Thursday, March 20, 2025

TNA Impact 3/20/2025

TNA Impact 3/20/2025

Last week's show is here:

We are in El Paso, TX.

Masha Slamovich comes out to talk. She says Cora Jade stepped up and brought the fight but it wasn't enough. She says she's on a mission to show everyone she's the toughest wrestler in the division. She says she wants to prove she's the best champ in all of wrestling. She says her belt proves that. She says she will defend against anyone, anytime and anywhere.

Tessa Blanchard comes out. She says Masha should spend less time talking and getting dressed in the morning. Tess says she could beat Cora Jade with her eyes closed. She says when Masha talks best in the world, she has beaten the best in the world. She says she has done things Masha never has and never will. She says she wants to take what's hers.

Masha then gets nailed from behind by Jacy Jayne. Jacy pounds on Masha. Santino Marella comes out and refs break up the fight. He tells Jacy this isn't how they conduct themselves here. He says if she's looking for a fight, it'll be Masha vs Jacy next week. He tells Tessa she's not the center of the universe and is banned from ringside next week.

Arianna Grace and Santino Marella talk in the back. Santino wants to know what happened out there. Grace says she didn't know Jacy was gonna be there. She says she only knows about the surprise for later that Santino knows about. Santino says he needs to know about these surprises.

The Northern Armory (Travis Williams and Judas Icarus) vs The Rascalz (Zachary Wentz and Trey Miguel)

The Armory come out in something like goalie masks.

Judas wristlocks ZW. ZW flips out of it and armdrags him. ZW 2nd rope tornillos Judas for 2. Trey is flipped off the 2nd rope onto Judas then Judas takes a PK. ZW is tripped by Trav then clipped. ZW takes a forearm to the back of the head for 2. ZW's hands are stomped in the mat.

Trav sleepers ZW. ZW handspring flying knees Trav and drops him. Trey hits a top rope dropkicks on Trav then enzugiri's Trav. Trey superkicks Judas outside and Trav backrolls ZW for 2. Trav takes a stunner over the 2nd rope and a german.

ZW corner euros Trav. ZW is thrown into a dropkick on Trav. Trey spinebusters Trav. Trav is catapulted into a superkick then ZW 2nd rope double stomps Trav. Trav is pinned.

It was a fast paced match as expected. It was fine but nothing remarkable. I don't like The Armory losing here as they are still relatively new.

The Armory try to attack The Rascalz after. Ace Austin comes out to even things up with a chair and The Armory leaves. 

Gia Miller interviews Xia Brookside. She says she's mostly fine after being misted by Rosemary last week. She says every time she tries to fight fair, something like this happens. She says she knows Rosemary is trying to get into her head. Rosemary then gets on the TV. She asks if Xia is finally starting to understand. She says Xia hesitated though against her like she did with Savannah Evans. She says she who hesitates is lost. She says this world rewards ruthlessness. She says Xia's morals will be chewed up and spit in her face. She tells her to get a partner if she wants to win and prove she belongs. Rose says she has a surprise for her tonight. Xia says she will get her revenge and has the perfect partner in mind.

First Class Penthouse

First Class comes out. AJ says it's a new episode. AJ says he doesn't understand how El Paso got a second episode of First Class Penthouse. Chavo Guerrero comes out as they say not a single person here could be in their group. AJ says anyone who wrestled in WCW needs to sit down before they get hurt. AJ says if he wanted to have the best Guerrero on this show, he'd have Dominik. Chavo says the word is out on whether or not Dom is a Guerrero.

AJ says he's tired of old timers disrespecting him. Frankie Kazarian comes out. Kaz complains about Chavo being the guest. He says he and Chavo have heat and he hasn't forgotten how Chavo and Hernandez stol the TNA Tag Titles from him and Daniels years ago.

Kaz says he's the king and calls the shots around here. He says Chavo isn't welcome here and tells him to get some catering and go home. Chavo says he can't talk smack about El Paso here. AJ gets mad about this and says the numbers aren't in Chavo's favor in a fight. Chavo says there's thousands of them here. chavo then brings out Octagon Jr. and Laredo Kid. He says if they want to take a gamble on how tough they are, they should have a lucha libre style match next week.

AJ says this show sucks now and leaves.

Mustafa Ali vs Mike Santana

Mike charges in then tope con hilos Ali. They punch each other outside and Mike is sent into a table. Mike pounds on him against the rail. Mike facekicks Ali on the floor. Mike trips him and pounds on him. The match then officially begins.

Ali flying headscissors Mike. Mike is sent into the post shoulder first. Mike's arm is banged off the post. Ali rolls into a neckbreaker on him. Ali armlocks him. Mike armdrags him. Ali rolls in and gets hit with a death valley driver for 2.

Mike corner cannonballs Ali. Mike backrolls into a cutter on him for 2. Ali rolls out and yells at the commentators. He says he has had enough. Ali then goes into the crowd and gets himself counted out.

Thoughts: I wasn't a fan of this. I don't like matches going on before the bell starts and Ali getting himself counted out was dumb. This was a flippy match with the two doing lots of rolling around.

The Great Hands escort Ali out after.  

Gia tries to interview Ali's crew. She asks why they ran from Mike Santana. Ali says he didn't run, but he conquered Mike. He says he beat him at the PPV. He says him and Mike are done and says he will be the one addiction Mike doesn't beat. Gia tries to talk more and Tasha says they are done.

