  

BK Rhythm does a rap before her match.

BK Rhythm vs Xena Phoenix

Xena fireman's carries her and goes for the armbar. Xena waistlock takedowns BK and gets a 2 count on her. Gigi Gianni trips Xena up from the outside and BK lariats Xena. BK corner back elbows Xena and bangs her head off the buckles. BK hits spears to the back. BK backdrops Xena.

BK chokes Xena on the ropes and Gigi chokes Xena on the ropes. Xena rolls up BK for 2. BK side slams Xena. BK elbow drops her then straightjacket chokes Xena. Xena monkey flips her and hits mounted shots. Xena armdrags her and japanese armdrags her. Xena suplexes her for 2.

Xena kimura's BK and Gigi helps BK ropebreak. Xena is pulled into the ropes. Gigi gets on the apron and is booted by Xena. Xena then armbars BK and submits her for the win.

It wasn't that good. Gigi's interference wasn't done that well here. Xena did mostly focus on the arm though to her credit before winning with an arm submission.

Gigi and BK beat up Xena after and throw her out.

Animal Instinct (Katarina Jinx and Goldie Collins) come out. Goldie says it's a privilege and an honor for the fans to see them. Goldie says they were told they were facing The Dojo Defenders but Tara Strike has struck out. Goldie asks who Ashley Blaze is. Jinx asks how their opponents can trust each other after the debacle with Tara. Jinx says injuries like Tara's have a long and stretched out recovery process. Goldie asks who cares if Tara returns?

Animal Instinct (Katarina Jinx and Goldie Collins) vs Kara Kai and Ashley Blaze

Ash and Kai run down and beat up the heels before it starts for the remarks about Tara. The heels end up going out. Ash bangs Jinx's head off her knee. Kai misses kicks on Jinx and Jinx kicks her. Kai takes a double suplex.

Kai is on the 2nd rope and Goldie hits her as she rocks back and forth. Goldie blocks Kai's cradle then bangs Kai's head off the buckles. Jinx foot chokes Kai. Jinx boots Kai in the corner. Jinx throws Kai by the head. Jinx pulls on Kai's arms and chin then curbstomps her.

Goldie pulls Kai's arms back. Kai hits jawbreakers on Goldie. Ash is tagged in as is Jinx. Ash knocks over Jinx. She chest kicks her and leg sweeps her. Ash sentons Jinx. Ash TKO's Jinx and wins.

It was an average match here. Kai got worked on during most of this one before tagging out and having Ash pick up the win. I don't really like Animal Instinct losing again here especially to a makeshift team.

Dave McLane interviews Kai and Ash after. Kai says her and Tara were kicking through the competition then Top Tier had to bully them and play the numbers game. Kai says they can't let what happened to Tara slide. Tara says they can't get away with what they did. Blaze says she got injured like Tara did and refuses to let her get injured like she did. Blaze says they will take this into their own hands and take down Top Tier.

We get a package on Chainsaw and Daisy Lane. Lane is in full Alexa Bliss mode here. We see her face on a flower and she is now wearing red and black with black lipstick and eye shadow. 

Chainsaw vs Tiki Chamorro

Chain pushes Tiki off the lock-up. Tiki goes between her legs and hits shots to the back of the leg. Chain pulls her down by the hair. Tiki hits chest forearms then corner splashes Chain. Chain sends her to the apron and is pulled throat first over the top rope. Tiki then takes a lariat.

Chain stomach claws Tiki and pulls on her hair. Chain pulls Tiki's arms around the ropes. Daisy Lane then pulls on Tiki's arms. Chain boots Tiki over then legdrops her. Chain grabs Tiki's nose. Tiki trips Chain into the ropes and 619's her.

Tiki hits headbutts on Chain. Daisy trips Tiki. Tiki bangs Daisy's head off the apron. Tiki gets distracted then takes a Chain chokeslam. Chain splashes Tiki andwins.

Thoughts: This was all about establishing Daisy's knew character as a heel. They did a decent job of that here. Tiki basically got squashed.

Chain throws Daisy onto Tiki after and they boot Tiki out of the ring. Daisy grabs her doll. Kalaki the Island Girl comes out to help Tiki. Daisy says she's not Chain's pet, she says Chainsaw belongs to her. 

Sibley Scopes interviews Xena Phoenix. She said she had an armbar on BK and Gigi broke the moment up. She says she respects Gigi but says she wants her legacy to be a legacy of strength and respect. She thanks everyone for supporting her and says her dream is coming true because of them.

Next week's show has Swag and Pink vs Betty and Jones for the WOW Tag Titles.

Coach Campanelli talks on the mic before the match. Coach says you have to have Top Tier if you want to get the most people watching. Coach introduces herself and says she's the brains of the operation. She says Kandi Krush is the heavy hitter and says Gloria is the queen of cardio. Krush rants and says they are the greatest team in wrestling. Coach says they will fight everyone and says it's time we all took notes. Coach says they will wrestle another team and show why they are the greatest team in all of wrestling.

Top Tier (Coach Campanelli, Kandi Krush and Gloria Glitter) vs Spring Break 24/7 (Crystal Waters, Brittany Bay and Sandy Shore)

This is actually the first time 24/7 is teaming up as a trio or to be honest, even appearing as a trio. Dave says Sandy was in college so that's why we didn't see them.

Krush knees Bay in the gut. Bay rolls her up then armdrags her. Krush takes a double back elbow and Waters basement dropkicks Krush. Waters flying headscissors Glitter. Sandy step up enzugiri's Glitter for 2. Sandy hits a skull crushing finale on Glitter. Glitter codebreakers Sandy.

Top Tier jump off each others backs onto Sandy in the corner. Sandy takes a double hiptoss for 2. Krush hits corner spears on Sandy. Krush flips Sandy over by the arm then elbow drops her. Shore takes a double team drop on her back for 2.

