WWE LFG 3/2/2025 Episode 3
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/02/wwe-lfg-2232025-episode-2.html
The coaches talk with their teams. Anthony Luke says he wants to show he's applying things Booker has taught him. Bubba asks Drake Morreaux how he's earning his shot at a match. Bubba says Drake's personality needs to come through and he doesn't know how much there is. He tells him if he's a big goof, he wants to see that. Bubba is told Drake has his own dance and wants to see it. Drake then does his dance. Drake's teammates then dance with him. Bubba then does Drake's bayou boogie dance.
Matt Bloom says a wrestler has to connect with the audience and says speaking and doing promos is just as or more important than matches. Bubba says trash talking has been part of wrestling since it started. Taker says it's one of the most important parts of sports entertainment.
Shawn arrives at the Performance Center with Sexy BJ Ray. BJ injured his shoulder during a live show and is out for a while. He says everyone might be concerned the #1 spot is up, but he says it's not over untilthe fat lady sings. Shawn says BJ is out and a space is available. Shawn says we will have a tag match with 4 others and says Bubba will make the final decision.
Bubba says he cares about BJ being hurt but only so much. He says injuries happen all the time. All he can do is listen and tell him to go home and reset up. Bubba tells him everything can happen for a reason. He says he has seen people get hurt at the worst time but then come back and find out the worst time to get hurt was the best time to get hurt. Bubba asks if he wants to help find BJ's replacement. BJ says okay.
Josh Black and Drake Starks vs Case Hatch and Cutler James
This is in front of the trainees and coaches only. This is the first time we have seen everyone but Cutler, who was a Level Up regular. Drake and Case go at it. Case side headlocks him then hits armdrags. Cutler side headlocks Drake. Cutler shoulders Drake over then side headlock takeovers him.
Cutler euros Drake then heel hooks him. Drake is thrown. Case wristlocks Drake. Josh gets in and takes an armdrag from Case. Case leapfrogs Josh and takes a hard lariat. Josh botches a legdrop on Case. BJ Ray gives Bubba his opinion and Bubba rips him. Bubba tells him to go.
Drake suplexes Case for 2. Drake front facelocks Case. Booker says Josh is Bubba's guy. Cutler is hot tagged in. Cutler hits forearms then does a double corner spear. Cutler does a double clothesline then slams both guys. Cutler wheelbarrow drops Drake and wins.
Thoughts: This was actually like a full match. This wasn't bad with Cutler showing more personality and spirit than he usually does. Case was kind of the underdog face here and Drake did okay being the punching bag for everyone.
Bubba asks BJ for info on Cutler. Bubba says Cutler is the standout so far and BJ disagrees.
The four tag match wrestlers face the judges after. Bubba tells BJ to come and the wrestlers are asked if they like BJ. They say they don't like him. Bubba says BJ has a say in their destiny. Cutler says him and BJ have a history and says they got into it on Duke team and here. BJ says Cutler is drier than a bone and has no personality. He says Drake Starks is the one to pick and likes Case as well. Bubba then picks Cutler. BJ wonders what the point was of asking him.
Cutler James says him and BJ are opposites and he's replacing him. He says he's curious where he fits in the dynamic between Bubba and BJ. Bubba says Cutler looks the part.
Shawn talks to everyone then Road Dogg comes in. Roadie does a promo for the wrestlers. He says he put on weight but it's just water retention. Holyfield wants to talk as good as he does someday. Roadie says he's here to talk about the verbal aspect of the game.
Roadie says you have to believe the words you say or else he won't. He says the words don't have to be true though but you gotta believe in them. Roadie asks Shiloh Hill what trash he would talk. He says he'd like to say something about Chris Island but he has extra memory in the big head of his. Roadie says we can't do this sitting down.
Shiloh Hill and Chris Island do a promo battle. Island is from the Bay Area and is 22. He says there's nobody like him and says sports is his identity. He says he makes the most out of each and every day. Hill basically won and Chris talks about Hill not having a tooth.
Dani Sekelesky calls out Penina. She says her nickname is P-Nasty. She says she's samoan and played rugby. We see some shots of her wearing samoan attire.Dani says Penina beat her but she's happy with her performance. Zena Sterling is pushed in and she battles Leigh Laurel. Zena does not do well against Leigh.
Drake Morreaux calls out Anthony Luke. Luke says Drake dates Roxanne Perez and says she's half the size of him but he will never be half the wrestler she is. Drake brings up Maxxine Duprii, Luke's girlfriend. Roadie then calls for a group hug.
Bubba says they all need work and says all of them sucked despite him popping for some stuff. Taker says he wants to see what these people take into the ring after trash talking. Roadie says the promo battle was fire and says that's how they came up with the matches. Mickie says she has a secret weapon for the matches.
Dani Sekelsky talks with Molly Holly, Fit Finlay, Michelle McCool and Mickie James. Dani is asked what her finisher is and she says she doesn't have one. The Undertaker comes out and asks what she's doing. She says he didn't know she was helping Mickie out. Taker wants McCool to help him out.
McCool says you want to find a finisher you can hit anyone with. McCool shows her hell's gate. McCool says she stole the move from taker and says she should ask first if she can use the move.
