WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/21/1991
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/03/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-12141991.html
We are in New Haven, CT.
Vince McMahon and Mr. Perfect welcome us to the show. Perfect tells the kids to pull their chair up close to the TV set. Perfect says he will tell everyone the truth about Santa Claus. He says Santa Claus is really Ric Flair. We then hear Ric Flair doing some of Santa's lines.
Ric Flair vs Dale Wolfe
Ric has Mr. Perfect with him. Ric's title is blurred out like usual. Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect do an inset promo. Ric says Tunney can blur his title out all he wants but asks what will Tunney do when he's the WWF champ?
Ric hits chops and punches in the corner on Dale then snapmares him. Ric hits an elbow drop then pulls on his chin. Perfect slaps Dale from the outside. Ric backdrops Dale then figure fours him for the win.
Thoughts: It was a short squash here with Flair winning with the figure four as usual. Dale got nothing in and got slapped by Perfect.
They blur the title out after and blur the title out on a poster of Flair that a fan has.
WWF Update
Survivor Series 1991 is now available on VHS. Gene talks the 1992 Royal Rumble on January 19th, 1992. Gene says The Rumble winner will become WWF champ.
Jake Roberts talks The Rumble. He says it's winner takes all. He says he's not scared of Macho entering. He says Macho's chances of getting the title or his hands on him are like safe sex - it doesn't happen.
Jim Duggan says it's Rumble time and says if it moves, you hit it. He says he has an advantage as he will hit whatever moves and walk away champ.
El Matador says there's a lot at stake at The Rumble. He says the one with the best endurance will win and he's ready to become champ.
The Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart talk. Hart says either of them could become champ. Saggs says the 28 other jerks don't have a chance. Knobbs says it will be wild, mean and nasty and says The Nasty's will be the last two in the ring and it'll be like when they were back in Allentown.
Mean Gene says there's a rumor that Sid Justice will be at The Rumble.
The Rockers vs Bob Whitman and Paul Perez
Shawn back up Bob. Bob hits a knee and some punches. Shawn hits a flurry of punches and stomps on Bob. Shawn tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Bob. Shawn back elbows Bob out. Shawn then superkicks him outside. He says, "you know, I could do this all night".
Bob is thrown back in. Shawn boots and punches Paul. Shawn running elbows him. Shawn superkicks Paul twice. Shawn then gets the win.
Thoughts: Marty never got in and they definitely focused a lot on Marty as he waited for the tag. This continues The Rockers issues.
Marty doesn't look thrilled after. Marty goes to jump over the top with Shawn but Shawn stays in the ring to pose.
WWF Event Center
Sean hypes up the 1/18/1992 Boston Garden show.
Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect do a promo. Perfect says everywhere they go, there goes the two greatest athletes ever produced. Flair says everywhere goes, people there used to be the WWF champ in Hulk. Flair says now they say he's the champ. Flair tells Hulk to come down if he wants to do something about it.
Hulk Hogan does a promo. He says everywhere he goes, people say Hulkamania is running wild and not to worry about the WWF Title. He says people tell him to get rid of the two biggest big mouths in Perfect and Flair. He says he has Perfect and Flair where he wants them. He says he's not worried about the title now and he can take care of business.
Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs Bob Bradley
Bob hits some shots on Bret and Bret reverses a hiptoss with his own. Bret atomic drops him and lariats him over. The Mountie and Jimmy Hart do an inset promo. Hart laughs at Bret being the wrestler of the year. Mountie says he was shocked but says in 1992, it will be the year of The Mountie.
Bret backbreakers Bob and elbow drops him. Bret headbutts Bob. Bret hits a russian legsweep then sharpshooters Bob for the win.
Thoughts: Bob got a few shots in before being put down but this wasn't much of note.
WWF Event Center
Sean hypes up the 1/18/1992 Boston Garden show.
Ted Dibiase and Sherri do a promo on Bret Hart. Ted says Bret was made wrestler of the year. Sherri says Ted was made heartbreaker of the decade. He says Bret will be excellently executed.
Roddy Piper does a promo. Piper says Flair isn't fooling him and talks about Flair calling him nuts. Piper says he never lays down for anyone.
We get an ad for The Royal Rumble 1992.
Irwin R. Schyster vs. Phil Apollo
IRS says there's no such thing as repealing any kind of tax. He says you will pay the tax and you will like it.
IRS bangs Phil's head off the buckles then flying lariats him. IRS hits punches on Phil then double underhook suplexes him. IRS elbow drops Phil then abdominal stretches him while holding the ropes. IRS does an inset promo. He tells people not to spend money on christmas gifts as they will have to pay tax when he calls on you.
IRS holds the ropes while doing the abdominal stretch. IRS hits shots on Phil then hits a samoan drop for the win.