Shore rolls up Glitter for 2. Shoe spin kicks her and does a neckbreaker on Glitter. Bay gets tagged in. She hits dropkicks on Coach and Krush. She then double dropkicks them. Bay crossbodies Coach for 2. Bay takes an ushigoroshi from Glitter. Bay then takes a double pendulum drop onto her cheat and is pinned.

I was fine with this. This was the best showing 24/7 has had so far and they did good with the offense they got before losing as expected. There was nothing wrong with this.

Overall thoughts: There was a lot going on here which was good. The wrestling was average though. However, they built some stuff up for future shows and generally did what they were supposed to outside of the ring. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 as it was fine but there was nothing must here. The show was fine overall.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

WWE Elimination Chamber 2025 3/1/2025

WWE Elimination Chamber 2025 3/1/2025

We are in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Pat McAfee, Michael Cole and Wade Barrett are on commentary.

We see various wrestlers arrive. Kevin Owens looks through some production equipment and steals some wrenches. Pat mentions the fans booing the US national anthem prior to the show.

Women's Elimination Chamber - Alexa Bliss vs Roxanne Perez vs Bayley vs Bianca Belair vs Liv Morgan vs Naomi

Naomi and Liv are ready to go at it then Jade Cargill comes out and makes her return. Jade walks in the cage and pounds on Naomi. She stomps Naomi and sends her into the buckles. Naomi is then sent into the cage as the crowd goes nuts. Naomi is sent into the side of the pods. Naomi's head is banged off the pods. Jade pump kicks her into the pod. The refs then try to stop Jade. Jade then rams the chamber door into Naomi's face. 

Naomi is out at the entrance of the cage and a stretcher is brought out for her. Liv then talks trash to Bianca, who is in the pod. We are told Naomi is unable to compete in the chamber. Naomi is eliminated.

Bianca is next in. She is upset and bothered. She tries to help out Naomi from the cage but Liv hits her from behind. Liv sends BB (Bianca) into the pod's side. BB hits corner spears on Liv then hits corner punches. BB bangs Liv's head off the cage.

BB misses a handspring moonsault. Liv step up enzugiri's BB for 2. Liv boots BB in the corner. Liv corner forearms her. BB boots her out of the corner. Liv is popped up into the buckles and BB kind of chokeslams her. BB handspring moonsaults Liv for 2.

Roxanne Perez (RP) is next in. RP flying headscissors BB. She then hits running euros on both opponents in the corners. RP diving headscissors BB then gets a 2 count on Liv. RP gets caught by BB off the buckles. RP pulls BB's hair then RP russian legsweeps BB into the cage.

RP ties up BB's hair in the cage. Liv dropkicks RP. Liv backsplashes RP then step up knees her. Liv and RP double clothesline each other. Bayley is next in. She and RP fight and RP is sent into the pod sides. Bay bangs RP's head off the pod. Liv is sent into the cage by Bay.

Bay facekicks Liv against the cage then belly to belly suplexes RP into the cage. Bay has BB by the hair. She lets go and forearms her. BB shoves her into the ropes. Bay knees BB in the face then sunset bombs her into the buckles for 2. Bay top rope elbow drops BB for 2. Bay climbs the buckles and is powerbombed onto the chamber platforms. RP top rope splashes Bay for 2.

Liv codebreakers RP. Alexa Bliss is the final entrant. She stares down Liv. Bliss slaps her and throws her down backwards. She pounds on her. Bliss throws RP down backwards then hits mounted shots on her. Bliss jawbreakers Liv then dropkicks her.

Bay rolls up Bliss for 2 and Bliss forearms her. Bliss double knee drops Bay in the gut. RP bangs Bliss' head off the cage and foot chokes her there. Bliss does a top rope double crossbody but is caught and slammed down. Bay cutters BB over the middle rope. Bay low crossbodies Bliss and BB on the platform.

Liv sends Bay into the pod side. Bay hits a roseplant on Liv on the platform. RP rolls up Bay for 2 then la mistica's her. Bay's face is banged off the cage by RP. RP stunners Bay over the middle rope. Bay gets her knees up on RP's double jump asai moonsault. RP is dumped onto the chamber platform. Liv hits oblivion on Bay and pins her. Bayley is eliminated.

Liv climbs the cage an gets on top of the pod. BB follows. BB's head is banged off the glass. Liv hangs on via BB's hair. BB whips Liv, Liv hangs from the cage and is sent down by BB. BB then dives off the pod onto her opponents.

BB corner spears Bliss. We get a tower of doom spot with Bliss being superplexed. RP superkicks Liv on an oblivion attempt. RP takes a codebreaker from Liv. Bliss hits a 180 splash on RP and pins her. Roxanne Perez is eliminated.

Bliss is about to take a KOD but headscissors Liv off of it. Liv stands on BB's back and neck. Liv suplexes BB three times. Liv step up enzugiri's BB. Bliss goes for sister abigail and is rolled up by Liv. BB backrolls Liv for 2 then Bliss hits sister abigail on BB. Liv then jack knife pins Bliss. Alexis Bliss is eliminated.

Liv yo-yo's BB with her hair, sending her into the cage and back. Liv 2nd rope diving codebreakers BB. BB spears Liv for 2. BB swings Liv's head into the pod and cage. BB powerbombs her. BB does a 450 but Liv gets her knees up. Liv codebreakers her off a KOD attempt. BB KOD's Liv and pins her to win the chamber.

Thoughts: It was a good chamber. Jade's turn on Naomi got things off to a hot start and was a shocking moment. The work was good here with a lot of action. Everyone got sent into the cage or pod at some point or other and Liv bled from the side after taking a hair whip from BB. This went well and I enjoyed this one. I probably wouldn't have had Bianca win this but we will see where it goes. 

BB then runs into Rhea and Iyo in the entrance way.

