WCW Main Event 3/24/1991
Jim Ross and Missy Hyatt welcome us to the show. JR says we got Barry Windham vs Flyin' Brian Pillman tonight. Missy says Barry will win as he's a man and Flyin' Brian is a baby.
Barry Windham vs Flyin' Brian Pillman
BP's shoulder is still all taped up from The Horsemen's pre-WrestleWar '91 attack on him.
BW hits shots to the gut and the injured shoulder. BP flips out of a side slam and crucifixes him. BP hits chops then twists BW's foot. BW's limping. BW hits BP in the gut. BP slingshot sunset flips him for 2.
BW twists the foot again then hooks his leg. BP yanks on the leg then hits chops. BP is thrown shoulder first into the buckles and BW boots him over. BW hammerlocks BP's arm around the top rope. BW eye rakes him then grabs the shoulder and pulls him down face first. BW kicks the arm then hammerlocks him. BW elbows the shoulder then armbars BP. BW lariats him and presses on the shoulder during the pin attempt.
BW kicks the arm and BP flying lariats him. BP hits chops then a dropkick. BP top rope dropkicks BW. BW then plancha's him outside. BP hits punches outside. Arn Anderson then comes down and BP fires on him. The bell rings and we go to a double countout.
Thoughts: What we got of this was good. BW didn't do a bunch of fancy stuff here to work the shoulder/arm. What he did made sense though and looked realistic. Instead of just doing a facebuster, he drove him into the mat while holding the shoulder. BP had a great comeback as usual as well. This was good.
BP takes a 2v1. BW double axe handles BP off the buckles. The Steiners then come out and save BP.
"The Natural" Dustin Rhodes vs Chuck Coats
Chuck is still alive and sometimes posts on various wrestling groups online which is cool.
DR shoulders him over, hiptosses him then hits some armdrags. DR armlocks Chuck. DR hits a dropkick then armdrags Chuck. DR puts him back in the armlock. DR hits elbow drops then armlocks Chuck.
Chuck goes for a slam but DR armdrags him out of it. DR armlocks him. DR ties up Chuck's arms on the mat. DR flying lariats Chuck. DR then hits a bulldog and wins.
Thoughts: It was the usual Dustin squash here with him doing armdrags, hiptosses and armlocks. It wasn't much to speak of and he won as expected.
"Dangerous" Dan Spivey vs Scott Sandlin
Dan comes out with bulging eyes as usual. Dan gutwrench suplexes Scott and throws him out to the floor. Dan slams him on the floor. They go back in and Dan boots him around. Scott is put on the top rope and Dan clubs on him. JR says they could have a good basketball team in WCW with Dan, Sid and Gigante.
Dan boots Scott in the face then drops him throat first on the top rope. Dan rakes Scott's face with his boot. Dan chokes Scott and clubs on him. Dan backdrops Scott for 2. Dan sidewalk slams Scott and gets the pin.
Thoughts: It was all squash as expected. Scott got nothing in and Dan took longer than I thought he would to finish him. Dan's big but he's not one of my favorite squashers.
The Young Pistols (Steve Armstong and Tracy Smothers) vs The State Patrol (Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker and Lt. James Earl Wright)
JR says this is an important match for filling the WCW United States Tag Titles.
James and Steve battle over a top wristlock. James shoulders him over and Steve hits a nice hiptoss. The Patrol take double dropkicks and go out. Tracy comes off the top onto James arm. Tracy top rope twisting crossbodies James for 2.
Steve armdrags James. James gets his arms rung and takes a double chop from The Pistols. James eye rakes Steve then slams him. Tracy armdrags Buddy. Budy holds the ref against the ropes Steve runs the ropes for no reason and James nails Steve with a nightstick from behind.
Steve is put in a backbreaker and James comes off the buckles with a flying headbutt on Steve. James powerslams Steve. Buddy is lifted by James and dropped onto Steve for 2. Steve takes a double clothesline for 2.
Buddy pounds on Steve in the corner. Steve boots Buddy out of the corner. Tracy gets in and flying back elbows James. Tracy misses a dropkick. The Patrol pound on Tracy in the corner. Steve then top rope flying double lariats The Patrol. Steve and Tracy then hit corner punches. The Patrol are thrown into eac hother and James takes a double flying shoulder out. Buddy is held in the air and Steve flying shoulderblocks Buddy to pin him.
Thoughts: I liked this. The Pistols were super agile and could really move in the ring. They brought lots of high flying offense here and it was nice to see The Patrol get some double teams in. This was good.
JR and Missy talk about the main event. Missy says she doesn't care who Eaton's mystery partner. Missy says she's going on a private shopping spree with Alexandra York.
We see clips from the Eaton/Landell/Taylor vs JYD/Morton/Rich match that helped lead to this. We also see Eaton getting a spike piledriver from Landell and Taylor on another episode.
Missy says Eaton's partner tonight has to be a fool for wanting to team with him.
Terry Taylor and Buddy Landell vs Bobby Eaton and Z-Man
Terry is still referred to as Terry on this one. On Saturday Night this weekend, he was called "Terrance Taylor". Z-Man is Eaton's mystery partner here which isn't a shock since he saved him from a beating on World Championship Wrestling 3/16/91. Z-Man also fought Taylor on another show prior to this.
The faces run into the ring and the heels dip out. Buddy poses for the camera's before this one begins. Z is wearing white, which he usually didn't wear. Z backs up Terry in the corner and Taylor goes out. Z side headlocks Terry.
Z-Man side headlocks Terry then hiptosses him. Z then dropkicks him out. Terry tries to get a shot in but gets hit by both opponents. Eaton and Buddy go at it. Eaton hits punches then elbow drops him. Buddy's face is raked on the ropes. They trade shots. Eaton's head is banged off of Buddy's boot. Eaton cradles him then lariats him. Z and Terry get in. Z superkicks Terry for 2 then side headlock takeovers him. Z side headlocks him. Z takes a cheap shot on Buddy then gets hit from behind by Terry. Terry jawbreakers Z. Buddy bangs Z's head off the buckles then chops and punches him. Terry neckbreakers Z for 2. Z hits punches on Terry and is hit with a knee. Terry shoulders Z over and both go down.
Eaton and Buddy get in. Eaton hits nice punches and back elbows him. Buddy takes a back body drop and Eaton punches Terry out of the ring. Terry trips Eaton from the outside. Buddy elbow drops Eaton. Buddy comes off the top and is hit by Eaton. Eaton neckbreakers Buddy and gets the pin.
Thoughts: It was an okay main. They didn't quite make the most of this they could have heat wise, but the work in the ring was really good. Eaton hit tons of great punches though and Buddy was a good heel here as usual. I liked this.
JR says he doesn't think Buddy will ever be a York Foundation member now.
JR and Missy close the show. Missy tries to get people to listen to her on the WCW Hotline. JR asks if anyone will ask who almost dressed her this week.
Overall thoughts: It was a good show. Windham/Pillman was good. I liked The Young Pistols vs The State Patrol and while the main could have been a little better, the bumps and the punches were good. It was a fun hour of wrestling and I'd recommend this one.
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