WCW Power Hour 3/30/1991
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/02/wcw-power-hour-3231991.html
The intro for this is missing. Jim Ross and Paul E. Dangerously are on commentary. JR's sick and clearly not enjoying himself.
The Young Pistols (Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong) vs Joe Cazana and Rip Rogers
Rip and Tracy trade waistlocks. Rip hits shots to the gut then Tracy hiptosses him. Tracy hits a dropkick and armdrag. Tracy then armlocks him. Rip tries to armdrag him out but Tracy holds on. Rip takes a double arm wringer and a double chop.
Rip misses a corner shoulderblock and Steve armlocks him. Joe eye rakes Steve then chops him. Steve hits a boot flurry on Joe in the gut then back body drops him. Steve slams and armdrags him into an armlock.
The Pistols take a tag. Paul E teases going down to tell the ref. Rip gets some shots in on Tracy then Tracy sunset flips him. Tracy makes a blind tag, holds Rip in the air and Steve top rope dropkicks Rip. Steve pins Rip.
Thoughts: It was short and fine for what it was. Rip and Joe got a couple of shots in before getting put down and The Pistols had good looking offense as usual.
Dustin Rhodes vs Pat Rose
DR side headlocks him and shoulders him over. DR leapfroogs him and hits dropkicks. DR japanese armdrags him and armlocks him. DR shoulders over Pat. DR hits a corner lariat then a flying lariat. They mess up a spot. Pat takes an atomic drop and is bulldogged. DR pins him.
Thoughts: It was a quick one here with one clearly missed spot. I liked what we got though with Dustin moving well.
We get an ad WCW Superbrawl I on May 19, 1991.
Sid Vicious vs Scott Allen
Sid hails from "anywhere he darn well pleases" as usual. Sid knees Scott in the gut then boots him in the chest. Sid corner lariats Scott then hits boots to the gut. Sid does a rare karate kick to the gut. Sid then hits a big powerbomb on Scott and kneels on him to pin him.
Thoughts: It was a quick one with Scott getting nothing in before eating a powerbomb.
The EMT's come out with the stretcher after and rolls Scott onto it. Sid nails Scott while he's on the stretcher. Flyin' Brian then comes in and starts beating up on Sid. Brian gets the edge on him some and refs (and Grizzly Smith) come out to break this up. Brian gets in the ring and challenges Sid to come on.
We go to JR and Paul E. They talk about Flyin' Brian vs Barry Windham. Paul compares Brian to his poodle who wasn't housebroken. Paul says he would kick the poodle in the mouth and he said the poodle would come back for more. Paul says you can beat down Brian but he will keep coming back for more. He asks if it's guts or stupidity. JR tells him he looks like a poodle and wants to talk to someone about Paul's situation with the poodle.
We see clips of WCW Main Event 3/24/91 with Pillman vs Windham which I covered. Arn Anderson ended up coming out and causing a double DQ. The Steiners then saved Pillman but Pillman held his shoulder after.
JR says Pillman wants a rematch with Windham and says it may happen on the next Main Event. Paul says Pillman shouldn't get in Windham's way again.
Barry Windham vs Terry Bronson
Paul says Terry should follow his older brother Charles as he will need to be a vigilate against Barry.
BW hits shots to the gut and is hiptossed. Terry misses an elbow drop. BW backdrops Terry then euros him. BW punches down Terry then dropkicks him. BW hits more punches then slams him.
BW hits more punches to the head. Barry hits a top rope superplex and picks up the win.
Thoughts: It was a quick one. Terry got a few shots in before being put down. Barry makes the superplex look so easy to do.
Wrestling News Network
Gordon Solie a strange new alliance has been made with Kevin Sullivan, Teddy Long and One Man Gang. Gordon says they are after Ron Simmons but maybe Ron is after them. We go to clips of WCW 3/16/1991 which I covered and we see them talk. Long calls his guys the neighborhood of evil. Ron Simmons comes out. He says let's not wait until tomorrow, let's see what One Man Gang is made of now.
We see clips from WCW 3/23/91. Kevin Sullivan is talking with One Man Gang and Teddy long. Kevin's talking nonsense as usual. He said he came to the tree of woe and got One Man Gang from it. He said he broke Teddy Long's fear of Ron Simmons with it. We then see clips of Gang's buddies holding down Ranger Ross for splashes from Gang. Ron Simmons comes down and Long doesn't see him. Ron gorilla press throws Long outside onto Gang. Gordon says the situation will have to be resolved eventually.