Tiffany Stratton and Trish Status vs Nia Jax and Candice LeRae

Trish thesz presses CL and pounds on her. Nia comes in and takes a double dropkick. Trish neckbreakers CL for 2.  Tirhs is pulled out then headbutted by Nia. Tiff forearms Nia off the steps. CL baseball slides Tiff then sends her into the steps. Tiff's head is banged off the buckles. Nia then butt presses Tiff down in the corner.

Nia goes on the buckles and is pulled down by Tiff. Trish gets in and hits forearms on Nia. Trish hits chops on her. Trish high kicks her then ddt's her for 2. Trish spinebusters CL. Trish is backdropped off a bulldog attempt on the ropes.

Nia pulls on Trish's hair and chants, "USA". Nia ragdolls Trish around. Nia lifts Trish with a stretch muffler and CL dropkicks Trish as she hangs. CL suplexes Trish for 2. Nia stinkfaces Trish in the corner. CL rams Trish into the corner. They then facebuster each other at the same time.

Tiff gets in and hits lariats on CL. She shoulders her over then handspring backflip back elbows her. Tiff rolls CL into an alabama slam. Tiff spinebusters Nia. Tiff hits a double basement dropkick on her opponents for 2. Tiff goes up top for a double jump moonsault and is tripped up.

Nia legdrops Tiff for 2. Tiff backdrops Nia. Trish hits a handstand hurricanrana on CL off the buckles for 2. Nia lariats Tiff. Nia is up top and Trish top rope bulldogs her for 2. CL moonsaults her own partner and breaks up the count. Tiff double jump moonsaults Nia and wins.

It was fine. I was surprised Trish didn't get the pin. Trish and Tiff won here as expected. There was nothing wrong with this but it wasn't a classic. Trish's top rope bulldog was something I don't think I've ever seen before.

Unsanctioned Match - Sami Zayn vs Kevin Owens

Cole brings up Sami's past as El Generico and Owens' past as Kevin Steen.

They hockey fight to start and the bright lights are not on for this one. KO back elbows Sami then Sami lariats him. Sami is dropped gut first on the ropes and KO sentons him. KO is sent into the post.

Sami hits forearms on KO outside then sends him into the post. KO chairs Sami. KO's chairshot bounces off the ropes and goes into his own face. Sami chairs KO. Sami chairs KO outside. Sami grabs a hokcey stick and swings it at a chair that is on KO. Sami brings a table out. KO hits Sami in the gut with the hockey stick then pulls it into Sami's mouth. KO bites Sami.

Sami hits KO with the stick and sends him over the rail. KO chokes Sami with part of a rail in the crowd. They fight there. KO goes up into the stands and Sami hits him with a trash can. KO hits Sami with a bottle then Sami backdrops KO through a table. Sami then sends KO through another table. 

KO is thrown down on the ground. Sami hits KO with a trash can lid. KO hits Sami with a bell and a trash can lid. KO hits Sami with a monitor. Sami hits corner punches on KO then is pushed off the top through a table outside.

KO wrist-clutch fisherman busters Sami through an opened chair for 2. KO hits Kawada kicks. Sami half and half suplexes him then does it through an opened chair. Sami goes for a helluva kick and Ko pulls the ref in the way of it. KO stunners Sami.

Charles Robinson runs down and tries to count a pin. He doesn't count 3 and KO lariats him. A third ref comes out. KO throws a chair at Sami's head. KO goes up top. Sami throws a chair at KO's head. KO twisting fisherman busters Sami through a table off the buckles.

KO tells Sami it's all his fault then Sami helluva kicks KO. Sami pulls out a barbed wire chair. Sami boots KO in the gut and chairs him with the barbed wire. 

Sami and KO trade then KO is tripped face first into an opened barbed wire chair. Sami blue thunders KO onto a barbed wire chair that is bridged on two other chairs. KO pop-up powerbombs Sami and Sami goes out. Sami has a chair put around his neck and is sent into the post. KO powerbombs Sami on the apron. KO does it again. Sami fights back and get another apron powerbomb. KO then picks up the pin.

Thoughts: It was a hardcore match as everything. I didn't think it was great but I liked it and they did what they were supposed to do. As always, some blood really would have helped this thing out.

Security tries to escort KO up the aisle. KO beats them up. KO pulls up a mat outside to do something to Sami then Randy Orton's music hits. Orton comes out. Orton and KO fight in the ring and Orton hits an RKO. Orton goes for the punt and security stops him. Orton hits RKO's on security guards.

Elimination Chamber - John Cena vs CM Punk vs Damien Priest vs Seth Rollins vs Logan Paul vs Drew McIntyre

Drew and Seth go at it. Seth hits some shots then hits shots in the corner. Seth hits corner punches and bites him. Drew catches Seth off the buckles then throws him down on the platform. Seth is sent into the cage then has his face pressed in it. Seth's head is banged off the cage. Drew's head is banged off the pod door and he ends up knocking a piece off the chamber. A light falls down in Punk's pod and he puts it back up. Seth flying knees Drew.

Drew tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Seth. Seth is suplexed on the platform. Drew catapults Seth's neck into the exposed bottom turnbuckle connector. Damian Priest is next in. DP and Drew trade. DP hits chops and spinning forearms him. DP flying back elbows Seth then flatliners Drew. DP rebound lariats Seth. DP razor edge's Seth into Drew outside.

Drew headbutts then neckbreakers DP. Seth superkicks Drew. Seth superkicks DP. Drew spinebusters Seth. Drew powerbombs Seth onto DP's back for 2. Drew is stuck in tree of woe. Seth walks up the buckles and is german'd by Drew as her superplexes DP.

Logan Paul is next in. Logan springboard crossbodies Drew. Logan standing ssp's DP.  Logan hits punches on Seth and fisherman neckbreakers Seth for 2. DP ear claps Logan and bangs his head off the pod. DP pushes Logan's face into the cage. DP walks the top rope and hurricanrana's Drew onto the platform. Logan hits a big punch on DP then gutwrench suplexes DP on the platform.