Ryan Nemeth comes out. He says his big brother finally did he right thing and sacrificed the fans love because he loves someone more than them - Ryan Nemeth. Ryan brings out Nic Nemeth. Nic says everyone started talking about TNA again last year. He says everyone was saying TNA is the best company and it's because of him. He says The Hardy's then slimed in and tried to take the credit.

He says family is most important and says everyone knows what frauds The Hardy's are. He says we are looking at the greatest brother tag team in wrestling. Leon Slater comes out.  He says Nic finally reaizes he can't steal the show if it has already been stolen. Nic asks if Leon knows how rich and powerful he is. He says Leon wouldn't have a job if it wasn't for him. Ryan then tries to set up a Nic vs Leon match next week.

Leon says someone needs to stand up to them and maybe it's him. Leon says maybe he will slide in the ring right now. The 3 end up fighting. Leon superkicks Ryan then is superkicked by Nic.

Rosemary and Savannah Evans vs Xia Brookside and Lei Ying Lee

Xia boots Evans in the cut and hits chops on her. Evans back elbows her then bangs her head off the buckles. Xia slaps Rose then headscissors her out of the corner. Xia hits a corner meteora and ddt on Rose for 2.

Evans knees Lee in the gut. Lee slingshots and rolls over Evans' back. Lee legsweeps Evans then Evans sitout chokeslams her for 2. Evans samoan drops Lee for 2. Rose hanging headscissors Lee over the top.

Rose exploders Lee. Rose sleepers her. Rose stomps her and takes up kicks. Xia and Evans get in. Xia hits dropkicks and a step up enzugiri. Lee corkscrew kicks Evans for 2. Rose mists Evans when Xia moves. Xia codebreakers Rose. Lee does a bad looking drop off of her shoulders onto Evans. Lee spinning headkicks Evans and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything too special as expected. You'd think Xia and Rose would have went it for most of this one but they didn't go at it that much at all for some reason. 

George Iceman talks in the ring for The Elegance Brand's championship celebration. He brings out two shirtless guys with a cake. They usually have like stuff on the ropes and other decorations but they have none of that here. Heather says this is a dream come true and was a nobody like the fans before she was taken in. Ash says $5,000 was spent on the cake.

Ash says she needs to make a wish and has the cake brought in. The lights go out and Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend show up. Lash says they are one of the top teams in any division and they get anything they want. Jakara says they have crossed the line and want to take the tag titles.

Spitfire comes out. Dani says they are contractually obligated a tag title rematch. Gigi Dolin and Tatum Paxley then come out. Tatum says they are the freakiest thing that happened to the tag division. They say they have been severely underutilized and can't have that anymore. Tatum says they want the tag titles. They all argue and Ash throws a fit as her celebration is ruined. Gigi asks if she was going to wish to kiss her @ss. Ash slaps Gigi and all the girls start fighting.

Security comes out then Santino Marella comes out. Santino says this is out of control. Santino sets up The Elegance Brand vs Gigi Dolin and Tatum Paxley. He says Spitire and Lash/Jakara are banned from ringside. Lash and Jakara beat up security. 

Lash and Jakara stare down Santino. Santino says they are bigger than they look on TV and that's a lot of woman. Arianna Grace then comes out. Grace says Lash and JJ are her best friends but says they are banned from ringside next week.

Thoughts: I don't mind the NXT wrestlers appearing but it does look a little silly when half the girls on the show are from WWE.

Mance Warner vs Magno

Mance lariats Mag. He hits another lariat. Mance then running knees him to win in this quick squash.

Steve Maclin does a video. He says he doesn't need Eric Young's help or The Northern Armory's help. He says he has done everything on his own. He said he would beat Kaz last week and he did. He said he saw how Eric helped him win and says that's not how he operates. He says he won't join Eric's group as he will die on his own hill. He says he will stand at the top by himself.

Joe Hendry and Elijah vs The System (Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards)

BM pokes Joe in the chest. Joe hits punches then shoulders BM over. Joe spinning slams BM. BM takes a double back elbow. Eli facekicks Eddie then walks the top rope to club BM. Eddie is back body dropped over the top and BM is lariated over the top.

We go to break and return. Joe delay suplexes Eddie. Eddie hits headbutts on Eli then Eli flying lariats him. Eddie baseball slides Eli through the ropes. Eli is sent into the steps.

BM chinlocks Eli then dropkicks him. BM footchokes Eli. Alisha Edwards slaps Eli on the ropes. BM kicks Eli in the back then Eddie chokes Eli. Eli hits a twisting neckbreaker on Eddie.

Joe gets in and hits lariats on BM. He fallaway slams Eddie. Joe catches Eddie off the 2nd rope then fallaway slams him. Joe takes a spear from BM for 2. Eddie corner splashes Joe. Joe catches BM off the buckles and chokeslams him. Joe then pins him.

: It was an average match as expected. Nothing was wrong it but it was the usual effort from these days. Joe's team won as expected. 

Overall thoughts: It was the usual average show from TNA. Nothing was that great here and a lot of people that were on the PPV weren't on this show. There were a lot of people from NXT on this one as well. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 as it was watchable but there was nothing you need to see.

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