Sunday, March 2, 2025

AEW Collision 3/1/2025

AEW Collision 3/1/2025

Last week's show is here:

This aired against WWE Elimination Chamber 2025.

Daniel Garcia is with FTR. He says Cole either likes him or wants a shot at the title. FTR says the tag division has been a loss without them but they are back tonight. Cash says they step in the ring for the first time in 7 years since Strong and Kyle.

Kyle O'Reilly, Roderick Strong and Adam Cole talk. Strong says it's top guys down. Cole says he doesn't want to win the TNT Title, he needs to. Cole says he never held singles gold and it changes tonight.

Julia Hart talks with Brody King behind her. She says the hart always wins tonight in reference to Queen Aminata. Kazuchika Okada walks in. He says he's worry and Brody barks at him then bumps into him. Okada then shines his title.

Powerhouse Hobbs and Bandido talk. Hobbs says tonight they handle straight town business.

FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler) vs Kyle O'Reilly and Roderick Strong

Cash rolls out of an RS wristlock and reverses it. RS trips Cash then Cash side headlock takeovers him. They get up and stand off. RS side headlock takeovers Cash then shoulders him over. Cash hiptosses RS.

Kyle chest kicks Dax and is chopped. Kyle knees Dax in the gut. Dax takes chops and kicks in the corner. Kyle takes an atomic drop into a dropkick. Cash baseball slides RS and is knee'd off the apron by Kyle.

Cash is double teamed in the corner. Kyle abdominal stretches Cash. Dax comes in and hits punches on Kyle. Dax suplexes Kyle then suplexes RS onto Kyle. Dax cradles Kyle for 2. Dax hits a chop and punch combo on Kyle. Dax short arm lariats RS. Kyle leg kicks Dax then Dax piledrivers Kyle. Dax pins Kyle with Kyle's foot on the ropes. Dax then shows the ref that Kyle's foot was on the ropes. Dax refuses to accept the win and says he wants to restart the match. It is then announced that the mathc will restart.

Dax sends Kyle into the post shoulder first. Kyle bangs Dax's head off the buckle. Cash chops Kyle up in the ropes then Kyle is lariated from the apron into the ring. We go to PiP break and return. Dax chinlocks Kyle. Cash misses a corner attack. Kyle then makes the tag. RS gets in. He hits jumping knees on FTR. RS backbreakers Kyle then dropkicks Dax. RS jumping knees Dax then drops him on his chest.

RS olympic slams Cash then does it to Dax. Kyle axe kicks Dax and Dax takes a spinning forearm + jumping knee combo. RS is back body dropped over the top. Kyle ankle locks Cash. Cash definitely seems to be tapping but the ref doesn't end it. Dax is sent into Cash and Kyle ankle locks Cash.

Dax pushes Kyle into Cash, Cash hits Kyle and Dax gets a 2 count on Kyle. Kyle kind of takes a hart attack with Cash jumping off the top. Kyle takes a spike piledriver for 2. Dax flying knees RS out. Cash pulls down RS face first on the apron. Kyle takes a powerplex for 2. Kyle's team blocks a shatter machine. Cash takes a high/low and is pinned.

Thoughts: They didn't quite get the flow right here. They were definitely pushing some kind of angle with FTR maybe not working well together but the announcers didn't really pick up on it. It got lots of time but it wasn't as good as it could have been.

Kyle and Strong want to shake hands after but FTR walks out.

Willow Nightingale does a video on The Death Riders. She says she's the babe with the power and not afraid to use it in reference to giving Marina Shafir a conchairto.

Wheeler Yuta vs Willie Mack

Yuta forearms him from behind and bangs his head off the buckle. Yuta hits chops and corner spears. Yuta knees Mack in the gut and throws him down backwards. Yuta sentons him. Yuta half-crabs Mack and Mack ropebreaks.

Mack hits some forearms and chops. Yuta release germans him. Yuta comes off the top then is lariated. Mack leg lariats Yuta. Mack corner sentons Yuta. Mack swinging slams Yuta then standing moonsaults Yuta for 1.

Yuta flying knees Mack to win.

This was a random one. Mack didn't have his best night ever here and there was nothing too special about this.

Mox comes out after and hits Mack with his briefcase. Mox says he wants to teach Yuta about finishing the job. Mox tells Yuta to take Cope out on Wednesday. He says he does not leave the ring under his own power. Mox tells him to finish the job. Yuta then hits Mack with the briefcase while Mox holds Mack.

