AEW Collision 3/15/2025
Last week's show is here:
We are in Las Vegas, NV. Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness are on commentary.
We get some quick promos from Ricochet, Shibata, Mark Davis, Mark Briscoe, Adam Cole/Kyle O'Reilly/Roderick Strong and FTR.
AEW International Title Eliminator Tournament Qualifier - Ricochet vs Katsuyori Shibata
Ric wristlocks him. KS reverses it and leg kicks him. Ric shoulders him over. KS sits down and does his pose. Ric hits chops then rolls over his back. KS chops him down.
Ric pulls KS' leg over the 2nd rope then springboard lariats him. KS is rammed into the apron edge. Ric hits knees to the spine then standing moonsaults him for 2. We go to PiP break and return.
Ric hits forearms. KS no sells them and drops him with one. Ric dropkicks him and does KS' sitting pose. They each sit down and Ric hits bad slaps. KS claws him then corner facekicks him. KS hits forearms and slaps Ric on top of the head in the corner. KS suplexes him for 2.
Ric northern lights suplexes him and holds on for a brainbuster. KS germans him. Ric goes for a cardiac kick maybe and is caught in an STF. Ric hits a GTS with a kick then asai moonsaults KS for 2. Ric standing ssp's him for 2. KS sleepers him and Ric backrolls into a pin on KS while in it.
KS puts the sleeper on again. KS ushigoroshi's him then misses a PK. Ric then pins him with his feet on the ropes.
Thoughts: I didn't like it. The two weren't a good match on paper. It went too long for an opener and the didn't work that great together. KS also isn't the most exciting guy and openers should be all about excitement.
We go to the back. Mark Davis and The Murder Machines are beating up jobbers. Mark chops one of them. Lance says everybody dies.
Toni Storm does a promo with Luther. She says there's no one she would like to collide with more than Megan Bayne. She says Meg likes to blindside her and she wants to see what she does to her face. She says everything will come up timeless no matter who challengers her.
Powerhouse Hobbs vs Griff Garrison
Griff hasn't made TV in a long long time. Griff hits lariats on Hobbs. Hobbs no sells them. Griff facekicks him then Hobbs running lariats him. Hobbs throws Preston Vance in the ring and runs him over. Jacked Jameson comes in and is thrown out too.
Hobbs spinebusters Griff and wins.
Thoughts: This was all squash and nothing more.
Preston Vance, Griff and Jacked try to attack Hobbs after. The Outrunners come out and help Hobbs.
Thunder Rosa is interviewed. She says the business is built on respect. She says some girls think they are too good for that and says Megan Bayne is one of them. She says Meg doesn't attack the champ either. Rosa says she will teach her a lesson on respect.
Meg knees Rosa in the gut several times then kicks her in the ribs.
AEW International Title Eliminator Tournament Qualifier - Mark Davis vs Mark Briscoe
MB hits chops and forearms. MD back elbows him. MB crane kicks him and hits forearms and chops. MB hits him in the throat then MB is back body dropped. MD lariats MB then backdrops him. MD hits a senton. MD is pulled over the top and MB tope con hilos him through the ropes.
MB is sent into the rails and MD is sent into the post. MB puts a chair on the apron and cannonballs MD off of it. We go to PiP break and return. They fight on the buckles. MB bites MD's face then top rope dropkicks him. They each hit chops. MB hits a straight punch to the face then running lariats him. MB hits chops and forearms. MB flying forearms him. MB hits a corner lariat.
MD hits a big punch then release dragon suplexes him. MD hits a running knee for 2. MB kicks him from the apron and hits a blockbuster from the apron to the floor. MB then runs the rail and elbow drops MD.
They get back in and MB lariats MD. MB fisherman busters him for 2. MD back body drops him then hits a short piledriver for 2. MB rolling death valley drivers him. The Murder Machines come out. MB is pushed off the top into an MD kick. MD jumps onto MB and falls back into a piledriver. MD wins.
Thoughts: I was surprised to see Briscoe lose here. What we got was fine.
The Murder Machines (Brian Cage and Lance Archer) vs 4 Jobbers
The Machines have already beaten up their opponents and throw them in the ring and on the ramp. One of them takes a facekick + german then one takes a chokeslam + powerbomb combo and is pinned.
Thoughts: I never like wrestlers being able to beat up people before the bell or matches being started with people clearly not ready to go.
The Machines beat up the jobbers after. Mark Briscoe comes out with a chair but is stopped by The Machines. Powerhouse Hobbs comes out and fights Lance. They fight to the back. Cage sends Mark Briscoe into the rail and Mark hits punches. They then fight through a door.
Swerve Strickland comes out to talk. He says he beat Ric ochet like he said he would. He said Ric ruptured his ear drum. He says he will smack him down if he challenges him again. Swerve says Nana is safeguarding his robe at home. He says he was the AEW champ last year and says he will have another chance at it at Dynasty.
He mentions Mox/Cope and the crowd boos it. He says Mox taught him some things a long time ago when he was getting started. He says Mox is in his way. He says Mox is a legend but is standing in the way of the future of AEW. He says he will mow him down. He says Mox talks in riddles in boiler rooms and all he sees is desperation in him. He says that's all Mox will be able to hold onto.