Seth superkicks Logan for 2. John Cena is next in. He flying shoulders Seth then hits an AA on DP. Cena blue thunders Logan and AA's Seth. Cena five knuckle shuffles Logan. Cena then hits an AA on Logan. Drew claymore kicks Cena. DP crucifixes Drew and pins him which sucks. Drew McIntyre is eliminated.

Drew gets mad and claymore kicks DP. Logan gets on top of Punk's pod and splashes DP. Logan pins DP. Damian Priest is eliminated.

CM Punk is last in. Punk suplexes Logan on the platform. Punk step-up knees Logan then bangs his head off the pod glass. Punk and Cena stare down. They both point at the Wrestlemania sign. Seth facekicks Punk from the side and pounds on him. Seth pushes Cena. Seth tells Cena to go sell more movies and says Punk's @ss is his. He tells him to stay out of it. Cena grabs Seth. Seth and Cena trade punches. Logan then lariats both over.

Logan misses a buckshot on Punk and is slapped. Punk hits a GTS on Logan and pins him. Logan Paul is eliminated.

Seth Rollins, John Cena and CM Punk remain. They all stare down. Seth hits shots on both then takes shots from both. Seth is held in the air for a hart attack from Cena and Punk. Cena offers a handshake to Punk. Punk hugs him and they punch each other. Cena flying shoulders him then Punk takes him over. Punk step up knees him in the corner. Cena backdrops him.

Punk pushes Cena off. Cena avoids a GTS and then puts an STFU on Punk. Punk does an anaconda vice on Cena. Cena tries to pin Punk off of it. Punk neckbreakers Cena. Punk dives off the top onto Seth. Cena rolls through Punk's top rope crossbody. Cena then hits an AA on Punk for 2.

Seth powerbombs Cena into the cage then throws him through the pod glass. Seth pedigrees Punk for 2. Punk back body drops Seth into the ring. Punk gordbusters Seth off the top then top rope elbow drops Seth. Seth buckle bombs Punk then curbstomps him for 2. Seth takes a GTS from Punk and an AA from Cena. Seth Rollins is pinned by Punk. Seth Rollins is eliminated.

John Cena and CM Punk are the final two. Cena offers a handshake, Punk takes his hand and hits a GTS for 2. Cena hits an AA on Punk for 2. Punk is near the ropes and Seth curb stomps Punk into the platform. Cena then STFU's Punk. Seth yells "die" and Punk goes to sleep. John Cena wins!

It was a good match. It wasn't quite a classic or anything but they re-ignited the Seth/Punk feud here, they seemed to have started up a Drew/Priest feud and it now seems like we are headed for a Cody/Cena dream match. I was shocked Roman didn't make an appearance here after Seth curbstomped him at The Rumble. I was sure Roman was going to screw Seth here somehow. It was nice to see the Punk/Cena segments in this one and I was disappointed Drew got kicked out of this one so early.

Cena gets fireworks then Cody Rhodes' music hits after. Cody Rhodes comes out. Cena holds the ropes open for him in the ring. Cena tells him he's glad he made it and says it's them at Mania. Cena says it'll be a throwdown for the championship. They shake hands and The Rock's music hits.

Travis Scott comes out and drinks something then The Rock comes out. Travis and Rock get in the ring. The Rock puts his hand on Cody's neck and cheek. Rock says the moment has arrived. He says he will open his arms, Cody will embrace him as his brother and Rock will embrace him as his champion. Rock says he wants it all - his mind and his soul. Rock says if the answer is yes then The American Nightmare lives forever. Rock says if the answer is no, the dream dies again.

Cena shakes his head in the background. Travis Scott smokes weed. Cody tells Rock he wants it all. He says his soul no longer belongs to him because he gave his soul to the ring and the people a long time ago. Cody tells Rock to "go f*ck yourself".

The Rock stares at Cody. Cody and Cena hug. Cena stares at Rock and Rock gives him the throat slit sign. Cena low blows Cody. Cena then punches Cody with a watch then pounds on him. Cena hits Cody with the mic then hits him in the head with the title. Cena then holds the title up.  Cody bleeds and Cena hits Cody with the title again. Cena rips up Cody's shirt then chokes Cody with a tie. Travis Scott then helps out and hits Cody. The Rock whips Cody with his belt. Cena then poses on the back of Cody's head. Rock wipes Cody's blood on his belt and whips Cody again.

Cena and Travis walk off then Rock follows. The three then stare down at Cody in the aisle as Cody bleeds.

The show goes off air but they keep the feed on.

Michael Cole, Pat McAfee and Wade Barrett come check on Cody. Cody gets up. Cody walks off with the three announcers. We then go to the post-show.

WOW. I didn't see that one coming. This was easily one of the biggest moments in WWE history with them delivering a shocking turn and the first official f-bomb on WWE TV. I don't like them swearing like that, but if you are going to do it, this is when you do it. This was a fantastic angle and we now get the long awaited John Cena heel turn after 20 years. This was great and an absolute must see angle. I can't wait to see the follow up on this as there certainly were some hints (The Rock holding up the 3 fingers and Cena getting into the chamber without qualifying).

Overall thoughts:
We got one of the biggest moments ever in WWE history. Nothing else really matters. WWE needed something big for Mania here and they absolutely delivered with an all-time shocking moment. The turn is must see and really capped off a great PPV. Both Chamber matches were good and Jade's turn on Naomi was a nice surprise. Randy Orton returned. Sami/Owens was good and the women's tag was fine. I'd give this one an 9 out of 10 and would recommend it. Be prepared to see that Cena turn again and again for years to come. The Road to Wrestlemania is on!