Mercedes Mone runs into Billie Starkz in the back. Billie gives her the TBS Title back that Momo stole. Billie says Momo is taking the title from her at Revolution. Billie then throws tea in Mone's face after Mone spilled a drink on her on Dynamite.

Toni Storm is in a bed and a neck brace. She says this gave her time to think if this has been worth it. She says her dreams are haunted by a woman who won't let her wake up. Toni asks what she wants. She says May can pry the title from her cold dead hips. She says she can give her the spotlight. She says Australia was foreplay. She says she wants a no holds barred match with falls count anywhere rules. She says she hopes May believes in God as May will meet him. 

Swerve Strickland vs Clark Connors

Clark is from NJPW. He's 2-2 in AEW supposedly. They said he had a star making performance in AEW in 2022 that I don't really remember being as such.

CC charges at him and takes punches and chops. Swerve spinning chops him then 2nd rope diving euros him in the back of the neck. CC shoulders him over from the side. CC foot chokes Swerve. CC hits boots and chops. Swerve backbreakers him.

We go to PiP break and return. Swerve works the arm and CC hits forearms. CC powerslams Swerve. Swerve up kicks him and corkscrew kicks him.

They go on the buckles and Swerve top rope backdrops him.  Swerve hits shots on CC. CC headbutts him. CC germans him. Swerve jumping flatliners him. CC then hits a big spear. CC rolls up Swerve for 2. Swerve pulls him down by the arm and hits a house call kick to win.

Thoughts: AEW didn't want to have anyone on their roster lose so they brought in Clark to lose. Nobody really cared about Clark as expected and it was a longer, cold match that mostly just filled time and got Swerve a win.

Swerve says this starts the road to Swerve getting back the title. He says he will take Ricochet down and take back his legacy.

We see clips of The Hurt Syndicate after Dynamite this week. The Outrunners come up to them and ask if thye saw that. Turbo says they get shots at the tag titles now. MVP says they distracted their opponents and The Runners won. MVP says The Runners get a tag title shot. MVP tells them to get their business together and tells them they get to go swimming with great white sharks.

I didn't like The Runners being treated like people who got lucky and don't deserve to get a tag title shot.

Harley Cameron joins commentary. She says she's stopping by and just had a Dynamite match. Harley talks about the new spinning neckbreaker move she did and says she was disappointed Nigel and Tony didn't give the move a name. Nigel says he wasn't there and says he'd be a millionaire for all the moves Tony doesn't know the name of. Harley says the move has to be named and says it will be called "my finishing move". Harley then says to feel the wrath.

Alicia Atout interviews The Costco Guys. Johnny TV bumps into AJ. Johnny says he has been here a while and AJ just got here. He says he wants a six man tag at Revolution. He says Big Justice and a cookie don't count. Justice says it looks like they will have to find two friends. 

Shane Taylor Promotions (Lee Moriarty and The Infantry) vs Nick Ruiz, Vinnie Massaro and Dave Dutra

Pro Wrestling NOAH superstar Vinnie Massaro is here! The heels put one of the heels in the corner and Bravo hits a crossover euro step punch. Dean lariats the jobber then the jobber takes a double curbstomp. Lee lifting flatliners the jobber and wins.

Thoughts: It was a quick one with Vinnie not even getting in sadly.

Adam Cole then comes out as Shane's crew is leaving. 

AEW TNT Title - Daniel Garcia (c) vs Adam Cole

Hey, who needs Rock and Cena when you got this? Cole wristlocks him then waistlock takedowns him. Cole then does his pose. Cole wristlocks him. DG snapmares him then crucifixes him. DG rolls him up and they stand off. DG then does his dance.

They shake hands and DG holds onto his hand. DG spinning neckbreakers him then corner lariats him. Cole backcrackers him while he's on the 2nd rope. Cole neckbreakers him twice. Cole hits a suplex then chinlocks him.

Cole spinning enzugiri's him. DG dragon screws Cole over the middle rope. DG running dropkicks Cole against the rail. DG hits chops then Cole pump kicks him. Cole hits an ushigoroshi for 2. DG spinning neckbreakers him then Cole hits oblivion for 2. 

Cole sits up top and is chopped. DG superplexes Cole then holds on for a piledriver for 2. Cole superkicks him in the knee and the side of the head. Cole then hits a panama sunrise on DG. DG backdrops Cole. They go out and Cole superkicks DG. Cole hits the bbom knee from behind outside.

