WCW Pro 3/9/1991
Missy Hyatt is with El Gigante at a restaurant called "The Hole in the Wall". She says it's a good place for an interview. She wants to talk about tonight's show but Gigante won't talk. Gigante says he wants a dance. Missy wants a fast dance song and El Gigante plays a slow song.
This is the Chicago version of the show. Larry Zbyszko and Tony Schiavone are on commentary. Tonight's show has Eaton vs Landel and The Freebirs vs The Steiner Brothers in a tag title match. We also have a segment called "Larry Z's Legends" with future legends.
The Young Pistols (Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong) vs Joe Cazana and Rip Rogers
The Pistols do an inset promo. Tracy says if they keep up their success, they gotta get a shot at the US Tag Titles. Steve says that's what they are all about and says if they can't get the World Tag Titles, they will get the US Tag Titles.
Tracy waistlocks Rip and is elbowed. Rip hits shots to the gut then Tracy hiptosses him. Tracy dropkicks him then armdrags him. Rip armdrags him but Tracy holds on and armdrags him. Rip takes a double chop.
Rip hits a shot on Steve then misses a corner charge. Steve armlocks him and Joe is tagged in. Joe eye rakes Steve then chops him up. Steve nearly misses a corner charge but catches himself. Steve then boot flurries him in the gut.
Steve hits a back body drop then he slams him. Steve armdrags him into an armlock. Rip hits Tracy in the gut then Tracy sunset flips him. Tracy makes a blind tag, Rip is held in the air and Steve top rope dropkicks Rip. Steve then picks up the pin.
Thoughts: It wasn't totally a squash here as Rip got some shots in. The Pistols' finisher looked nice here in this short bout.
WCW This Week
Dan Spivey says everyone knows what a dangerous man he is. He says he wants recognition and respect. He says if he doesn't get it, he will go take it. He says he's not done with Lex and says anyone with a belt better watch out for him. He says he's not scared of anyone and says he can't believe what happened to Ron Simmons. He says Reed and Long did everything for Ron and he's in a lot of trouble.
Tony Schiavone talks about El Gigante challenging Ric Flair. We cut to an interview with El Gigante saying that. Flair interrupts and tells him to deal with him if he wants the belt. Flair says he's Ric Flair and says not to forget it. Flair says he's a 7x champ and tells him to learn to love it.
We cut ahead and El Gigante is trying to get Flair in the ring with him. Sting comes out and throws Flair in the ring. Flair then retreats.
Ric Flair does a promo. He says he's Ric Flair and your world champ. He says Sting and Gigante have both crossed the line. He says they both want to be at the top with him. Flair says it makes no difference and tells them to line up.
Dustin Rhodes vs Pat Rose
Dustin does an inset promo. He tells anyone to be prepared who steps in the ring with him. He says he's here to take care of business and nothing will get in his way. DR shoulders over Pat and hits dropkicks. DR japanese armdrags him.
Dustin shoulders Pat over. Pat hits some shots in the corner then DR corner lariats him. DR flying lariats him. Pat jumps at him and is atomic dropped. DR then bulldogs him to win.
Thoughts: It was a quick one here with DR winning with ease. Pat got a few shots in before being put down.
Tony says Landel vs Eaton is up next. He says Eaton was in consideration as the next member of The York Foundation but was turned down. We see clips of Terry Taylor vs Z-Man. Terry slaps Eaton outside then Eaton hits him back. Z-Man then pins Terry.
"Nature Boy" Buddy Landel vs "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton
Buddy turns his back to him then is shoved and punched. Bobby snapmares him and punches him in the face. Buddy hits punches on him then throws him out. Bobby's head is banged off the post outside.
Buddy run at him outside and is hiptossed onto the floor. Buddy then tries to hit him outside but gets the post instead. Buddy turns his back at him and gets punched. Bobby hits a hard lariat then armlocks him.
Buddy hits chops on Bobby then eye rakes him. Buddy lariats Bobby over the top. Buddy chokes and bites him outside. Buddy then poses over him. Eaton neckbreakers Buddy then slams him. Eaton hits a top rope legdrop and gets the pin.
Thoughts: Poor Buddy always loses. What we got of this was fine. Bobby's lariat was nice and both did some nice bumping for a small show like this. It's just a shame we didn't get more of this one as it was a bit short.
