CMLL 3/21/2025 Homeanje a Dos Leyendas 2025
They have a nice little stand with a plaque, mask and titles to honor Salvador Lutteroth Camou and Salvador Lutteroth Gonzalez.
Akuma, Gemelo Diablo I, Gemelo Diablo II vs Explosivo, Fugaz, Star Black
Gem = Either Gemelo Diablo since they look similar.
A Gem throws Ex off the lock up. Gem flips him then is armdragged out. Star hits a top rope crossbody on both opponents then Fug hits a springboard double dropkick. Ex's team then does a triple tope outside. They then do triple tope con hilos. We cut ahead for some reason and Ex is slammed on the ramp. Ex then takes a running gorilla press from 3 opponents into the ring.
Fug is caught off of a top rope crossbody. Fug is then lifted into a reverse double suplex. Star hits a springboard tornillo on 2 opponents then hits reverse jumping headbutts. Star then handspring backflip reverse headbutts a Gem. Star takes a triple team drop for 2.
Fug is thrown out. Ex is lifted for a move but hits a headscissors off of it. Ex then springboards into a headscissors on a Gem. Ex springboard twisting crossbodies a Gem. A Gem then spears the post when Ex moves. The faces then do triple stereo dives with one going off the post.
Akuma takes a double superkick then Fug is popped up and dropkicks Akuma in the butt. Star is slammed onto Ex then Akuma is monkey flipped from the ramp into a flip onto them. A Gem then does the same thing. The faces are put in a triple submission together and are submitted.
Thoughts: It was a decent opener. The faces did some flying and The Gem's put a little more effort in than usual. There was nothing wrong with this.
Akuma talks on the mic after.
CMLL Women's Tag Title Tournament Final - La Jarochita & Lluvia vs Lady Frost & Taya Valkyrie
L = Lluvia
L armdrags Taya then Taya armdrags her off a hiptoss attempt. Taya hits chops on L then L hits her own chops. L flying headscissors her. Lady rolls L then does a crucifix on her for 2. L rolls and flips into a spinning headscissors on her.
Lady goes up and over her then hits a flipping headhunter. Jaro gets in and she tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Lady. Jaro flying headscissors Taya then armdrags her. Taya snapmares Jaro and sliding lariats her. Jaro and Lady are sent into each other then take a double lariat. Taya hits a top rope dive on both then Lady top rope tornillos outside onto her opponents.
Jaro is tripped and takes kicks to the head. Jaro takes a double basement dropkick. Lady hits a forward cartwheel cannonball on Jaro for 2. Taya boots Lady on accident then is dropkicked by Jaro. Jaro topes both opponents outside. L then top rope plancha's both opponents outside.
Lady takes a double flapjack then she takes a half-nelson twisting drop. Taya takes a double back elbow in the corner then a basement dropkick. Jaro is double hiptossed into the ropes from the ramp and hits a double armdrag off of it.
Jaro bridging ddt's Taya. Lady then top rope crossbodies Jaro. L backcrackers Lady. The four girls trade shots. L camel clutches Taya while Jaro gets a 2 count on a northern lights suplex on Lady.
Jaro hits a top rope dropkick on her partner on accident. Taya curbstomps Jaro and pins her. L codebreakers Taya then la magistral's her. L pins Taya. Lady cartwheels into an air raid crash on L for 2. L pulls back on a camel clutch on Lady.
Taya helps out Lady then L dropkicks Lady against the ropes. L pins Lady and wins.
Thoughts: It was average for the most part. There were some sloppy moments here and some things that weren't timed right. Lady was so obviously better than everyone else in this by miles. I didn't expect Taya and Lady to win this since they may not be coming back.
Lightning Match - Titan vs Templario
They only have 10 minutes for this. They roll on the ropes. Temp teases a chop but backrolls instead. Titan wristlocks him. Titan headflips out of a writlock then Temp rolls into a dropkick on him. Temp then topes him outside.
Temp rope walk dropkicks Titan. Titan hits slaps and a spin kick on Temp. Temp pumping knees him. Titan bridges out of a lariat and hits a jumping back kick. Titan is chopped on the apron then Titan bodyscissors Temp over the top. Titan springboard top rope moonsaults Temp outside.
Titan topes Temp into the rails. Titan springboard splashes him for 2. Temp chops Titan against the ropes. Titan then tornado ddt's him. Temp runs the ramp and flying space tiger's Titan into the ring. Titan hits kicks and slaps on Temp.
