Thursday, March 13, 2025

TNA Impact 3/13/2025

TNA Impact 3/13/2025

Last week's show is here:

Winner's team gets the advantage in the cage match tomorrow - Eddie Edwards vs Leon Slater

Leon hits punches then dropkicks him. Eddie takes corner punches then forearms Leon over. Eddie chops Leon. Leon flying headscissors Eddie out. Eddie chops Leon outside.  Leon jumps off the steps into a flying headscissors on Eddie. Leon is sent into the steps.

Leon is thrown by the arm into the buckles. Eddie armlocks Leon.  Leon rolls and headflips out of it. Leon hits forearms then takes an overhead belly to belly for 2. Eddie yanks on Leon's arm. Eddie arm and chinlocks Leon.

Leon rewind kicks Eddie. Leon flying kicks Eddie. Leon springboard crossbodies him for 2. Leon is sat up top and is kicked. Leon rolls him up out of a backpack stunner. Leon handsprings and is caught with blue thunder for 2. Eddie hammerlocks Leon around the top rope. Leon side kicks him.

Alisha Edwards distracts the ref. Leon is caught up top. Leon knocks Eddie off the buckles. Leon misses a dive and is sent into the post. Eddie shining wizards Leon and wins.

Thoughts: Eddie worked the arm a bit here and Leon got some comebacks in before going down. It wasn't anything too great but it was acceptable for an opener. Eddie won as expected. 

Sami Callihan does a promo in the back. He says Mance Warner is lucky as he gets one more night with his wife before he ends him. Steph De Lander and Mance then interrupt. Sami tells them one more day. Mance says Sami doesn't have the guts to put his hands on him. Steph says Sami can't hit him. Steph then piefaces him. Mance tells Sami to do it. Mance says he will see him at Sacrifice.

Wes Lee vs Laredo Kid

Wes has Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe with him.

They lock up. Wes wristlocks him. Kid headflips out and wristlocks him back. Wes monkey flips him. Kid wristlocks him. Wes headflips out. Wes side headlocks him.

Wes is shouldered over by Kid. Kid flying headscissors him out. Kid then asai moonsaults him outside. Kid hits him outside and they get back in. Kid top rope crossbodies him for 2. Kid is sent into the 2nd buckle and superkicked.

Wes stomps on Kid and foot chokes him. Wes hits shots in the corner. Kid is crotched on the top buckle and Wes brainbusters him from there for 2.

Wes armlocks him. They trade forearms. Kid spin kicks him then neckbreakers him. Kid michinoku drivers him. Kid then does moonsaults onto him off the buckles. Kid hurricanrana's him.

Wes hits enzugiri's to the back of the head in the corner and reverse slams him. Wes then hits a cardiac kick and gets the win.

Thoughts: It got lots of time and I suppose it was alright but it wasn't anything too great. Neither guy really went all out and it was a cold match.

Ace Austin and The Rascalz come out after. Trey Miguel says they won't come out and attack them when they don't expect it. Trey says they have 24 hours to get their ducks in a row before they come for them. Ace says this is TNA and says if you cross the line, you get dealt with. Wentz says they close this chapter once and for all and send them back to NXT.

Spitfire go up to Santino in the back and ask if he heard what happened to them. The Elegance Brand then comes in and complains about how Spitfire treated them. Santino says they can have a 3v2 match with George Iceman teaming with Ash and Heather against them. George isn't happy about it while Spitfire is.

Xia Brookside vs Rosemary

Rose backs her up in the corner then Xia headscissors her out of the corner. Xia basement dropkicks her. Xia monkey flips her and kicks her in the back for 2. Rose lariats her. Rose hits a corner splash then exploders her.

Rose boots her in the corner then bulldog chokes her. Rose headscissors her over the top rope. Rose is crotched on the top rope. Xia flying headscissors her. Xia corner meteora's her. Xia 2nd rope crossbodies her then high kicks her.

Rose goes out and grabs a chain. Xia stands on Rose's arm as she gets in. Xia grabs the chain. Rose then green mists her and gets DQ'd.

It was the usual average match with these girls. No one botched anything but the finish wasn't good and the work was just normal.

We get a Steve Maclin video. He's writing in a notebook at a campfire. Eric Young comes up to him. Eric says everyone needs someone to have their back. Eric says their paths will collide eventually one way or the other. Steve said that's how they earned each other's respect. Eric says he respects him and Steve says Eric saw himself in and can see himself out.

JDC and Cody Deaner talk before their match. Cody says it feels good to have TNA back in Orlando. Cody said he didn't think he'd be here a year ago. He says he has 4 kids. He says his professional life wasn't so good but he put his choices in the hands of the people. He says since then, he has been having the most fun he ever had in wrestling and it's thanks to the fans. He says that happens right now as he has fun beating the crap out of a JDC.

JDC says the people don't care about him or his kids. The crowd chants "yes we do". JDC says he just cares about his match tomorrow. He tells him to get himself counted out. JDC tells him to take the loss like a man. Cody says the choice isn't his. He says it's the people's choice. He asks if he should leave or punch JDC in the face 10 times. Cody says the people have spoken and punches him.

JDC vs Cody Deaner

Cody bangs JDC's head off the buckles and hits corner punches. JDC chops him. JDC sends him hard into the corner then hits corner punches. Cody atomic drops him. Cody hits corner lariats then corner punches. Cody then drops him with a punch for 2. JDC eye pokes Cody after almost sending him into the ref then falcon arrows him to win.

It was short and about average. The finish was weak. Cody's gimmick isn't great but it has its charm and it's hard to boo him.

Arianna Grace joins the commentary team. Some old guy behind her shakes his head at her and it's hilarious.

