Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling 3/16/2025 Grand Princess '25
HIMAWARI & Shino Suzuki vs. Mifu Ashida & Yoshiko Hasegawa
YH and Hima go at it. Hima wristlocks her and is put in a hammerlock. Hima is thorwn into the buckles. Mifu gets in and hair throws Hima. Hima hits Mifu with her hair. Mifu runs the ropes and poses. Hima rolls her up for 2. Hima shoulders her over. Hima whips her with her hair. Shino gets in and boots Mifu. She bangs her head off the buckles for 2.
Shino is tied up in the ropes and takes a knee to the back. YH rolling sentons her. Shino misses a dropkick and is stomped. Mifu gets in and hits boots on Shino. She spinning heel kicks her in the corner.
Shino dropkicks Mifu. Hima gets in and shoulders over Mifu for 2. Hima forearms her. Mifu kicks her from the apron then slides under the bottom rope and rolls her up for 2. Mifu low dropkicks Hima then misses a split drop. Hima hits natural selection on Mifu. Hima half crabs Mifu and Mifu ropebreaks.
Hima pounces Mifu and takes a running boot. Mifu germans herYH and Shino get in. Shino hits forearms. YH running dropkicks her. Shino takes a running knee to the knee. YH knee drops the knee.
Shino belly to belly suplexes YH. Shino sleepers YH then grounded sleepers her. YH rolls Shino into a stretch muffler and Hima breaks it up. Mifu brazilian kicks Hima. YH spinning forearms Shino then top rope diving meteora's her for the win.
Thoughts: It went a little long for being the opener. It was acceptable. I would have liked to have seen more of Mifu and Hima going at it. Hima really didn't get a ton of shine of this one.
Haruna Neko, Ivy Steele, Kakeru Sekiguchi & Mahiro Kiryu vs. Chika Nanase, Kaya Toribami, Kira Summer & Uta Takami
Kiryu got on the win on Chika here. It was interesting as most of the girls in this one were bigger. It had a fast pace to it and Uta took a beating for the first half of this. Seeing Ivy and Kira go at it was interesting as they are two foreigners. Neko put on some major weight. It was okay for what it was.
Aja Kong, Wakana Uehara & Yuki Kamifuku vs. Haru Kazashiro, Toga & Yuki Aino
Waka and Toga go at it. Toga takes her down by the wrist then waitlock takedowns her. Toga armlocks her. Waka armdrags her and cartwheels out of an attack. Toga then shoulders her over. Haru corner dropkicks Waka.
Waka is whipped into a forearm then takes an Aino senton for 2. Yuki eye pokes Haru then Waka back elbows her over. Aja boots Haru around. Haru hits chest forearms then is slapped. Aja double chops her then elbow drops her for 2.
Yuki foot chokes Haru in the corner then running facekicks her. Yuki running dropkicks her. Haru running dropkicks Yuki. Toga running back elbows Yuki and shoulders her over. Toga slams her for 2. Yuki facekicks Toga over.
Toga avoids a fameasser and Yuki brainbusters her. Aja brainbusters Toga for 2. Toga hits chest forearms on Aja then Aja forearms her over. Toga fires up and shoulder battles with Aja. Aja then knocks her over.
Aja takes a springboard dropkick + uranage combo. Aja slaps Aino then is pushed into the buckles. Aino 2nd rope shoulderblocks her for 2. Aino reverse ddt's Aja. Aja lariats Aino.
Waka gets back in and running dropkicks Aino. She then handspring back elbows Aino. Aino spin kicks Waka then gutwrench suplexes her. Haru corner dropkicks Waka and does a bridge pin for 2. Haru armbars Waka. Haru then takes a double flapjack for 2. Aja hits a running lariat while Yuki hits a running leg lariat.
Waka does a strangle hold alpha to Haru and Hru tries to pin her off of it. Haru dropkicks her. Haru crossbodies Waka. Waka does another strangle hold alpha on Haru and submits her.
Thoughts: It was average and went a little long. I liked seeing Toga go toe to toe some with Aja here. I was surprised Aja didn't get the pinfall in this one.
SETUP All Asia Women's Title Match - Pom Harajuku (c) vs. Raku
Raku puts her blanket on to start and top rope la silla's Pom with it for 2. Raku does her goodnight express for 2. Pom grabs some substance outside and inahles it to avoid being put to sleep. She then drinks an energy drink. Pom then puts on wings because that's what Red Bull does to you.
Pom walks up the ropes with Raku's arm and armdrags her. Pom then basement dropkicks her and shakes the ropes. Raku has a blanket on her. Pom shin kicks her and hits her with the blanket. Pom does her weak chest clubs. Pom does a leglock on Raku.
Raku chops Pom off the buckles then does more head chops. Raku low dropkicks her. Raku russian legsweeps her. Pom step up guillotine legdrops Raku on the ropes then 2nd rope dropkicks her for 2. Pom facebusters her and misses a step up legdrop.
Raku guillotine chokes her and Pom guillotine legdrops her. Pom shin kicks her. Raku chops her. Raku then slingblades her. Raku running neckbreakers her and wins.
