NWA Powerrr 3/11/2025
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/03/nwa-powerrr-342025.html
Aron Stevens talks in an empty area backstage. He says he just signed the most lucrative contract in NWA history. He said he was offered an opportunity to get a title shot anywhere and anytime of his choosing. He says he could sell it or make history right. He then brings in Blunt Force Trauma. He says he will reveal what they will do with this later. He says they are just waiting on it.
We got a new intro video for the show.
Dane Memorial Heavyweight Tournament - Play-In Match - Sam Adonis vs Colby Corino
Sam backs him up in the corner then dances. Sam wristlocks him. CC rolls out and reverses it. Sam shoulders CC over then legsweeps him. CC legsweeps him. They trade armdrags and stand off. CC samoan drops him then hits an inverted flipping splash.
Sam armdrags CC off the buckles. CC is thrown down backwards by the hair. Sam snapmares him an chinlocks him. Sam's mouth gets busted open. Sam back elbows CC. Sam drops him with a punch.
Sam chinlocks him and armlocks him. CC ducks a back elbow and hits a handspring cutter. CC hits forearms and chops. CC jumping knees him. CC kind of does a tornado ddt from the 2nd rope for 2. Sam STO's him for 2. Sam goes for an up and over then is caught and takes an electric chair driver. CC wins.
Thoughts: It was fine. CC did good as an underdog face here and really tried. Sam didn't bring alot to this and it was a bit random.
2 people (one of them is a wrestler but I forget his name and the other is Kylie's dad?) are with Kylie Paige and are having her swim to help get her arms healed. The dad says her trying isn't going to cut it and says she needs to help Kenzie hold onto her two belts. We get some creep shots of Kylie and she asks for them to get her a towel. The one wrestler then stares at Kylie's body. Kylie says Kenzie is the girl who can do it all and she isn't worried. The wrestler says they have nothing to worry about.
NWA Women's Tag Titles - Kenzie Paige and Big Mama (c) vs Mystii Marks and CJ
I have no idea how Marks and CJ have earned this shot since neither of them have been around in a long time.
Mama throws CJ back off the lock-up.
Mama bodyblocks MM. Ken hits forearms and chops on MM. Ken takes a flapjack then a dropkick to the side for 2. Ken takes a double rolling snapmare, a sliding lariat and a meteora for 2. CJ misses an asai moonsault. Mama facebusters CJ for 2. Mama chinlocks CJ.
Mama forearms CJ then rubs her face on the top rope. CJ is snapmared and kicked in the back by Ken. Ken sleepers her then throws her back. CJ is double teamed in the corner and Mama chinlocks her. Mama slams her.
Ken hits chops on CJ then stomp flurries her in the corner. CJ springboard twisting crossbodies Mama then knees her in the face. Mama lariats her from behind. Mama misses a legdrop.
MM gets in. She fisherman suplexes her. Mama then sky high's CJ. MM codebreakers Mama then Ken wins with a cutter on MM.
Thoughts: It was average and not too much of note here. At least Marks and CJ are a different team than the usual girls but it was random. CJ's good looking but still limited. There was no real reason to expect Ken and Mama to lose here.
We see Silas Mason with Alex Taylor and Ricky Morton at a bar playing pool. Someone bothers him and asks if he can treat him to a water. He says he wants beer. Silas complains the table and the stick aren't right. They talk about the heavyweight tournament going on. Alex says Kerry has Wrecking Ball Legursky in the first round. Silas calls Ball a sack of crap and they discuss whether he can win it or not. Silas says he has a first round bye and will just coast. Ricky says Kerry has wrestling in his blood and says it would be Silas vs Kerry. Silas says we knew it could go that way and says the better man will win. Alex says they are family and says if it comes to Six vs Six, the loser buys the beer after and it's all love again. Silas says Alex understands him more than Ricky does. Silas says the old days are gone and will stay gone. Silas says they have a new man in charge. He says he's on the top of the mountain and will bring the whole crew with him. He says it's better if you sit down and shut up and let him make the decisions right now.
Kerry Morton does a promo. He says the bigger they are, the harder they fall. He says he doesn't come second to anyone. He says Wrecking Ball will see what it's like to face the face of the NWA. He says people come to see him. He says Ball will find out they don't make them like him anymore.
Dane Memorial Heavyweight Tournament - 1st Round - Kerry Morton vs Wrecking Ball Legursky
Ball has new USA themed gear on. Ball is over and gets a bunch of chants. They lock up and Ball throws him back. KM hits shots to the gut then side headlocks him. KM hits more shots to the gut.They grab each other. KM leapfrogs him and is bodyblocked.
Ball avoids running into a boot in the corner and is kicked. KM is stuck on the 2nd rope and teeter-totters as Ball hits him. Ball's throat is pulled down over the ropes. Ball gorilla press slams KM.
Ball misses a splash on KM and is basement dropkicked. We go to break and return. Ball catches KM's plancha. KM sends Ball into the post. KM top rope crossbodies him for 2. Ball is on his knees and KM hits a short ddt. Ball shoulders him over twice then corner splashes him. Ball throws him then hits a corner hip attack. Ball splashes him.
KM low blows Ball then pumping knees him for 2. KM flying knees him and wins.
Thoughts: It was fine but I was surprised Ball went down so easy and that KM actually won. Ball was over here and they worked the big vs small match in this one.
Aron Stevens talks about Thom Latimer and his NWA Title. He says Thom doesn't know who his biggest adversary is. He says Thom is a broken man. We see clips of Aron Stevens and Eric Smalls as talks about this. We then see Aron with some masked people, who may be EC3's masked Exodus Pro crew. He says he will shatter Thom's mirror of himself. He says what Thom sees and feels will be changed soon. We then see Eric Smalls in Aron's gear and a BFT mask with Aron. He says what is coming for Thom will hurt and will do what is necessary. He tells Thom to enjoy his self created character as it will soon be laid to rest.
Thoughts: I have no idea what this was about but it was something different and it seems like it is leading to some kind of storyline. I'm not sure why Smalls would be with Aron and his crew. We'll see where it goes.
Overall thoughts: They are doing a tournament right now, so the matches do have some purpose for a change, though the women's title match was random. I'm not sure what the Aron Stevens stuff is about but it's something different and I'm up for seeing what it is. We also got a vignette from The Southern Six here which was something different and gave their faction some character. It was a better episode of NWA Powerrr than usual and we will have to see where things go because following up on things is usually where this promotion goes wrong. The episode was fine and I'd give it a 5 out of 10 overall.
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