Tessa Blanchard and Cora Jade vs Lei Ying Lee and Masha Slamovich

Tess and MS go at it. Tess piefaces her then slaps her. Tess is tripped into the buckles. MS boots her then running lariats her. Cora and Lee go at it. Lee does a double armdrag then flying kicks her. Lee hits corner punches.

Lee suplexes Cora for 2. Tess rubs Lee's face on the ropes and Cora back elbows Lee against the ropes. Cora gutwrench suplexes Lee for 2. Tess snapmares Lee, stomps her hand and basement dropkicks her for 2. Tess slaps Lee in the corner. Lee is on the 2nd buckle and takes a step up knee from Cora then a codebreaker from Tess.

Lee armdrags Cora then they double clothesline each other. Tess and MS get in. MS hits kicks on both opponents and corner facekicks Tess. Cora then is lariated and forced to ddt Tess. MS facekicks Tess then corner back elbows her. Cora pulls MS off the 2nd rope and enzugiri's her. Lee does a spinning drop on Cora. Tess top rope diving flatliners Lee. MS flying knee Tess.

Lee throws Cora out then flying knees her on the back of the neck outside. MS and Tess trade. Tess rakes MS' eyes. Lee hits a big spinning heel kick on Tess' face. Cora hits Ms with a title belt. Tess hammerlock ddt's MS and wins.

Thoughts: This was our 3rd dirty finish in a row. The work was a little better here than usual and the match wasn't bad at times. Lee was definitely trying to do more face stuff than she usually does. The crowd booed Tess some but is losing steam.

We get a summit between Mike Santana and Mustafa Ali. Ali says he has no issues with Mike and respects him. He says we need to think of the bigger picture and need a great leader. He says he's here to make history. He says he can handle the pressure but says Mike can't.

Mike says he's been living with pressure his entire life. He says he's been carrying pressure since he first walked into TNA and went through the entire System to knock Moose off of this throne. He said he made one of the toughest people in TNA in Josh Alexander say he quits.

Ali isn't impressed. He says Mike doesn't care about TNA. He says Mike isn't a leader, he's a liability and an addict. Mike says Ali is full of sh!t. Mike says Ali isn't here for the people, he's here for himself. Mike says he is an addict but he's an addict for the people now and himself. Mike says he's proud. Mike says Ali's hands better cash those checks at Sacrifice.

Ali says everyone needs to calm down. He then brings out champagne and tells him to take a drink. Ali says Mike will lose then take one sip and finish the bottle. Ali then says he will find another bottle and another. Ali says Mike will break his daughter's heart. Mike then attacks Ali and The Great Hands. He then pulls Tasha Steelz out of the way. Ali hits Mike from behind and The Great Hands stomp him. Ali then leaves a cup of champagne for Mike.

Thoughts: It was something different. I don't quite like them going into Mike's alcoholism but Ali was a bigtime jerk here and made you hate him by the end of it.

Frankie Kazarian joins the commentary team. He is told he is facing Steve Maclin at Sacrifice. He is upset and says he's booked for Verne in Minnesota.

Joe Hendry comes out. He says this is where we get to find out who is challenging him for the TNA Title. He calls Santino Marella out. Santino said he was having nachos and heard his name. He says he has someone to challenge him for tonight. Ryan Nemeth comes out. Ryan says his brother Nic returns to TNA at Sacrifice. He says Nic hates him as much as he does. He says Nic granted him his contractually obligated title rematch. Ryan says he's taking it right now.

TNA Title - Joe Hendry (c) vs Ryan Nemeth

Joe catches Ryan with a standing ovation and pins him in seconds.

Santino says that guy is out of his mind. Santino asks if Joe minds working another time. He says Hammerstone is his challenger.

TNA Title - Joe Hendry (c) vs Hammerstone

The announcers say Hammer is recovering from an injury. Hammer did a tweet this week saying he didn't know where people got the idea he was injured and was mocking the IWC for it. Kaz says he wrote the bulk of Joe's songs.

Joe side headlocks Hammer. Hammer hits shots to the gut.  They shove each other then chop each other. Hammer shoulders him over. Joe flying knees Hammer. Hammer sends Joe into the post shoulder first. 

Joe is rammed into the apron edge shoulder first. Joe is backdropped on the apron.

They fight outside. Hammer's head is banged off the apron. We go to break and return. Joe hits euros and chops on Hammer. Hammer spinebusters Joe for 2.

They trade shots. Joe hits euros and a lariat. Hammer flying single leg dropkicks him. Joe suplexes Hammer. Joe hits punches and lariats Hammer. Joe hits a fallaway slam. Hammer exploders Joe then powerslams for 2. Hammer hits a pump kick and a german. Hammer powerbombs Joe then crabs him. Joe ropebreaks.

Joe cradles him for 2. Hammer pumpkicks him. Joe germans him. Hammer no sells it and Joe hits an AA on Hammer. Joe then hits a standing ovation on Hammer and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like this one. Joe threw Hammer all around not really respecting his size. This was a lose-lose booking wise as a loss helped no one here and Hammer ended up losing in his return. I didn't like Ryan being made to look like an idiot either. I would have liked to have seen this be built up instead of being thrown out randomly.

The System and The Colon's jump and attack Joe after. The Hardy's, Elijah and Leon Slater come out and help as a big fight breaks out.  Moose gets sent into Kaz at commentary and the show closes with everyone fighting.

Overall thoughts: It was an okay episode of TNA. We did get some bad finishes but the action was a little better than usual. There was nothing must see in this one. I did like the Ali/Santana segment and the girls tag match had some positives to it. I didn't really care for anything involving the main. I do think they could have used another promo or segment to build up the main for Sacrifice tomorrow as that didn't really get a lot of build. I'd give this a 5 out of 10 and wouldn't recommend it.

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