WWE Main Event 3/6/2025
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/03/wwe-main-event-2272025.html
Pete Dunne vs Cruz del Toro
I could not tell you the last time I saw Cruz in singles action (they say it has been 2 years). Cruz's pants rip before the match. Cruz wristlocks Pete. Pete reverses it. Cruz flips out of it using the ropes then reverses it. Pete drops him with a forearm.
Cruz knocks him over then cartwheels over him. Cruz flying headscissors him then rolls out of a sunset flip. Cruz running knees him then asai moonsaults him for 2. They go outside. Cruz is popped up to the apron then Cruz is pulled down face first onto the apron.
Pete boots Cruz as he hangs off the apron. Pete pulls on Cruz's face then twists his fingers. Pete stomps the arm into the mat. Pete armlocks him. Cruz hits punches and is hit with forearms. Cruz hits forearms. Cruz flying forearms him.
Cruz flying forearms him in the corner. Pete goes face first into the buckles and Cruz top rope dropkicks him. Pete hits a step up enzugiri then Cruz enzugiri's him. Cruz springboards into a forearm from Pete. Pete then hits a bitter end and wins.
Thoughts: Cruz ripped his pants before this even started which made for an awkward sight. It wasn't anything too great but Cruz flew around around and it was acceptable. Cruz didn't quite bust his best stuff out here though.
Dakota Kai vs Zoey Stark
Kai is driven into the corner and takes corner spears. Zoey piefaces her. Zoey flips out of a monkey flip. Kai spinning forearms her. Zoey chokes her on the ropes then boots her in the corner. Zoey chokes her with her leg. Zoey suplexes her then poses on her for a pin attempt.
Kai armdrags her twice then flying snapmares her. Kai trips her and pump kicks her as she hangs over the apron. Kai is swept on the apron. Zoey slingshot plancha's her.
We go to break and return. Zoey hits mounted shots then slams her. Kai enzugiri's her while she's on the apron. Kai runs the ropes and Zoey springboard dropkicks her for 2. Zoey hits chops on her.
Kai hits chops and various shots. Kai hits bad lariats then dropkicks her. Kai corner facewash kicks her. Kai hits a canadian destroyer backcracker for 2. Zoey rolling death valley drivers her and Kai rolls her up for 2. Zoey superkicks her then spin kicks her in the head for 2.
Zoey takes a sunset flip for 2. Zoey release half nelson suplexes Kai then knees her in the face for 2. They go up to the buckles. Kai pulls Zoey's face into the top buckle and hits her GTK to win.
Thoughts: It went long, wasn't that good and wasn't that interesting. Kai's offense wasn't very good here and brought this one down some. Zoey did her usual stuff.
Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches as usual, and like usual, the men's match was a lot better than the women's match. Neither match was that great here and I wouldn't recommend this one.
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