New Japan Pro Wrestling 2/28/2025 Fantastica Mania 2025 Day 8

New Japan Pro Wrestling 2/28/2025 Fantastica Mania 2025 Day 8

Raider vs Max Star

Raid waistlock takedowns him and stomps on the back. Max flips out of a wristlock and armdrags him. Max spinning headscissors him. Max does a step up tope on hilo on the ropes outside onto Raid. Raid gets back in then tope con hilos Max.

Raid slams him on the floor. Max boots him out of the corner then handsprings onto his shoulders. Raid drops him from his shoulders into a backcracker. Raid misses a dive off the top then Max hits a phoenix splash off the top for 2.

Raid backbreakers Max for 2. Raid chops Max. Max toyota roll sunset flips him for 2. Raid goes up top and is kicked. Max top rope headscissors him down for 2. Raid hits a 2nd rope sitout burning hammers for 2. They trade forearms and Max dropkicks him. Raid gets sent out then Max walks up the buckles and blind tornillos him off the top to the outside. Max goes up top and Raid throws money in his face. Raid hits a top rope moonsault slam and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like it at all. They had a main event style match in the opener with people kicking out of burning hammers off the 2nd rope. This was totally indy and not my thing.

Hiroshi Tanahashi, Ninja Mack, Ryusuke Taguchi & Xelhua vs. KAMAITACHI, Mascara Kantansu Tomato, Titan & Zandokan Jr.

Kam = Kamaitachi

Kamaitachi is Hiromu and Tomato is Yota Tsuji.

Xel and Zand start us off. Zand armdrags him and STO's him. Xel headstand spinning headscissors him from the mat. Xel rolls over his back and armdrags him. Xel then hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.
Xel is tripped from the outside and takes a double team drop. Xel then takes a double basement dropkick. Xel is laid on floor outside and Zand bodyslides out into a splash on him.

Mack and Titan go at it. Mack kips down then back up then corkscrews over him on the buckles. Max cartwheels and corkscrews out of Titan's headscissors. Mack boots Titan out and misses his ninja special. Titan then topes Mack.

Tana and Kam go at it. They both drop down at the same time. Tana 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him. Kam sits down and gets booted by Tana. Tana slams him then Kam does an abdominal stretch. Tana reverses it with help from Xel then is put in an octopus. Xel breaks it up. Xel then does a nic elifting head and double arm hold on Kam.

Xel hits a top rope plancha on the outside onto Yota and Kam. Titan then top rope moonsaults outside. Mack then does like a 450 flying space tiger drop outside. Taguchi backslides Yota then la magistral's him for 2.

Yota blocks a hip attack from Taguchi. Yota puts Taguchi in a nudo with a neck crank and subits Taguchi.

Thoughts: This should have been the opener and was alright with everyone getting a little in and getting some highlights. We got a couple of dives here and had a fun Mack vs Titan segment. I liked this. 

Atlantis Jr., BONE SOLDIER Jr. & Stigma vs. CozyMAX (OKUMURA & Satoshi Kojima) & Ultimo Guerrero

AJ = Atlantis Jr, UG = Ultimo Guerrero

Koji side headlocks Bone to start. Bone headlock takeovers him. Bone kips up and they do a stand off. They shoulder battle and Koji shoulders him over. Stig dragon screws Koji then dropkicks him. Stig flying headscissor Oku then spin kicks him in the gut. AJ gets in and is stomped on by all 3 opponents.

AJ is thrown into a headscissors on Oku then he headscissors UG out. Mima Shimoda (who is with UG's team) tries to hold AJ for a shot but is hit by UG. AJ is tripped and hit with an elbow drop by Koji. Stig gets double teamed. UG baseball slides Stig out.

Oku kicks Bone on a handshake attempt. Koji then spinning forearms Bone down. Koji ddt's Bone for 2. AJ couners  double team with a double japanese armdrag. He pops up Bone into a double dropkick then Stig tope con hilos out onto UG. AJ top rope crossbodies Oku.

AJ and Oku trade corner lariats. Oku cutters AJ while AJ is on the 2nd rope. Mima kicks Bone from behind for what should be a DQ then Mima is suplexed onto Oku. Koji hits machine gun chops on all 3 opponents.

Koji 2nd rope elbow drops Bone for 2. AJ tilt-a-whirl slams Oku then superkicks him. AJ then then misses a tope on Oku and goes hard into the floor. Bone 2nd rope asai moonsaults Koji outside. Stig then springboard headscissors UG.

Stig corner lariats UG then top rope hurricanrana's him for 2. UG hits a top rope reverse suplex on Stig and wins.

Thoughts: I was alright with this one. Oku and Koji weren't moving the best as usual but they were fine. Atlantis' missed tope to the outside was super dangerous and I'm surprised he did that spot. UG's team should have been DQ'd for Mima's interference.

El Desperado, Neon & Templario vs. Los Depredadores (Magnus, Rugido & Volador Jr.)

Neon superkicks Rug in the gut. He then 2nd rope springboard headscissors him. Neon dives off the top into an armdrag on Vol. Neon 2nd rope diving hurricanrana's Vol. Temp, Despy and Neon then all do dives to the outside.

Despy and Rug trade chest chops. Rug flying shoulders him. Despy shoulders him over. Mag and Temp go at it. Temp corkscrew headscissors him. Temp walks the top rope into a diving armdrag on Vol. Temp armdrags Rug then powerslams him.

Vol superkicks Temp. Vol's team tries to unmask Temp. Mag rips Temp's mask up. Despy is tripped into the ropes and takes a 619 from Mag. Neon is swept off the 2nd rope and Rug basemnet dropkicks him. Rug rips up Temp's mask more.

Temp takes a triple boot and is sent out. Mag chops down Neon. Vol superkicks Mag on accident on a failed double team. Temp tope con hilos out onto Rug and Mag. Vol rolls up Neon for 2. Neon top rope moonsaults onto Vol for 2.