Drake talks to Bubba. He asks for insight on how to connect with the audience. Bubba says he doesn't know enough about him. He says he needs to know what makes him tick. He tells Drake he has a lot to offe rand says tonight's the night to prove it. Drake says he was born and raised in the swamps of Louisianna. He played football and took a chance at going to WWE over the NFL.
Dani goes up to Taker. She asks if she can use hell's gate. Taker says she has 2 minutes in the business and wants to use a move he used for 30 years (that's a lie). Taker gives her his blessing.
Shiloh Hill vs Chris Island
This also takes place in front of the coaches and wrestlers. Hill and Chris lock-up. Hill backs him into the corner and lets go. Chris side headlocks him the inside headlock takeovers him. Chris shoulders him over. Chris hiptosses Hill then does nice fireman carry takeovers. Hill rakes the eyes then clips him.
Hill hits a corner spear then knee breakers him. Hill lariats him over. Hill misses a corner charge. Hill backdrops him. Chris enzugiri's Hill from the mat and knocks out Hill. The match is over.
Thoughts: Oops. That was scary and the worst possible outcome in one of these competitions. What we got prior to it wasn't bad. Chris moves really well due to his amateur wrestling background and Hill did okay.
The medical staff check on Hill. He says nothing hurts and he wants to keep wrestling. Hill says he didn't know where he was or what happened. Mickie tells Chris he needs to be the first one there when you hurt someone. Mickie syas you also ask if that person is okay if before pinning them.
Chris says this was a learning experience and he will be better. Undertaker talks to his team. He says if an opponent seems hurt, you gotta leave them alone. Roadie says safety is paramount.
Michelle McCool joins the coaches.
Penina says she has to be more aggressive before her match.
Penina Tuilaepa vs Dani Sekelsky
This is Penina Tuilaepa's debut match. Dani does a backflip as she enters and does a backroll from the buckles.
Dani is thrown down off the lock-up. Dani does a side headlock then uses the buckles to headlock takeover PT. PT shoulders Dani over and stomps on her. PT throws her then hits a corner hip attack.
PT slams Dani. We go to break and return. PT hits a legdrop on Dani for 2. PT camel clutches Dani then tazzmission's her. PT blocks a sunset flip. Dani hits boots and a dropkick. Dani flying shoulders PT. PT catches Dani in the air and backbreakers her. PT goes over top her then Dani does hell's gate. PT then taps out.
Thoughts: I really liked this. PT has all the tools to be a heavyweight heel wrestler and really seems to be the full package. Dani did some flying here before winning with a submission. This was good and a heck of a debut for Penina.
McCool says she liked the match. Taker says well done. Taker says PT took too many bumps.
Drake is with Roxanne Perez in the back. Anthony Luke talks trash. Anthony Luke says he wants to show he is listening and is taking it seriously. Drake says having Perez in the back makes him feel less nervous.
Anthony Luke vs Drake Morreaux
Mickie and Booker complaining about Drake pulling his straps down before it starts.
Luke stalls and side headlocks him. Drake side headlock takeovers him then rolls him around the mat. Drake atomic drops him and dances with the sell. Drake spinning lariats him. Drake hits a big slam and splashes him for 2.
Drake misses a corner charge and is thrown down backwards. Luke does a flying kick and the judges say Luke is trying too hard. Luke suplexes Drake. Drake hits forearms on Luke and rolls him up. Luke hits a hard back elbow for 2.
Luke is thrown hard into the buckles. Drake hits punches then Luke facekicks him. Luke hits a big slam then chokeslams Luke for the win.
Thoughts: It wasn't bad. Luke sandbagged him some on the bumps and didn't jump enough. Drake showed a little more personality than usual here but I do think he needed a big spot. He showed some okay babyface tendencies here. The judges are really high on Luke but the editing isn't really showcasing him enough for us to see what they see.
Bubba asks Drake if that's the best he could do. Drake says yes. Bubba says he saw personality.
Shawn talks to the judges. Taker says Hill was tearing it up prior to getting injured. He says Drake showed his personality but Luke was a little better. Mickie says Drake impressed him. Bubba says he was proud of Drake. Bubba picks Drake. Roadie says he was impressed. Shawn asks McCool about Dani's finisher. McCool says she was impressed by the girls and they did great. She says she thinks the girls will take the criticism and improve. Shawn says we need to pick the winners for tonight.
Taker gives Dani a point. Penina says she's p!ssed off. Mickie says she hopes Hill is okay. Mickie picks Luke. Drake says he was hurt as he did what he thought he was asked to do. Booker says Luke is heads above everyone else and says he will be a star.
Bubba says he wants to give everyone his all. Penina says she has a fire lit under her @ss. Chris says hopefully Hill recovers so they can run it back. Dani says she's happy to get a point.
Next week has a faction faceoff with everyone forming a team faction and getting a gimmick.
Overall thoughts: This was the best episode of the series so far as it focused more on the wrestling and the personalities. I do think they buried the men in the tag match for no real reason (especially poor Drake Starks) and I do wish they'd show the unedited matches so we could get to see what the coaches see. The show is still obviously almost all worked but the judges reactions to some of the matches seem legit. I still wouldn't say it's must see TV or anything but it gave me what I was looking for - getting to see these people wrestle.
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