Thoughts: If you get past some of the comedy, the match wasn't that bad for how limited these girls are. They kept it moving and no one botched anything, so I was okay with it minus the screwing around early.
Willow Nightingale vs. Miu Watanabe
They show off their muscles and shake hands. Willow shoulders her over. Miu armdrags her and shoulders her over. Willow hits a hard lariat, slams and low crossbodies her. Willow does a gorunded octopus.
Willo back splashes Miu in the corner then running facekicks her. Willow misses a senton. Willow hits 2 suplexes and is cradled. Miu slams Willow. Miu rams her in the corner then corner splashes her. Miu shoulders her over. Willow spinebusters her.
Miu hits a nice dropkick then swinging backbreakers Willow. Miu giant swings her. Miu hits sledgehammer shots on Willow then powerslams her. Miu does a reverse cloverleaf and Willow ropebreaks. Miu puts Willow on her shoulder but Willow escapes.
Willow hits a big chop then oklahoma stampede's Miu. Miu hits corner spears. Willow hits chops. Willow 2nd rope superplexes her. Miu hits shots from behind. Willow pounces Miu. Willow doctor bombs her and wins.
Thoughts: It was a decent match. I knew Willow was going to win as AEW stars rarely lose on excursions. The two matched up well and Miu surprisingly was able to lift Willow and throw her around. Miu did some good face work here and the two were fun personalities together.
They shake hands after.
Meiko Satomura vs. Yuki Arai
MS backs her up on the ropes and leg kicks her. MS hip throws her down and side headlocks her. MS euros her then snapmares her into a grounded cobra twist. MS corner forearms her. MS 2nd rope diving armdrags her into an STF. MS gutwrench suplexes her.
MS legsweeps her and does a handstand double knee drop. Yuki fires up and facekicks her. Yuki facekicks MS. Yuki top rope dropkicks her for 2. MS pele kicks her then high kicks her.
MS hits more kicks and is running dropkicked. Yuki pump kicks her for 2. Yuki then hits a full-nelson slam for 2. Yuki hits chest forearms and MS forearms her down. MS ddt's her. Yuki low dropkicks her. Yuki axe kicks her in the back of the neck. MS then drops her with an uppercut. MS cartwheel double knee drops her on the back of the neck.
MS stf's her. Yuki sharpshooters her. Yuki axe kicks her from behind. MS leg kicks her then drops her with a euro. MS cartwheel double knee drops her neck. MS then death valley bombs her. MS then does it again to win.
Thoughts: It was the usual vet vs younger wrestler match despite Yuki being one of TJPW's top girls. I wasn't a fan of it. Yuki was not pushed as Meiko's equal and got her butt kicked for most of this before going down. I don't know why TJPW would ever agree to booking this as this helped nobody.
International Princess Title Match - Suzume (c) vs. Arisu Endo
Suzu trips her then Endo goes it back. They hook each others legs. Endo cravates her then is rolled up. Endo rolls her up then Suzu armdrags her. They forearm each other at the same time.
Suzu misses a bulldog then sunset flips her for 2. Endo running dropkicks her. Endo corner dropkicks her then snapmares her for 2. Suzu ties up her legs and pulls. Suzu corner dropkicks Endo then snapmares her. Suzu bulldogs her for 2.
Suzu flying headscissors her out then plancha's her. Suzu chest forearms her over. Endo powerslams her then does a neckbreaker for 2. Endo splashes her for 2.
Suzu misses an attack on the ropes then Endo pulls on her chin between the ropes. Endo drives Suzu's face down into the floor with her knee. Suzu then uses the apron to facebuster her on the floor. Suzu top rope crossbodies her for 2. Suzu does an octopus to her and ends up doing it upside. Endo then drops her backwards.
Suzu uses the buckles to facebuster her. Endo waterwheel drops her then camel clutches her. Suzu ropebreaks. Suzu is knocked off the buckles. Endo goes for a double jump move but Suzu jumps up on the ropes and facebusters her.
They trade forearms on their knees. Endo hits 2 superkicks then hits a low cutter on her. Suzu hits an os cutter and gets the win.
Thoughts: It got a lot of time and maybe too much. I think they did a decent job with it but it wasn't the epic they were going for. Suzu's just too limited offensively and they didn't have much of a story going on in this one.
Princess Tag Team Title Match - 121000000 (Maki Itoh & Miyu Yamashita) (c) vs. Kyoraku Kyomei (Hyper Misao & Shoko Nakajima)
Shoko's team grabs their trophies and talks before the match. They try to hit their oponents with them. Miyu and Maki take them away then both get rolled up for 2. Maki and Miyu do stereo kicks to know their opponents off the apron. They then both fail on dives off the apron. Misao sprays both opponents in the face with something then Shoko tope con hilos both opponents through the ropes.
Misao rides her bicycle around the ring into Miyu. Maki hits both opponents with her mic stand. Miyu boots Misao around. Maki hits corner spears on Misao then slams her for 2. Misao is catapulted into a kick then takes a half crab.