Mag cutters Neon. Despy is abused on the ropes. Despy pulls Mag over the top then sends Rug into him. Rug overhead belly to belly suplexes Despy. Rug flying elbows Despy for 2. Rug hits suplexes on Despy. Despy crucifixes Rug for 2.

Temp gets out of a triple team. Mag pop-up low blows Temp then Rug pulls off Temp's mask. Temp covers his face and Vol cradles Temp for the win.

Thoughts: It didn't quite flow as well as it normally would have due to it being a different crowd, limited time and some different rules but it was acceptable. I thought it should have been a little better than it was though since 5 of the guys work together frequently.

Despy and Neon are unmasked by the heels after and then have their masks thrown out into the crowd. The heels then stomp on the faces. The young lions try to help but are kicked too. 

Hechicero vs. El Barbaro Cavernario

Barb grabs Hech by the mask and they go to the ropes. Hech trips him then knee drops him. They trade chops and punches. Hech shoulders him over then la magistrals him. They trade pin attempts but can't get the pin.

Barb slaps Hech and they trade chops. Hech hits a slap flurry and dropkicks Barb. Hech bends over and is kicked. Hech boots him out of the corner. Hech pulls Barb down off the leapfrog then double leg locks him. Barb ropebreaks.

Hech takes off a turnbuckle pad and hits Barb with it. Hech hits some shots in the corner. Hech flips out of a ataxia and headscissors him into a pin attempt. Barb misses a springboard splash. Hech dragon screws Barb over the 2nd rope.

Hech top rope diving elbows Barb for 2. Hech tries to flip Barb into a hold but is kicked. Barb then lifts him and suplexes him. Hech goes out and Barb runs up the buckles and springboard plancha's him outside. Barb gets his mouth busted open.

Barb topes Hech between the buckles. Barb chops Hech up. Hech does a wild spinning alabama slam off the apron onto Barb outside. Barb then back body drops Hech on the floor. Barb top rope splashes Hech on the floor outside.

Barb chairs Hech outside. They fight on the blechers and Hech suplexes Barb through a table. They trade forearms and punches on their knees in the ring. They stand up and trade and Barb slap flurries him. Hech headscissors drops him for 2. Hech then submits him with an armbar.

Thoughts: These two aren't natural or usual opponents and it's odd that NJPW had them match up. I thought they did too much here and didn't sell enough. They really did go all out though and did a bunch of stuff we don't normally see from them. This one got plenty of time.

They hug after.

Soberano Jr. vs. Mascara Dorada

Sob pulls his hand way on a handshake. They flip over each other then do stereo handsprings. MD corkscrew headscissors him out then tornillos him outside. Sob dropkicks MD in the knee then sentons his back. They go outside and MD is sent into the rails. They go into the stands. MD flying headscissors Sob in the aisle way then flip dives him off the entrance way in the stands.

MD comes off the top and Sob dropkicks him in mid-air for 2. Sob neckbreakers MD while he's on the 2nd rope. MD superkicks Sob then he 450's Sob for 2. MD sitout dominators Sob for 2. MD hands off the 2nd rope and Sob asai moonsaults him.

They trade chops and both go down. MD tilt-a-whirl backcrackers Sob. MD suplexes Sob. MD moonsaults but Sob gets his feet up. MD superkicks him on the apron. MD ends up taking a b-driver on the apron.

Sob fosbury flops MD outside. Sob chairs MD in front of the the ref, who could care less. MD ssp's Sob off the apron. MD is popped up to the stage and diving headscissors Sob from it. MD is crotched up top. Sob kicks him while he's up there. Sob then 2nd rope superplexes MD.

Sob boots MD around. Sob toyota rolls onto MD but MD powerslams him. MD pumping knees Sob out of the corner. They go up top and MD corkscrew headscissors him down. MD then topes him. MD then 2nd rope ssp's him outside. MD misses a top rope ssp. Sob fire thunder drivers MD. Sob is headscissored on a tombstone attempt. MD goes up top and top rope ssp's Sob to win.

Thoughts: Like the big matches from yesterday, it was pretty much a spotfest. They did a lot of big moves and spots that meant nothing here. This wasn't much of a lucha match and was like a lucha attempt at a Japanese match. I didn't like it at all and think if you see a highlight reel of this one, you have seen the whole match.

MLW World Middleweight Title Match - Mistico (c) vs Averno

They shake hands. Av backrolls him and is armdragged. Mist legsweeps him and they stand off. Mist armdrags Av and Av pushes him over. Mist headscissors him from the mat. Mist flips off of Av and nearly hurt himself. Mist then tilt-a-whirl armdrags Av out.

Mist slides out after Av. Mist goes for a dive but is pulled down face first onto the apron. Mist's crotch is rammed into the post. Av unties Mist's mask on the buckles then rips the mask up. Av unmasks him and the ref doesn't do anything about it.

Av then powerbombs Mist into the post. Av boots Mist off the apron. Mist is then catapulted into the post. Av running facekicks Mist multiple times for 2. Mist superkicks Av then 619's him. Mist springboard headscissors him. Mist tornillo's Av outside.

Mist springboard twisting crossbodies Av then flying headscissors him. Mist then headscissors Av while on his shoulders. Mist slingshot plancha's outside onto Av. Mist springboard crossbodies Av. Mist then toyota rolls into a sunset flip on Av. Mist code red's Av for 2. Mist handsprings into a dropkick from Av. Av flying armbars Mist. Av knocks Mist off the apron and tope con hilos him. 

Mist springboards at Av and is powerbombed off of it. Av hits a 2nd rope angel's wings on Mist for 2. Mist superkicks Av, walks up the buckles and hits a corksscrew armdrag. Mist kicks Av from the apron then topes him outside. Mist 2nd rope twisting crossbodies Av outside.

Mist springboard diving hurricanrana's Av for 2. Mist misses a top rope moonsault then dropkicks Av in the knee. Av la magistral's him for 2. Av blocks Mist's spinning headscissors and rolling armbars him. Mist then ropebreaks.