Thoughts: It was short and not much with IRS winning as expected.
IRS throws him out after.
Mean Gene Okerlund interviews The Bushwhackers on the stage. Jamison is with The BW's. Gene says he thought they would get lost. Gene announces The Beverly Brothers vs The Bushwhackers with The Genius and Jamison in the corners. Luke says Jamison has a surprise for them. Jamison says he's not scared as The BW's will help turn The Genius into The Doofus. He says The Bev's ripped his best suit which is his only suit. He says they broke his glasses and his boil on his backside. Butch says they can't wait to fight The Bev's. He says they will send Jamison to buy dresses and change The Beverly Brothers into The Dolly Bloody Sisters.
The Undertaker vs Al Phillips
Taker boots Al in the gut and clubs his back. Taker uppercuts Al. The Undertaker and Paul Bearer do an inset promo. Paul says the title will be back around Taker's waist after The Rumble. Taker says more important will be the 29 souls they will possess. Taker hits a flying clothesline then chokes Al.
Taker backdrops Al. Taker walks the top rope and clubs Al. Taker tombstones Al and Al has a horrible landing. Taker wins.
Thoughts: This was a super ugly tombstone and probably the nastiest I have ever seen. I don't know how Al didn't break his neck. There was no need for that.
Al is put in a bodybag after.
Royal Rumble Report
Roddy Piper says The Rumble is for the title. He says he's a problem child but he can fight. He says he heard people are disappointed he's in the Rumble. He says he wouldn't want to fight him either.
The Repo Man does a promo. He says The Rumble is up his alley and he knows about alleys. He says he will be the WWF champ.
Skinner says it's the opportunity of a lifetime. He says 30 men go in and only one stays. He says it could be him.
Ted Dibiase and Sherri talk. Ted says one man wins the belt and it'll be him. He says he could buy any one of them but he will beat them all.
Jim Duggan & Sgt. Slaughter vs. Chris Duffy & Peter Weeks
Perfect asks if you should get Duggan a new board for Christmas. Perfect says The Nasty's pity city might not even bother Duggan.
Chris backs Sarge up on the ropes and is shoved over. Chris is thrown out twice. Chris' head is banged off the rails. Chris eye rakes Sarge as they get back in. Sarge then slingshots Chris out as he takes his usual bump. Sgt. Slaughter and Jim Duggan do an inset promo. Sarge sings "Hacksaw and Sarge Are Coming To Town". Duggan wishes everyone a Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year. Duggan says "ho" and Sarge says it's not "ho", it's "ho, ho, ho".
Duggan boots Chris then Chris eye rakes him. Duggan back body drops Chris then Chris takes a double back elbow. Chris' head is banged off the buckles.
Sarge clubs on Weeks. Duggan hits a shot to Weeks' gut then he bangs Weeks' and Chris' heads together. Sarge chops Chris in the corner then Chris takes a double back body drop. Duggan running lariats Chris and pins him.
Thoughts: This was entertaining with the faces and the commentators all goofing around. I don't know if Sarge goofing around is a good look right now though as it makes him seem like a lowcard guy.
Sarge hugs a fan after and throws Duggan his 2x4.
WWF Event Center
Sean hypes up the 1/18/1992 Boston Garden show.
The Mountie, Jimmy Hart and The Natural Disasters do a promo. Mountie says he's the excellence of electrocution. Typhoon says The LOD can't hide behind Bret all night. Quake says The LOD and Tunney found a way to protect the tag titles but can't protect themselves from them.
The Legion of Doom and Bret Hart do a promo. Animal says they are coming at them strong. Bret says Mountie tried attempted murder on him. Bret says he has two sharks and he's a barracuda while the ND's and The Mountie are two whales and a squid. Hawk says Bret is one sick puppy. Hawk says sharks are known for taking big fat bites out of things and swallowing them bit by bit.
The New Foundation meet The Barbarian and The Warlord in an interesting match with The Powers of Pain reuniting at that show.
"The Model" Rick Martel returns next week. The Big Boss Man will be on the show and we will hear about more people in The Rumble. Roddy Piper will be on The Funeral Parlor. And we will get The Rockers vs The Legion of Doom in a WWF Tag Title match.
Thoughts: That's a nice looking show next week. I didn't know Martel was out but we really haven't seen him for a while.
Overall thoughts: This one was all about building up The Royal Rumble as it should have been. Taker nearly killed Al Phillips on a botched tombstone. The Beverly Brothers will meet The Bushwhackers at The Rumble which isn't a shock. The 1/18/92 Boston Garden show looks good but sadly we will never see it. I liked the show but there was nothing you really need to see here and I wouldn't recommend it.
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