Terry Taylor attacks Bobby after. Bobby takes a 2v1 and is stomped and clubbed on in the corner. The Z-Man comes and saves Bobby. He drops Buddy and Terry with punches and they leave. Z-Man then goes to check on Eaton and gets nailed.
WCW This Week
Jack Brickhouse says she had a talk with Alexandra York and says she's a computer wiz that turned Terry Taylor into a winner. He says York said don't be surprised if we see two computerized wrestlers competing for the title someday. He said York also said there may be a computerized tag match someday.Barry Windham does a promo. He says WCW is about to get a new look. He says he's been sitting in the weeds too long and says he's got a couple of people in mind. He says he will show up with something that shocks the wrestling world. He says when he becomes champ, things will start changing and he will do exactly what he says.
Barry Windham vs Terry Bronson
BW hits him in the gut. TB hiptosses him then misses an elbow drop. BW backdrops him. BW euros him then hits a nice dropkick. BW hits a really nice punch then drops him with another punch. BW slams him then kicks him in the arm. BW then superplexes him for the win.
Thoughts: No one had better execution than Windham. He hit some good looking stuff here and he made his superplex look so easy to hit. TB did a good job selling for him.
Tony says The Fabulous Freebirds joined Diamond Dallas Page a few weeks ago. He says they will defend the tag titles against The Steiners. They then show clips of The Freebirds beating Doom at Wrestlewar '91 for the tag titles.
WCW Tag Titles - The Fabulous Freebirds (c) vs The Steiner Brothers
I have actually reviewed this already. That review can be found here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/03/wcw-power-hour-3301991.html
DDP does an inset promo during this match that didn't air in the other version of this I saw. He says it didn't take long for him to put the gold straps on The Freebirds. He says "Bad" is back in "Badstreet".
Larry Z's Legends
Larry brings out The Steiners, who just won the tag titles. Larry says Scott's frankensteiner was beautiful. Larry says the match might have been different if DDP was there. Scott said they trained all their life to be tag champs and will defend against anyone, which he says means Doom or The Freebirds. Larry asks what would have happened if DDP was at ringside. Scott says it wouldn't have lasted that long. Rick brings up Doom. Larry says DDP wasn't there and Rick asks where he was. Larry says it's one thing to win a title but another to hold onto it.
Thoughts: This wasn't good at all.
Sid Vicious vs Scott Allen
They lock up. Sid knees him in the gut then hits a big boot to the chest. Sid corner lariats him then hits a punch and kick to the gut. Sid then hits a hard powerbomb and pins him by kneeling on him.
Thoughts: This was the usual Sid squash with him not really taking any offense and dominating in quick fashion.
Sid calls for the EMT's and the stretcher. Scott is put on the stretcher and Sid double axe handles him. Flyin' Brian Pillman comes out and jumps Sid. They trade shots and refs break it up.
Alexandra York and Terry Taylor do a promo. York says they are always interested in championships. She says they are interested in the world title. She talks about Sting vs Flair and says she knows how long it will last but they say they won't tell us. Taylor says that's the advantage of The York Foundation. Taylor then asks him to put his name in there and see how long it takes to winner. Terry says the computer is the key to victory and says this is something Sting and Flair don't have.
Sting and Lex Luger do a promo. Sting says they have done a lot together and have had ups and downs. Sting says they have done the good and bad and fought on both sides of the fence. Sting says they got back together to go for the world tag titles. Lex says he broke into the sport less than 5 years ago and was told by an old timer not to worry about what happens night by night - just try to be the best. He says they are striving to be the best and says the tag titles represent the best.
Sting and Lex Luger vs Mark Kyle and Mick Drago
Mark and Mick are both bigger dudes. All four fight to start. Lex hits shots on Mark then lariats him out. The fight then goes outside. Sting and Mark get in. Sting lariats Mark. Lex powerslams Mark then elbow drops him for the win.
Thoughts: It was a short squash but I liked it. It was nice to see all four fight then take the fight outside for a bit.
Overall thoughts: We had 5 squash style matches here and 2 star vs star matches with one of those having the infamous -6 day WCW Tag Title reign. Eaton/Landel was alright and the Sting/Lex squash was okay for squash standards. We got a bunch of promos here which was nice but I was surprised we didn't get more of El Gigante and Missy. This was a decent show overall.
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