WWF Wrestling Challenge 1/12/1992
We are in Corpus Christi, Texas. Bobby Heenan and Gorilla Monsoon are our hosts. Heenan says his palms are sweaty and says it's because of The Royal Rumble. He says there's only one man who can win it and it's Ric Flair.
The Undertaker vs Scott Biazo
Some kid boos Taker while wearing a Taker shirt. Taker chokes Scott then nodowa otoshi's him. Paul Bearer and The Undertaker do a promo. Paul says his workers at the crematory are busy preparing for 29 bodies at one time at The Rumble. Taker hits a flying clothesline and nails Scott in the throat. Taker hits a tombstone and pins Scott.
Thoughts: It was the usual Taker squash here with him winning with ease.
WWF Special Report
Lord Alfred Hayes says the thunder of Royal Rumble is closing in. We see clips of the Macho and Liz interview from Superstars last week. Hayes has comments from people in The Rumble. IRS says it's only a week until The Rumble. He tells Boss Man to think about what it's like to look up at him as WWF champ. The Repo Man says he can sneak up to The Rumble and repossess the WWF Title. British Bulldog says he's ready for The Rumble. He says he will power his way through it.
The New Foundation (Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart) vs. BA Dalton & Dusty Daze
I'm not sure if these jobber names are correct as they didn't get any intros.
Jim shoulders over one of them twice. He holds him for an Owen top rope dropkick. Owen side headlocks the other jobber then flying lariats him. Owen hits a nice standing dropkick. The Foundation hit a double back body drop. Jim hits a forearm and throws the jobber out. Owen stomps a jobber from the apron.
Jim throws the jobber. Owen snapmares and legdrops the jobber. The one jobber is slammed off the drop down then Jim rocket launchers Owen for the win.
Thoughts: It was an okay squash here with Owen looking good. It would have been nice to know who they beat though.
We get more info on the WBF Ultimate Personal Fitness Weekend.
WWF Event Center
Sean Mooney hypes up the 1/18/1992
Boston Garden Show. Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect do a promo with Flair's
title blurred out. Perfect says the 3 greatest names in wrestling will
be in the ring at the same time with them and Hulk. Ric says he's the
real world's champ and tells Hulk he's waiting.
Hulk Hogan says Ric and Perfect are in a lot of trouble. Hulk says Ric will be an endangered species. He says it won't be styling and profiling. He says he will be in war mode. Hulk says he's dangerous as he doesn't have the title or anything to lose. He says he will hold onto the figure four on Ric until there's a snap, crackle and pop.
The Berzerker vs Rudy Gonzalez
Berz facekicks Rudy then hits a nice flying shoulder. Berz legdrops Rudy then chops him down. Berz slams Rudy. Berz ties him up in the ropes and boots him while he's there. Berz hits a powerslam on Rudy then dumps him over the top for the countout win.
Thoughts: It was the usual Berz squash with him winning by countout. Berz had decent athletic offense as usual.
Berz takes a flat back bump for some reason after.
Chris Chavis is at a river. He talks about the importance of it to his people. He says just as it flows in a direction, he must also. He says he will carry the wisdom of the Indian nation to all nations.
WWF Event Center
Sean Mooney hypes up the 1/18/1992
Boston Garden Show. The LOD and Bret Hart do a promo. Animal says they will see how big and bad The Natural Disasters are and will see how long the yellow stripe is down Mountie's back. Hart says The Mountie came close to attempted murder and will have nowhere to hide. Hawk says he will knock The ND's and The Mountie's teeth down their throat.
The Mountie and The Natural Disasters do a promo. Mountie says he has the two baddest men in the WWF. Mountie says he only tickled Bret but will show him what it's all about this time. Typhoon says The LOD should put the titles on the line. Quake says they can't win a title but can beat them from post to post.
"Rowdy" Roddy Piper vs Louie Spicolli
Lou wipes his feet on Piper's kilt. Piper rushes him from behind and hits shots. He pokes him in the eyes and lariats him out. Piper chases him and takes him down outside. Lou is then sent into the post. Virgil does an inset promo. he says it's friends vs friends and enemies vs enemies. He says it could come down to him and Piper at The Rumble and says it will be lights out for Piper.
Piper takes Lou down in the ring and pounds on him. Piper hits a knee lift and tells Lou to fold the kilt. Lou then hits him in the gut and the head. Piper puts Lou in the sleeper and puts him down. Piper rubs the kilt into Lou's face and pins him with a knee on the throat.
Thoughts: It was an entertaining squash. Louie is one of the better jobbers and he got Piper upset here. Piper let him have it and was a wild man as usual.