We go back to JR and Paul. We see clips of The Fabulous Freebirds beating Doom for the tag titles at WrestleWar '91. Reed nails Ron with knucks on accident and Garvin pins Ron. JR says it was a fluke that The Birds won. Paul E says The Birds were then robbed when they were beaten by The Steiners.
We now go to:
WCW Tag Titles - The Fabulous Freebirds (c) vs The Steiner Brothers
This is the infamous -6 day title reign of The Fabulous Freebirds. WCW taped shows sometimes too far ahead of time and ended up taping the match where The Freebirds lost the tag titles before they even aired the match of them winning them at Wrestlewar '91. You wouldn't notice this as a TV viewer, but smarks and fans at the taping knew The Birds were defending titles they hadn't actually won yet.
Hayes clubs and chops Scott. Scott hits corner punches then Hayes hits his own corner punches. Scott then atomic drops him off of it. Scott lariats both Freebirds over. Hayes stalls outside.
Scott leapfrogs Jimmy. Scott misses a lariat and runs into a Hayes punch. Jimmy then throws Scott over the top to the floor. Hayes hits shots on Scott outside and bangs him off the rail. Scott tries to get in and takes a running knee. Hayes then punches Scott out on the floor.
Scott is dropped throat first on the ropes. Hayes goes for the ddt but Scott kind of muso's him out of it. Jimmy holds Scott for a Hayes punch from the buckles. Hayes sleepers Scott. Scott atomic drops Jimmy.
Scott tags in Rick but Hayes distracts the ref. The Birds double team Scott. Jimmy holds Scott and Rick running lariats Jimmy into Hayes on the buckles. Hayes is knocked off, Scott hits a frankensteiner on Jimmy and pins him. The Steiners win the WCW Tag Titles!
Thoughts: It was a shorter one. Rick never even officially tagged in here. The Freebirds got almost all of the offense in before losing. I liked the spot where Scott ducked a lariat and ran into a punch and I liked the finish. It's a shame we didn't get a real match out of this though. The title change really wasn't that well built up to and I think it only happened due to issues with Doom breaking up.
We go to Paul E and JR. JR says there's a grudge match coming with Eaton vs Landel. Paul E says Eaton and Z-Man could just not fit in with The York Foundation. Paul says that's the assessment of the computer and the computer beats the human mind every time.
We see clips from WCW Main Event 3/24/91 of Z-Man and Bobby Eaton vs Terry Taylor and Buddy Landel. Buddy came off the top, got hit and was neckbreakered. Eaton then pinned Landell.
JR says we have a volatile situation here. Paul says he admires Eaton but says he takes a high risk maneuvers and Landel is a mat technician. Paul says Eaton is going down.
"Nature Boy" Buddy Landel vs "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton
Buddy turns his back on him and is pushed. Bobby hits punches and snapmares him. Bobby hits a shot to the face. Buddy boots him and hits punches. Bobby is thrown out and has his head banged off the post. Buddy stomps on him outside then Bobby hiptosses Buddy on the apron. Buddy lariats the post when Bobby moves.
Buddy turns his back on Bobby again in the ring and is hit. Bobby lariats Buddy for 2. Bobby armlocks Buddy. Buddy knees then chops Bobby. Buddy pounds on Bobby on the ropes then lariats him over the top to the floor. Buddy chokes Bobby on the floor.
Bobby neckbreakers Buddy then slams him. Bobby hits a top rope legdrop on Buddy and picks up the win.
Thoughts: It was short and basic. I wish we would have gotten more of it because what we got was good. There were lots of decent looking punches here. Buddy losing wasn't a surprise because all he seems to do is lose on these shows.
Terrance Taylor comes in and beats up Bobby after. Buddy joins in. The Z-Man then hits shots on Taylor and Buddy and gets them out of the ring. Z-Man goes to help out Bobby and Bobby punches Z-Man. Z-Man is surprised. Bobby sees he hit him, shakes his head and walks off. I wonder what that was about. Paul E says they aren't friends and they have common enemies.
We close the show as Paul E tries to call "Dirk Bynam". JR says it's Dan Bynam and he's the director of WCW programming (Dan's name has been brought up on the show over the last few weeks multiple times). Paul teases hitting JR with his phone and asks what's going on with Missy and Paul on Main Event tonight. Jim asks if he will stick his poodle on Missy. Paul calls up someone who has this poodle and is told the poodle is dead.
Overall thoughts: We had all shorter matches here. The Freebirds/Steiners title match was already shown on WCW Pro 3/9/1991. The match was short and they did what they could with it but it wasn't great. Landell and Eaton threw some nice punches in their match but they also had a shorter match. This show is mostly only notable for showing The Freebirds -6 day title reign and not much else. I liked it what they gave us even if it wasn't that much.
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