Temp lariats Titan from behind. Titan pele kicks Temp. They fight on the buckles and Temp 2nd rope gordbusters him for 2. Titan ddt's Temp off a powerbomb attempt. Titan gordbusters him and superkicks him. Titan top rope double stomps Temp in the back for 2.
Titan indian deathlocks Temp and submits him with about 11 seconds left in the match.
Thoughts: It was okay but not their best work. Titan didn't fly that much. The finish was kind of dumb with Temp not being able to hold on for 11 more seconds and save himself the loss. This wasn't anything you would remember.
CMLL Tag Titles - Ángel de Oro & Niebla Roja (c) vs Rocky Romero & Volador Jr.
RR and Roja go at it. Roja takes him down and bow and arrows him. RR flips him by the wrist and they stand off. Vol and Oro get in. Vol is popped up into a headscissors then Vol does a flying headscissors. RR topes out then Vol slingshot headscissors Oro outside.
Roja side headlocks RR then basement dropkicks him. Roja hits a delayed suplex on him. Vol gets in and is popped up into a kick from Roja. Oro goes up and over Vol then flying headscissors him. Oro is caught on a tope outside and is slammed on the floor.
RR hits corner lariats on Roja then Vol superkicks Roja. Vol is tripped into a basement dropkick KeMalito butt drops Oro off the 2nd rope. Roja is popped up into a double dropkick on his opponents. Roja then topes out and Oro triangle moonsaults out.
RR and Vol take running corner attacks then basement dropkicks. RR hits a beach break on Rojo for 2. Oro throws Vol over the top and takes a pump kick from RR. Roja dropkicks RR then is pulled down on the apron face first. Oro is sent into the rails. Vol is then sent into and over the rails. We then get a tower of doom spot from the rails to the floor.
Oro triangle moonsaults Vol inside for 2. Vol code red's Roja for 2. Roja does a jade end type of move for 2. RR does a top rope sliced bread to Roja for 2. Oro michinoku drivers RR for 2. Oro dropkicks Vol then RR rewind kicks Oro. Roja spinning forearms RR and is superkicked by Vol.
Roja dropkicks Oro on accident and they argue. Roja superkicks RR then Vol canadian destroyers Roja. Vol then pins RR.
Oro is popped up and dropkicks RR out. Oro rols Vol into a surfboard and submits him. RR and Oro trade forearms. RR hits a GTS variaion on Oro then Oro surfboards him. Oro misses a top rope moonsault on RR then RR camel clutches Oro. Oro throws him off of him.
Oro goes to springboard onto the ramp but RR dropkicks him in mid-air. Oro canadian destroyers RR on the ramp then RR canadian destroyers him back on the ramp. We then go to a double countout.
After several minutes, they decide to restart the match. RR is popped up onto the buckles and he rolling armbars Roja down. Vol camel clutches Oro at the same time. Roja breaks up both submission.
Roja does a rocking horse on RR and Oro surfboards Oro. RR and Vol submit and lose the match.
Thoughts: It was just average and nothing too good. The double countout into a match restart didn't help the mach out and the the match didn't go much longer after it restarted.
Mistico and Masacara Dorada vs Komander and Hologram
3 people hit flying headscissors to start. MD flips over Holo. Holo top rope crossbodies MD then flying headscissors him into the ropes. MD backflips out. Holo and MD both headflip out of headscissors and try dropkicks at the same time. They headflip up together and stand off.
MD sunset flips Holo then Mist springboard crossbodies Holo. Mid handsprings off the ropes and flying headscissors Kom. Kom springboard flipping headscissors Mist for 2. Mist flying armdrags Kom out.
MD top rope tornillo armdrags Holo. Mist and MD hit stereo tornillos outside. Kom and Holo hit stereo tope con hilos outside. Kom and Holo then stomp on Mist then Mist handspring double back elbows them.
Mist springboard diving headscissors Holo then MD headscissors Kom. Holo and Kom hit corner attacks. Holo standing spanish flies MD. Kom runs up the buckles and phoenix splashes MD for 2.
Mist and MD hit stereo superkicks. MD asai moonsaults outside and Mist slingshot tope con hilos Kom outside. Holo and MD chop each other on the apron. Kom then rope walk corkscrew dives Mist outside. Mist and Holo fight on the apron. Mist spinning headscissors Holo off the apron and then MD is headscissored off the apron.
