WWE LFG 3/16/2025 Episode 5
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/03/wwe-lfg-392025-episode-4.html
We see the prospects doing push-ups. Tatyanna tells Bubba she's tired and we find out she sprained her wrist working out. She's crying and Bubba says enough.
Shawn Michaels talks to all the prospects. He says they want to focus on finding their characters. He says our guest has become famous for telling his version of the truth and it's CM Punk.
Punk says there's no future without them and asks if they know who they are. Punk talks about his promo abilities and Taker puts him over. Punk says he's so good at micwork that they call promos "pipebombs" now. Punk tells someone to come up and Bubba tells Zena to come up. Jasper Troy gets up before her and Zena is mad about it.
Jas says various chances have passed him by. He tells Punk he wanted to be him and puts over his pipebomb promo. He says Punk then left and tore the place down with him. He says he wanted to see him main event Mania and tell his friends his boy did it. He said Punk wasn't there though. He said he wanted to make bend the knee. Everyone puts it over as a great promo. Jas says he wanted to show him he was ready.
Punk says no one succeeds all the time and says it's unfortunate the trainees are on national TV. Tatyanna talks about her grandfather. Leigh Laurel talks about being made fun of for looking different. She says she's not just a dreamer but the next big thing in WWE. Punk says there's something there and they need to figure it out.
Cutler James says he's on watch and says he will rip whoever's face off that gets in his face. Punk says it was flat. BJ Ray comes out and we go to break.
Bubba is angry and asks what BJ is doing. BJ says no one reached out to him since he hurt his shoulder including his team. He says he's excited that the #1 is out. He says Zena is the epitome of stupidity and says he doesn't have the crayons to draw the picture for her. He says he doesn't need Tatyanna crying. He says Drake will only be Roxanne's boyfriend. He says Cutler wouldn't be here if it's not for him. He calls him a replacement and says he will make him his little b!tch like in the Duke wrestling room. He says it's business and he gets why Bubba won't shake his hand. He says he won't shake anyone else's hands as he's done and in this for himself. He then walks away.
Bubba says he had no idea he would do this and says it's the wrong place and wrong time but it was a good promo. Bubba says he's happy BJ learned why he didn't shake his hand. Drake says he should have backhanded him. Zena says she doesn't know if she likes him anymore. Punk says not to throw people under the bus. He says you gotta put the people over but say you are better in the end (basically).
Tyra Mae Steele goes to talk and argues with Bubba. She says she was discredited for being happy go lucky and says she whoops butt doing it. She says her anger problems as a kid helped her be a gold medalist. She says she's been in the big arena's and said she would make sure she's an olympic gold medalist. She says she wants to hear the noise, booing or cheering.
Jasper calls Chris Island scared to do a promo. Chris says he has nothing to say. Chris gets mad and Booker says that Chris is scared.
We go to break and return. Bubba says they are taking note of who doesn't take the opportunities. Shiloh says he's disappointed and didn't recognizeit. Taker says he's mad at him because he's different and capitivating but didn't get up. Punk says failure will be your biggest teacher. He said he feels bad if you didn't get up. Dani Sekelsky says she needs to step up and says she's disappointed in herself and the team.
Mickie James asks her team why they didn't step up. Troy Yearwood says he doesn't know who he is and says he doesn't know how others will know either. Chirs says others went into a deep place and he wasn't trying to fake trauma.
Punk gets to pick the best male and female. Bubba and Booker try to push Jasper to Punk. Bubba says Chris Island had a lot to say to Jasper but didn't stand up. Mickie says Chris is a face but he might be a heel. Mickie says he should be a feel and Sirena should be his managing.
Taker says he wants to see Tyra turn from face to heel during the match. Bubba asks if it will work vs Dani. Bubba says Tatyanna did well. Booker wants a Leigh vs Tatyanna rematch. Punk says the people who stood up should get matches. Bubba nominates Cutler. Taker wants to do Shiloh vs Cutler and Bubba says book it.
Jasper says it doesn't matter who is watching, it's about giving it your all. Taker and Mickie explain their match ideas to the wrestlers. Leigh practices wristlocks on Tatyanna.
Chris says he doesn't like Jasper and that's why they work so well.
Chris Island vs Jasper Troy
Sirena is managing Chris.
Chris ducks Troy's lock up and spanks him. Jas corner splashes him and throws him. Jas side headlock takeovers him. Taker critiques him doing that. Jas blocks a hiptoss and hits his own. Sirena trips up Troy and Chris clips Troy.
Chris elbow drops and pulls on the leg. Troy kips up but Mickie doesn't like it as he is supposed to sell the ankle. Troy slams him then splashes him. Troy then sells the ankle and Mickie isn't happy. Troy chokeslams him and wins.
Thoughts: I thought it was a good showing. Troy can move for a big man and he played the role well in this. Chris didn't get a lot of chances to stand out in this.
Booker says that was the best Chris did since they started. Taker says Troy garners attention and says Chris might be a heel. Bubba rips Sirena for getting too close to Troy and not backing down.
