TNA Xplosion 2/28/2025
Last week's show is here:
Around The Ring with Gia Miller
Mckenzie Mitchell, the new TNA ring announcer, is our guest. MM says she owns her own jewelry brand and says it's been in her family for 4 generations. She says she opened her store. She says it's a lot of work and passion. She says her jewels have been on Cora Jade and Seth Rollins. She says she needs to find someone in TNA who wants jewelry made for them.
MM shows off some of her jewelry. Gia says they wear the same stuff and talk about being bold and color coordinated. MM Talks about some of her designs. Gia says she can't wait to see what they can cook up together.
The Good Hands are now The Great Hands and they come out with Tasha Steelz. John tells everyone to shut up. He says there's a difference between being good and being great but the fans are losers and wouldn't know the difference. John says they can make all the people great again. John says they should bring their opponents down so they can pummel them with these good....these great hands.
Cody Deaner gets on the mic before the match and says The Great Hands need to shut their mouths. Cody says it'd be great if they come down and punch them in the mouth. Cody says it's not up to him though, it's the people's choices. Cody asks if they should have an athletic contest or punch these jerks in the mouth. The crowd chants for them to punch them. Kid and Cody then punch them.
The Great Hands (John Skyler and Jason Hotch) vs Laredo Kid and Cody Deaner
The Hands are sent into the ropes but slide out. Hotch side headlocks Kid. Kid backrolls Hotch. Hotch backrolls him then Kid flying headscissors Hotch. Kid sees Hotch go for an up and over then hits him.
Hotch takes punches from both opponents. Hotch eye pokes Cody then slams him. Hotch misses elbow drops and then misses a plancha. Cody then punches Hotch down. Kid top rope moonsaults outside.
Kid and Cody hit corner punches. Hotch facekicks Kid then stomps on him. Kid is put in tree of woe and his crotch is stood on by both Hands. John and Cody get in. Cody hits shots on both Hands then hits corner lariats. Cody hits a bulldog + lariat combo. Cody and Kid hit corner punches and drop the heels. John is slammed.
Kid hits a top rope frogsplash for 2. Cody then goes up top but is knocked down. Cody takes a flipping neckbreaker + samoan drop combo and is pinned.
Thoughts: This was a good opening match type of match. They got the crowd going on the mic before it started and were able to keep them interested. The crowd was into it despite them not doing anything too wild and this was a big success.
Overall thoughts: There was only one new match and one new interview as usual. The match was fine and they did well with the little they did with the crowd getting into it. I wouldn't recommend this one as it was nothing too special but you can watch the whole thing in 15 minutes so it's an easy watch.
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