Av hits an angel's wings off the apron onto Mist on the floor. They go back in and Av hits another angel's wings for 2. They go up top and Mist hits a top rope spanish fly. Mist springboard twisting crossbodies Av. Mist then taps out Av with la mistica.

It was similar to the other big matches on this tour. They did a lot of big moves they don't normally do and while they did put out a lot of effort, it just wasn't that great. The selling just wasn't there and they didn't make the most of what they did do. You wouldn't know it unless you watch regularly, but these two have had a lot better matches often n much smaller scales. I didn't like this one.

The luchadores all then pose together to close the show.

Overall thoughts: I didn't like the show. The wrestlers went all out in their singles matches but they didn't sell very much and overdid it on big moves. They basically had big main event indy style matches and I didn't care for them. The show may have had luchadores, but it had little to do with lucha. If you really want to see what lucha is like, just watch a normal CMLL show and I think you will be much more satisfied. I'd give this a 4 out of 10 and wouldn't recommend this.

WWE NXT 10/23/2013

WWE NXT 10/23/2013

Last week's show is here:

Tom Phillips, Alex Riley and Tensai are on commentary.

Corey Graves comes out on the ramp with a mic. He says Neville wants to know why he turned on him. Adrian Neville then nails him from behind and pounds on him. They fight more in the ring. Neville plancha's him outside and stomps on him. The refs then try to break it up.

Emma vs Sasha Banks

SB shoves her and dances then Emma shoves her back. Emma takes her down and bangs her head off the mat. Emma armdrags her. Emma gets a 2 count on her then la magistrals her. Emma armdrags her. SB does Emma's dance and bangs her head off the turnbuckles multiple times.
Emma bangs SB's head off the buckles.

SB throws her down backwards. SB chinlocks her and we go to break. We return and SB still has the chinlock on. SB back elbows her and shoves her while she's down. Emma hits like a slap and Sasha flurries her with wild clubs.

Emma hits lariats on her then does the tarantula. Emma corner crossbodies her for 2. SB is catapulted into the mat. Summer Rae gets on the apron. Emma hits her and Paige pulls Summer down. SB then cradles Emma for the win.

Thoughts: It was an average match here and it was rather textbook with the girls going even, Sasha getting the edge for a while, Emma making her comeback and then losing via cheating.

Paige and Emma try to double team Sasha after but Paige lariats Emma when Sasha ducks.

Emma shoves Paige after as they argue.

We see an exclusive with Bo Dallas from last week. He says the controversy doesn't matter with Sami, only him being champ matters. He says he's going to take a well deserved vacation. He says he will go all over the place and deliver 10,000 squirt guns to Bolivian children. He then says "konnichiwa" and says it's Japanese for goodbye. He says to don't stop bo-lieving.

The Ascension (Conor O'Brien and Rick Victory) vs Casey Morton and Tommy Taylor

Tom is in the blue and Casey is in the green. They say Casey's name is Casey Marin on the announcement, but the graphic says it's Casey Morton.

Conor throws Morton in the corner then corner splashes him. Rick stomps on Morton in the corner. Rick hits chops on Morton then waterwheel drops him. Conor hits running shoulders on Morton. Rick hit a headbutt to Morton's gut.

Rick dropkicks Tom off the apron. Morton takes a double hiptoss drop, then he takes a high/low and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was all squash here as expected. I would have liked to have seen what Morton and Taylor could do. Taylor kind of looked like Giovanni Vinci.

We see a Sami Zayn interview from after last week's show.  Sami said he had the NXT Title in his hands. He said he didn't have a problem with JBL restarting the match but didn't like it when JBL saw him take the exposed buckle and not restart the match. He says he knows how Daniel Bryan feels when you feel like you aren't the chosen guy.  He says it's not a conspiracy, but it's a coincidence. He says the next time the NXT Title gets in his hands, it's staying there for good.

Renee interviews JBL. JBL asks if she's wearing an NXT issued tanktop. JBL accuses Sami of making bad excuses. He says he overturned a mistake made by the ref. He says he can't be bought and says HHH does what is best for business. JBL says they take accusations seriously. JBL says we won't see Sami for a while and tells Sami to look up JBL and see who he is dealing with. JBL says Sami needs to apologize and he will think of bringing him back. JBL says he won't be here until they decide he's coming back. JBL says Renee should also think of buying a new shirt.

CJ Parker vs Alexander Rusev

Rusev hits knees to the gut. Rusev clubs him and headbutt drops him. Rusev hits a hard bodyblock. A girl in a red dress comes to ringside, who they don't name but is Lana. Rusev then does a camel clutch and taps out CJ to win.

It was all squash as expected and was the beginning of the Lana/Rusev partnership.

During the break, Tyler Breeze took out CJ Parker then cut his hair off. I have no idea why they did this during the break. A match between the two is later signed for next week alone with Paige vs Summer Rae.

Corey Graves vs Adrian Neville

Nev dropkicks him to start then hits chops and punches. Nev hits boots then dropkicks him off the apron. Nev fosbury flops him outside. Nev hits chest kicks then is swept down. CG stomps on the leg then Nev kicks him in the chest for 2. CG bridges Nev's leg on the 2nd rope and stomps it down.

CG pounds on Nev. CG yanks on the leg. CG stomps on him then kneebreakers him. Nev fist drops him for 2. CG figure fours the leg with a heel hook. Nev boots his way out of it. Nev sunset flips him. CG then yanks on the leg.

CG does the figure four heel hook again. Nev hits some running shots. Nev comes off the top and hurts his leg but he then rolls up CG for 2. CG spears him in the knee and does the lucky 13 figure four variation on Nev. Nev then taps out.

Thoughts: It was fine with CG working the knee then submitting him with it. It wasn't anything too great though. CG really needed some kind on engagement with the crowd and Neville needed a better comeback to put this one over.