The Barber Shop
Brutus Beefcake welcomes us. He says his guests are tag team specialists who nearly took The Legion of Doom's tag titles away. Marty Jannetty and Shawn Michaels come out. Brutus shows us a WWF magazine with it saying The Rockers are having problems. Shawn says they are the tightest team in the WWF. He says as the captain of the team and the guy who put it all together, there are no problems. Marty tells him not to lie and says everyone knows there is friction. Marty says let's straighten this out.
Marty says they never picked a captain for this team and did everything together. Marty bring up Shawn missing his tag on Superstars a few weeks ago. Shawn asks if they are going to toss blame back and forth. Shawn says he wrestled Ric Flair and is giving him a wrestling lesson of his life. He said Marty then came down to try and save the day and got him pinned.
Marty said Shawn hit his head and he was concerned about him. Shawn doesn't buy it. Shawn asked if he ever told him he needed his help. Marty says he doesn't know what is going on in Shawn's head. He said he doesn't know where he's coming from. Marty says they were close to beating LOD for the titles but says he will take the blame. Marty said he shouldn't have came out during the match with Flair. He says he wants this thing to work as they can make it to the top together.
He asks Shawn if he wants it. Marty says he's gonna turn his back on him. He says Shawn can leave if he wants or he will turn around, they can shake hands and rock and roll like The Rockers do. Shawn turns him around and offers his hand. They hug. Shawn holds his hand up and drops him with a superkick. Shawn then throws him through the glass window and Heenan says Marty tried to drive through the window.
Brutus comes back out to check on Marty. Shawn says, "Is there a problem with The Rockers? I don't think so". He then rips up their photo in the magazine.
Thoughts: It's one of the most famous angles ever and a classic. The Rockers had been having issues for weeks and the break up finally happened here. While it was a good angle and lead to big things for Shawn, The Rockers were one of the best teams ever and it was sad to see them break up. Heenan's line about Marty jumping through the window was great. The one critique I had of this angle is that they said there was blood but we couldn't see it.
Royal Rumble Report
Mean Gene says Shawn is a disappointment and says there's no updates yet on Marty's condition. Gene talks about the people in The Rumble. Hulk Hogan says the battle lines have been drawn and he's been given the green light to hurt someone and get the title back. Hulk says if you think he's intense right now, right until you see him at The Rumble. He tells Tunney to give him #1 as he will take care of business The Maniac way and beat the whole roster. Gene says Hulk and Taker will have seeding from #20-#30 since they were in the match where the title got stripped after.
The Warlord is with Harvey Wippleman. Harvey says War will be champ at The Rumble. War says he only has to destroy 29 other men and says it won't be a problem. Jimmy Hart and The Nasty Boys do a promo. Saggs says there will be 28 jerks and 28 cases of nasty sensation. Knobbs says we will have the first ever nasty champ. Sid Justice says we are looking at the new champ. Sid says the other 29 men in this need to watch out for him. He says he's so confident as he's the superior man in the WWF. The Big Boss Man says he will teach 29 other men why he's The Big Boss Man. He says he stands up for law, order and justice for the people and needs to become champ. Gene says Jannetty will only be in The Rumble if his health is permitting.
Gene talks about the other matches at The Rumble.
Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs Larry Ludden
Jake hits shots to the gut. Sgt. Slaughter does an inset promo. He says he would never trust a snake like Jake. He says he will throw Jake out first and win the title. Jake hiptosses Larry.
Jake stands on Larry's throat then hits knees to the throat. Jake slams him for 2. Jake hits jabs and a clothesline. Jake then hits a ddt and wins.
Thoughts: It was a quick squash and not much of note. Jake went back to wearing his older tights with the yellow and red flames on them.
WWF Event Center
Sean Mooney hypes up the 1/18/1992 Boston Garden Show. Virgil does a promo on The Repo Man. He says Repo is a punk, a liar and a thief. He says he will prove Repo is a coward. He says Repo whacking him in the face knocked him into reality. He says Repo will go down 1-2-3.
Ted Dibiase and Sensational Sherri do a promo. Ted laughs about Tito being a hero to his people. He says he showed what kind of hero Tito is. Ted says Tito fights the kind of bulls they milk.
Gorilla says next week they will have an update on Jannetty's condition along with The Nasty Boys, The Legion of Doom and Macho Man vs Hercules.
Overall thoughts: This had the classic Barber Shop segment with Shawn Michaels turning on Marty Jannetty. If you haven't seen that, it's a must see. There wasn't much else of note otherwise with just the usual squashes and hype for the 1992 Royal Rumble.
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