TNA Xplosion 3/7/2025
Last week's show is here:
Around The Ring with Gia Miller
Cody Deaner is this week's guest. Cody asks why he's the guest. He talks about raising money for charities and said he donated merch table money to a charity. He says he has met a lot of kids at shows and says he noticed certain needs in communities. He said he's partnering with fans in a charity. He sys he has raised $20,000. Gia talks about raising money with a dance marathon.
Gia says Cody's a motivational speaker as well. He said he wanted to be a wrestler since he was 5. He said schools started asking him to do speeches about how he became a wrestler and says it has become a career. He says his story has become an inspiration and said he grew up in a town with less than 200 people in it. He says if you have big dreams, work hard and make it happen. He said he was told as a young kid not to do this and wants to inspire other kids to do it. He says he wants his kids to know they don't have to dream small either.
Tasha Steelz vs Maggie Lee
Maggie Lee used to be Maggie Moore. ML has an NXT logo on her tron, so it seems she's with WWE now. TS comes out with The Great Hands, who the announcer still calls The Good Hands.
TS hits chops to start. ML goes up and over then hits her own chops. ML hits a nice knee lift on her and TS goes out. ML goes for the dive but The Great Hands stop her. ML then dives at her on the other side and is kicked by TS.
TS chinlocks her. ML gets out and mule kicks her. TS pump kicks her. TS poses and The Hands tell her to stay on her.
TS hits some shots. ML enzugiri's her from the apron. ML dropkicks her. ML backrolls her for 2 and hip attacks her. ML hits a cradle shock for 2. TS jawbreakers her. ML catches her. The Great Hands interfere and TS almost grabs a pin on her. TS then cutters her to win.
Thoughts: Tasha won here and it wasn't that great. I felt like the ring was a little small for Lee and her and Tasha rushed a bit towards the end. But they didn't have a lot of time and had a cold match that was meaningless, so it could only be so good anyway.
Overall thoughts: As usual, we only had one new match and one new interview. Neither were that good and I wouldn't recommend this one.
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