Mox then comes out and hits Swerve in the back of the leg with a crowbar. Mox then curbstomps him and leaves. We follow Mox outside. Mox says respect won't get you anywhere. He says Swerve, Jay and Cope are amateurs. He says he hates Cope's guts and says it's over Saturday.
Lexy Nair checks on Thunder Rosa in the back. She says she won't leg Megan Bayne punk her tonight and then the rest is bleeped out.
Top Flight (Dante and Darius Martin) and Hologram vs Shane Taylor Promotions (Lee Moriarty, Shawn Dean and Carlie Bravo)
The Cru of Lio Rush and Action Andretti come out to watch.
Lee takes Holo down by the arm. Holo northern lights suplexes him. Holorolls him into a bridge attempt. Holo blocks Lee's bridge. Lee double throat thrusts him. Harley Cameron is watching in the back in a Holo mask.
Dante corner lariats Dean. Darius suplexes Dean. Dante slingshot swantons Dean. Dante armlocks Dean then dropkicks him after a missed headscissors. Dante has words for Andretti. Dante side headlocks Dean. Bravo facekicks Dante.
We go to PiP break and return. Bravo is back body dropped outside. Dean blocks Dante's tag. Bravo rolls into a flatliner on Dante for 2. The Beast Mortos goes up to Harley in the back and they stare at each other. We cut to the Spanish commentary team with Dralistico for some reason. Darius is tagged in.
Dariuys hits shots on Dean. Darius atomic drops him and bulldogs him into the ropes. Darius flatliners him off the bottom rope for 2. Dean hits a top rope flying lariat on Darius. Darius takes a double team uranage for 2. Dante hurricanrana's Dean over the top.
Holo rolls over Lee's back and armdrags him. Holo then topes Lee. Bravo takes a dropkick into a german and is pinned.
Thoughts: It wasn't as good as it should have been. There was too much shenanigans going on which made it to hard to really focus on the match. It was not anyone's best work either.
Alex Abrahantes does a promo with Hologram and Komander. They want to challenge LFI.
Megan Bayne vs Thunder Rosa
Rosa hits dropkicks to start then chops her in the corner. Rosa hits chops then Meg shoulders her over. Rosa is thrown into the buckles. Rosa boots her out of the corner.
Meg catches Rosa off the 2nd rope and overhead belly to belly suplexes her. Meg pump kicks Rosa off the apron. We go to PiP break, full break and return. Rosa hits forearms and is forearmed over twice. Meg boots her in the gut.
Rosa hits forearms and dropkicks her. Rosa hits a top rope dropkick for 2. Rosa dropkicks her through the ropes. Meg is sent into the post then her head is banged off the steps. They fight on the stage. Rosa high kicks her then takes an F-5 on the stage.
Meg then hits another F-5 in the ring and wins.
Thoughts: It was alright. Meg won here thankfully and Rosa worked as the underdog in this one.
Meg backbreakers her after then Toni Storm comes out. They fight and Meg F-5's her. Kris Statlander comes out to help Rosa.
FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler) vs The Undisputed Kingdom (Kyle O'Reilly and Roderick Strong)
Daniel Garcia and Adam Cole are on commentary.
Dax headscissors Kyle early and Kyle does it back to him after a headlock takeover. Kyle goes for the ankle and Dax ropebreaks. Cash gets in. Kyle puts holds on his arm. Cash goes up and over then armdrags him. Kyle chest kicks him down. Cash takes a gutbuster and a flying knee to the on the back of the head off the buckles. Cash is double suplexed.
Strong and Cash botch a spot. Strong is thrown into the corner and headbutts Dax on accident. Strong is held for a legdrop, elbow drop and headbutt drop from Dax. Dax and Strong trade chops. Cash runs into the ref on accident and falls out.
Strong makes a tag but the ref doesn't see it. Strong is double teamed in the corner. Strong takes a bad hart attack with Cash falling all over the place. We go to PiP break and return.
Kyle gets in and kicks Cash down. Kyle jumping knees Dax and then ankle locks Cash. Dax sleepers Kyle as he does it then Dax is backdropped. Kyle corner forearms Cash. Cash cradles him for 2. Kyle ankle locks Cash as Strong ankle locks Dax.
Dax hits a top rope headbutt drop on Kyle. Cash is crotched up top. Kyle takes an electric chair bulldog for 2. Strong dropkicks Cash through the ropes. Dax takes kicks and a flying knee + forearm combo. Cash takes a chop + brainbuster combo. Kyle jumping knees Dax then Dax takes a high/low for 2.
Dax's chest is bleeding. The four trade forearms. Strong is thrown into Kyle. Strong takes a shatter machine for 2. Cash topes Kyle. Dax chops Strong in the corner. Strong gets his knees up on a powerplex and gets a 2 count. Strong takes a shatter machine and is pinned.
Thoughts: It wasn't that good. Cash seemed to have hurt himself early and was moving around like he was drunk. That really brought this one down and ruined any chance it had of being great.
Cole and Garcia shake hands after. FTR then refuse to shake hands with Kyle and Strong.
Overall thoughts: There was nothing must see here and no real big happenings. Cash seemed to have gotten hurt in the main as he was running into people and botching. Rosa/Bayne was okay. There was too much shenanigans going on the Hologram match. Shibata/Ricochet wasn't a good choice for the opener and Davis/Briscoe was okay. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 overall but wouldn't recommend it.
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