Holo takes a cutter into a backcracker. MD is thrown out by Kom. Kom tornado ddt's Mist then misses a rope walk SSP. MD does a handspring into a posionrana. Holo catches MD's handspring and spinning torture racek drops him for 2.
Mist tornado ddt's Holo. Kom gets superkicked by MD. Holo topes out then MD fosbury flops out. MD and Holo try pin attempts and Holo toyota rolls MD into a sunset bomb. Holo hurricanrana's MD but MD rolls him into a pin attempt. MD and Holo are both in the backslide position upside down and the ref calls a double pin and both are eliminated.
Kom dropkicks Mist then tope con hilos him through the ropes. Kom takes a top rope spanish fly for 2. Holo goes for la mistica on Mist but Mist avoids the armbar portion of it. Mist crucifix bombs Holo then puts him in la mistica. Kom then submits.
Thoughts: It went a little long and the selling wasn't the best but it was alright overall. It was mostly all flying here.
Winning team advances to mask vs mask match - Star Jr. & Zandokan Jr. vs Esfinge & Valiente
All four fight to start. Star dropkicks Val then takes a pumping knee from Esf. Esf takes a back body drop into a sitout slam. Val hits a flying headscissors off the top then is headscissored by Star. Star and Val do stereo topes out.
Val and Star moonsault over each other and Val flying lariats him. Star is dropped chest first then Val standing indian deathlocks him. Zand breaks it up. Zand springboard crossbodies Val then Esf breaks up Zand's hold. Esf hits a pumping knee then is superkicked by Zand.
Star superkicks Esf on a submission attempt. Star spinebusters Esf then does an octopus to him. Esf takes a double dropkick. Zand tries to make friends with Star. They double drop Esf. Zand sentons Esf and Zand breaks the pin up.
Zand and Star rip up Val's mask. Val and Esf get their masks ripped up on the buckles then they take basement dropkicks in the tree of woe. Zand slams Esf then Star is pushed off the top onto Zand. Val topes Zand. Esf topes Zand.
Star and Zand get monkey flipped. Esf alley oops Star. Star goes up top and Zand tiger drivers Esf while Star is up top. Esfinge is pinned.
Val dropkicks Star in the knee then back body drops Zand. Val pop up powerbombs Zand then does a standing indian deathlock. Zandokan Jr. is submitted.
Star springboards and goes for an armbar on Val. Star is dropped onto Val's knees for 2. Star hits chops on Val. Star slingshot flipping neckbreakers Val from the side. Star hits an air raid crash on Valiente and pins him. Star Jr then pins Valiente.
Mask vs Mask Match - Star Jr. vs Zandokan Jr.
Zand dropkicks Star out of the ring and sends him into and over the rail. They fight in the aise and Star is thrown over the rail. Zand corner lariats Star and basement dropkicks him for 2. Zand suplexes Star on the ramp.
Back in the ring they each hit chops. Star headscissors
Zand then tope con hilos him, going over the rail. Zand is thrown into the rail then takes Sheamus style clubs to the chest on the ropes.
Star flying headscissors Zand off the apron. Star jumps at him off the apron but is powerbombed into the post. Star is laid on the top of the rail and Zand topes him. Zand stomps on Star. They chop each other and Star drops him.
Star sunset bombs him for 2. Star sentons him. Zand superplexes him then brainbusters him for 2. They choke each other. Zand is put up top and chopped. Star top rope hurricanrana's him. Star then sentons him for 2.
Star misses a corner splash and is his head is banged off the buckles. Star neckbreakers him for 2. Star powerbombs him. Star hits an air raid crash for 2. They go up on the buckles, Star goes for a top rope hurricanrana but is powerbombed. Zand tiger drivers him and pins him. Star Jr. must unmask.
Thoughts: It was an okay match but not much more. They really didn't go all out here and didn't do much out of the ordinary. There wasn't any blood and these two just are not good enough to have created something epic in this one. The tag format didn't help this one out either and I think the first pin or an elimination format would have done more to build drama.
Star unmasks after. He goes to hand Zand his mask then beats him up. Zand then poses with the mask and does a promo after.
Thoughts: Star did a really poor job unmasking here, basically revealing his whole face before doing it and ruining the moment. We could kind of tell that Star was probably a decent looking dude under the mask so him losing the mask isn't a huge deal.
Overall thoughts: It was a good show overall. Nothing was great but everything was alright enough. I didn't hate anything on this one. I though either the opener or the Mist match was the best match of the night. I'd give this a 7 out of 10 overall as I had no real issues with it.
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