Punk says all 3 worked hard and that's all he wanted to see.
Tyra Mae Steele vs Dani Sekelsky
Tyra pushes her on the lock up. Tyra does a weird arm takedown and then does jumping jacks. Tyra wristlocks her. Dani kips up and cartwheels out of a wristlock. Dani yanks on the arm. Tyra armdrags her but Dani holds on. Dani arm throws her then does jumping jacks.
We go to break and return. They shake hands. Tyra pulls her in and stun guns her. Tyra yells at her and shoulder throws her. Tyra elbow drops her. Dani hits chest forearms. Tyra goes down and begs off then pulls her into the ropes. Taker yells at her to get on her. Tyra does a bow and arrow move and chinlocks her.
Dani hits shots and monkey flips her. Dani hits flying shoulders then Tyra throws her down by the hair and pulls the tights to pin her.
Thoughts: I liked what we got here. It was nice to see Tyra turn heel some. Dani continues to look like a good underdog face.
The coaches then rate the girls. Mickie says Tyra spent too much time showboating. Punk says he knew what Dani was as soon she came in. Punk says the same for Tyra. Punk says he wants Tyra to work like an amateur wrestler. Taker says they told the story they wanted and says well done.
Tyra said she was told to forget all she knew and now is being told to remember all she knew. Dani said they maybe had a good match but there's things to work on.
Leigh Laurel vs Tatyanna Dumas
Bubba yells at Tat to sell her arm since it's injured. We go to break and return. LL grabs her by the mouth with a hammerlock. Tat side headlocks her then shoulders her over. LL back elbows her then arm throws her down. LL side slams her. Bubba says Tat's bad day translates in the ring. Tat then cradles her off the slam attempt and wins.
Thoughts: We didn't see much of this. It was short and Tat didn't get anything in really.
Punk says Leigh feels reserved and is too shy. He says they have a lo of work to do but worked hard. Mickie says Tat showed a lot. She says it was rushed and sloppy. Bubba says he will tell the truth. He says they both came here in the wrong frame of mind and that's why they couldn't execute. Bubba says Leigh's head is somewhere else and Tat was crying all day. She says whatever happens personally, you have to leave it behind. Bubba says to go get them tissues.
Leigh says she needs to get rid of her shyness. Tat says she brought her own crap into the ring. She says it was her first time being face and she didn't make everyone happy.
Shiloh Hill says it is good to get another chance to wrestler. Cutler says they will make it feel as real as possible.
Cutler James vs Shiloh Hill
They lock up. CJ side headlocks him then side headlock takeovers him. Punk puts that move over. CJ hiptosses him. CJ shoulders him over. Hill gets hit and goes down again. Hill is out again.
Hill gets helped up and then nails CJ in a fantastic work. CJ is thrown into the buckles then is backdropped. Hill stomps him and pushes him down. CJ hits shots to the gut then double throat thrusts him. Hill spinning neckbreakers him for 2. Hill does a tazzmission to CJ.
CJ hits shots to the gut and throat thrusts him back. CJ hits forearms then running lariats him. CJ samoan drops him and wins.
Thoughts: The whole show worked us here with the fake injury, but it was really fun and got a pop out of everyone. This was great.
Taker tells them to congratulate each other. Booker says CJ shot on Hill looked real. We see CJ's back and it's all bruised. Mickie gets a good laugh out of it. Mickie says she wished she would have hit him from behind. Punk agrees. Punk says Hill looks like a hockey player and he loves it. He says it's a fantastic look.
We go to break and return. Shawn Michaels says it was a phenomenal day. He says it comes down to range today. Punk says comfort zone is a fantastic thing but nothing grows there. He says today was just to see who stood up. He says if BJ wrestled here, he might have gotten a point. He says the people who did a promo and wrestled got a point. Tyra is happy and makes the judges shake her hand. Punk says Jasper gets the point.
The standings are:
Booker 4, Mickie 2, Taker 2, Bubba 0
Dani says she didn't think she was getting a point no matter how her match went. Cutler says there's more points to be scored. Tat says if she was more experienced she'd get a point. Booker says it's hard work but was easy work. Bubba says his team has the potential but it doesn't put butts in the seats. Taker says they could have had 2 points but Shiloh didn't get up for a promo. He says he won't do it again. Shiloh is asked about Taker having faith in him. He says he's mad he didn't cut a promo. He rants about the promos and says it's about real violence. Taker says he's money and Shiloh is asked why he didn't do that earlier. Taker says you have to seize every opportunity. He says he will have a long talk with Shiloh.
Next week's show has Taker talking with Shiloh and people who haven't' wrestled in front of a real crowd before.
Overall thoughts: I thought it was the best show yet as it was heavy on the in-ring portions and promos and low on the other stuff. The show is still full of worked works though and obviously, I wouldn't really take anything a coach or wrestler says here at face value. I still wouldn't recommend this one though but the Hill/James match was fun.
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