CG then puts a lucky 13 on him on the floor. The refs break it up to end the show.

Overall thoughts: It was an average show here. We had 2 squashes which weren't that great and we had 2 full length matches. The big news coming out of this is that Sami Zayn is suspended and that JBL is totally doing the heel GM role on him. The main was okay on this one but not terribly exciting. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 as there was nothing wrong with it but there was nothing too great about it either.

WWE NXT 10/16/2013

WWE NXT 10/16/2013

Last week's show is here: 

Tony Dawson, William Regal and Renee Young are on commentary.

WWE NXT Tag Team Title Match - The Ascension (Conor O'Brian & Rick Victor) (c) vs. Adrian Neville & Corey Graves

CG = Corey Graves

The Ascension beat Neville and CG 2 weeks ago for the titles.

Rick misses shots on CG then CG fires back. CG bangs Rick's head off the buckles. CG hits punches in the corner. CG back elbows Rick in the corner then hanging headscissors him over the top. CG swings at Conor outside. Neville springboard dropkicks Rick and lariats him over twice. Neville slams Rick. Conor pulls the orpes down on Neville and Neville goes out.

We go to break and return. Neville boots Conor out of a double team. Neville makes the tag. CG gets in and hits shots on Conor. CG hits an STO and a fist drop. CG spears Conor in the knee then does an inverted figure four submission. Rick breaks it up.

Neville hits shots on Conor then Conor dropkicks Neville in the knee. Neville is thrown into the post/midlde buckle. Rick stomps on Neville. Neville upkicks Rick. Rick dropkicks Neville into CG. Neville takes a legsweep + flying euro and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was just average. They worked Neville's knee here but most of the work happened during the break, which we didn't see. The crowd wasn't into this one too much and The Ascension won as expected.

CG yells at Neville after. He says that was their shot and the titles are gone. Neville says he's sorry. CG helps lift him up and running spears him in the knee. CG then pounds on Neville. CG says "they're gone" and "you lost".

Regal says Corey was desperate and he blamed Neville for the loss. Regal insists Neville could have done more to save the match.

Tyler Breeze vs CJ Parker

CJ hits chops and Renee calls it Beauty vs The Hobo. CJ airplane spins TB and TB goes out. CJ slinghsot sunset flips him for 2. CJ flips him by the arm then kicks him in the back.

CJ pushes him down then misses a dropkick. TB grabs his phone to take photos. TB then mounts him and pounds on him. CJ la magistral's him for 2 then flying lariats him.  TB backs off and grabs the ring skirt. TB eye pokes him and spinning heel kicks him. TB then get the pin.

Thoughts: It was a shorter match here. I thought Breeze did a good job with this one but there just wasn't much to it. Breeze winning wasn't much of a surprise.

TB tries to take a selfie with CJ after and CJ hits a big shotei. CJ then steals TB's phone and takes selfies with the fans. 

Paige and Emma vs Summer Rae and Sasha Banks

Paige thesz presses SB and bangs her head off the mat. SB is bounced off the ropes. Summer gets in and is bounced off the ropes as well. Emma trips SB and bangs her head off the buckles. Emma slides through the ropes and rolls up SB for 2.

SB pounds on Emma then Summer chokes Emma on the ropes. Emma's head is banged off the mat then Summer drives Emma's head into the mat. Summer pulls on Emma's arms. Emma rolls to make the tag.

Paige comes in and shoulders over Summer. She hits knees to the gut and side of Summer over the 2nd rope. SB trips up Paige from the outside and Paige dropkicks Summer for 2. Paige fisherman suplexes Summer for 2.

SB throws Emma out then is knocked out with her. Summer leg slices Paige and wins.

Thoughts: It was another normal and basically average match. The faces didn't get much offense in here at all and SB also didn't get a lot of meaningful offense in on this one. I was surprised that the heels won mostly clean.

WWE NXT Title Match - Bo Dallas (c) vs. Sami Zayn

They wristlock each other and Sami armdrags him. Sami snapmares him into a crucifix. Sami backrolls him then rolls him up for 2. Sami hammerlocks him and side headlocks him. Bo side headlocks him.

Bo hits knee drops on Sami for 2. Bo cravates him. Sami hits lariats out of the corner then back body drops Bo. Sami helluva kicks Bo and gets a 3 count but Bo's foot is on the ropes.

JBL immediately comes out. He says the JBL era will not start with controversy. He then shows the clip of Bo having his foot on the ropes. JBL tells the ref not to make him learn his name and says the match is being restarted.

Bo running forearms Sami out. We go to break and return. Sami hits punches and takes a back elbow. Bo is pulled over the top rope. Sami tope con hilos him outside. Sami top rope crossbodies Bo for 2.

Sami blue thunders Bo for 2. Bo running boots Sami in the side of the head and hits a tornado bulldog for 2. Bo reverse ddt's Sami for 2. Bo misses an armdrag then Sami hits a running spear for 2. Sami walks up the buckles and gets crotched on the top. He then falls over. Bo then hits a running spear for 2.

Bo hits punches on Sami on the buckles. Sami clubs back on him then sunset bombs him from the buckles for 2. Bo pulls the top buckle off and Sami germans him twice. Bo pushes Sami's head into the exposed buckle and Bo rolls up Sami for the win.

Thoughts: I didn't think Sami was winning here and I'm sure the crowd is not pleased about Sami losing. The finish wasn't done well at all. Bo likely pulled the buckle off too early and they were definitely trying to figure out what to do once that happened. The JBL thing happened early but did wake the crowd up some and they eventually turned it into a decent match, but the beginning and ending of this was not good enough to make me rate this one as good. 

Overall thoughts: It was an easy show to watch but it was just average overall. Nothing really clicked that well here minus the main, but the main had a botched ending and a slow start to it. I'd probably give this on a 4 out of 10 overall as there was a lot of room for improvement.