DG ankle locks Cole. Cole ropebreaks and DG pounds on him. DG piledriver s him on the apron. Cole and DG trade forearms then hockey fight. We have 5 minutes left in the time limit. Shane Taylor Promotions then runs down and beats up both guys to draw a no contest.

The ending sucked here and I wasn't a big fan of the match. There wasn't a great story to it or anything and it went long with two of AEW's least interesting people. I'm not sure why they let them go so long if the finish was going to be this.

Matt Menard gets up from commentary then is nailed by Shane Taylor from the side. Cole takes a double curbstomp. Lee does a border city stretch on DG after.

We get a video package on The Ops.

Big Boom AJ talks about them getting disrespected. AJ says Johnny TV knocked the cookie out of his hand. AJ says Big Justice found him a friend for Revolution and it's Orange Cassidy. Big Justice wants to be the 3rd in the trio. AJ says he needs him to be in their corner, not in the ring. Mark Briscoe comes in and asks him to let him do the @sswhopping. Mark says it's been a long time since they have done some conglomerating (referencing The Conglomeration) and need to. They then say the word of day is boom.

Julia Hart vs Queen Aminata

Serena Deeb does an inset promo. She says we all get to see if Queen is ready for the first ever women's pure rules match.

Queen wristlocks her and twerks on her. Queen side headlock takeovers her. They trade side headlocks. Hart flying headscissors her then corner lariats Queen. Hart chinlocks her. Queen hits elbows to the gut then she forearms Hart. Hart forearms her back then Queen clips her. Queen bangs Hart's knee off the mat.

We go to PiP break and return. Queen puts her legs around Hart's neck and pulls on the arms. Hart hits forearms and lariats. Hart rolls her up for 2 and hits flying double axe handles. Hart STO's her then standing moonsaults her for 2. 

Hart does a scholar collar on Queen. Hart misses a top rope moonsault. Queen headbutts her. Queen running knees her on the ropes and wins.

The work was fine but I wasn't too into this. I don't like Hart losing like this after she just made her return, especially to Queen, who rarely makes the show.

Brody King checks on Hart after. Kazuchika Okada comes in and hits Brody with his title.

We get a video on Konosuke Takeshita.

Kenny Omega talks from a room. He says he had to hear Don Callis talk while he was out about how Takeshita beat Kenny twice in a week. Kenny said it got him p!ssed off. He says this is about KT's belt as the one who holds the belt is the best. He says if KT can beat him 3 times, maybe it's time for him to admit KT is better. He says his entire focus on KT's belt and says he will take it at Revolution.

I didn't really get this one. He's mad about KT beating him twice and bragging about it yet his focus is on the title, and not The Elite, who were the ones who took him out.

Powerhouse Hobbs and Bandido vs The Learning Tree (Big Bill and Bryan Keith)

Hobbs shoulders BK over. Hobbs holds BK for a suplex and passes him to Bandido, who lifts him with one arm, passes him to Hobbs then has Hobbs fallaway slam BK.

Band flips out of a Bill chokeslam. Bandido enzugiri's Bill form the apron then takes a facekick on the apron from BK. We go to PiP break and return. BK exploders Band and Bill elbow drops Band. Bill misses a corner splash.

Band uses the ropes and bulldogs BK. Hobbs comes in and hits lariats on BK and Bill. BK is thrown into Bill then Hobbs lariats Bill. Hobbs hits corner attacks on Bill and BK. Bill is sent into BK then thrown over the top. Hobbs top rope twisting slams BK.

Bill black hole slams BK. Hobbs runs over Bill. BK enzugiri's Hobbs. BK and Band trade chops. BK and Band then flying kick each other at the same time. Hobbs and Bill stare down then trade punches. Hobbs knocks Bill off the apron. Band gets on Hobbs' shoulders then moonsaults outside onto Bill. BK rolls up Hobbs and uses the ropes for 2. Hobbs shoulders over BK. Hobbs spinebusters BK and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't anyone's best work but it was an okay math here. I thought it needed more time and a chance to be something greater than it was. It was just a midcard match that got put in the main. Band's moonsault off Hobbs' shoulders to the outside was cool.

Overall thoughts: It was a long, wrestling heavy show that wasn't that interesting. There weren't many new developments here and we had some unusual random matches. I'd only give it a 5 out of 10 as there wasn't a ton of reason to care about this one and it didn't feel like it was AEW's best work. I wouldn't recommend this.

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