Myiu knees Misao in the gut then gutbusters her. Misao back elbows Miyu over. Misao 2nd rope diving lariats Miyu. Shoko comes in and dropkicks Miyu. Shoko tiger feint armdrags her then dropkicks her. Shoko bulldogs her into the buckles. Shoko gets hit as she goes to springboard.
Miyu kicks her in the back. Miyu tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Shoko. Maki back elbows Shoko then does corner punches. Maki facewash kicks her. Shoko uses the ropes to headscissors her to the apron. They fight on the apron. Maki is rammed into the post. Maki tornado ddt's her on the floor.
Maki crabs her and Shoko ropebreaks. Shoko rolls into a hurricanrana then northern lights suplexes her. Maki headbutts Shoko in the face then running death valley drivers her. Shoko hits forearms on Maki up top then hurricanrana's her down.
Misao comes in and crossbodies Maki. Maki dropkicks Shoko. The four girls trade shots in the middle of the ring. Maki ddt's Shoko then hits a bad tornado ddt. Miyu PK's Misao for 2. Shoko hits a springboard headscissors on Maki while Misao springboard crossbodies Miyu. Shoko then topes Maki outside.
Misao comes off the top. Miyu is supposed to headkick her but misses. Misao's mask comes off. Miyu then germans her for 2. Misao and Miyu trade forearms. Misao hits forearms on Miyu and Miyu fires back. Misao takes her down by the leg and la magistrals her for 2. Miyu hits an AA. Miyu buzzsaw kicks her. Shoko bodyscissors Miyu into the ropes.
Maki blocks Shoko's 619 then bridging ddt's her. Shoko takes a headbutt + knee to the head combo. Miyu triangle kicks Misao. Miyu high kicks her. Miyu hits another high kick then a third high kick. Misao hits an angel's wings.
Misao tries to chickenwing Miyu. Shoko over the top rope 619's Miyu. Misao then chickenwings Miyu while on her back. Maki hits forearms on Misao. Maki and Shoko trade and both roll out to trade more. Shoko tries top rope senton Maki on the apron but mostly misses then Misao elbow slices Miyu to win.
Thoughts: They tried to put a classic on here but just didn't make it. They lost a lot of steam in the middle portion of this and there were lots of sloppy moments. I thought they could have made more of Misao losing her mask than what they did but it's not like it's the only time that has happened. This one also probably could have been a few minutes shorter without anything being lost.
Princess Of Princess Title Match - Mizuki (c) vs. Rika Tatsumi
They lock up and let go. Rika waistlock takedowns her. Rika side headlocks her then shoulders her over. Miz legsweeps her and misses a double stomp. Miz flying headscissors her and dropkicks her out. Miz is dragon screwed over the 2nd rope connector. Rika bangs Miz's leg off the mat and elbow drops her.
Rika wraps Miz's leg over the ropes and stands on it. Riak dragon screws her again. Rika flying hip attacks her for 2. Miz double stomps her back. Miz dropkicks Rika and goes through the ropes on it.
Miz misses a top rope double stomp. Rika is laid on the 2nd rope and Miz top rope double stomps her. Miz is on the buckles and is dropkicked down. Rika drops Miz knees first on the apron. Miz crossbodies Rika off the apron. Miz then top rope double stomps Rika on the floor. Rika dragon screws Miz while she's between the ropes. Rika then figure fours her. Miz is laid over the top rope and Rika elbow drops Miz's leg. Rika corner hip attacks Miz. Rika comes off the top and misses then Miz walks up her and does an M. Bison stomp.
Miz goes up top and sideways 360 spins into a crossbody on her. Miz crossfaces Rika. Miz on the 2nd rope and Rika cutters her. Miz hits forearms on Rika and Rika forearms her back. Rika hip attacks Miz as Miz runs at her.
They slap each other. They trade chest forearms. Miz double stomps Rika for 2. Rika running hip attacks her for 2. Rika backbreakers Miz then sleepers her. Miz ropebreaks.
Rika cutters her. Rika is stuck up top Miz 2nd rope superplexes her. Miz top rope dropkicks her and double stomps her. Rika dragon sleepers her. Miz suplexes her then puts her in a crossface. Rika then taps out.
Thoughts: I didn't like this one. Miz got her legs worked on during the first half of this. It was completely forgotten about in the 2nd half and then Rika started doing variations of her usual moves. Submisson based matche saren't alwyas the most exciting but they are worse when you forget about the bodypart you are working.
Miz talks to Rika on the mic after and hugs her.
The whole TJPW crew poses together on the stage and bows.
Overall thoughts: It was a long one as expected at over 4 hours. I didn't like the show that much. The main didn't deliver. The semi-main tag match had a lot of sloppy moments to it and they didn't make the most of Misao taking off her mask that they could have. Endo/Suzume was okay but not great. Meiko buried Arai for no reason. Willow/Miu was decent. If you could ignore the comedy, Raku/Pom was okay. The first three matches weren't great but I thought two of them were acceptable. TJPW tries to do the right thing but the talent just isn't there for classic shows. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 overall as it was average at best.
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